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The Raven and The Dove 2
The Raven and The Dove 2
The Raven and The Dove 2
Ebook245 pages2 hours

The Raven and The Dove 2

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Explore the Depths of Humanity in Modern Times: Vivid Poetic Expressions of Hope, Judgment, and Politicized Emotions. An Artistic Journey Inviting Personal Interpretation and Reflection. 

Release dateJun 13, 2024
The Raven and The Dove 2

Christopher Aaron Moore

Christopher Aaron Moore, a native of Barstow, California, was born into a family rich in artistic talent, which greatly influenced his passions for music, art, writing, and graphic concepts. His career pursuits have spanned welding, art, information technology, and cybersecurity, culminating in a Master of Science in Cybersecurity and Information Assurance (MSCIA). His father and grandfather, both significant influences, nurtured his skills in writing and graphic concepts. Moore's poetry, showcased in his book The Raven and The Dove 2, is a beautiful amalgamation of diverse influences, intense emotions, vivid dreams, and conceptual thought, reflecting his spiritual journey.

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    The Raven and The Dove 2 - Christopher Aaron Moore

    1 Thessalonians

    The heart hurts; each beat feels pain.

    I feel such loss. What once was is gone now.

    But I know I will see you all again,

    according to God’s Holy Word, 1 Thessalonians!

    1 Thessalonians 4:14.

    The Holy Word of God has said,

    since we believe he died and rose from the dead,

    he will bring back with him those who sleep.

    With the return of our king, righteous is he,

    the coming of the eternal one, glorious is he,

    the man called salvation, Son of the Almighty.

    1 Thessalonians 4:14.

    This heart does hurt! It faints at such loss.

    But I know what I’ve read; in my heart, it conceived

    the seed of the Holy Word, Word of the Almighty.

    All who are being saved shall see—1 Thessalonians!

    1 Thessalonians 4:14.

    Blessed is the Holy One, the King of kings,

    he who comes in the only name.

    Blessed is God’s only Son, Yeshua, the resurrection,

    salvation from a Holy God. Praise be to the Father.


    11th Hour

    It’s time to look to the Lord; give thanks.

    It’s time to sing to our God; give praise.

    It’s time to surrender the body; deny yourselves.

    It’s time to worship the Father in spirit and truth.

    The eleventh hour, a time not to miss

    the mist and daily showers.

    The hour echoes through the days

    these volcanic ruptures and waves.

    The eleventh hour, a time to be awake.

    Be free and proclaim the victory,

    the message of grace and mercy;

    Jesus took up the cross for you.

    It’s time to look to the Lord; give thanks.

    It’s time to sing to our God; give praise.

    It’s time to surrender the body; deny yourselves.

    It’s time to worship the Father in spirit and truth.

    Do not desire this world.

    Let the ways of this life fade from the heart.

    Do go out and share what’s placed in your heart:

    the Holy One and his grace.

    Do not fear the sights of fiery darts

    for the shield of faith will quench them.

    Do go out with the full armor of God.

    Proclaim the victory called salvation.

    It’s time to look to the Lord.

    Give thanks to the King of kings.

    It’s time to sing to our God.

    Give praises and glory to him.

    It’s time to surrender; deny yourself!

    Take up the cross; crucify the flesh.

    Follow the Lord of all.

    It’s time to worship the Father in spirit and truth. 

    A Blue Tint

    There is a blue tint on the horizon of the heart as it glances down.

    See how the world below struggles against the violence inside itself.

    Crashing crimson sparkles flood from the sand into the sea.

    The tides of nations battle, with strength plundering the weak.

    Dancing with swords and slicing off members that pile up.

    Orchestra of war breaches the blue tint with pride and blood.

    Oxygen dries out where mushrooms glow brightly in smoke.

    Desolate tides from nation to nation burden the weak.

    Red-tinted ashes fall over homelands from volcanic weapons.

    The nations struggle with the chaos beckoning at each corner.

    A sandy beach, no original color as it is overflowed with blood.

    Tides wither out as the weak have been plundered.

    Woe—it’s said unto you who struggle for pride and gold.

    Woe—it’s said that you should price out what is true worth.

    Woe—it’s said unto you who made desolate the weak.

    Woe—it’s said you shall not escape the punishment to receive.

    A blue tint on the horizon opening the windows to the deep.

    Fire rained down with hailstones and blood of judgment.

    The land quakes at the sound of thunders in the heavens.

    Nations tremble as they run from cities to the caves.

    Woe—it’s said unto you there shall be no escape,

    a punishment to be reaped as the dust is boasting itself grand.

    Woe—it’s said unto you who plundered the poor and the weak!

    You have sown corruption and violence; therein you’ll reap.

    A Gift from God

    A gift from our Father is brought to us,

    the tender mercy that endures forever,

    a present he brings to cleanse us,

    the blood he purchased us with for his glory!

    A gift from God, the Holy Rabbi.

    A gift from God, the King of kings.

    A gift from God, the blessed Savior.

    A gift from God for eternity!

    A gift from our Father is brought to us,

    the spirit of wisdom from Adonai,

    knowledge brought forth from his mouth.

    The fear of the Lord is in the beginning.

    A gift from God, the Holy One.

    A gift from God, a blessed spirit.

    A gift from God, the Righteous One.

    A gift from God for eternity!

    To you, our Lord is the kingdom.

    To you, our Lord is the power.

    To you, our Lord is the glory,

    oh God our Father.

    To you is all wisdom and honor.

    To you is all praise and trust.

    From you is all mercy and grace.

