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The Power of The Dollar
The Power of The Dollar
The Power of The Dollar
Ebook103 pages1 hour

The Power of The Dollar

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Time is our greatest currency, but Mayor James doesn't see it that way as him and his team's thirst for power and control gets worse day by day. His push for the construction of a police training facility in Sinville rings the alarm for Fred, Kat, loca

PublisherShawn Hudson
Release dateJun 19, 2024
The Power of The Dollar

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    The Power of The Dollar - Shawn Hudson

    This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and events have been created from the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, or to specific events is absolutely coincidental.

    © 2024 By Shawn Hudson

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the author, except by a reviewer who may quote brief passages in a review to be printed in a newspaper, magazine, or journal.


    First things first, I want to thank God for letting me live to see another year. I want to thank my family for always supporting me as they always have. I want to dedicate this book to those who risk their lives and their freedom every day to fight oppression all around the globe because none of us are free until all of us are free. Special shout out to my editor Alfonso Colasuonno, my illustrator Hakeem Dauda, and my layout designer, Goodness C.N.

    The Power of the Dollar

    (Intro Poem)

    Capitalism is an orgy of oppression because it fucks us in more ways than one,

    NYC got money for jails, prisons, and Robocops but don’t got money for better housing, mental health resources, better schools, and rec centers,

    Capitalism says if you don’t have a 6 or 7 figure bank account then you don’t deserve a healthy and loving relationship,

    You got people out here that would rather be with abusive and perverted millionaires or billionaires than to be with a working-class person that treats them like royalty,

    I call that financial slavery,

    I’ll never forget about how people were crying over the billionaires that drowned in a submarine last year but never have any sympathy for migrants in search of a better life that die after being lost at sea,

    Capitalism says if you ain’t rich then you don’t deserve a roof over yo’ head,

    When a person lacks dollars, we no longer see their humanity,

    I swear it’s gonna take a miracle for us to unlearn this insanity,

    The power of the dollar has the ability to turn childhood friends into stick men that aim the M1 at each other all over those dead presidents,

    The power of the dollar has the power to give me the illusion of becoming the next Jordan Poole when I have a better chance at getting my TV turned off like Jordan Neely,

    It’s the reason why you can’t trust politicians to do what’s right,

    When it comes to chasing that bag, you can’t seem to find anyone’s morals and principles in sight,

    Money ain’t the root of all evil, the lust for it is,

    Our tax dollars go to aerial drive-by’s on Black and brown countries while the government constantly lies to me,

    As Americans, whether you’re religious or not, money is our God,

    The reason for the ghetto snobbery is that people fail to realize that just because they’re 4 checks away from being homeless and I may be 2 checks away from being homeless that we still have a better chance of being put out on the street than becoming Elon Musk and that’s where capitalism has our community all fucked up,

    The power of the dollar has a hold on us to the point where most are willing to trade their souls for,

    The dollar is only powerful if you allow it to control you.


    The sun was hovering over the city of Sinville as the sweltering heat had everyone sweating. Despite the temperature, the north side of Sinville was full of life, with plenty of foot traffic. Inside Minnie’s Soul Food Restaurant, Mayor James sat down to have lunch with his wife Janet.

    It’s been so long since I’ve eaten like this, said Mayor James.

    Honey, too much of this food will kill you, said Janet.

    No, that tofu and all that vegan crap you try to feed me is what will be the death of me, he scoffed.

    Janet cut her eyes at him as she took a sip of her water. The waitress returned, bringing out trays with both of their orders. The mayor’s wife had asked for a large salad with croutons. Mayor James had ordered yams, mac and cheese, butter biscuits, BBQ ribs, and potato salad. However, his appetite was delayed when he saw his security stop someone from getting close to them.

    Let her through, instructed Mayor James.

    His security detail stepped aside. Mayor James’ guest stood in front of him.

    So, Alex, you don’t mind if I eat while you talk, right? asked Mayor James with his fork and knife in his hands.

    Go ahead, said Alex.

    I’m a go and use the ladies’ room, Janet said as she was escorted by the Mayo’s Security Detail.

    I came here to talk business with you, James, said Alex.

    Mayor James put down his fork and knife as he looked Alex dead in their eyes.

    I’m all ears.

    As you know, I’m the campaign manager for my friend who is running for office, said Alex in a serious tone.

    The white boy, right? asked Mayor James.

    Yes, that’s him, said Alex.

    Mayor James nodded his head before taking a sip of his drink.

    Alex leaned back.

    I want you to endorse him.

    Mayor James spat out his drink.

    "Endorse him? Why the fuck would I do

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