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How To Effectively Build A Successful Summer Paid Internship Program in Local Government: Cultivating Successful Teens in Cities and Counties Across the USA
How To Effectively Build A Successful Summer Paid Internship Program in Local Government: Cultivating Successful Teens in Cities and Counties Across the USA
How To Effectively Build A Successful Summer Paid Internship Program in Local Government: Cultivating Successful Teens in Cities and Counties Across the USA
Ebook203 pages2 hours

How To Effectively Build A Successful Summer Paid Internship Program in Local Government: Cultivating Successful Teens in Cities and Counties Across the USA

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Introducing this revolutionary guide that empowers communities to craft successful summer teen paid internship initiatives, fostering stronger, safer, more prosperous neighbourhoods.

Release dateJun 14, 2024
How To Effectively Build A Successful Summer Paid Internship Program in Local Government: Cultivating Successful Teens in Cities and Counties Across the USA

Claudia Barber

I have served for five years as an employment relations administrator for the City of Annapolis, I have seen firsthand the transformative effects of well-structured summer paid intern programs. My experience coordinating these programs, my background in law, and my recent recognition as a 2024 Lawyer of Distinction have equipped me with unique insights into the practical and legal considerations involved in these initiatives. My dual expertise has been instrumental in designing programs that comply with employment laws, but more importantly effectively engage young people with needed social skills to be prepared for future employment. Students are trained how to write a resume with no experience. They are also taught during the Summer Intern Program Modules, how social media content impacts job interviews and getting jobs.

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    Book preview

    How To Effectively Build A Successful Summer Paid Internship Program in Local Government - Claudia Barber

    How To Effectively Build

    A Successful Summer Paid Internship Program in Local Government


    Claudia Barber

    Copyright © 2024

    All Rights Reserved

    No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without the written permission of the author, except where permitted by law.


    This book is born out of a belief in the power of community, support, and education. It is a guide to inspire community leaders and city officials like you to adopt paid summer intern programs as a strategic approach to reduce juvenile delinquency. By investing in our youth, particularly through teaching them vital social and survival skills for the future job market, we invest in the future of our cities and towns.

    As an employment relations administrator for the City of Annapolis, I have seen firsthand the transformative effects of well-structured summer intern programs. My experience coordinating these programs, my background in law, and my recent recognition as a 2024 Lawyer of Distinction have equipped me with unique insights into the practical and legal considerations involved in these initiatives. My dual expertise has been instrumental in designing programs that not only comply with employment laws but also effectively engage young people.

    The tone of this book is both hopeful and pragmatic. Combining rigorous research with compelling narratives like Marcus’s, it is written for you, the state and local government officials, who can implement significant changes. This book will provide you with a clear understanding of the importance of teen entrepreneurship and offer a step-by-step guide on how to establish a successful paid summer intern program within your municipality. It will also share success stories and address common challenges, ensuring that the programs you create are both sustainable and scalable.

    The urgency of addressing juvenile delinquency has never been greater. Current trends indicate rising rates of youth crime and a widening gap in practical life and job skills among teens. Paid summer intern programs offer a proactive and effective solution to these pressing issues. I will present data and research that underscore the urgency of this matter and the effectiveness of our proposed solutions.

    By the end of this book, you will not only understand the mechanics of initiating and running a successful paid summer internship program but will also be inspired to act. These programs are more than just a summer job opportunity for teens; they are a stepping stone toward lifelong success and community improvement.

    I urge you, as a dedicated community leader, to view this book not merely as a collection of information but as a call to action—a chance to empower the youth in your community through teaching social skills, developing problem-solving modules, which pave the way for a brighter and more secure future for all.

    Let's begin this journey together, transforming potential into progress, one teen at a time.


    One of the challenges facing our youth today is how they will be assimilated into the American economy. Study after study revealed that youth from marginalized communities face enormous challenges as they seek to become productive citizens in our society. The penal system is made up of people of color. Attorney Claudia Barber's book on internships provides readers with a pathway for these youth. She knows that what is missing is opportunities.

    She believes providing youth with paid government and private sector internships will create a path to success. As a former civil rights director for the Office of the Maryland Attorney General, I can attest that her book will establish clear strategies for the successful careers of our youth. I remember watching young people enter our offices to observe and absorb information. They were able to ask questions and, more importantly, pay attention to how workers can be successful.

    The late Whitney Young opined, It is better to be prepared and not have an opportunity than to have an opportunity and not be prepared. What Claudia Barber's book does is prepare mentors, businesses, and government leaders with a practical and effective means to ensure the success of those young people who will be well-served by this book.

    By Carl Snowden

    Civil Rights Activist And Convener of

    The Caucus of African American Leaders in Annapolis, MD

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 1:  Understanding the Landscape and  Need for Paid Summer Internships

    Chapter 2:  Program Design and Curriculum Development

    Chapter 3: Funding and Resource Allocation

    Chapter 4: Recruitment and Selection of Participants

    Chapter 5: Launching the Program

    Chapter 6: Evaluating and Measuring Success

    Chapter 7: Sustaining and Scaling Your Program

    Chapter 8: Advanced Funding and Resource Generation

    Chapter 9: Beyond the Basics: Incorporating  Global Entrepreneurial Concepts

    Chapter 10: The Future of Summer Intern Programs Across the USA and Teen Entrepreneurship Programs


    About The Author

    Chapter 1:

    Understanding the Landscape and

    Need for Paid Summer Internships

    Young individuals are not waiting to finish their education to make their mark; they are stepping into the arena of business with innovative ideas and a fresh perspective that often challenges the status quo. This shift is not merely a trend, but a robust movement towards early business engagement, driven by both the accessibility of technology and a growing interest in self-reliance and social impact. This chapter delves into the factors contributing to the rise of teen entrepreneurship, its implications for local economies, and how these young trailblazers are reshaping the concept of business and government.

