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Dance for nine days
Dance for nine days
Dance for nine days
Ebook232 pages3 hours

Dance for nine days

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A country boy, by chance, into the river. Casino battle, pear forest horror, snow all over the sky to kill evil, go to song Jiangnan sleepwalking, Qixia hidden mountains, rivers and lakes to leave legend.

Release dateJun 1, 2024
Dance for nine days

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    Dance for nine days - Rosalie Spinelli

    Chapter 1 Zoe Stevenson

    West wilderness, Purple moon country, a shabby temple outside the town of Qingfeng, a beggar in ragged clothes, exudes a sour smell, eyes with evil light, looking at the young girl shivering on the straw.

    Although this stinky girl has lost a little weight and her skin is a little rough, she is still a chick, and I never thought I could catch up with such a good thing! "Said the beggar, and flung himself eagerly upon the girl.

    The young girl's hair was disheveled, she was dressed in rags washed white, and her face was frightened. His eyes were wide and full of fear.

    No, don't come -- she cried, her voice hoarse, trembling with her arms and backing away.

    Why is she here? What did the beggar want to do to her?

    No? It's not up to you. Little sister, be good, brother hurts you, guaranteed to make you want to die! The beggar smiled, showing a big yellow teeth, said, can not wait to tear the girl's clothes.

    As the girl struggled, her long fingernails suddenly cut the beggar's cheek.

    Pain came from his face, the beggar reached out his hand and touched one hand of blood. His eyes suddenly flashed a fierce light, and he glanced at an old incense burner on the ground. He picked it up and hit it hard on the girl's forehead.

    You want to die, girl!

    The sound of the girl's crying and the movement of her struggle suddenly stopped, her eyes closed, her head tilted, and she lost her breath.

    Dead, dead? The beggar froze, looked at the motionless girl, suddenly realized that he had accidentally killed someone, and was so scared that he quickly threw away the incense burner in his hand, stood up and ran out.

    Because of this, he failed to see that the incense burner he threw to the ground suddenly turned into a ray of streamer and flew into the girl's brow.

    The next moment, the girl who had died suddenly opened her eyes, and a cold light burst out in her eyes, and a faint purple luster flashed through. Her dirty little face, but vaguely through a look at the world of cool and imperious.

    At this moment, the body of this 16-year-old girl has been replaced by a powerful soul from the 21st century.

    They are called evil doctors.

    The evil doctor had just regained consciousness, and before he had time to think about why he was in this place, the image of the original master before his death strongly occupied her brain and repeated it over and over again.

    The evil doctor looked at the strange body that did not belong to him and had to admit a fact.

    She went through time!

    However, she is in the 21st century is mixed with the wind, how inexplicable crossing?

    No one gave her an answer.

    Listening to the footsteps gradually running away, the evil doctor jumped to his feet, and the crooked lip revealed an evil smile that did not belong to the age of the body, and in an instant, she was transformed into a night elf.

    Don't worry, I will avenge you. With a whisper, a flash of her figure, and a strange footwork, she caught up with the fleeing beggar in just a few breaths.

    'Ah - ghost!

    The beggar was running as fast as he could, when he saw the girl suddenly appearing in front of him, his pupils shrank sharply, and he fell down on the ground, holding his head and exclaiming.

    The girl's eyes were cold, staring at the beggar as if looking at a dead man, the slender five fingers came out quickly, and simply pinched the beggar's throat, and the hand was a force, only listening to a click sound, and the beggar had no time to make any sound, and his head was tilted, and he could not die any more.

    At the moment of the beggar's death, countless memories flooded into the mind.

    Synutra, West Wilderness.

    In a world that honors martial arts, those who practice vitality are called Yuan spirit teachers.

    Zoe Stevenson.

    Turns out the girl's name is Zoe Stevenson, which sounds nice.

    Well, before she returned to the 21st century, her cult doctor was Zoe Stevenson.

    Unexpectedly, this Zoe Stevenson even have a little source, is the west wilderness vassal state purple moon country fourth family of Miss Xuan family.

    Just because she could not absorb the vitality and cultivate at a young age, she was abandoned by her family and placed in a remote place like Fengfeng Town. The family name of the family where Zoe Stevenson was placed was Xu, and there were a middle-aged couple and two children in the family.

    Mr. And Mrs. Xu took the family's money, but they never treated Zoe Stevenson well, letting her do all the dirty work. Instead, they were a pair of sons and daughters of the family, who were spoiled and raised into an arrogant young master and lady.

    Two days ago, the main family came to the news that the main family would come over in these days and take people back.

    Unexpectedly, this news became Zoe Stevenson's fate.

    The Xu family played the idea of Li Dai, but wanted to let their daughter replace Zoe Stevenson, so there was Zoe Stevenson died, and her evil doctor came through.

    Reach out and feel the pulse, Zoe Stevenson's eyes slightly narrowed.

    Ah, what natural waste, it is clear that the toxins brought out in the mother, corrode the meridians, will not be able to absorb the vitality.

    Fortunately, her evil doctor is not called for nothing, such a small poison, she can completely cure the disease.

