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Musings from the Towpath: An Autistic Journey of Spiritual Awakening
Musings from the Towpath: An Autistic Journey of Spiritual Awakening
Musings from the Towpath: An Autistic Journey of Spiritual Awakening
Ebook153 pages1 hour

Musings from the Towpath: An Autistic Journey of Spiritual Awakening

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About this ebook

This is about my journey navigating through life masking childhood trauma and addiction as well as the

challenges of being on the spectrum

I was struck by lightening in 1968 aged 7 and feel sure that had some impact on my neurology contributing to who I


Following my path that attempts to face my issues and looking for ways to return to health through various healing

modalities and spiritual search to discover who I truly am

After a decade of living and working in different communities working and traveling doing a wide range of occupations

including voluntary work and care work amongst many others

My search took me to the Findhorn Community in the Northeast of Scotland after a series of difficult personal events in

my mid 20s that changed my life and began my search

I took up running age 46 then Ultramarathon running as a therapeutic response to my addictions and competed in the

UKs longest Ultramarathons

The journey takes us through my own health challenges exploring ways of healing my deep rooted ancestral

patterns and allowing my creative expression in a wide range of craft and music and physical pursuits like yoga and

Ultra running
Release dateJun 12, 2024
Musings from the Towpath: An Autistic Journey of Spiritual Awakening

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    Musings from the Towpath - David Allan

    Copyright © 2024 David Allan.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-8874-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-8873-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2024909032

    Balboa Press rev. date: 06/04/2024



    This book can be like a meditation

    This is my gift to you


    My name is David Allan

    Letter to the wise

    I am passionate about health and well being

    To get the sticky bits out the way first to create spaciousness

    Deep breath

    This has been a long time coming

    I am not into labels unless helpful for diagnostic purposes which can contribute

    towards people getting the help they need

    I have a type of Autism or as is more commonly called neurodiversity

    I understand there are many of us on the spectrum to varying degrees

    I say this not to engender a sympathy response

    and truth be told I have struggled many times for many reasons due to the challenges of

    being human many of which we share

    Somehow I have picked myself up

    dusted down and carried on

    Again and again and again

    On the contrary for me it is a gift

    I have a story to tell about many things

    One significant event that I am convinced is a major contribution to my neurology

    happened when I was 7 years old in 1968

    I was caught in a storm running home from school

    Lightning hit my school satchel which I was using to cover my head to protect myself

    from the rain

    I saw a massive flash of light which I felt on my head and the impact of that I can

    still feel in my head and body today


    In a way there is no beginning and no end

    I seek only to express my journey so that it may help others

    It is difficult for any human to manage in the world

    All of us go into someone training

    To become someone or somebody

    To create a persona

    A role or many roles

    It is what we do

    It is a way of building an identity

    So we feel we belong

    Everyone does it

    We get training in it

    We become masters at it

    At some point it serves us no longer


    Usually there is a crisis

    The crisis forces a response

    The organism responds

    The crisis comes in many forms



    An accident

    An injury of some kind



    Drug use


    Psychedelic use

    Near death experience

    Existential crisis

    I have experienced all of these

    That crisis or dark night of the soul is the systems method of bringing our attention to

    our mortality creating a reaction

    It seems like the system is not coping because of the reaction


    The reaction is a sign that something needs addressed

    Addressing this is the curriculum

    The curriculum is life itself

    Life offers up opportunities and lessons

    Opportunities for healing

    Understanding challenges

    Challenges that we intuitively avoid

    Due to grasping or aversion

    As in the Buddhist tradition

    The very things we wish to avoid are an opportunity for healing

    The third Chinese Patriarch of Zen says in the first few lines

    The Great Way is difficult for those who have no preferences

    When love and hate are both absent

    Everything becomes clear and undisguised

    Make the smallest distinction however

    And heaven and earth are set infinitely apart

    If you wish to see the truth

    Then hold no opinions for or against anything

    Take a deep breath

    My book will be in this format

    It may seem strange to others but that is ok

    This is how it must be for me

    Removing all full stops and commas and quotation marks

    allows the reader to place in their mind the mental pause unique to them

    Other than being suggested at a given point

    My feeling is the full stop or comma or any abbreviation marks may interrupt the flow

    I experience this as a mental stutter

    It is very subtle maybe too subtle to have been thought of before

    I hope this helps some of you


    Much like the pause in music that has a a space between the notes

    This space may be different for each of us

    Depending on what we hear from the last note or sound or word

    And where or when we anticipate the next note or sound to be

    These gaps or pauses in music are as important as the notes

    This pause or gap is where the creative part of the mind can be found

    Simplification of words and sentence structure

    Example sentence

    If the correct diagnosis of a condition can lead to the patient receiving help then

    that’s a good thing

    Can become or reduced to

    Correct diagnosis can help

    18 words 1 comma 1 full stop reduced to 4 words

    I find this very helpful

    Much more concise

    It is also more aesthetically pleasing allowing spaciousness between the lines to

    assimilate the information and just relax

    Pause and Breathe


    As part of my return to health and after decades of smoking and drug and cannabis use

    which was a way of self medicating and managing my mental health issues I decided to

    stop the day after I met my girlfriend and now wife Esther

    I had been trying for years to stop but there was something about her and the exchange

    of energy between us that allowed me to stop

    I have had a few wobbles since then but my other practices are a great help should the

    day to day stresses of life kick in

    I was 42 and my wife was 25 when we met and now we have our beautiful daughter Jessica

    We have been together for almost 21 years through thick and thin and we allow each

    other to grow individually as well as being on a journey independently and together

    I have four beautiful children from previous relationships who are finding their place in

    the world and three wonderful grandchildren

    Movement is grounding

    As part of my return to health I started running

    This was just a couple of months before my 46th birthday

    I live next to the Forth and Clyde Canal so began to run most days along the canal


    I loved the

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