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Guardians of the Multiverse
Guardians of the Multiverse
Guardians of the Multiverse
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Guardians of the Multiverse

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In a desperate attempt to thwart Doctor Doom's latest conquest, the Avengers are hurled into a terrifying alternate universe, home to the legendary Justice League. The initial clash between these powerful teams is cut short by a chilling revelation: Doom has forged an unholy alliance with the malevolent Darkseid. This diabolical duo unle

PublisherTarget Corp
Release dateJun 7, 2024
Guardians of the Multiverse

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    Guardians of the Multiverse - Boris Joe





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    There exists more than one Earth. A parallel world so similar to ours and yet so different in either the subtlest or the most drastic of ways. It can be difficult to truly comprehend the differences between this Earth and the next. Only the greatest minds with the most advanced means to reach out to these other Earths could possibly understand these vast differences. How similar would another Earth be to this one, and how much more different could it possibly be from this one? What would be found there, and whom would be foolish enough to stand in my way? Whomever they may be, they will fall to my might… MY genius, for I am Victor Von Doom.


    The world was a place full of remarkable people. Each of them was vastly different from the others in a variety of ways, some too radical to ever be considered possible. Yet, they existed. Most of the time, these remarkable people stood apart from the so-called normal ones. The normal people of the world would've often considered them freaks of nature. But every so often, these remarkable people joined together to form a group of individuals who banded together for one purpose; to protect the world. If it were that they couldn't protect the world, then they would avenge it. That was what heroes did.

    But Victor Von Doom didn't believe in heroes. Victor Von Doom saw them as nothing more than a hoard of nuisances. To a man of his vast intellect, heroes like the Fantastic Four or the X-Men or even that annoyingly irritating Spider-Man were acted with unlimited power and no accountability that often interfered with his own plans of protecting the world. Of course, in his case, protecting the world meant conquering the world. Thanks to his most recent excursion to New York City, particularly to the Baxter Building, which was the home base of his scientific rival Reed Richards, Doom now had an alternative to his personal dilemma. For if he was to be repeatedly halted in his conquest of this world, then he would conquer another.

    Still, it was of little surprise that his actions would draw the attention of a group of heroes that weren't the Fantastic Four, but were just as annoying. He monitored the invasion of his home country of Latveria by the Avengers. One monitor each showcased the individual heroes. There was Steve Rogers, better known as Captain America, considered the world's first Avenger and a holdover from World War II. He aided in the defeat of HYDRA and its leader, Red Skull, and then seemingly perished, only to awaken years later as the leader of Earth's Mightiest Heroes.

    There was Tony Stark, a self-proclaimed genius, billionaire, playboy and philanthropist. Having been injured and briefly held in captivity, he developed a series of armored suit to combat the so-called forces of evil, of which Von Doom was considered a part. The world came to know Stark as the Invincible Iron Man.

    Then there was Dr. Bruce Banner, a scientist in the field of gamma radiation. He was only so remarkable due to having been exposed to the very field he studied, which turned him into the Incredible Hulk. The Hulk was a manifestation of Banner whenever he was angered or stress, and he was a military target for years. It was a pity that Thunderbolt Ross had yet to catch him. As much as the Hulk was looked upon as god-like, Doom knew better.

    Thor was the literal god among the Avengers. He was the Crown Prince of Asgard and the heir to the throne, who often had to fight to protect Earth from the mischievous machinations of his adopted brother Loki. Thor was the only one worthy of wielding the mighty hammer Mjornir, although Von Doom often considered himself to far more than worthy. It was a shame the world would never appreciate that fact.

    There was room amongst the Avengers for normal members, such as Clint Barton and Natasha Romanoff, known as Hawkeye and Black Widow respectively. Both were top members of S.H.I.E.L.D. before joining the Avengers. Hawkeye was a master archer and the Widow was a Russian born assassin and spy. Those were quite the talents to have, if only to make up for their lack of actual superpowers. Then again, Von Doom was a genius and had no real need for such parlor tricks.

