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About this ebook

A seventh grader named Iris has two best friends: Marilyn, the optimist, and Trina, the pessimist. When a new girl with a mysterious accent comes into class, Iris welcomes her and wants to befriend her. However, Trina feels differently and does not want to let this new girl into their long lasting friend group, and as a result, things go wrong.
Can Iris make a new friend while still preserving her friendship with Trina and Marilyn? Will there be too much drama to make the girls' relationships work? 

Release dateJun 17, 2024

Alexa Mae

Alexa Mae is a young teenager who lives in California and enjoys writing books for girls her age. She's also passionate about yoga, fashion, and learning about different cultures.

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    Book preview

    Iris - Alexa Mae

    Chapter 1

    One Tuesday morning, I sat at my desk and stared at the endless clouds outside, feeling emptiness and boredom sit inside me. Nothing in the dimly lit classroom gave me hope: my teacher, Mrs. Channing, had a grouchy look on her face, the clock was passing the time much slower than it should’ve been, and the math equations on my paper only confused me more than I already was.

    I looked at the other side of the room, where my friend Trina was sitting. She was scanning the room with a bored expression. Noticing me waving at her, she waved back.

    I made a few hand gestures that silently offered for me to come to her table. She gave a thumbs-up and smiled, which signaled me to get up and ask Mrs. Channing if I could work with her.

    Mrs. Channing? I said as I approached the teacher’s desk.

    Yeah? she looked up from her computer to glare at me.

    May I work with Trina? I politely asked.

    No. You can only work alone right now, she rejected.

    Okay, I felt disappointed as I went back to my desk to continue working by myself. From her seat, Trina gave me a sad thumbs-down sign.

    After 15 more minutes had passed (which felt like an hour to me), Mrs. Channing gave a loud sigh and stood up from her cushioned stool. Everyone, it’s time to clean up! she announced. Make sure you put school supplies back where you found them and that your area is clean.

    Yes, class is finally ending! I happily thought to myself. I put away everything that was on my desk, and then the bell rang at the exact moment I was ready to leave.

    Hey, Iris! Trina caught up to me as I was exiting the classroom.

    Hi! I replied.

    Class was so incredibly boring today, she complained after we were out of Mrs. Channing’s earshot.

    I gave a big nod of agreement. It was so annoying how we weren’t even allowed to work with each other.

    I know! It’s not like we’re gonna cause trouble if we do, Trina pointed out.

    Hi guys! a voice suddenly called out to us from behind. I could recognize this voice anywhere—it belonged to my other best friend, Marilyn.

    Marilyn was the biggest optimist out of the three of us. She was very fair, had a dotting of freckles around her pale nose, round green eyes, and straight red hair. Trina, on the other hand, was about three-quarters Black and a quarter White, with long and dark curls, mysterious brown eyes, and naturally tanned skin.

    Oh, hey! Trina greeted Marilyn.

    How was science class? I asked.

    It was pretty good. I finished all my work at the beginning of the period and then I got a bunch of free time, Marilyn shared.

    Lucky! Trina and I chorused.

    I already overheard your conversation about math, so you don’t need to tell me about it, she reassured us.

    "That’s a relief! Because it seriously pains me to just think about that class—it never ever gets better," Trina shook her head.

    Well, let’s not think of it even more. Do you wanna go get what’s for brunch? Marilyn suggested. I heard they’re serving pancakes today.

    Of course! I replied. Trina also said yes.

    Pancakes are probably the best breakfast food ever, Marilyn said as we made our way to the cafeteria.

    They definitely are! I agreed.

    I especially like the ones with chocolate chips in them, Trina mentioned.

    Me too! I love eating something sweet mixed with something plain, Marilyn said.

    Chapter 2

    It was after brunch period had ended, and English class had just started for my friends and me.

    So, today you’ll be working on some grammar review worksheets. When you’re done with them, you can grab a reading comprehension quiz from the back, Mr. Darren, our English teacher, instructed our class.

    At that moment, our grade-level counselor walked into our room with a girl beside her. Hello Mr. Darren, she greeted him.

    Hi Ms. Jayden! he approached the doorway where she was standing, and all the students’ eyes followed curiously. What would you like me to do for you today?

    We have a new student in your class. This is Krystal, Ms. Jayden gestured to the girl standing next to her, who was very tall, curvy, fair, and blonde.

    Hey, Krystal! Mr. Darren enthusiastically waved at Krystal.

    Hi, she mumbled, giving a small and shy wave back.

    Do you see the girl with the blonde hair and dark purple ends? Mr. Darren asked her.

    Yes... Krystal nodded slowly, turning her head to look at me. I was the one girl in the class who fit that description.

    You’ll be sitting at the empty seat right next to her, the English teacher continued, pointing her to where he was referring to.

    From in front of me, my two friends both turned around to face me. Trina made a bulgy-eyed grimacing face while Marilyn gave me a cheerful smile. In response, I just quietly chuckled at both of their expressions.

    Now Krystal

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