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Azul: Book One: The Elemental Vampire Series
Azul: Book One: The Elemental Vampire Series
Azul: Book One: The Elemental Vampire Series
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Azul: Book One: The Elemental Vampire Series

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About this ebook

As her eighteenth birthday approaches, Azul is about to enter a whole new world of power. After having experienced mysterious blackouts and finding herself covered in blood, she finally realizes the truth behind these unsettling incidents: Azul is a royal vampire elemental witch, destined to become the next queen of Pharahara. Suddenly, her life

Release dateMar 19, 2024
Azul: Book One: The Elemental Vampire Series

Nette Camus

Nette is a talented artist and writer who has been honing their skills since childhood. Growing up in South Florida, Nette's love for writing was apparent from a young age and they excelled in school when it came to composition and storytelling. Nette's writing includes poems and short stories, which are known for their unique and powerful voice.As a neurodivergent queer Latinx/Indigenous artist, Nette's work often explores themes of identity, culture, and social justice. Their writing is a reflection of their experiences and perspective, which adds depth and authenticity to their work. Nette's creativity extends beyond writing and they also excel in other areas of art, including visual arts.Currently residing in Tumwater, WA, Nette lives with their little one, two cats, and family. Their supportive environment encourages Nette to continue expressing themselves through their writing and other artistic endeavors. With their talent and passion, Nette is sure to make a meaningful impact in the world of art and literature.

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    Azul - Nette Camus


    Copyright © 2024 by Nette Camus

    All rights reserved.

    No portion of this book may be reproduced in any form without written permission from the publisher or author, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law.























    My little one Brennan and my mom Olga

    Chapter 1


    Alize was nowhere to be found.

    Alize! Alize! I yelled over and over as I ran down the hallways of the castle.

    Alize! Where are you? I groaned, unsteadily trying to catch myself on a nearby side table, tightly clutching my stomach as a new hunger consumed me.

    I needed to find her, and fast. I had already searched her sleeping quarters, then mine. Nothing. With every door I burst through, I became more frantic. Where is she? This is so unlike her. How could she vanish at a time like this? As I continued my search, the dizzy spells became more intense.

    Grasping onto the wall for balance, the ridges of their antiquated pattern felt foreign under my fingers and the carpet’s design beneath me swirled and danced as I struggled to maintain my balance. I could feel a scraping, intense thirst beginning to develop deep in my throat. My pace quickened to just short of a run as I dashed through the halls of the castle, passing more and more servants, none of whom I was looking for. Wait. I halted dead in my tracks. I could find her another way.

    I gently closed my eyes as I tilted my nose to the ceiling, breathing deeply in search of a familiar scent. What I got was indeed familiar; however, not what I was in search of. The scent was sweet and warm, slightly spiced, with just a touch of vanilla and lavender. I took a long, slightly staggering breath, fighting to keep my composure, though it was all in vain.

    I leveled my head and opened my eyes, immediately fixating on the light beams delicately dancing into the hallway through the open door. I felt my body sway slightly and my pupils dilate, moving toward the doorway in search of the source of this fragrant, delicious aroma on instinct. 

    It felt like an out-of-body experience. I was no longer the one moving this vessel. Everything in me wanted to wake up to find Alize, but this scent was so enticing. I walked into the courtyard towards that lovely scent but stopped abruptly, moving out of sight so as not to be seen by her.

    In the laundry room was the launderer, Anya, a beautiful young woman no more than twenty-five years of age with long, warm, slightly curling chestnut hair that came down to her waist.

    I gazed at her intently as I stalked in the doorframe, making sure to keep to the shadows.

    She bent forward slightly, loading the dryer with freshly washed clothes, tucking her hair behind her ear in an attempt to tame the unruly strand that repeatedly fell into her face. Her beautiful sun-kissed skin glistened from the sweat that started to bead down her high cheekbones, her full lips, and past her chin. Frustrated, she took the hair tie that was resting on her wrist and ran her hands through her silky hair, exposing the soft nape of her neck. The shining sweat and the light illuminated the slight pulse of her jugular. 

    I became fixated, truly entranced by her. I started to feel something strange happening.