    The Avengers also had room in their ranks for machines, particularly the android known as the Vision. A construct of the technological terror known as Ultron, the Vision proved in his, not its, own way to be a treacherous as its creator. He turned on Ultron to join the Avengers and had fought alongside them ever since. If there was one thing Victor Von Doom despised, it was a traitor.

    Finally, there was Carol Danvers, better known to her allies and the world as Captain Marvel. Like he'd done with the other Avengers, Von Doom studied the history of the former Air Force pilot turned Human/Kree hybrid heroine. It was amazing what splicing Kree DNA with Human DNA could do to a person.

    But as much as he respected the Avengers, Von Doom found the incursion into his country as a slap in the face. He still focused on his work; analyzing and modifying the device that was taken from the Baxter Building. He'd let his Doombots handle the Avengers while he worked, for the last thing on his mind was getting his hands dirty. But as his castle shook with the heavy shudders of battle, he knew it was only a matter of time before they broke into his home. And, Doctor Doom would most assuredly defend his home.

    A moderately large squad of Doombots marched through the forests below Doctor Doom's castle and just outside of the town that rested below. Several smaller groups broke away from the main group, deployed long range guns and started shooting at an incoming target. Within a moment, that target ripped through the nearest group Doombots with ease. The Hulk let out a mighty roar before lunging to the next group of Doombots, tearing limbs and head clean off and then tossing said appendages to the next hapless machine.

    Nearby, another group of Doombots surrounded Captain America and Black Widow. The machines proved less of a match for the two Avengers, as Captain America and Black Widow worked cohesively against them. Widow made use of her stinger gauntlets and fried the circuits of two or three of the machines. She then wrapped her legs around the head of another bot and shorted it out with her gauntlets before shooting another one with her sidearm.

    At the same time, Captain America bounded in between the others. He punched and kicked every Doombot that came close to him, sometimes hard enough to punch right through their chassis. Some of them had guns and fired at the duo, but Captain America blocked the stream of bullets with his always-trusted shield. The bullets bounced from the vibranium-made shield and then Captain America tossed it. The shield sailed across the field and cleaved pieces of the Doombots off clean before returning to its owner.

    Black Widow finished off another bot and briefly regrouped with the leader of the Avengers. Well, I guess Victor knows we're here. she said.

    It doesn't surprise me. He knew this was coming when he had his Doombots infiltrate the Baxter Building, Cap replied before pressing his fingers to his helmet. Stark, you find a way into the castle yet?

    Flying high above the castle, Iron Man replied, Doom's improved his security measures since the last time we paid him a visit. I'm picking traces of alien technology spiced into his castle's defenses. Looks like Doom had some holdover gear from the Skrulls.

    Back on the ground, Cap replied, Good thing we've got the Vision searching for an alternate route. Keep looking for an opening, Stark. We'll hold these things off. He didn't notice a Doombot rushing toward him… nor did he have to.

    Hawkeye shot an arrow into the machine's back and it exploded into fragments. Meanwhile, I'll just be here watching your back.

    Clint, behind you. Widow shouted.

    Before Hawkeye could react, a Doombot was nearly on him. It too was blown to pieces by a bolt of energy, and Captain Marvel flew into sight. And I'll be watching yours, Barton.

    Don't get too cocky, Danvers. Hawkeye quipped.

    You smooth talker, you! said Marvel.

    Heads up. You've got more Doombots approaching. Iron Man replied.

    Captain America and Black Widow were the first to notice the oncoming horde of Doombots converging on them, and there were a few too many to take out at once. But long before the Doombots could open fire, a massive bolt of lightning that destroyed the frontline machines suddenly set them upon. Thor dropped down from the sky like a very literal god, Mjornir in hand. With a mighty swing, he threw the hammer into the group of hapless drones and sent bits of them flying every which way. The remaining Doombots attempted to retreat but Hulk cut them off before pummeling them to pieces.

    More Doombots approached. Thor called back his hammer and after a brief exchange with Hulk, and a smile, he said. How about a friendly wager, monster; the one who destroys the fewest machines must clean the Quinjet for a week.

    Get ready to lose, blondie. Hulk replied just as a Doombot rushed for him… and he smashed its head.

