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About this ebook

As partner poets strolling in this second volume along the endless route to poetic maturity, we are convinced that humans are the species of the hearts and deeply influenced by powerful emotions we may not adequately explain or fully express.

The satisfactory reception of our first volume encouraged us to work harder to offer readers the best poetry we can provide and obtained by serious editing and significant revision but we remain students of life and keen observers of human behaviour.

It is not necessary to define poetry. If poetic forms cannot define themselves and convey their content clearly, it may be that poetry did not fail but the poets did. Both of us consider ourselves lucky to join our talent to integrate the natural and unique space between man and woman where emotions can be shared and appreciated.

Of all human emotions nothing is sweeter than love and nothing is more bitter; nothing is more powerful and nothing is more fragile, but it is far better to love and fail than never to fall in love. When it comes your way, you need to be prepared. Ignited by a mysterious spark, and like a baby, it needs to grow, and in time turns into a lighthouse beacon that lights the way ahead.

In this new volume, we have expanded the fields of treatment to include fresh poetry pulses and scenes, humour, poetic narratives, happiness and suffering, war and peace, as well as love stories of friends from several countries who shared with us their ideas of what amorous feelings are all about as individually experienced.
Release dateJun 12, 2024


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    WHEN ROSES BLOOMED - Adel Bishtawi

    © 2024 Adel Bishtawi & Selvi Sado. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse  06/11/2024

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-8802-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-8803-9 (hc)

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-8804-6 (e)

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    The Celestial Icon Of Time

    How Beautiful God Made You

    Wish Yourself Well

    Eyes Full Of Dust

    Think Human

    Darkness Has No Shadows

    In Silence We Will Talk

    Last Night I Saw Her Again

    Greatest Creations

    Never Will I Lose You

    Is There A Certain End?

    No One Is There

    Tomorrow With No End

    Even An Elephant Will Be Small

    I Am The Best

    The Bravest Soldiers Of Life

    Even When You Leave

    Hear Me Again

    Cry For Your Victims

    Soon They Will


    Don’t Go Yet

    I Intend To Love You

    You Looked Tired The Other Night

    I Am Never Alone

    Your Eyes Are Just For Me

    Anywhere For Lovers Is Home

    You Talk Too Much

    Wipe Your Sorrow With My Joy

    My Love Will Survive

    Chocolate Girl

    When Bodies Stop Talking

    Stay Sweet

    The Endless Cry

    The Stillness Of A Grieving Heart

    Glory To You

    I Am Young And Beautiful

    Will You Love Me When I’m Old?

    I Am Not Afraid

    Age Is Always Hungry

    I Will Burn You With Desire

    Don’t Doubt Love

    Once In A Lifetime

    What Happened That Night?

    Every Secret In The Universe

    Man The Small

    How Can I Forget

    Eloped With My Heart

    Once I Had A Close Friend

    Had My Heart Been Mine Alone

    Fate Is A Friend Of Girls

    Are You A Mum?

    Now He Is Gone


    Too Much Pain Will Make You Insane

    How To Honestly Lie

    There Is A Girl Who Waits For Me

    Wish No More

    Close Your Eyes And Read


    Who Will You Choose?

    Always Must Be First

    You Ask Me If I’m Happy

    The Greatest Trophy

    Seek Her Shade

    Innocent Love

    Love Is Not Enough

    Thank You, God, We Are Still Ok

    Your Best Friend

    Keep The Cup Half Full

    Living Just For You

    Feel And Peel

    The Essence Of Knowledge Is Doubt

    Your Sistine Is Me

    Our Love Story Is A Song

    All Of Us Will Age

    Bless You Mum, I Love You

    Mi Hai Deluso

    Perché Non Ti Vedo?

    Let Me Tell You About The Moon

    You Were Always There For Me

    Where Do I Belong?

    I Saw Something In Those Eyes

    The Silky Isabel

    If You Keep Me Young

    Dream Girl


    Loved And Loving

    The Species Of The Hearts

    Not Her Lips You Will Kiss

    Don’t Trust Unless You Must

    I Am The Girl Disposable

    Different Life; Same Crap

    When Roses Bloomed

    Beautiful Wonders

    It Is A Duty To Praise Girls

    The Present Of All Presents Is You

    Happy I Always Come To You

    Treat Disease With Another

    Desired Men Are Urged To See

    The Yellow Bird


    The Hug

    The Courage Of Girls

    Please Let Me Scent You

    It Is Me Again

    By The Sea We’ll Meet Again

    It Won’t Happen Again

    When You Smile

    Give Her A Hug

    Youth Will Never Be Sold

    Screams Will Fill The Skies

    Happiness Is Not A Guest

    Don’t Wait For Happy Dreams

    Now I Do

    The Day You Wed

    Stay Close Grandad

    Doom Attack

    What Price Is Life?

    Help Me Mum!

