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Waste storm
Waste storm
Waste storm
Ebook171 pages2 hours

Waste storm

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Parallel worlds, lack of thought.One day, the waste Earth world came and began the Waste Earth Year.The chosen one will enter the wasteland.Just stick to it for ten days and you can quit!

The survivors bring with them countless multiplied resources into the real world.A litre of water can be doubled into a lake.A piece of soil can be turne

Release dateMay 1, 2024
Waste storm

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    Waste storm - Svitlana Mishyna

    Chapter 1 The Beginning

    Katherine Cody sat in her window seat, watching the fading sunset, wondering what she was thinking.

    At this time, the bus was full of laughter and laughter, and everyone was discussing what they had seen and heard during the day.

    Katherine Cody and her group are all college students on their way back to school after a trip to a battlefield site led by their teacher.

    "Katherine Cody! A hand rested on Katherine Cody's shoulder, rousing him from the sunset.

    'What's the matter? Katherine Cody looked ather female classmate and asked, What's up?

    What are you thinking, so lost! She laughed and said, Take a picture of me and Ruby Brown!

    Katherine Cody took the phone, held it up, snapped a few photos and returned it.

    The female student turned over the photo and said, Katherine Cody, you are really a straight man's photo!

    Katherine Cody touched her head sheepishly and said, Sorry, the photo is not good, why don't I take a better one for you guys?

    Forget it! Female students with a face of helplessness said: Fortunately, this girl looks good, otherwise really no way to send friends circle!"

    Cody smiled awkwardness as Ruby Brown, who was sitting next to her, looked at the photo and said: It's not bad. It's not that scary.

    Ouch! The female student looked at Ruby Brown and laughed: What do I say to you?"

    Ruby Brown's face suddenly turned red, she deliberately said with a straight face: What are you talking about, how distressed, what I said is the truth!

    Katherine Cody looks at Ruby Brown with a rosy face and suddenly thinks she's adorable.

    Ruby Brown stared at Katherine Cody without saying a word, her face reddening even more.

    The female student looked at this scene, consciously stood up and said: You talk first, I will let Lulu help me take pictures!

    When the girls left, only Katherine Cody and Ruby Brown were left in the row.

    Katherine Cody looked at Ruby Brown, not knowing what to say, but Ruby Brown, feeling a little stuffy, was the first to say, Katherine Cody, do you have an idea for your paper?

    When it came to business, Cody felt less embarrassed. He sat up straight and said, I've got a rough idea. Let's see what the teacher says.

    Ruby Brown nodded and said, I see you've been playing a lot of games all day. Are they related to your paper?

    Katherine Cody thought for a moment and said, Mostly, I want to know about the development of the educational base.

    Ruby Brown didn't know what to say, and Katherine Cody was trying to say something to save the scene when the bus suddenly shook and stopped.

    By this time night had fallen, except for the distant mountains behind a little afterglow, the rest of the place has been shrouded in darkness.

    The bus suddenly stopped, making everyone in the car a little uneasy, but also some people excited.

    Katherine Cody looked at the darkness around the bus. Suddenly unnerved, she took her backpack from the luggage rack and hugged it tightly.

    The backpack contains his computer, although it is not a high-end computer, but there are a lot of publicity videos, renderings and copywriting, that is his efforts.

    Ruby Brown looked at a nervous Katherine Cody and said, What's wrong with you? Why are you so nervous?

    I don't know, Katherine Cody said, looking out the window into the darkness. I just feel a little uneasy.

    At this point, the driver stepped out of the car, and then immediately returned to the car.

    Off and on, Katherine Cody heard the driver swear. I've seen a ghost. Why is the road stuck?

    At this time, the bus once again shook, Gu travel some strange. At this time, a classmate said: It seems that the car is not shaking!

    'Earthquake! Those were the two words that came to Katherine Cody's mind.

    At this time, the vibration appeared again, and it was more violent than the previous times, and even the bus tilted forward a little.

    Get out of the car! At that moment, the driver's frightened cry reached everyone's ears: Get out of the car! The road is caving in! Get out the back door!

    In an instant, the bus was in a panic, and people were scrambling to get behind the bus, but the vibration generated during the walk was making the bus tilt at an increasing Angle.

    Katherine Cody grabbed Ruby Brown and squeezed back. He and Ruby Brown were both sitting in the middle, and the back and front were packed.

    When Katherine Cody felt the bus going down, she got down by the window, removed the hammer, and smashed it against the edge of the window. Soon, after Katherine Cody kicked, the window glass completely fell off.

    Jump out the window! Katherine Cody took Ruby Brown in her arms and pushed her out of a window, and then a bunch of people just jumped out of the window.

    But before everyone could get off, the heavy bus slid off the collapsing road.

    Katherine Cody was standing at the back door of the car, reaching out to grab Ruby Brown, but before she could reach out, she was thrown out of the car and over the cliff.

    Ding at Sensing the host's life is in danger, initiate teleportation...

    Start hypertime transfer, consume all the spare resources of the base vehicle, insufficient resources, start random Hypertime transfer...

    The teleportation is over...