    Thor smirked and bashed another Doombot in the torso to destroy it. More Doombots approached in packs, so Thor and Hulk rushed forward to meet them head on. Hulk pummeled and ripped apart several bots quickly while Thor bashed and electrocuted several more. They exchanged friendly glances again, neither wanting to lose the bet they made before attacking the next wave of Doombots. It proved to be a very unfair situation; the Doombots need reinforcements while Hulk and Thor pummeled, hammered, bashed and, in Hulk's case, smashed them.

    Meanwhile, Iron Man and Captain Marvel flew overhead taking every available potshot at Dr. Doom's castle fortress. The fortress had its share of defenses, including tower-mounted anti air guns. They fired often and rapidly, but Iron Man and Captain Marvel were two very small targets to hit. In response to being target, they fired back. Captain Marvel fired a series of energy blasts that weren't strong enough to penetrate the armor on the guns, but because of their tracking system, the guns ultimately shot the blasts as they came. It allowed for Iron Man to move and send a missile barrage to the gun closest to him. That gun was hit hard and eventually destroyed. The next gun struck Iron Man and sent him spiraling out of the Sky briefly, but it bought Captain Marvel the time she needed to focus her energy into a concentrated blast that destroyed the next gun. By that time, Iron Man was airborne again.

    Jocasta, what's the status on the Vision? Iron Man asked.

    Jocasta was the artificial intelligence of the Avengers and the replacement for J.A.R.V.I.S. following the latter's destruction at the technological hands of Ultron. She replied to Iron Man, The Vision is closing in on the primary concentration of power within the fortress. He should be able to disable the energy field from the inside.

    Thanks Jo. You get that, Cap? Iron Man asked.

    Back on the ground, Captain America destroyed another Doombot while Hawkeye and Black Widow double-teamed another. He replied to Iron Man, Affirmative. We'll keep these things occupied until Vision gets that field down. When that happens, you and Danvers move in and we'll regroup and follow.

    Hawkeye and Widow had been listening and Widow said to Cap, Vision's cutting it pretty close, Steve.

    Yeah, I was just starting to get to know these bots. Hawkeye added just before he fired a trifecta of arrows that exploded and destroyed three more Doombots.

    Let's just keep fighting, people, and let Vision do what he has to do. Cap replied and ducked the flying torso of a Doombot.

    When he rose back up, he caught sight of Hulk and Thor continuing to beat down the Doombots as they kept coming. Thor bashed the Doombots that came closest to him and electrified those farthest away. At the same time, Hulk did what Hulk did best, which was smashing any Doombot stupid enough to confront him. He even went so far as to bite their heads and limbs. Through all the chaotic nature of their assault, it was easy for the rest of the team to forget that Hulk and Thor were engaging in friendly competition.

    Man, I hope Hulk doesn't biting my head off. Hawkeye said to Widow.

    Please don't give him any ideas, Clint. Widow replied.

    In a control within the fortress of Doctor Doom, several Doombots diligently operated the control for the fortress defenses that kept the Avengers at bay. But the Doombots had no real perception of their surroundings, so they had no idea that the Vision was appearing from underneath the floor of the control room. It had been thanks to his density-manipulation powers that he'd spend much of the mission phasing up from the hills below the fortress completely undetected. Before the first Doombot to see him could react, Vision had already blasted it with a beam blast from his forehead.

    The other Doombots reacted to the intrusion by shooting at Vision, who again manipulated his density to become rock-hard. Then he phased back down into the floor, appearing behind one of the Doombots and silently alerting the others. They opened fire once again and Vision phased back down, while the one Doombot was ripped apart by the shooting of its fellow machines. Vision reappeared again and took flight above the Doombots, using his beam blast to rip right through them in once quick, swift motion. The beam cut each Doombot in half, lopped off limbs and left them in heaps of metal and circuits.

    Vision levitated to the floor and approached the console, studying the control for the proper system to deactivate the field. Vision to Captain America, I have successfully infiltrated Von Doom's stronghold. I am preparing to lower the field.

