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Swing and Position Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom: Unlocking the Market: Proven Strategies for Turning Trades into Treasures
Swing and Position Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom: Unlocking the Market: Proven Strategies for Turning Trades into Treasures
Swing and Position Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom: Unlocking the Market: Proven Strategies for Turning Trades into Treasures
Ebook75 pages38 minutes

Swing and Position Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom: Unlocking the Market: Proven Strategies for Turning Trades into Treasures

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Unlock financial freedom with "Swing and Position Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom: Unlocking the Market: Proven Strategies for Turning Trades into Treasures." Learn swing trading strategies and position trading techniques to achieve financial independence. Master stock market analysis with a blend of technical and fundamental analysis. Imple

PublisherJames Baker
Release dateOct 12, 2019
Swing and Position Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom: Unlocking the Market: Proven Strategies for Turning Trades into Treasures

James Baker

James Bruce Baker was born on December 17, 1925, and has never lived it down.He was born in a wee, little one-horse town by the name of Darrouzzuett [he wasn’t sure of the spelling], Texas. That’s up in the North-East corner of the Texas panhandle, just about where the Oklahoma panhandle begins across the State Line.In his first six years of life he had typhoid fever, double pneumonia, and the red measles. They say he had to learn to walk twice. He doesn’t know, since he’s not sure he was there.He started grade school in the town of Shamrock, Texas through the heart of which ran the once famous Highway 66 [now called I-40}.When WWII started, he was just entering High School in Shamrock.In 1943, he left home and went to Amarillo, Texas and got a job in a grain elevator of a 200,000 bushel capacity. He didn’t smoke in those days, and that was a good thing, because the chaff from grain such as wheat is highly flammable.That year, he went home for Xmas and was late getting back to his grain elevator job. He was fired. He walked across the tracks and immediately got a job in the FT. WORTH AND DENVER Railroad roadhouse. He was there about six months when he was drafted, as had been many of the boys before him on that job. When the war was over, and he asked for his job back, they laughed at him.He had one year of high school at the time, and with his G.I. privileges, he was able to start college as a freshman. He made up his lost high school years when he came out to California and started to college there. He received a Public School District certificate of High School completion.He finished four years of college besides and went into Grad School, but S.F. State College at that time was strictly a teachers college, and he had to have a teaching credential to graduate with an MA, so he quit school at the age of 30 and went into real estate. He sold real estate in the bay area and in Sacramento for 31 years. At which time, in 1984, he was hospitalized with a perforated ulcer, and quit real estate, and he quit smoking. They cut his Vegas nerve, and he hasn’t gambled since [look it up, it’s real.]He started writing his first novel when he was ten years old, and he had his own secret method of writing so that no one else could read it. He went from right to left, starting at the bottom of the page. When he was away to war, his younger sister threw it away. She couldn’t make heads or tails of it, of he couldn’t blame her.He had a love life of sorts, but nothing to write home or away from home about. He fought all his life to get ahead. He had complete, or bits of novels lying around of about 12 in number.ProMart was his real estate office’s designation, so he took the name when he started being a small press editor and publisher in 1995, and he never looked back. He always imagined that he was too tard, considering he worked about 40 hours a week at a Taco Bell affiliate.The rest of it is of public record.James Bruce Baker died of complications from colon cancer on September 18, 2002

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    Book preview

    Swing and Position Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom - James Baker

    Swing and Position Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom

    Proven Strategies for Turning Trades into Treasures

    James Baker




    Why trading stocks like a professional is the best path to financial independence

    Summary of how to trade stocks like a PRO and revive your IRA

    Pro Traders Use the VIX Index to Buy or Sell

    Why patience is critical to becoming a successful trader.

    The Weekly Slow Stochastic

    Relative strength is the key to successful trading

    Trading Both Sides of the Stock Market is How the Pro’s Thrive

    How earnings season affects stock prices

    How the stock market really works

    Holiday Season Trading

    The Power of Compounding

    Going Long Checklist

    Going Short Checklist

    Resistance and Support Levels

    How to read a stock chart

    Swing Trade Example

    Position Trading

    How to use stop loss orders to maximize profits and limit your losses

    The weekly slow stochastic indicator is the key to profitability

    Moving Average Line Crossovers

    How to trade break out point failures

    Break Step Patterns

    Two ETFs that have performed very well over the years

    Leveraged ETFs



    FAS Weekly Chart (3-year Range to 9/16/2010)

    FAZ Weekly Chart (3-year Range to 9/16/2010)

    The VIX Index Rule Chart

    Stock Trading – A Series of Steps

    Healthy Volume Chart

    Runaway Failure

    Negative Island Patterns



    About the Author

    Bonus #1

    Bonus #2

    Bonus #3

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    Thank you for purchasing Swing and Position Trade Your Way to Financial Freedom!

    I look forward to seeing you become a successful stock trader so your bank account or IRA can provide you with a comfortable lifestyle now or in retirement. When it comes to most things in life, I completely believe in the keep it simple stupid philosophy and have made every effort to provide this valuable information to you in an easy-to-understand format with plenty of pictures to clarify key points.

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    The big secret Wall Street does not want you to know is you can make money when the market is going down.

    Diversification is a sure way to give all your profits you made during a bull market back when the market goes down.

    Once you absorb and reflect on the information presented in this eBook you will want to fire your stockbroker and I will not blame you. Now let us get started on growing your self-directed IRA or margin account today!

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