    Glancing at the beggar's stiff corpse, Zoe Stevenson turned her head to the southwest.

    There, is the moon forest. If you want to get rid of the toxins in your body, the most effective way at present is to take a trip to the Moon forest.

    In memory, the Moon Forest was a dangerous place. Although there are countless treasures in it, there are also countless fierce beasts.

    Yuyue forest is divided into inner forest and outer forest. She wanted to find detoxification herbs are not rare, outside the forest can find all.

    The highest level of wild animals in the outer forest is only two, with her skill, you can fight.

    She cleaned the toxins out of her body first, and then went back to the family to settle the account of the original owner's death.

    Three days later, in a quiet valley outside the Yuyue Forest, a ragged girl was cooking fish by the river.

    This person is Zoe Stevenson, she has picked a lot of medicine, only the last one, can begin to configure the antidote.

    Researching the environment, Zoe Stevenson decided that the last medicine she needed might be in this valley.

    After filling her stomach, Zoe Stevenson continued south.


    Walking out of about 3,000 meters, I felt a barrier force, and Zoe Stevenson's eyebrows were slightly raised.

    Someone set up a maneuver here?

    She's a little curious about what treasures might be in store.

    This formation is also really subtle, if other people, may not be aware of the existence of the formation.

    But she's a doctor. Three passions in her life.

    Medicine, beauty. And then there's the battle.

    With some effort, Zoe Stevenson quietly entered the center of the battle.

    When she saw the so-called treasures in the battle, she stared in surprise.

    The treasure of her imaginary genius, Earth, is falling apart.

    In the middle of a lake, on a smooth ink-colored table, quietly lying a white tender little doll.

    After a thousand question marks in her mind made sure there was nothing dangerous around her, Zoe Stevenson walked down a path of stakes to the middle of the lake.

    Wow --

    Zoe Stevenson's eyes lit up at the sight of the baby's face.

    Such a delicate little doll, but so small, look no more than three or four years old little doll, how can lie alone in this place?

    Chapter 2 Katherine Cody

    Zoe Stevenson looked at the baby carefully.

    Very delicate eyes, she had never seen such a beautiful child. And the child's body is surrounded by a layer of noble qi.

    An inky dragon dark brocade dress, the material of which Zoe Stevenson does not know, but it can be judged that this dress material is absolutely top.

    Looks like this little baby came from a pretty good place. In that case, why would you be alone in such a dangerous place as the Moon Forest?

    As far as she knows, children in any family do not begin cultivation until they are seven or eight years old, when the sinews and meridians of the body have grown stronger and can withstand the vitality.

    A three or four year old doll is a very ordinary doll.

    The doll in front of her was so beautiful that Zoe Stevenson could not bear to see it. She reached down and held the doll in her arms. Looking down at the doll's frowning sleep, she burst into laughter.

    It's amazing how little people learn to frown.

    As she spoke, the little doll in her arms suddenly opened her eyes.

    At the baby's deep and cold ink eyes, Zoe Stevenson only felt that her soul was frozen at this moment.

    But this feeling of a frozen soul lasts only a breath, and then disappears.

    Zoe Stevenson breathed a sigh of relief as she looked at the baby's inky black, sparkling eyes.

    Was that just a glimpse of her?

    Just as she was wondering, the little doll jumped out of Zoe Stevenson's arms, took three steps back, and looked up coldly at Zoe Stevenson.

    Who are you, and how did you break into this four-in-one war?

    Zoe Stevenson slightly lowered her head, looking at the little doll whose height was only about her waist, but who radiated a kind of arrogant attitude between the world, crying and laughing.

    Boy, did your father ever tell you that children should act like children?

    Zoe Stevenson gave the little doll a quick shave and smiled.

    In her opinion, the little doll in front of her in this manner must have learned from his father. Therefore, the heart of a faint rise of curiosity, this little doll's father, in the end is what a remarkable figure?

    She did not know how much the little doll had learned from his father's dignity, but it was only the momentum he had just shown that even she could not control her heart.

    The little doll had clearly not expected Zoe Stevenson to shave her nose at him, and there was a look of surprise on her delicate little face, but soon surprise turned to anger.

    'Damn woman! "He whispered angrily, his fists clenched under his sleeves.

    Damn it, if it wasn't for his practice, and the power of the stars was sealed, how would he tolerate this woman's repeated and repeated violations of himself?

    After he recovers his strength, the first thing is to pulverise this woman who does not know the height of heaven!

    'Oh, angry? Looking at the baby's dark face, Zoe Stevenson danced as if she had discovered a new continent.

    Oh my! This baby is so cute that if no one comes to claim it, she will be taken away.

    Seeing that the baby's face was getting blacker and blacker, Zoe Stevenson gradually stopped smiling, bent down to meet the baby face to face, and coaxed, Okay, I'm not kidding you anymore. Are you hungry? My sister will bake you fish, and the fish my sister will bake is so delicious that you will never eat it in your life."

    The little doll slowly suppressed the anger in her heart, took one more step back, gave Zoe Stevenson a faint glance, and then sat cross-legged, closed her eyes and began to adjust the star power in her body.