    Do it, Vision. Iron Man and Captain Marvel will meet you inside. Captain America replied.

    Commencing shut down of the field. Stand by…

    Vision worked the controls at a speed that was sudden and faster that the hands of any human. Being an android certainly presented Vision with certain advantages that most humans didn't have, except maybe Tony Stark… and Ultron. Vision was created by Ultron to kill the Avengers, but Vision chose instead to join them. He'd proven a valuable member in the past and he was proving it again. He worked the console until he looked outside of the big windows. A ribbon of bluish green energy zipped down the height of the window, and Vision caught a glimpse of Iron Man swooping passed.

    Field's down, people. Jo, give me a location on Von Doom. Iron Man said.

    I'm picking a sizable power surge near the center of the fortress. Doctor Doom clearly has an experiment going on with the device he'd stolen from the Baxter Building. Jocasta replied.

    Good Job, Jo. Cap I've got a location the big guy. I'm going in to say hello. Iron Man said and rocketed forward without waiting for a response from Rogers.

    Captain Marvel did respond, I'm on your right, Tony. Let's get that metal-headed dick.

    You do realize that just came out wrong, right Danvers? Iron Man asked as he and Captain Marvel made their move.

    Did it? Carol quipped.

    On the ground, Captain America said, We've got a clear shot. Hulk and Thor, clear a path for us.

    Sure enough, Thor and Hulk took the frontline and started plowing their way through the last few Doombots. Captain America, Black Widow and Hawkeye followed the path, taking out any stragglers that were still functional. The front door was closed, but that didn't stop Hulk from throwing himself into it. The door was shattered but not broken through, so Thor called down lightning using Mjornir and focused it on the door. The door was weakened further, just enough for Hulk to smash through completely. The way was open, and Captain America led the Avengers into the fortress knowing that Doctor Doom was waiting.

    In a massive chamber replete with a series of technological apparatuses and massive screens of the battle outside, Doctor Doom stood before a machine that was operating. In the center of the machine was a sort of electromagnetic field, and within that was a small rectangular-shaped object swirling in place. Two Doombots, theses ones more heavily armed than the others, stood at the door that within moment burst open. Iron Man flew into the chamber and made immediate work of the two Doombots. A couple other Doombots attempted to defend the chamber, but Iron Man used perfectly timed repulsor rays to frag them into pieces. Through all the quick chaos that occurred, Doctor Doom never turned once, and Iron Man dropped to the floor to approach the villain directly.

    Science fair's over, Victor. Hand over the device and maybe I won't trash this place… at least not without downloading your files first.

    Even without turning to face the Avenger directly, Doctor Doom was aware but unafraid to reply with cold conviction, For all your intelligence and ingenuity, Stark, you still lack the intellect to truly comprehend the reasons for which I now possess this device.

    Ya-huh. You had your mindless metal minions steal that device from Reed Richards. I don't see how that's hard to understand. Iron Man replied just as a ping came into his helmet.

    Tony, I'm picking up a considerable amount of energy coming from the device, typically indicating what I can only surmise involves interdimensional properties. Jocasta stated.

    Monitor the power readings and keep me posted, Jo, Iron Man said before returning his focus to Doctor Doom. You are planning a vacation, Victor?

    For the first time, Doctor Doom turned to address Iron Man directly. You can't possibly fathom the scope of what I've acquire, no more than what that feeble-minded Mister Fantastic could.

    It's an interdimensional portal device. Wasn't really that hard to figure out. Iron Man claimed.

    I see you've had you're A.I. scan the device, but it's so much more than that. This device is not of the makings of Kang or the Kree or the Skrulls or Apocalypse or even of Thanos himself. For it is not even of our own universe. Not even Reed Richards could fathom its origins.

    And you can? Iron Man asked just as Captain America and the rest of the Avengers arrived in the chamber.

    We miss anything, Stark? Hawkeye asked.

    Not much!

    We're giving you one chance to surrender, Doom. Hand over the device and we'll leave peacefully without further incident. Captain America declared.

    You trespass upon my homeland of Latveria, invade my castle fortress and expect to leave so easily? Doctor Doom asked coldly.

