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Summary of Invisible Rulers by Renee DiResta ( Keynote reads )
Summary of Invisible Rulers by Renee DiResta ( Keynote reads )
Summary of Invisible Rulers by Renee DiResta ( Keynote reads )
Ebook75 pages50 minutes

Summary of Invisible Rulers by Renee DiResta ( Keynote reads )

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Please note that this book is a summary and supplement to the original book. This summary is designed to provide a comprehensive and concise overview of the main ideas and key concepts found in the original book, aiming to help readers grasp the content quickly and efficiently. This summary is not a substitute for reading the original book, but it is recommended to use it as an additional tool to enhance your understanding and appreciation of the original material.

If you are looking for an in-depth analysis and detailed information, we strongly advise you to purchase and read the full version of the original book. Thank you for choosing our summaries, and we hope they are useful and enriching for your reading experience.


Why You Need This Summary

  • Time-saving: Get the essence of the story in a short period.
  • Quick understanding: Quickly and efficiently identify the main ideas and key points.
  • Knowledge enhancement: A perfect tool to review what you've read and reinforce the information.

This summary is designed to complement the original book, not to replace it. We hope you find this summary useful and enjoyable, and that it encourages you to read the full version to fully appreciate the remarkable work by Alex Kershaw.


Renée DiResta's Invisible Rulers explores the transformation of power and influence, revealing how niche propagandists shape public opinion. These invisible rulers, known as Goliaths, create bespoke realities to revolutionize politics, culture, and society. Their work is driven by the maxim that if it makes it trend, it becomes true. This system undermines the legitimacy of institutions, rewriting the relationship between people and government. DiResta offers insights into the power of propagandists and offers ways for leaders to adapt and fight back.

PublisherKeynote reads
Release dateJun 17, 2024
Summary of Invisible Rulers by Renee DiResta ( Keynote reads )

Keynote reads

Biography: Keynote reads is a highly skilled and dedicated book summary writer with over a decade of experience in the field. Keynote reads has a passion for reading and a talent for distilling complex ideas into clear, concise, and engaging summaries. His work spans a wide range of genres, including self-help, business, psychology, and literature. Education: Bachelor of Arts in English Literature - University of Oxford Master of Arts in Communication - Stanford University Professional Experience: Freelance Book Summary Writer (2012 - Present) Collaborated with various authors and publishing houses to create high-quality summaries of their books. Summarized over 300 books, maintaining a consistent style that captures the essence of the original works. Provided summaries for websites, magazines, and educational platforms. Content Editor  Edited and revised summaries submitted by other writers to ensure accuracy and readability. Contributed to the development of the website's style guide for summaries. Skills: Exceptional ability to synthesize information. Strong understanding of various literary and non-fiction genres. Proficient in using digital tools for writing and editing. Excellent written and verbal communication skills. Notable Projects: Developed a series of educational book summaries for an online learning platform, enhancing students' comprehension and retention. Contact Information: Email: LinkedIn:

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    Summary of Invisible Rulers by Renee DiResta ( Keynote reads ) - Keynote reads


    This book is a collection of summaries and analyses of various published works. The summaries are designed to provide an overview and critical insights into the original works. Please note the following important points:

    Purpose and Scope: This book is intended for educational and informational purposes only. It aims to provide readers with a concise understanding of the original books, but it is not a substitute for reading the full texts.

    Copyright and Fair Use: The summaries included in this book are based on the author's interpretations and analyses of the original works. All rights to the original works are retained by their respective authors and publishers. This book operates under the fair use doctrine, which allows limited use of copyrighted material for purposes such as criticism, commentary, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research.

    Accuracy and Reliability: Every effort has been made to ensure that the summaries accurately reflect the content and themes of the original books. However, the author and publisher make no warranties regarding the accuracy, completeness, or reliability of the information provided. Readers are encouraged to consult the original works for a comprehensive understanding.

    No Professional Advice: The content of this book is provided for general informational purposes and does not constitute professional advice. Readers should seek appropriate professional advice for any specific issues or concerns they may have.

    Limitation of Liability: The author and publisher disclaim any liability for any direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential losses or damages that may result from the use of this book. This includes, but is not limited to, any errors or omissions in the summaries or analyses.

    No Endorsement: The inclusion of specific books and their summaries in this book does not imply any endorsement or affiliation with the original authors or publishers. The views and interpretations expressed in the summaries are those of the author alone.

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    Power, Influence, Lies, and Truth

    In 2014, the Disneyland measles outbreak led to over 120 people in California falling ill, including a dozen infants, and nearly half of the infected were not vaccinated. The outbreak quickly spread to neighboring states, and by the end of the year, more than six hundred cases of measles were recorded across the country. This incident triggered one of the opening skirmishes in a war for power, influence, and reality itself, which has ripped America apart, threatened our democracy, and consumed my own life for the past decade.

    The author, a mom of a twelve-month-old, had been poring over a decade's worth of California school immunization statistics and became fed up with anti-vax threads that rehashed debunked nonsense. She found herself scrutinizing tables that showed the rates of personal belief exemptions, opt-outs justified not by any medical or religious concern but by the simple desire to opt out. Over ten years of data from across the state showed an unmistakable trend over time: a steady decline in classroom vaccination rates.

    The author called her local state assembly representative to ask whether the policy might be changed. When the outbreak began, the public was angry, and the state senator from Sacramento, Dr. Richard Pan, introduced legislation to eliminate the personal-belief exemption in an effort to raise classroom vaccination rates. The author went down the rabbit hole of the antivaccine movement, joining its groups, following its influencers, and spending hours each night looking at its memes. They set up a Facebook page and Twitter account under the name Vaccinate California, posting memes featuring cute kids and arguments making the case for why school shots matter.

    The hashtag #SB277 emerged around Senator Pan's bill, which was dominated by anti-vaccine activists who attacked those supporting the bill. They deluged Facebook posts and Twitter replies, accusing them of being pharma-paid baby killers. They also used doxxing tactics, taking photos of supporters and reposting them on social media. Anti-vax activists made videos calling supporters medical fascists and followed outspoken supporters down the streets of Sacramento, posting their photos and location to incite harassment. They barraged practice ratings of physicians on our side with one-star reviews and called to scream at their receptionists.

    The fight to pass the bill began in January 2015 and turned out to be a six-month battle that left the author deeply concerned about the growth and reach of the anti-vaccine movement. The mechanics of how the battle was fought were applicable to far more than one small political fight in California. There were bots, trolls, coordinated harassment brigades, doxxing, and Facebook pages run by God-knows-who. YouTube channels and secret Facebook groups with tens of thousands of members were dedicated to mobilizing online armies, gaming

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