    Zoe Stevenson's eyebrows were slightly raised, and the glance the little boy had just given her was, if she had read it correctly, contemptuous. Is it disdain?

    Oh, she was despised by a little boy of three or four.

    It happened that the little doll was so beautiful that she could not get angry at all, and not only that, she also wanted to give him a taste of her own cooking.

    Seeing that the little doll really seemed to be cultivating, Zoe Stevenson became more and more curious about him. No longer disturbing the baby, she turned her head to look around at the lake.

    At this look, I found that the lake was crystal clear, not to mention fish, even small shrimp, I did not see a.

    Sure enough, when the water is clear, there are no fish.

    Looking at the baby's closed eyes and the slight beads of sweat on her forehead, Zoe Stevenson felt weak and tried to persuade him, but seeing the determination on his face, she said, It is dangerous out there, but this lake is safe. You stay here and your sister will go out and catch some fish for you."

    She said that, and did not expect the little doll to give her what response, the original way back to the shore, toward the stream where the fish had been baked.

    After Zoe Stevenson walked away, Katherine Cody, sitting cross-legged in the middle of the lake, slowly opened her eyes and looked at Zoe Stevenson's disappearing back, the bloodthirsty light in her eyes.

    It was not until dusk that Zoe Stevenson reappeared in battle. He was carrying a couple of big, fat, lively fish in one hand and a bundle of dry sticks in the other.

    When she reached the lake, she shouted joyfully to the little doll in the center of the lake: Little boy, come and rest for a while, sister will bake fish for you!

    Katherine Cody didn't want to talk to Zoe Stevenson, but when she smelled the blood in the air, she opened her eyes with a frown and saw that Zoe Stevenson at the edge of the lake had a layer of blood in her dress.

    This woman is hurt?

    Because of the method of battle, the movement around the lake could not be transmitted outside, and the movement outside could not be transmitted in.

    Katherine Cody was immersed in her practice and did not know the passage of time, when he realized that the sun was falling, and the woman had not been out for a short time.

    He remembered there was a stream not far from here, and there were fish in it. The woman had been out for an afternoon, and there seemed to be some fighting going on.

    But that has nothing to do with him. The seal in his body is already showing signs of loosening, and soon he will regain a layer of strength, and when he does, he will personally kill this woman who dares to defy him.

    After some thought, Katherine Cody closed her eyes again.

    When Zoe Stevenson piled up the dry branches, she found the little doll in the middle of the lake unmoved and shrugged.

    As soon as she cooked the fish, he would know that she was not blowing her craft. In particular, she knows that the world has not been researched for various spice recipes.

    After the sun had completely set, Katherine Cody opened her eyes again in the middle of the lake. I scanned Zoe Stevenson, who was baking fish alone by the lake, and then lowered my eyes, lifted my right hand, and a group of inky energy gradually formed in my palm.

    Zoe Stevenson, who was happily roasting fish by the lake, suddenly felt a chilly chill. She tightened her half-tight dress and continued to grill the fish.

    Just as Katherine Cody was about to wave the energy in her hand at Zoe Stevenson, the faint smell of baked fish floated across the lake and hit Katherine Cody's nose.

    Katherine Cody's hand moved slightly and a surprised look appeared on her face.

    Chapter 3 Strange Phenomena

    Katherine Cody had thought nothing of what Zoe Stevenson had said, only that the woman had bragged about it. But now smell this let him all heart of the fish fragrance, only to know that the woman said, actually are true.

    He had tasted many delicious things in the world, but he had never smelled such a strange scent. He has been taking taligu Dan for many years, and never thought he would have a big appetite today because of the smell.

    After staring at Zoe Stevenson for a moment with an unexplained look, Katherine Cody's heart slowly dissipated, and the power of the stars in her hands quietly dissolved.

    Just as Katherine Cody was changing her mind, Zoe Stevenson was cooking her fish. She stood up with a grilled fish in her hand and shouted to Katherine Cody in the middle of the lake, Come and eat the fish, kid.

    Katherine Cody, with a slight movement on her face, rose from the stone table and walked with a graceful, unhurried step to Zoe Stevenson.

    I wonder what kind of family can raise such a fine child as you. Zoe Stevenson admires Katherine Cody's every move.

    What seasoning do you use? Katherine Cody asked coldly, her eyes twinkling at the strange smell of the fish still steaming in Zoe Stevenson's hands.

    Zoe Stevenson smiled, her eyes curled into a beautiful crescent.

    Kid, you worship me as your teacher, I will teach you to bake fish, how about that? I have no other skill in the world."

    Katherine Cody snorted and sat down on a clean stone nearby.

    Zoe Stevenson shrugged, amused, and held up a grilled fish to Katherine Cody with some anticipation on her face.

    Taste it.

    Katherine Cody took the grilled fish, slowly tore off a small piece and fed it to her mouth. She tasted the delicious, tender fish, her brow twitching.

    That's right. "He said with rare admiration.

    Zoe Stevenson sat down and took a bite of fish. Katherine Cody acknowledged her, her eyes curved. It's not easy to hear a compliment from you.

    Then, for a moment, the two men did not speak.

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