    You have my word, Doom. As long you allow us to leave with the device, we'll depart Latveria without a fight. Captain America stated.

    You will depart from Latveria now or suffer the consequences of your actions. Doctor Doom declared.

    I don't think he's going to listen, Cap. Hawkeye said.

    But Cap wasn't about to give up. We're not leaving until you hand over the device, Doom. End of story.

    Very well, Captain. You've made your choice, Doctor Doom said and pressed a switch on his right gauntlet. Within moments, a whole platoon of Doombots stormed into the chamber and surrounded the Avengers. Now, you will all suffer for it.


    The Hulk tossed one Doombot into three more with ease, and in the impact, they shattered to pieces. Another group of Doombots bots tried to sneak up on the Hulk but they were electrified by a lightning bolt conjured by Thor. When Hulk turned to look in Thor's direction, Thor simply smiled and shrugged. Then Hulk picked up a severed head of a Doombot and tossed hard at Thor, who moved to the side and let the head fly passed him… into the face another Doombot. Thor looked back Hulk with a glared of surprise, and Hulk simply smirked.

    Hawkeye cut loose with a series of trick arrows, all with varying attacks against his share of Doombots. Some arrows embedded into the Doombots and detonated, while other arrows shocked and disabled more of the machines. At the same Black Widow relied on her side arms and acrobatic skills. She bounded over some Doombots and shot away at their heads, and then dropped between two more and tripped them before unloading on them. As one Doombot tried to ambush Widow, it took an arrow straight through the side of its head. Hawkeye launched another series of arrows into the chest of one more Doombot and Black Widow finished it with a round bullets.

    Some of the Doombots were capable of flight, but so were Vision and Captain Marvel. As a pair of Doombots came straight for him, Vision went straight through one of them. He spun around quickly with his arms still phased through the Doombot and he pulled hard, splitting the Doombot into two. He them fired a beam from the jewel on his forehead and blasted another Doombot. At the same time, Captain Marvel unloaded a barrage of blasts on three more Doombots before they could react. Then she dropped down feet first into the face or a fallen machine, forcefully shattering the head.

    The last of the Doombots converged on Captain America and Iron Man, both who worked together against the machine. Iron Man fired a sustained repulsar beam at Captain America's shield, and Cap redirected the beam into several of the Doombots. After that, Cap bounded and landed between three more Doombots and quickly bashed them with his shield. Iron Man fired repulsar rays at other Doombots and quickly destroyed them with ease, while for others he simply punched and kicked them until they fell apart. Captain America tossed his shield and let it fly and bounce from the walls, destroying the rest of the Doombots.

    The Avengers regrouped to face down Doctor Doom, who simply stood and watched the destruction of the Doombots with stoic resolve. Last chance, Doom; surrender the device and we'll leave Latveria without further incident. Captain America stated.

    Or we can just smash him. Hulk said.

    Still with the same stoic resolve, Doctor Doom replied, You Avengers have crossed my path too many times to be forgiven. If you will not leave Latveria willingly, then you will not leave at all.

    Okay, now I'm gonna smash him. Hulk snarled and lunged straight at Doctor Doom.

    One massive punch was thrown, but Hulk didn't connect with Doom. Doom erected a force field around himself as Hulk ceaselessly pounded away on the field. As strong as Hulk had a tendency to be, he couldn't break through the field. This wasn't a display of magic, although Doom studied a great deal of mysticism. This was technology at its finest, and Hulk, for all his strength, couldn't break through. It didn't stop him from repeatedly pounded on the field with all the fury he could muster.

    Doctor Doom simply stood within the field with his arm behind his back and let Hulk expend his energies trying to break through, and it wasn't until Hulk ceased for a moment that Doom replied. Outstretching his left arm, Doom unleashed beam of energy not dissimilar to Iron Man, and blasted Hulk clear across the chamber. The other Avengers ducked to the side or flew out of the way, expect for Vision. He let Hulk phase right through him and crash into the opposite wall where he landed in a heap.

