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Donated By God: My Size Exactly
Donated By God: My Size Exactly
Donated By God: My Size Exactly
Ebook68 pages1 hour

Donated By God: My Size Exactly

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A book of circumstances, experiences, and valleys. In the process of pastoring a church for twenty-one years, God has taught me great spiritual discernment. It's a discernment that puts God's strength into operation and allows yourself to wait on God no matter how impossible and huge the mountains may seem. Through God's Spirit and His word, dis

Release dateJun 17, 2024
Donated By God: My Size Exactly

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    Donated By God - Rev. Daniel Sanchez

    Copyright © 2024 by Rev. Daniel Sanchez

    ISBN: 978-1-77883-401-1 (Paperback)

    978-1-77883-402-8 (Ebook)

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    The views expressed in this book are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    BookSide Press



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    Final Words

    Running The Race

    For the kingdom of heaven is like a man traveling to a far country, who called his own servants and delivered his goods to them. (Matthew 25:14)

    In the experience of wanting, walking, and running this race that is set before us, God continues to remind me that I have found favor before Him. We have had our share of tribulation, long suffering, and much more. But God says that it is through His word that we will go through such for His name sake. The word also says for us to count it all joy.

    In the natural I am a picky eater. I won’t eat just anything unless I know what it is and what is in it. There are foods from our upbringing that some say tastes real good, but still I won’t eat them. Well, I am the same way with the Lord. What is so awesome is that He knows us better than we know ourselves. I understand what the word joy means, but somehow I know there has to be more to it. God loves to mix it with a lot of the things we deal with daily. Because of the word joy, I have learned to expect more out of life than just living. I have learned that even when things are not as expected, not to throw in the towel, even when the enemy wants to weaken and destroy our reputation. God steps in and says that He won’t allow it; I marvel at how fast things change after that.

    For years God has been after me to write this book. I just haven’t been able to push myself to do it. Recently, I told the Lord, Okay, I am ready. If you are seeking more of God because the Spirit of God has placed this in you, and you’re wondering which way to turn to find it, hold on to this book and don’t put it down, that is if you want to learn more than just guessing or following someone else’s patterns of finding God. They will only point you back to unanswered questions. I might be able to help you. When God started training me, I just had a heart willing to serve. I was willing to learn because I wanted to serve God better. I had people working for me for the last twenty-five years and I know when they work because they love it or they work just to make time. Well, I am one that loves to do for the Lord, even if it costs me to do it, God can count me in.

    One night as my wife and I were sleeping, it must have been four years after my salvation, I was awakened from my sleep because of a bright white light that lit up the entire bedroom. As I opened my eyes and sat up on my bed, I looked with amazement to witness an angel right above our bed. His wings covered the entire bedroom. His garments were white as snow. He had a beard that reached his upper chest area that looked softer than white cotton. His hair was the same color and long past his shoulders. His face and eyes were a very clear white complexion.

    Without opening his mouth or saying a word, I knew what he was telling me. He had a ram’s horn in his hands and he removed some type of cap from one end of it. Then he began to pour oil upon my forehead and anointed me. By the time he finished I fell back into a deep sleep. The next morning when I awoke I thought I had dreamt the whole thing, but the oil he had poured was thick and covered my face.

    This type of visitation continued for years as God worked with me. God would always allow me to run the race, and after certain accomplishments He would pay me a visit to confirm the accomplishments and certain crossroads. After each crossroad was completed, after a few weeks, He would inform me of my decisions to certain things. One time, after about ten years from a certain crossroad, the Lord revealed to me that had I gone with what was offered to me at the time, it would have changed my entire future. He went on to say that it wouldn’t have been His will for our lives. Our decision to trust God and go the uncertain, unpaved way allowed Him to teach us and prepare us

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