    My heart began to beat so fast that I felt it throbbing in my throat. Then my ears rang. I began to sweat from the feverish feeling, wiping my forehead with the back of my hand. The pain in my stomach was growing stronger, and I lurched forward, sick from hunger. Anya’s delicious scent only strengthened the need to taste her warm flesh. I gasped as my vision went black. My body moved instinctively, almost floating, as I slowly lost consciousness.

    I wonder how long I’ve been laying here, I thought, staring at the ceiling and the fan circling above me. Was I dreaming or did I pass out?

    Startled by a gurgling sound, I turned my head and realized the unfortunate situation I was about to find myself in. As I tried to sit up, my hand slipped on something warm and wet. I lifted it, my heart beating faster as I saw the crimson liquid covering my palm. I looked around, taking in the damage of my unconscious state. Blood. Everywhere. I started to tremble.

    A lowly whimper escaped the nearly lifeless body slumped in front of me. Blood was flowing from her neck like a river as she took her final breaths. Her body finally gave in and sank deeper into the floor.

    Disgusted with myself, I pushed up off the floor and ran towards the hall, tears obscuring my vision. I moved without direction, my only instinct being to get as far away from the horrific scene of my crime as possible. I looked up after some time and realized I was near my room. I burst through the door and slammed it shut behind me, leaning into it with all of my weight.

    Alize yelped at my abruptness, startling me.

    Azul! she shouted, clutching her hand to her chest, you scared me half to death!

    Alize! Where have you been? I have been looking everywhere for you! My throat started to tighten at the realization of having to tell her what happened. I did something. The shock I feel is so strong, I can hardly find the words.

    Azul, my dear, take a deep breath and let us go sit down, she said calmly, guiding me to the sitting area. She helped me sit, looking me over. Now, where's the body?

    Tears ran down my face as I stared ahead, unseeing. She’s in the laundry room, I say absentmindedly.

    Alize, with no added emotion, Can you bring me to the subject? A slow nod was all I could manage. I shouldn’t have been surprised; this is what Alize does every time I kill someone. The hot tears continued running down my face as l got up with the help of Alize. A tissue box was already presented in front of me before I could ask.

    Thank you, I said with a small whimper.

    We went to the laundry area and Alize froze once we got close enough to see Anya’s feet sticking out of the doorframe. A pool of blood framed her lifeless body. I remember Alize leaving me to inspect the body as she called for help. I was devastated about what happened, and the rest of my day blurred.

    I woke up from the nightmare, the constant reminder of what I did. The memory of what happened had plagued my mind for months. I got up from bed and put on my robe, walked down to the laundry area, and sucked in air as the rush of that day hit me. I wipe a tear from my eye as I stand, staring at the spot where her body had lain just a few months earlier.

    My legs gave out as I began to weep onto the floor. I didn’t mean to kill her. I don’t mean to kill anyone. I ran my hand across the tile, noticing the darkened grout, stained by her blood.

    I could still see her lifeless body lying there when I closed my eyes. My body tensed as I heard the clack of heels on the floor of the hallway. It was probably Alize. She’d been keeping a watchful eye on me ever since the incident. The steps grew closer, and I felt a gentle hand on my shoulder.

    My dear. Why don't we go on our walk before you eat? Some fresh air will help to clear the mind. And you will get to see Sage later, too. 

    I missed Sage. He was always busy working, as a servant alongside Alize, his mother.

    We grew up together, Sage and I, and we were inseparable. We would find ways to sneak off and play games, but we weren’t allowed to play alone for very long. Not understanding why, we would break this rule often. Once, when we were about ten, we were playing hide-and-seek in the hay barn behind the stables.

    We had been running, chasing after one another, when Sage tripped on an untied shoelace and scraped his knee. As tears started to well in his eyes and blood came to the surface of his scrape, something happened to me. Everything went black.

    When I came to, I realized that I had teleported from the other side of the barn directly in front of Sage. I had shaken it off and reached out a hand to help him up. But Sage had a frightened look on his face. The shock overcame him as he shook his head no and got up on his own. I honestly never thought anything of that day.

    However, Sage liked to tell a very dramatized reenactment of what happened. After I fell and scraped my knee, Azu, you ran towards me at the speed of light! I had never in my life seen someone run so fast, ever! Your eyes were pitch black, and you had this look on your face like you wanted to eat me. I was so scared! But then, all of a sudden, you snapped out of it, asked to help me up, and skipped away as if nothing happened! It was insane! he would say with a thunderous laugh.