    Undeterred, the Avengers pressed their attack on the Latverian dictator. Hawkeye cut loose with a barrage of trick arrows, some of them detonating against Doom's protective field and others shorting out. Black Widow unloaded with her guns but still couldn't penetrate the field. Doom again responded with a blast of energy that scattered them. He outstretched his right arm and deployed a small device. It shot an electrical current straight at Captain America, who managed to bring up his shield to block the attack.

    Captain America threw his shield in response, and Doom simply batted it back at the Avenger. Catching the shield while performing a midair twist, Cap landed and through the shield again, this time cracking Doom in his metal mask. Doom was staggered, giving Iron Man and Captain Marvel a chance to unload on him with combined projectile assault. Doom responded with his own assault with energy blasts from both outstretched arms, hitting Iron Man but just missing Captain Marvel. She unloaded her own blasts that only managed to strike Doom's protective field, but it was enough to distract him.

    A sudden bolt of lightning struck Doom, forcing him back a few steps. Thor saw an opening and he took it, Mjornir stretched back behind him. With a mighty bellow, Thor swung his hammer directly into Doctor Doom's chest and sent the dictator flying into the wall. Thor waited for a moment before he was surprised to see Doctor Doom emerge unscathed from the impact. Doom unleashed another blast that Thor managed to block with Mjornir. All in that time, Vision phased behind Doom and quickly grabbed him, but Doom even more quickly threw Vision over his shoulder.

    Vision managed to land on his feet beside Thor and shot a ray of light from his forehead, while Thor shot out a bolt of lightning. The combined attacks struck Doom's field but still weren't enough to penetrate it. They didn't have to be, and Doom realized too late that it was another distraction. Hulk bounded forward and punched Doom clear across the chamber and into another wall, but Doom once again emerged unhurt. The Avengers regrouped as Doctor Doom stalked toward them.

    tell me that is not the best you can muster, Avengers. I thought you were Earth's Mightiest Heroes. Doom coldly mocked the team.

    You wish for might, dictator? Then have at thee. Thor shouted and lunged forward while spinning Mjornir from the handle strap.

    Doctor Doom braced for the coming impact, brought his gauntlets to bear and took the full force of Mjornir. A struggle ensued between Thor and Doom, which Doom eventually won after pushing Thor back into Hulk's waiting arms. Iron Man, Captain Marvel and Vision all projected a sustain attack of blasts, but Doom erected his force field to protect against the assault. Doom spread his arms out and the field expanded quickly, dropping Iron Man, Captain Marvel, and Vision all in one shot.

    Black Widow and Hawkeye unloaded on Doctor Doom with bullets and arrows, but the projectiles bounced off Doom's armor. He didn't even have his field up this time. He simply stalked toward them amid the rapid-fire attack. He responded with a blast of his own and sent Hawkeye and Widow ducking out of the way. It fell to Captain America to take the fight to Doctor Doom, and he jumped forward to face the villain.

    Attacking Doom with a series of physical strikes, Captain America was managing to hold his own. Doom was no slouch, though. He was also well versed in hand-to-hand combat. He managed to meet Captain America move for move and even managed to knock the shield from Cap's hands. Cap still fought with a wide array of strikes, hands and feet sent flying into Doom's defenses. Doom responded with his array of hand and foot strikes and eventually won out, throwing Captain America to the floor in front of the Avengers.

    Hulk bounded forward with a loud roar and was nearly on top of Doctor Doom before he was ready. But Doctor Doom was ready and managed to block and parry an onslaught of attacks from the angry green monster. Hulk didn't relent and continued to throw bombs, and Doom blocked every one of them without any trouble. Once he found an opening, and Hulk left many, Doom countered and tossed Hulk to the side and into the wall. Then fired a duel blast from both gauntlets to scatter the rest of the Avengers around the chamber.

    With the Avengers momentarily subdued, Doctor Doom walked back to the machinery where the mysterious device rested. He worked along the console as the Avengers attempted to recover. They were just in time to witness a light appeared just in front of Doctor Doom. Then, a large, swirling hole not unlike a portal in space/time opened. Black Widow was the first to recover and she attempted to subdue Doom before he could complete his work. Doom was ready beforehand, and he grasped Black Widow and hoisted her up by the throat. Despite being in death grip, Widow tried managed to get in a few gun shots on Doom even though the dictator was unfazed.

