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In Hot Pursuit of Justice
In Hot Pursuit of Justice
In Hot Pursuit of Justice
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In Hot Pursuit of Justice

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In book three In Hot Pursuit of Justice sees Logan, Blair, and Uncle Ronnie chasing the pirate captain, Grayson under a Letter of Marque. The lad, Eli, and Logan possess secret weapons to outwit Grayson, that is, if they can board his sloop... Before they can do battle, however, Grayson's latest scheme is one they never consid

Release dateJun 11, 2024
In Hot Pursuit of Justice

Pat Gantz

Pat Gantz lives with her husband, Ken, in Prescott, Arizona. As a child, Pat was the proverbial bookworm who read stories of historical fiction past midnight. This love of reading later extended to collecting books, especially from bookstores and museums during her travels. Surprisingly, in visiting seaport museums, she discovered something amiss; a lack of historical fiction during the Age of Sail for middle-grade readers. Inspired by tall mast ships that she explored when they were docked at seaports, Pat embarked on imaginary voyages that turned into stories for her Sailing the High Seas series. Rendezvous with Grandmother: A Pirate Queen, is Pat's second book in this series.

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    In Hot Pursuit of Justice - Pat Gantz

    Copyright © 2024 Pat Gantz

    Printed in the United States of America

    Published by:

    Writer’s Publishing House

    Prescott, AZ 86301

    Paperback ISBN: 978-1-64873-504-2

    eBook ISBN: 978-1-64873-505-9

    Cover Art by Ken Gantz

    Project Management, and

    Book Launch by Writers Publishing House

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any manner without written permission from the author except with brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    Disclaimer: The Publisher and the Author make no representation or warranties concerning the accuracy or completeness of the contents of this work and specifically disclaim all warranties for a particular purpose. No warranty may be created or extended through sales or promotional materials. The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for every situation. This work is sold with the understanding that the Author and Publisher are not engaged in rendering legal, technological, or other professional services. If professional assistance is required, the services of a competent professional should be sought. Neither the Publisher nor the Author shall be liable for damages arising therefrom.

    The fact that an organization or website is referred to in this work as a citation and/or potential source of further information does not mean that the Author or the Publisher endorses the information, the organization, or website it may provide, or recommendations it may make. Further, readers should be aware that websites listed in this work may have changed or disappeared between when this work was written and when it is read. Disclaimer: The cases and stories in this book have had details changed to preserve privacy.

    In Hot Pursuit of Justice

    Sailing the High Seas, 1782

    by Pat Gantz


    Ship's biscuit was a rock-hard bread already cooked onshore that looked like a cracker. It was softened by soaking it in hot stew or a hot drink.

    First though, you knocked it on the table so the weevils would fall out.


    My name is Logan Anderson. In 1780, Uncle Ronnie, and my friend Ian Campbell, a Scottish sailor, argued with me about the perils of sailing on the high seas. Did I listen? No. I was a stubborn lad.

    Our mission: find my missing father, Doctor William Anderson. Ian trained us for the sea journey. Not that anyone can truly be prepared for the hard, unforgiving life on a ship. Soon we sailed from England on the tall mast ship, Sea Eagle. Sea travel of any length is difficult, and that journey was no exception. Yes, the trip was not as we expected, but what adventure doesn’t have its surprises? One surprise was seeing my cousin, Blair, who stowed away on the ship. Oh no! Due to sailor superstition, girls usually are not allowed to work on ships.

    Now the year is 1782. My uncle and I were kidnapped on that first voyage by the evil, greedy, and utterly despicable pirate Grayson. We make this current voyage to hunt him down and bring Grayson to justice. We are also seeking to capture his seaman, Wick, who took great delight in tormenting me in front of his mates. Calling me Little Man in a nasty voice, Wick’s hate never quit. He searches for me at every seaport.

    I tell you true, Grayson is a sly one for I have witnessed his deceptions. To capture Grayson, we must match him trick for trick.

    Ironically, on this journey we have another stubborn young lad who insists on traveling with us. His name is Eli. This lad, too, wants justice. He has good reason to hate Grayson, as you will soon see.

    On the oceans blue, Grayson strikes terror in the hearts of anyone who has heard tales of his dastardly deeds.

    If a ship is raided and the crew murdered, one name appears on sailor’s lips, Grayson.

    If a village is plundered and burned to the ground, the neighboring villagers say one name, Grayson.

    Other pirate captains change course and sail clear of Grayson’s ship. He rules the seven seas.

    On the Atlantic Ocean, we are in hot pursuit of this evil pirate captain. When, not if, but when, we catch up with Grayson, justice will be served. As an apprenticed healer, I have never been the bloodthirsty type. Grayson, however, may have changed my attitude, especially after I met young Eli. The question remains: will we hang Grayson ourselves or will we take him to a British court of law?

    We shall see.



    Thwack! Thwack! Thwack! The two lads sparring earnestly with stout hickory quarterstaffs were a good match in both ability and skill.

    Hey, you two, called Logan’s uncle walking toward them, Stop before you pass out in this heat. He handed each sweat-drenched male a tankard of cider.

    Thank you, doctor, said Chen Lo accepting a mug. The short, slender, fifteen-year-old Chinese youth drank deeply.

    Thank you, said Logan accepting his mug gratefully.

    You are both welcome.

    Before taking a drink Logan paused, cocked his head, and listened. In the clear country air near the English coast came the sound of a rich bass voice singing:

    There is a ship that sails the sea,

    She’s loaded deep as deep can be,

    But not as deep as the love I made,

    I know not how I’ll sink or swim.

    Curious, Logan, Ronnie, and Chen walked around the English cottage to the front gate. Without thought, their baritones joined in the song’s refrain:

    The water is wide, I can’t cross o’er her,

    And neither have I wings to fly,

    Give me a boat, carry two,

    And both shall row, my love and I

    The singer grinned at the three males. I see ye are not strangers to folk songs. And, if I am not mistaken, ye must be seasoned British sailors.

    The three did not respond yes or no.

    Unconcerned by their silence, the singer swept off his worn red knit cap asking, Sure and could ye spare a tankard of cider? ‘Tis that thirsty I am.

    Logan handed his full tankard to the stranger. The three studied the man. He was clad in scuffed black shoes, simple canvas breeches, and a faded blue striped tunic yet stood at ease. In the sunlight, his light gray hair and long beard were streaked with silver. No one could see the cleft in his chin beneath the beard. The man had no distinguishing marks or visible tattoos, was stocky, and of average height. He walked with the rolling gait of a sailor recently off the ship, not yet used to walking on land.

    Thank ye, kindly, said the old sea dog returning his mug to Logan. His Irish lilt was charming as were his manners. Let me introduce myself. I am Sean Murphy, late of the bully ship, Minerva.

    Cautiously Ronnie asked, Sir, do you have business here? Or perhaps you need a doctor’s services?

    "Aye, ‘tis

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