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Hunting for Hidden Gold
Hunting for Hidden Gold
Hunting for Hidden Gold
Ebook158 pages2 hours

Hunting for Hidden Gold

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Hunting for Hidden Gold is a thrilling mystery novel written by Franklin W. Dixon and is the fifth installment in the popular Hardy Boys series. Published in 1928, this book follows the adventures of teenage brothers Frank and Joe Hardy, who are determined to uncover the truth behind a mysterious case of hidden gold.

The story begins with the Hardy Boys receiving a letter from a man named Thomas Maguire, who claims to have found a map leading to a hidden gold mine in the mountains of Arizona. Excited by the prospect of a new adventure, the brothers embark on a journey to the Wild West, where they meet Maguire and his daughter Alice. However, the seemingly simple quest for gold quickly turns into a dangerous game of cat and mouse as the Hardy Boys are targeted by a group of ruthless criminals who will stop at nothing to get their hands on the hidden treasure.

As the brothers delve deeper into the mystery, they encounter various challenges and obstacles that push their detective skills to the limit. From navigating treacherous mountain trails to escaping deadly traps, the Hardy Boys must use their cunning and bravery to stay one step ahead of their enemies. Along the way, they also unravel a series of clues and uncover a shocking conspiracy that puts their lives in grave danger.

One of the most notable aspects of Hunting for Hidden Gold is its vivid and detailed descriptions of the American West. Dixon's writing masterfully captures the rugged landscape and the spirit of adventure that permeates the region, making readers feel as though they are on the journey with the Hardy Boys. Additionally, the book is filled with action-packed scenes and thrilling plot twists that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

Aside from its entertainment value, Hunting for Hidden Gold also offers valuable lessons for young readers. Through the Hardy Boys' courage, perseverance, and determination, readers are encouraged to never give up on their goals, even in the face of adversity. The book also highlights the importance of teamwork and trusting one's instincts, as the brothers work together to solve the mystery and outsmart their adversaries.

Hunting for Hidden Gold is a well-crafted and exciting novel that has captivated readers for generations. From its engaging plot and well-developed characters to its educational themes and captivating writing style, this book has truly stood the test of time and remains a beloved classic in the world of children's literature.

Release dateJun 18, 2024
Hunting for Hidden Gold

Franklin W. Dixon

Franklin W. Dixon is the author of the ever-popular Hardy Boys books.

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    Hunting for Hidden Gold - Franklin W. Dixon

    Hunting for Hidden Gold

    by Franklin W. Dixon

    This edition was created and published by Aegitas


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    Hunting for Hidden Gold is a thrilling mystery novel written by Franklin W. Dixon and is the fifth installment in the popular Hardy Boys series. Published in 1928, this book follows the adventures of teenage brothers Frank and Joe Hardy, who are determined to uncover the truth behind a mysterious case of hidden gold.

    The story begins with the Hardy Boys receiving a letter from a man named Thomas Maguire, who claims to have found a map leading to a hidden gold mine in the mountains of Arizona. Excited by the prospect of a new adventure, the brothers embark on a journey to the Wild West, where they meet Maguire and his daughter Alice. However, the seemingly simple quest for gold quickly turns into a dangerous game of cat and mouse as the Hardy Boys are targeted by a group of ruthless criminals who will stop at nothing to get their hands on the hidden treasure.

    As the brothers delve deeper into the mystery, they encounter various challenges and obstacles that push their detective skills to the limit. From navigating treacherous mountain trails to escaping deadly traps, the Hardy Boys must use their cunning and bravery to stay one step ahead of their enemies. Along the way, they also unravel a series of clues and uncover a shocking conspiracy that puts their lives in grave danger.

    One of the most notable aspects of Hunting for Hidden Gold is its vivid and detailed descriptions of the American West. Dixon's writing masterfully captures the rugged landscape and the spirit of adventure that permeates the region, making readers feel as though they are on the journey with the Hardy Boys. Additionally, the book is filled with action-packed scenes and thrilling plot twists that will keep readers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

    Aside from its entertainment value, Hunting for Hidden Gold also offers valuable lessons for young readers. Through the Hardy Boys' courage, perseverance, and determination, readers are encouraged to never give up on their goals, even in the face of adversity. The book also highlights the importance of teamwork and trusting one's instincts, as the brothers work together to solve the mystery and outsmart their adversaries.

    Hunting for Hidden Gold is a well-crafted and exciting novel that has captivated readers for generations. From its engaging plot and well-developed characters to its educational themes and captivating writing style, this book has truly stood the test of time and remains a beloved classic in the world of children's literature.

    Reader Reactions

    From Bryce Emma

    When I read the first 2 books in the Hardy Boys series (The Hardy Boys, Book 1: The Tower Treasure, and The Hardy Boys, Book 2: The House on the Cliff) last year, I rated them both 5 stars. When I read the 3rd and 4th books (The Hardy Boys, Book 3: The Secret of the Old Mill, and The Hardy Boys, Book 4: The Missing Chums) this year, they both got 4 star ratings from me. I guess the reason is that all those books took place within Frank and Joe Hardy's hometown of Bayport, and the immediate surrounding areas. But after a while, that got somewhat repetitive. In The Hardy Boys, Book 5: Hunting for Hidden Gold, Frank and Joe head to Montana, after a brief stop-over in Chicago. And I really appreciated that change of scenery, which is why was compelled to rate this book 5 stars.

