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The Alpha's Escaped Luna: Book 2
The Alpha's Escaped Luna: Book 2
The Alpha's Escaped Luna: Book 2
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The Alpha's Escaped Luna: Book 2

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About this ebook

Naomi Ward is an Alpha heiress-apparent who suddenly turned rogue, running away with a secret.
Callum Black is the Alpha of the most powerful pack, searching for his missing mate after their passionate night.
Time is ticking for Callum, he needs to find her and claim her as his Luna as soon as possible, but Naomi is not like the other women he had slept with.
She is smart, she is strong and she can kill anyone who gets in her way, even if that ‘anyone’ is her own mate.
Can you hate someone you were destined to be with?
With all the baggage she comes with and all the efforts he pours, which side will win with the tug of war? *****
“You know what? If you’re going to ridicule me, then forget about this…about me. I don’t need your pity,” as I dropped my hand from his neck and tried to step back.
He growled and didn’t let me get away from him. “I just wanted to make sure that you are very sure of what you’re doing, baby girl; I didn’t pity you; in fact you are admirable.”
“Don’t call me baby girl,” I said and glared at him, "I have no interest in being your Luna."
"But you will be." He looked firmly into my eyes.

Release dateJun 18, 2024
The Alpha's Escaped Luna: Book 2

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    Book preview

    The Alpha's Escaped Luna - Rebel queen

    Table of Contents

    Chapter 39 THUNDER

    Chapter 40 HITTING NEW LOW

    Chapter 41 EPIC ESCAPE


    Chapter 43 CLARIFICATION

    Chapter 44 BLOOD TEST

    Chapter 45 DINNER PLAN

    Chapter 46 IMPORTANT GUEST

    Chapter 47 BETROTHED

    Chapter 48 DADDY'S PRINCESS

    Chapter 49 DAY WITH DADDY

    Chapter 50 BAD NEWS

    Chapter 51 LOSING CONTROL

    Chapter 52 COPRARENTING

    Chapter 53 NEW ROUTINE

    Chapter 54 SLOW AND STEADY

    Chapter 55 IMPROVEMENTS

    Chapter 56 NEW PROBLEM

    Chapter 57 THE GRAND MEETING

    Chapter 58 NAOMI AND NOELLE

    Chapter 59 JEALOUS ALPHA

    Chapter 60 WARM WELCOME

    Chapter 61 THE CONNECTION

    Chapter 62 FINAL REVEAL

    Chapter 63 FIRST TIME

    Chapter 64 ATTACK

    Chapter 65 DREAD

    Chapter 66 GUILTY

    Chapter 67 HE IS INNOCENT


    Chapter 39 THUNDER


    Work has always been hectic, and when Angel is having an episode, it becomes overwhelming.

    Fine, I’ll buy you a new video game, but you’ll have to earn it, I said.

    She pouted and crossed her arms across her chest. I looked at Raf and then back at her.

    But I want it now. She huffed, and I saw Raf rolling his eyes.

    Angel and her tantrums.

    No, a rule is a rule. If you want it, then you have to earn it. Just like Raf. I didn’t give in to her demand. I don’t want to spoil her by accepting her unreasonable demands.

    Okay fine! She finally gave up, and I smiled. What do I have to do?

    Um…nothing much. All you have to do is water the rooftop plants, and no, you cannot ask for help. You’ll have to do it by yourself. And then you’ll complete your homework.

    But there are so many plants, mommy; I can’t do it alone. She whined, and I shook my hand.

    If you can annoy half of my staff alone, then you can also water the plants alone. Raf, don’t you dare help her. I warned both of them,

    Okay, but can I do it after a nap. I am sleepy. She rubbed her eyes, which I knew was a fake gesture to postpone the inevitable.

    Fine. I rolled my eyes, and she spread her arms so that I could carry her in my arms and take her to her bedroom. You are a big girl now. You don’t need mommy, so you can go back into your room and sleep.

    I am just a baby. She said in a baby voice, and I knew she was imitating that girl from tik tok or was it insta?

    You are a big baby who always annoys me. I retorted, and she hugged my neck.

    Mommy, I need you. She fake cried, and I rolled my eyes at her dramatics.

    She is such a drama queen.

    I looked back and saw Raf leaving.

    I took her to her room and sang a lullaby for her; in just a few minutes, she was out like a light. I kissed her forehead lightly and resumed my work.

    Malina was busy in the restaurant, and I was checking the stock.

    I have been feeling weak these days, and I knew it was because my heat was approaching, my wolf wasn’t responding, and I was experiencing occasional mood swings.