    1.1 The Rise of Teen Entrepreneurs: Trends and Implications

    The landscape of teen entrepreneurship is witnessing a significant transformation, propelled by a mix of cultural shifts, technological advancements, and evolving attitudes toward career and success. The increasing allure of entrepreneurship among teens is multifaceted, driven largely by their desire for independence and a profound sense of wanting to make an impactful contribution to society. This drive is increasingly supported by the digital era, where the barriers to entry in the business world are notably lower. Social media platforms and technological tools have not only democratized access to marketplaces but have also simplified the process of starting and scaling a business. Today, a teenager with a laptop and an internet connection can launch a startup, market it across social media channels, and manage operations digitally, reaching a global audience without the need for a physical storefront or a hefty marketing budget.

    The economic implications of this shift are substantial. Teen entrepreneurs contribute uniquely to local and national economies by injecting new ideas, products, and services into the market. Their ventures often address niche or overlooked markets, bringing innovation and diversity to the business ecosystem. Moreover, these young entrepreneurs are creating job opportunities not only for themselves but for others. Their businesses add to the economic dynamism and foster a culture of innovation and self-reliance among their peers.

    Success stories of teen entrepreneurs serve as powerful motivators for other young individuals. When teens see their contemporaries achieving remarkable feats, it dispels the myth that age is a barrier to business success. These narratives not only inspire but also ignite a chain reaction, encouraging more teens to consider entrepreneurship as a viable and rewarding path. For instance, consider a teen who started a tech repair service in their community and grew it into a profitable venture while still in high school. Such stories are becoming increasingly common and serve as compelling evidence that with the right resources and support, teens can excel in the business world.

    The rise of teen entrepreneurship is reshaping traditional narratives about when and how one should enter the business world. As community leaders and city officials, understanding this shift is crucial. It represents an opportunity to foster an environment that nurtures these young minds who are not just dreaming of a different future but are actively building it. Engaging with this vibrant sector of the economy requires adaptive strategies and supportive policies that recognize the unique needs and contributions of teen entrepreneurs. By doing so, municipalities can enhance their economic landscape and invest in developing a generation of savvy, motivated business leaders poised to take on the challenges of tomorrow's world.

    Reflective Prompt

    Consider the potential teen entrepreneurs in your community. What unique business ideas might they have that could address specific local needs or interests? Reflect on how you, as a local government official, can facilitate and support these young individuals in turning their visions into successful ventures.

    When bringing on summer interns, consider creating a weekly work assignment. During one of our successful 2023 summer teen programs, Central Purchasing developed the following knowledge, skills, and abilities that were required:

    At least 1 year or more of computer-based skills, which include Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, and some Adobe in filling our fillable forms.

    Responsible for preparing weekly summary reports to discuss issues and the completed tasks assigned.

    Ability to work with a laptop and utilize the system to organize and store work in the format provided.

    Assist with reviewing existing hard copy and electronically stored files and organize them as directed per the given work plan for that week.

    Interns will not have access to the system network

    All forms and guidance documents will be provided to each intern and an initial orientation session will be conducted to review the tasks to be completed.

    1.2 Analyzing Successful Teen Entrepreneurship Models Across the USA

    The landscape of teen entrepreneurship in the United States is as varied as it is vibrant, encompassing a spectrum of industries from tech startups to social enterprises. These young pioneers are not confined to traditional pathways; they are breaking new ground in sectors like environmental sustainability, digital media, and health and wellness. Their success stories provide critical insights into the diversity and adaptability of teen-driven ventures. For instance, a teen in Seattle started a recycling initiative that evolved into a profitable sustainability consulting firm for local businesses seeking to reduce waste. Such examples underscore the potential of youth-led enterprises to not only generate income but also create a positive social impact.

    Key to the success of these young entrepreneurs are several pivotal factors. Mentorship stands out as a significant contributor, offering guidance, advice, and access to broader networks. Successful programs often pair young entrepreneurs with seasoned business owners who provide not only industry insights but also practical knowledge about running a business. Access to capital is another crucial element, as young entrepreneurs often face challenges in securing traditional funding due to their age and limited credit history. Innovative funding solutions, such as youth-focused business grants or angel investors specializing in young startups, have proven instrumental. Furthermore, community support—both from local businesses and the public—enhances the visibility and credibility of teen enterprises, encouraging a supportive ecosystem that is more likely to invest in and patronize these businesses.

    Teen entrepreneurs often have to navigate significant challenges, with balancing sometimes heavy sports schedules, education, and business responsibilities being one of the most common. Many young business owners also encounter skepticism due to their age, which can impact their ability to secure funding, gain trust, and forge business relationships. Overcoming these challenges requires not only resilience but also

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