    A foolish move, Ms. Romanoff. I thought you'd have known better than to challenge Doom.

    That's what I get for working alongside the Hulk. Romanoff claimed, almost mocking Doom.

    Victor, let Romanoff go. Captain America demanded.

    All you had to do was leave my country, Captain. You did not, and now Ms. Romanoff will pay the price for your arrogance. Doom stated before a bolt of lightning struck down next to him.

    Not on this day, Doom. Thor shouted and lunged forward.

    Doom only had one free gauntlet and he quickly fired a blast at Thor, who managed to deflect it with his hammer. In doing so, the blast hit the device, causing the portal to start closing behind Doom. Hawkeye shot out an arrow in an attempt to free Widow, but the arrow bounced of the gauntlet. In response, Doom fired another blast that missed Hawkeye, and then another that missed Captain Marvel and Vision. Thor didn't stop his advance in time, and he rammed directly into Doom. The Avengers were too late to stop what was about to happen.

    Doom, Thor, and Black Widow all fell into the portal and vanished in flashes of light of energy and the portal sent a shockwave forward that knocked most of the team down. Captain America, Iron Man and Hulk managed to stay they're ground. By the time the Avengers recovered, the portal had closed and took Doom, Thor, and Widow with it. The only thing remaining from any of them was Black Widow's sidearm, which Hawkeye picked up from the floor.

    What… what happened? Where'd they go? he desperately asked.

    Without waiting, Cap quickly tried to establish communications with Black Widow. Rogers to Romanoff, come in! Natasha, do you read me? Thor, are you there?

    Iron Man took the device from the machinery, now slightly damaged and studied it. Jocasta, scan this thing. Find out anything you can about it: its point of origin, functionality, anything you can find out.

    Already working on it, Tony. Jocasta replied.

    Captain Marvel floated down to Hawkeye's side and put a hand on his shoulder. I'm sorry, Clint. I know how much Natasha means to you.

    But Clint shook his head in denial. She's not dead, Carol. I'd bet every trick arrow in my quiver that she's still alive.

    Jo, what've you got for me. Iron Man asked.

    I'm sorry, Tony, but there's absolutely nothing I can tell you about this device. Von Doom may have been correct in saying it's not technology from our universe. Jocasta stated, earning a frustrated grunt from Iron Man.

    Cap finished his attempts at contact and stated, I get any reply from Natasha or Thor. It's like the simply vanished off the face of the Earth.

    Hulk suddenly grabbed the device from Iron Man and snarled, We should smash this thing and get it over with.

    Before Hulk could do more damage, Vision phased through him and took the device. I would not recommend such a hasty action, Hulk. Regardless of its origins, this device may be our only link to recovering lost comrades.

    Vision's right. We've got new mission parameters at the moment; find a way to bring our people back.

    And smash Doom while we're at it? Hulk asked.

    Yes, Hulk. That's the plan. Captain Marvel said.

    Captain America gave an informed nod and said, Let's move out, Avengers. And let's hope that Natasha and Thor can hold out until we get them back… from wherever that device sent them.

    Gotham City wasn't the type of town that warranted raising a family in relative ease. It was something of a cesspool of crime and corruption, full of psychotic criminals ranging from the calculated to the insane. Years ago, it took one desperate crook to gun down Philanthropists Thomas and Martha Wayne to truly shake Gotham City to its core. But it proved to be the catalyst to the eventual arrival of the Dark Knight known as the Batman. For the years, the Batman hunted common crooks and crazed super criminals alike. It didn't matter if they some loser named Joe Chill or a twisted maniac like the Joker. If they were on Batman's radar, he would find them. He wouldn't kill them; just make them wish he did.

    A getaway car was racing through the streets of Gotham. Four criminals, all with masks and semi-automatic weapons, were in a desperate race to get clear of the Batmobile. The car bolted down the road, nearly sideswiping any moving vehicles. The two criminals sitting in the back

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