    My body felt feverish, and cramps were not letting me focus on work. All in all, I was having a hard time, and I knew that I needed to leave soon because being surrounded by unmated male customers was dangerous.

    I just need to complete everything in advance so that Maline can manage everything in my absence.

    After checking the stock, I walked back to my office, and my senses turned on hyper-alert when my mate’s scent hit me like a brick and knocked me out.

    He sat there, frothing and fighting for control with his wolf. His eyes changed colour continuously, and my wolf stirred inside me. Her need for her mate emerged, and I saw Callum’s nostrils flare when he realized what was happening.

    Welcome back, mate; I have been waiting for you for quite a long time. His voice had a rawness that shook my core, and I felt dizzy.

    Why are you back? I think I made it clear on the phone that I don’t want anything to do with you. I tried my best to not lose control.

    Oh yes, you did, but I came here for something else. He said, his voice slowly taking monstrous form, and I felt scared.

    I didn’t have the strength to fight with him right now, but I tried my best to show him that I was unaffected by his presence.

    What? I asked.

    Hmm…looks like your heat is approaching. He nearly moaned and looked at me as if he was drunk.

    Yeah, so what? I raised my chin in defiance, and he shook his head.

    Something seemed different about him today, something sinister, as if he was here to fight or for revenge. The calm on his face was indicating something else, something I couldn’t put my finger on.

    So stubborn, so strong, so…sexy, but still…a slut! He spat.

    I frowned, looking at him.

    Excuse me?

    There’s no need to act all innocent; I know everything now, He said and lunged at me, choking me to the point that I literally saw stars. I ill my wolf to take charge but she wasn’t feeling good, she tried to help me but couldn’t. I struggled to get out of his death hold, but my body refused to move; I was about to close my eyes when I felt wetness on my neck.

    I frowned and leaned back, trying to avoid the unwanted sensation.

    Hmmm…you smell so good, mate. You know when I came here, I just wanted to kill you, but your scent is so alluring that I want nothing but to bury myself inside you and claim you for the world to see. He spat, and his hold on my neck loosened a bit, and I inhaled much-needed oxygen for my lungs.

    My blurry vision slowly cleared, and I found myself trapped between my office door and Callum, who was holding me in place, and his lips were moving close to my cleavage.

    I tried to push him away, but he pinned my hands above my head and tried to kiss me forcefully, but I turned my face away.

    He pinched my chin to the point that I felt he’ll crush my lower jaw, and I had no option but to turn my face; and he planted his lips on me and moaned as if he had just tasted the world’s sweetest thing.

    I kept my lips sealed and tried to move my legs, but he didn’t let me. His heavy body completely overpowered mine, and I struggled to breathe. He bit my lips harshly, and I gasped, he took that chance to introduce his tongue in my mouth, and I took that as my chance and bit him harshly.

    He groaned and tried to push me, but I kept my hold on his tongue tight and only released him when his hold on my body loosened slightly.

    He pushed me back into the door, and a shock of pain erupted into my back; I was so distracted that I couldn’t fathom when he came to me and punched my face.

    You b*tch! How dare you! I felt too weak to move but still tried to get up from the floor so that I could run away, but he dragged me by my ankle and twisted it. Before I could scream, he slammed my head onto the floor.

    I groaned in pain, but he didn’t stop there; he pulled my shirt, and a few buttons popped out, revealing my bra, and his eyes turned a shade darker.

    If you can sleep with a rogue, then you shouldn’t have any problem doing it with me; you were calling me a manwh*re, then what the hell are you!

    It was hard for me to focus on his words when my head was already pounding, and the pain in my leg wasn’t letting me focus on him.

    He shook me once again, and I weakly raised my eyes to meet his gaze, his eyes were full of blood, and I knew if I didn’t do something, he’ll either rape me or kill me.

    W-what? my throat hurt, and I struggled to form a proper sentence.

    You’re still acting, huh? I know about your kid. I know that you were pregnant. He spat, and my body shook, and my eyes widened.


    How did he…?

    Chapter 40 HITTING NEW LOW


    Is he here to take my Angel away?

    How did he find out about her? I looked away from his burning gaze, but he didn't let me.

    Oh no, no, no, why are you turning your face now? Are you feeling too ashamed? Or are you still too proud that you carried the baby of some random rogue who wasn't even your mate? He spat menacingly, and I frowned.

    A rogue…baby?

    So he thinks that…?

    I let out a relieved breath when I heard that; I can go through any pain, but I can't let him take

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