    In a trance, Katherine Cody hears a soft female voice in his ear, but before he can hear it clearly, a dazzling white light makes him lose his vision, and then a rapid falling sensation and dazzling light and violent vibration send him into a coma.

    When Katherine Cody woke up again, he was in a darkened room, sitting in a chair in front of a bright light that prevented him from seeing what was going on in the room.

    He felt his body go numb and tried to move, only to find himself tied to a chair with ropes.

    Katherine Cody was a little dazed, and he didn't know why it happened. But he did not struggle, because he also knew that the struggle was futile, and he must now find out what his present situation was.

    Katherine Cody remembers being thrown off a cliff when the bus she was riding on overturned.

    This is definitely not a hospital, and definitely not the jungle under the cliff, someone should have found him and brought him home, as to why he tied him up, he must be full of malicious thinking, the other side may be a murderer! A psychopath!

    Katherine Cody, who had seen many films of the same kind, was trembling with fear ather own theory, and gasped in the slightly dusty air to calm herself.

    There was a soft noise behind Katherine Cody. Someone opened the door and walked in.

    Katherine Cody represses her fear and waits for things to unfold.

    When the man came in, he moved around in front of Katherine Cody. Although she felt that he was very close to her, she could not see him clearly in the light.

    Who are you?

    For a long time, a cold voice came into Katherine Cody's ears.

    Chapter Two Wasteland

    Who are you?

    The cool voice sobered a dazed Katherine Cody, who muttered, Where am I?

    At that moment, Katherine Cody felt her head pressed against something hard.

    Who are you? The cold voice appeared again, Tell the truth, I will let you live!

    Katherine Cody felt something cold and hard on her head. If she was right, it was a gun!

    Guns, this thing is very far away for Katherine Cody, after all, the state of the summer there, so that he has almost no access to guns, and now he has a gun to the head, which makes him scared at the same time, but also gradually calm.

    Katherine Cody didn't doubt the authenticity of the gun because he didn't have the life to bet on it.

    My name is Katherine Cody. I overturned my car on the way back from a field trip. Thank you so much for saving me.

    The cold voice did not come again, and then, behind Katherine Cody, there was a muffled voice: Where did your bread come from?

    Bread? Katherine Cody was wondering, didn't she ever eat bread?

    Katherine Cody tells it like it is: I bought it at the store.

    The shop?

    The strange reaction left Katherine Cody wondering, Isn't it normal to buy bread at the store?

    Then the woman said, You tell me the truth, or I'll shoot you!

    Katherine Cody was feeling a little abnormal, and her brain was racing during the life-or-death situation.

    Which store did you get this bread from? "Asked the man behind him in a muffled voice.

    You really believe him? The woman in front of him said, It's obvious that he's lying. Are there shops that sell bread?

    But what about this bread? It can't just appear, can it?

    The man's question stopped the woman, who nodded and continued, Tell me, which store?

    Katherine Cody is a little confused. What do you mean the store doesn't sell bread? Did these two lunatics go to a hardware store?

    But Cody is a little cautious, saying, It's just a regular grocery store.

    The woman asked directly, Where is the grocery store?

    Katherine Cody thought and was about to say something when she heard a heavy crash.

    The woman made a silenced motion to silence Katherine Cody, who listened carefully to what was going on outside.

    'It's the marauders! The woman was a little alarmed and said, Don't talk, let's wait for them to pass!

    Turn off the light! The man is also flustered. He drags Katherine Cody down and tries to untie him from his chair.

    By this time, the woman had put out the light, and in an instant the whole world was plunged into darkness.

    Katherine Cody looked around at the darkness, letting her eyes adjust as quickly as possible to the transition from bright light to dark.

    He could see nothing, but could hear two nervous breaths beside him.

    In the dark, Katherine Cody's logical thinking skills continue to improve, when the two people around him are supposed to be crazy, kidnapped him, and intend to kill him. So, these two are so scared of the people out there, so the people out there are scouts?

    Katherine Cody was thinking whether to call for help when a gun was pointed at his side. The woman leaned into his ear and whispered, If you don't want to die, don't do anything stupid!

    Armed with the woman's warning and a pistol that stung her ribs, Katherine Cody shut her mouth and gave up calling for help.

    However, what he was thinking at this time was that if the patrol troops had found this place, they would certainly save him, and there was no reason for them to abandon this place without searching it.

    Just as Katherine Cody had expected, there was a sound of footsteps outside. It seemed that the scouts were really going to search the place!

    Katherine Cody waited with excitement for a moment to be rescued.

    At this time, a man dragged Katherine Cody directly into an underground secret room. As the two of them crowded into the small underground secret room, Katherine Cody knew that she was next to the woman!

    Katherine Cody did not know what the woman looked like, but she must have been in good shape, except that she smelled of dirt all over her body, and he did not like it very much.

    Suddenly, a series of gunshots rang out. Katherine Cody was startled. She felt the iron above her head being stepped on by a number of men who seemed to be searching for something, but they were not patrol troops!

    The steps of those people were very disorderly, and everyone was swearing, more like gangsters!

    Is it black eating black? Katherine Cody is still thinking maliciously.

    In the unknown, Katherine Cody didn't dare to move, but the friction between the two bodies caused by

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