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Double Your Reading Speed in a Week Master Any Text: Daily Workouts for Reading & Memory
Double Your Reading Speed in a Week Master Any Text: Daily Workouts for Reading & Memory
Double Your Reading Speed in a Week Master Any Text: Daily Workouts for Reading & Memory
Ebook48 pages32 minutes

Double Your Reading Speed in a Week Master Any Text: Daily Workouts for Reading & Memory

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About this ebook

Double Your Reading Speed in a Week: Master Any Text


Conquer your TBR pile! This book offers a week-long plan to improve your reading speed and comprehension with daily exercises targeting:


  • Faster Processing (identify key information quickly)
  • Deeper Focus (silence distractions and laser focus)
  • Improved Memory (retain information for the long term)


Master speed reading techniques for all types of text:


  • Fiction (enjoy stories without sacrificing comprehension)
  • Non-Fiction (absorb articles, reports, and technical documents)
  • Digital Text (navigate the online world efficiently)


Stop feeling overwhelmed by unread books! This book is your key to unlocking a world of knowledge at lightning speed.

PublisherEvane Swift
Release dateMay 15, 2024
Double Your Reading Speed in a Week Master Any Text: Daily Workouts for Reading & Memory

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    Book preview

    Double Your Reading Speed in a Week Master Any Text - Evane Swift


    Do you ever find yourself staring longingly at a towering stack of unread books, a gnawing sense of guilt battling with the ever-present reality of a jam-packed schedule? You yearn to conquer those enticing titles, to get swept away in fictional worlds and absorb the wisdom hidden within non-fiction tomes. But time, that relentless tyrant, seems to conspire against you, leaving you feeling trapped in a slow-reading purgatory.

    What if there was a way to break free? Imagine devouring captivating novels in a single sitting, effortlessly absorbing the latest news articles, and confidently navigating even the densest technical documents – all within a week!

    "Double Your Reading Speed in a Week: Master Any Text: Daily Workouts for Reading & Memory" is here to be your key to unlocking that power.

    Forget outdated methods that focused on simply reading faster without improving comprehension. Here, we delve into the world of cutting-edge speed reading techniques, equipping you with practical exercises that target the very core of how your brain processes text. Each day, a dedicated chapter will guide you through a series of powerful workouts designed to train your brain for:

    Faster Processing: We'll break down the barriers that slow you down, teaching you to identify key information quickly and efficiently.

    Deeper Focus: Learn to silence the internal distractions and laser-focus your attention on the text at hand.

    Improved Memory Retention: Develop strategies to not just consume information, but to truly retain it for the long haul.

    No matter your reading goals, be it conquering your ever-growing to-read list, acing academic exams, or staying ahead of the curve in a fast-paced professional world, this book will equip you with the tools you need to succeed.

    Your Week-Long Transformation Begins:


    Day 1: Breaking the Chains of Slow Reading

    Let's face it, our current reading habits can be riddled with hidden inefficiencies. Today's chapter is all about assessing your baseline reading speed and identifying the key roadblocks holding you back. We'll delve into the concept of subvocalization – that pesky inner voice that narrates every word you read. Learn how to quiet this internal monologue and unlock the power of silent reading.

    But speed isn't everything without control. We'll also explore the common pitfalls of regression (rereading text) and fixation (dwelling on single words) and equip you with strategies to overcome them.


    Timed Reading Test: Choose a passage of comfortable difficulty and measure your current reading speed (words per minute).

    Silent Reading Practice: Engage in short reading sessions where you actively suppress your inner voice. Focus on absorbing the meaning through visual comprehension alone.

    Regression Buster: Highlight key phrases in a passage to train your eyes to move forward consistently.


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