    Blessed be your holy name!

    A gift from God, the kingdom of heaven.

    A gift from God, the spirit of truth.

    A gift from God, the precious blood of Yeshua.

    A gift from God for eternity, the Holy One of Yisrael.

    A New Beginning

    Oh, how I wonder the days that have passed,

    looking out the glass of the windows over the oceanside,

    seeing the sea break up with the winds and the tides

    only to see the end of the present become new, a beginning.

    Eyes stare over the coastline to see a burden of nations

    crash to earth, blood poured out to the sea, the broken cup!

    Fill out the works written in the sand washed away again.

    See the footprint of kings covered by the water and sand.

    Oh, how I wonder how these days have passed,

    reconciled the difference by staring through the glass,

    noticed my own reflection of where I stand in this time,

    holding to the standard of hope in whom I’m found.

    Look up, for your redemption draws nigh; it’s close at hand.

    Tarry, for the night draws near, a revelation of this time.

    Notice the many instances proclaimed beforehand.

    The end of the present is soon to become a new beginning.

    A Wife, a Good Thing

    When I think of all the great things God has done,

    all the things he has created for his pleasure,

    all things made by him, yet without him there would be nothing,

    I see beauty—what he has placed before me—a wife to be.

    I thank Adonai my savior for a wife; I have found a good thing.

    I thank Adonai my redeemer; in her eyes, I see his joy.

    I praise Adonai for his goodness; he saved me from withering.

    I praise Adonai, for he is my trust, the Holy One of Israel.

    A beautiful woman he has made; her voice brings joy to me.

    A beautiful promise God made: a wife. I found a good thing.

    A beautiful mercy from the Father; oh, he rescued my soul.

    A beautiful promise from the Holy One; praise be him forever.

    When I think of all creation, the work of his hands,

    what am I but dust, a servant, a man?

    When I think of the beloved Son who died for me,

    what am I but what was lost? Yet the Holy Redeemer set me free.

    He looked upon me with blessing.

    He created me for this time

    to bring me to a beautiful creature

    whom God himself has designed.

    What am I, asking in humbleness, to be given such a blessing?

    What am I, yet praying with thanksgiving?

    What am I but dust, a servant, a man, blessed with a present—

    a wife, a good thing, from the highest, the only I Am.

    Accept Him Today

    Red clouds are coming round; a storm is soon to follow.

    Red sky and light are at the dawn, and it comes,

    discerning the face of the sky with those scientific minds,

    yet comprehensively weak to discern the signs of the times.

    It has broken a view by domestic sin that sways the world into dark,

    A shattering screech at dusk, because now they went too far.

    Turn back, repent, those who have an ear to hear,

    for glory comes down, and salvation draws near.

    Turn back from the ways of this fallen world.

    Crucify the flesh; take up the cross, bearing the shame.

    Live a righteous life in the Holy One; be filled with his grace.

    Eat of his bread, drink of his fruit, with his joy-filled praise.

    Accept Jesus Christ into your heart today!

    Age of Apostasia

    To turn from one’s stand, and fall back to ancient practice,

    changing from one faith to become encompassed by principalities,

    abandonment of trust, and the renunciation of deeply held beliefs,

    a pagan culture awaits, as the house will not remain empty.

    Apo: away from.

    Hístēmi: ones stand.

    Losing the trust in life they once had,

    Forsaking the new nature for a corruption of old.

    Departure from the practice of a once-held stand: their faith.

    Removal of the dirt only to swim in refuse again: the flesh and world.

    A wonder if the light has darkened, has salt lost its savor?

    Not come back again to be trodden underfoot.

    Apo: away from.

    Hístēmi: ones stand.

    Losing the trust in life one once had,

    joining in the one-world system—fatal requirements, unholy demands.

    To part from the trust one once had, a lost sight on the true light, blind,

    will one recall that this world is fallen and come back to life?

    Abandonment of faith and desertion of once-known true religious beliefs,

    will they not come back again?

    Apo: away from.

    Hístēmi: ones stand.

    Losing out the trust in life they once had,

    forsaking the new nature for a corruption of old.

    A dog turned back to their own vomit.

    The sow, after washing, wallows in the mire.

    Abandonment of trust and the renunciation of once-held beliefs.

    Turn from this, and come back to life.

    Apo: away from.

    Hístēmi: ones stand.

    Departure on a flight without life, leaving the trust once had,

    changing hearts to the world’s stand, a descent into pagan culture.

    Arrows are on fire with the age of apostasy.

    Follow the trail of the electric box news feeds,

    a demanding culture of one-world conformity.

    There is artificial desire to become one’s own idol and boast cultures high,

    not repenting of the sin that is destined for the fires of the end times.

    There is anger with the intent of attacking all that’s good in holding up their path,

    derangement of desire, confusion to control one from turning back.

    Quench the thirst for lustful intent that breaks bread with the wicked.

    Don’t be involved in the old nature but shine as a light unto the world.

    Read the holy bread from the one who is life eternal, Word of God.

    Repent and be washed by the blood of Yeshua; seek the Lord.

    Proclaim your belief, and trust in the one that washes you clean.

    Remove the stained echoes of the past and read the Bible daily.

    Keep in prayer always and walk in step with the king!

    All to Thee

    Passion…passion that is but a trance,

    aching inside the cerebral context of the imagined.

    Filth that could degrade one heart with vile action,

    immoral dancing at the gallows of thought.

    Abstain from passion, defining lust; it breeds mistrust.

    Keep away from the action-inducing

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