    The warm touch of Alize’s hands as she helped me up from the floor to head on our walk took me back to the present. My head was constantly spinning back and forth between realities. I looked into Alize’s eyes as she tucked my arm under hers, keeping me close. She talked as I lazily half-listened, gazing at the walls; so much history was fashioned on them through the paintings that hung there. My favorite painting was of this woman with eyes like mine.

    She’s beautiful, with her light purple skin, black curly hair, and those sapphire eyes. She felt so familiar, but I wasn’t sure why; I just saw this picture through the years, and she always made me feel as if she was watching me as I passed her by. Alize patted my arm as we arrived at the edge of the sidewalk to the gardens. I momentarily snapped out of my daze to look around.

    It was a wonderful day; the sky the clearest blue I had seen in a while, the clouds light and fluffy as birds chirped cheerfully, the wind breezing through the gardens.

    Azul… Azul… Azul, are you listening to anything that I am saying?

    I drifted back into reality. I’m so sorry, Alize, I really wasn’t, I said with a light chuckle.

    Alize grinned and rolled her eyes. Whatever am I going to do with you? she said, patting the top of my hand gently. She stopped walking when Sage showed up, releasing my arm gently.

    My love! she yelled, hugging her son.

    He smiled and said, Mother, please forgive me for being late, I was rushing to get chores done.

    It’s fine my love. Alize smiled as she grabbed his hand in her own.

    He grinned at her, so much love in his eyes. Sage had a magnificent smile with his beautiful full lips. He looked at me and smiled too.

    My breath left my body at the sight. I took in his sun-kissed, curly brown hair, and intensely green eyes. You could really see the entire world in them, but they looked out of place with his light brown complexion. I looked down at my pale purple skin and thought back to the day we first met.

    It had been Alize’s first week as my nanny. I must’ve been four, maybe five. I had walked into my room to find Alize tidying up, but to my surprise, there had been someone else with her. Gazing up at the bookshelf was this sandy-blond boy who seemed to be the same age I was. As he turned around, I could see that his eyes were a dark emerald green which complimented his tanned skin.

    I must’ve scared him because he ran to hide behind Alize at once, peeking around her to look at me with shy, sheepish curiosity. Alize introduced him to me as her son, Sage, and had explained quite excitedly that we would be spending most of our days together, all three of us. My eyes lit up from the news.

    Finally, I had someone to play with. The first time we played we were in my room, and I really wanted a toy from across the room, so I willed it to come. Sage was shocked by what I could do and asked for me to do it again. For about an hour I moved almost every toy around the room. Sage would clap joyously as the toys passed by with their designated noise.

    I’m transported back to the present by a velvety voice.

    Hey, Azu, Happy Birthday.

    I love it when he calls me that. It became his nickname for me when we were young, since he couldn’t say my full name.

    Happy birthday Azul, now that you can hear me, Alize said sarcastically and smiled.

    I must take my leave, as I have chores to do. Please, don’t stop hanging out because of me, Alize said with a smile.

    We both returned the smile. We won’t.

    Sage, just remember your other chores,

    He nodded his response, and we watched as Alize disappeared down a corridor. So, what have you been up to lately, Azu? leaning back on his heels.

    A forced smile split my face. Just trying not to hurt anyone else, you? An awkward chuckle came from my lips. I sounded like an idiot.

    "It’s been a few months, Azu, give yourself some credit. You're under a lot of stress. Today is your birthday, let's enjoy the day.

    I turned away from him in embarrassment—there had been more since then—and wiped a tear from my eye, heading towards the maze of the garden as Sage followed closely behind. Azu, where are you going? Did I say something wrong? asked Sage.

    I could hear him coming up closer to me. As I walked through the hedges, I gently caressed the leaves with my fingertips. I’d always felt a strong connection to the earth and the elements, but this time was a little different. A tingling sensation ran through my body. So much energy from just the slightest touch.

    Whoa, Azu! Sage pointed. A green light is coming from your fingers!

    Looking down, I saw that he was right. I pulled my hand away from the leaves and the light dissipated almost immediately. Curious, I reached for a leaf once again, barely touching it with my finger, and, to my amazement, the light came back. I

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