    Exactly Who Are You?

    If You Want Your Own Sun

    It Does Matter

    You Want To Feel Happy

    I Had A Dream

    I Want To Gaze At You



    Allow Me To Take My Leave

    Only A Woman


    The Exclusive Sleeping Pill

    How Long?

    My Dad

    Tell Me Lonely Hearts

    What Is The Point Of Hell?

    I Feel Sad For Young Lovers

    Thus, Look At Us


    The Miserable Life Of Poets

    Keep Me Sweet

    Don’t Overthink

    My Life Is A Total Mess

    Go And Weep

    Be Gone Despair

    Girls And Lemons

    On A Rock Solitaire

    Delicate Is The Girl I Met

    You Think You’ll Love A Woman Once?

    Born To Do

    What Happens When We Die?

    When I Am With You

    Allah Kareem

    All Your Life You Can Wait

    I Need To Breathe You In

    The Poetess

    Women Brave, Life Is Calling You


    Fiction & Poetry

    Only When Desire Screams (1st volume of poetry)

    (co-author Selvi Sado)

    Times of Death and Roses (a novel)

    Traces of a Tattoo (a novel)

    Gardens of Despair (a novel)

    Don’t Kill the Canary (short stories)

    The Lover (short stories)

    The Colour of Perfume (a novella and short stories)

    Other Works Including Original Research

    The Common Stone Age Origins of English, Akkadian and Arapīte

    & Greatest Gods of Homo Sapiens

    Combined English & Arabic volumes

    Natural Foundations of Arab Civilisation

    Origin of the Arabic Numerals

    Martyrdom of the Andalusian Nation

    The Andalusian Moriscos

    History of Injustice in the Arab World

    Manifest Destiny of Imperial Decline


    Only When Desire Screams (Co-Authored – 1st Edition)

    Poetess Selvi Agim Sado experimented with poetry at a very early stage, was is and will be, a serious reader of poetry and an excellent judge of poetic qualities. Selvi commands three languages: her native Albanian, French and English. She studied at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, University of Tirana, Albania.

    From Selvi & Adel

    For All Lovers of Poetry

    We are travellers of time,

    At the end of our journey,

    The last we will make,

    One day we may find,

    It is not the nothingness that we take,

    But what we leave behind,

    Neither guilty nor innocent,

    Is the human kind,

    In essence and warmer parts,

    We are noted for kindness,

    And perhaps we can claim,

    Ours remains and hope it will be,

    The species of the warmest hearts.


    All lovers are different,

    But true love is the same,

    When come the moments to argue,

    Patience is a virtue,

    And surrender is not a shame,

    Lovers will always compete,

    To win a glorious conquest,

    By a most victorious defeat,

    It is a beginning not an end,

    Frail is love like an infant,

    The care it needs is endless,

    And always ready to defend,

    But majestic love in its power,

    And deep slashing in its pain,

    One day the softest spring wind,

    The next a furious hurricane,

    Don’t spoil love with theories,

    Or answer first: what is life?

    And what does it mean to be living,

    Or is it hell or heaven to be alive,

    It was asked in the Stone Age,

    And we still have the answer:

    Love thrives in a loving heart,

    Its blooming roses fill its wonder,

    And burning poppies in every part,

    Live your life and love will,

    A loveless world is hell,

    Three cheers to all lovers,

    We bow to you and thank you all.

    You are the pride of our species,

    The celestial icon of time,

    Stay strong and committed,

    If you fail life will fall,

    And the bells of lovers will cease to chime.


    Every time I see you,

    Next, I look at the sky,

    I cannot see Him but He is there,

    And He smiles when I say:

    How beautiful you made her,

    In every curve and every way,

    Only a beautiful god,

    Can create a beautiful you,

    One day he will make you love me,

    And he will tell me what to do.

    Ahead of all others by far,

    You know you are beautiful,

    Your admirers all agree,

    And all your mirrors will tell you,

    But probably you don’t know,

    Not just how beautiful,

    But how kind and how true,

    If so, why do I think,

    Young I came to you,

    But you are ageing me?

    Close and closer you pull me,

    Then away and away you push,

    What exactly are you doing,

    And what do you want me to do?

    I am yourself and I am I,

    Love is not given but earned,

    It must be nursed with time,

    It is forgetting and memory,

    And like a child it must grow,

    And even before the first word,

    Love’s silence must be heard.

    Every time I look at you,

    My silence speaks my words:

    Don’t ever worry,

    I will always love you,

    To you I have a million doors,

    And every time you make me happy,

    I seem to find some more.


    Wish yourself well,

    And you will,

    Love all those you want to love,

    But first love yourself,

    Only when you take,

    You can give.

    Think positive,

    And you will be,

    Think negative,

    And you won’t be,

    Or the best you can,

    Is to be a clone,

    Smile and life will smile with you,

    Or be miserable,

    And suffer

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