    From Thomas Falk

    I read the realistic fiction book The Hardy Boys: Hunting for Hidden Gold by Franklin W. Dixon and I really liked it and all the rest of the hardy boys books in the series. Why I really like the Hardy boys so much is it appeals to me in the way they work together to solve complicated mysteries and just the mysteries themselves. Why I like them is I get a chance to solve the mystery before the Hardy boys because I get the clues as they do and I could pause and try to figure out who the killer is or who did it before they tell me in the book. Hence, I think anybody who likes to read mysteries as much as I do would like The Hardy Boys series.

    From Mortisha Cassavetes

    This book is amazing! I loved the snowy blizzard conditions while Frank and Joe were looking for the lost gold. They find themselves starring down wolves, finding their way through a mine after a cave in, trying to find gold that was buried by a man who had amnesia before Black Pepper found them! You gotta love this book! I highly recommend it to everyone!

    From Harshal

    Another masterpiece by Dixon and he seems to be improving with each book he wrote. This has drama, high risk, and a plot that seems to get more and more intriguing. I have always loved the fact that the boys learned the skills of a detective and knew how to apply them in situations that never usually happen in normal times.

    From Savannah Newman

    By far the most exciting Hardy Boy’s mystery I’ve read so far!! It’s only the 5th book but the villains are starting to see the boys as a force to be reckoned with, thus making the mysteries difficult and dangerous for Frank and Joe. Highly recommended for girls and boys of any age!

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    Chapter I.

    Danger in the Fog

    SOMEBODY’S going to get hurt! Frank Hardy exclaimed.

    He and his four companions paused in the darkening woods and listened as rifleshots and loud laughter rang out from a nearby ridge.

    Careless hunters, Frank’s brother Joe said grimly.

    Joe was seventeen, tall and blond, and a year younger than Frank.

    Let’s go back to the cabin, urged plump Chet Morton nervously. I’m hungry, anyhow.

    Lanky Biff Hooper agreed. We can look for a campsite tomorrow.

    Unless Frank and Joe are called away to solve a mystery, Tony Prito needled.

    Frank chuckled. There’s a chance we will-

    Smack! A bullet thudded into a tree an inch from Joe’s head!.

    For a moment there was stunned silence. Then Frank asked quickly, Joe, are you all right?

    His brother gulped and looked at the gash in the bark. I’m okay. But one inch closer-

    Biff Hooper’s handsome face flushed with anger. I’m going after those fellows! he declared.

    As he spoke, three hunters came into view.

    Hold it! Frank hailed them. You men nearly killed my brother!

    Why don’t you be careful? Joe shouted.

    Sorry, boys, one of the men called back casually. He and his companions did not stop; instead, they moved on through the undergrowth.

    Is that all you’ve got to say? Chet bellowed.

    Forget it, kid, another of the hunters replied. Nobody got hurt.

    Stupid sportsmen! growled Joe as the trio disappeared. He added to his companions, You fellows nearly lost one business partner.

    The five boys had pooled money to build their own cabin and were exploring the deep woods north of Bayport looking for a campsite.

    To relieve the tension caused by the near accident, Tony Prito said jokingly, We’re used to the idea of losing you and Frank. Every time we start a project, you two get involved in a mystery.

    Frank and Joe were the sons of Fenton Hardy, the well-known detective. They had solved many mysteries on their own and sometimes cooperated with their father on his cases.

    Biff grinned. Amazing! We’ve been here one whole day, and you Hardys are still with us!

    Frank winked at Joe. We may have to leave, he admitted. Dad’s on a case out West and we’re hoping we’ll get a call to go and help him.

    The others groaned, then laughed. In fact, Joe added, we might even find a clue right around here.

    What! chorused the Hardys’ pals.

    Remember when Frank and I inquired at the store about a man named Mike Onslow? Joe went on, Dad asked us to keep an eye out for him. Onslow lives somewhere in these woods, and he may have some useful information that ties in with Dad’s case.

    Come on, said Chet. Let’s eat and talk later.

    The boys pushed on through the growing darkness. Fog was beginning to rise by the time they reached the edge of the clearing where their rented cabin stood. As they crossed to the crude log house, rifleshots sounded in the distance.

    Chet winced. Those careless hunters are still at it, he remarked.

    The boys were about to enter the cabin when Joe exclaimed, Quiet!

    They all halted, listening intently. It sounded like a cry, Joe said.

    The others had heard nothing, and finally went inside.

    Hope nobody was shot by those fools, Tony remarked, lighting the oil lamp.

    Frank and Joe built a fire in the fireplace, while Chet started supper on a wood stove.

    This is a bad place to get hurt, Biff said.

    The boys were ten miles from the nearest town, Clintville, and the only road was steep and rutted. They had borrowed Mr. Hardy’s car for the trip, but had left it in the Clintville Garage. George Haskins, owner of the town’s one hotel, had rented them the cabin, and his son Lenny had driven the boys to it in his jeep.

    It wouldn’t be easy to get help here, Joe agreed.

    Dinner’s nearly ready, Chet announced. Bring chairs to the- He stopped short. From the clearing outside came the sound of running feet and then a frantic hammering on the door. Tony strode over and opened it. Lenny Haskins, a lanky boy, stood in the doorway, panting.

    What’s the matter? Tony asked the youth.

    Frank and Joe Hardy have a long-distance call at the hotel, the boy blurted, out of breath.

    From where? Frank asked.

    Don’t know, Lenny said. There’s trouble on the line and all I could make out was that the person would call back in an hour or so.

    Maybe it’s Dad! Frank exclaimed.

    I’ll bet you’re right, Joe agreed. We told him he could reach us through Mr. Haskins.

    You fellows go ahead and eat, said Frank. Joe and I will return to the hotel with Lenny.

    With the Haskins boy leading the way, the Hardys hurried across the clearing and down a trail through the misty woods to the road. There they piled into

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