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Why invest in precious color gemstones/ How to semi-retire at 35?
Why invest in precious color gemstones/ How to semi-retire at 35?
Why invest in precious color gemstones/ How to semi-retire at 35?
Ebook63 pages46 minutes

Why invest in precious color gemstones/ How to semi-retire at 35?

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Discover the world of color gemstone investment and pave your path to early financial freedom. This comprehensive guide provides detailed insights on which gemstones to buy and how to accurately determine their worth. Learn to evaluate gemstones based on color, clarity, cut, and carat weight, and understand

Release dateJun 11, 2024
Why invest in precious color gemstones/ How to semi-retire at 35?

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    Why invest in precious color gemstones/ How to semi-retire at 35? - Valeriya Chisholm

    Why invest in precious color gemstones? How to semi-retire at 35?

    Copyright © 2024 by Valeriya Kandakova Chisholm

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except as permitted by U.S. copyright law. For permission requests, contact Valeriya Kandakova Chisholm at

    The story, all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this production are fictitious. No identification with actual persons (living or deceased), places, buildings, and products is intended or should be inferred.

    Book Cover by Valeriya Kandakova Chisholm

    001 edition Published in 2024

    Table of Contents

    1. Introduction 

    2. Chapter 1: Historical Value and Scarcity of colored gemstones

    1.1 Longevity of Value

    1.2 Rarity and Supply Constraints

    1.3 Authenticity and Provenance

    3. Chapter 2: Colored gemstones as an investment hedge tool against inflation and market volatility

    2.1 Tangible Assets

    2.2 International Demand

    2.3 Gemstones as a Hedge Against Economic Instability

    4. Chapter 3: How Colored Gemstones Provide Market Volatility Resistance

    Chapter 3.1 Market Volatility Resistance

    Chapter 3.2 Independence from Financial Markets

    Chapter 3.3 Diversification Benefits

    5. Chapter 4: How to define the Quality and Colors of the precious gemstones. 

    4.1 Sapphire's color definition

    4.2 Beryl's color definition

    4.3 Tourmaline's color definition

    4.4 Garnet's color definition

    6. Chapter 5: Analysis of the classic categories of precious gemstones for investment

    5.1 Corundum

    5.1.1 Ruby

    5.1.2 Sapphire

    5.2 Beryl

    5.3 Tourmaline

    5.4 Spinel

    7. Chapter 6: Analysis of the emerging categories of precious gemstones for investment

    6.1 Tanzanite

    6.2 Chrysoberyl

    6.3 Zircon

    6.4. Garnet

    6.5 Peridot 

    8. Chapter 7: Wealth Preservation

    7.1 Historical Legacy of Wealth Preservation

    7.2 Intrinsic Value and Rarity

    7.3 Portability and Discreet Wealth

    7.4 Exit Strategy

    9. Chapter 8: Lab-grown gemstones

    10. Conclusion

    11. References

    12. Disclaimer


    In times of economic uncertainty and market volatility, investors seek assets that can preserve and even enhance their wealth. Precious colored gemstones—such as rubies, sapphires, and emeralds—offer unique investment opportunities. These gemstones have historically shown resilience against inflation and market fluctuations, making them an interesting choice for diversifying investment portfolios.

    Colored gemstones possess intrinsic value because of their rarity, beauty, and cultural significance. Unlike traditional investments, such as stocks and bonds, which can be shaped by market dynamics, gemstones often appreciate overtime. The finite supply and increasing demand for high-quality1 gems further bolster. 

    The market for precious gemstones is global, providing liquidity and the ability to buy or sell in various regions. This international demand can help stabilize prices and offer returns even during economic downturns. Collectors and investors alike prize these gemstones not only for their aesthetic appeal but also for their ability to hold value across generations.

    The emotional and historical significance of colored gemstones adds to their allure. From royal collections to iconic jewelry pieces, these gems have been cherished throughout history, underscoring their lasting value. As tangible assets, they can be stored and passed down, serving as both investments and heirlooms.

    Precious-colored gemstones represent a strategic option for those looking to safeguard their wealth and achieve portfolio diversification. Their resilience to economic pressures and potential for appreciation make them an attractive alternative to more conventional investments.

    Currently, there's no set internationally agreed-upon grading scale for colored gemstones. That means that color gemstone grading is subjective, depending on the seller you're dealing with. Most color gemstones retailers and online jewelers use A/AAAA system for grading color gemstones. 

    Some companies borrow the clarity grading system for diamonds I/VVS (IF internally flawless color gemstones do not exist because 99.9% of colored stones have inclusions). 

    Grading System

    For this book, we introduced A/I-AAAA/VVS grading scale for inclusions2. With A/I being included2 gemstones, that are not considered as jewelry quality. 


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