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Sharing a New Experience
Sharing a New Experience
Sharing a New Experience
Ebook58 pages47 minutes

Sharing a New Experience

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About this ebook

This book acts as a prequel story to Keeping Her Toy but can be read after or before without it affecting the main story. It is also a sequel to Denying the Crave.

Release dateJun 17, 2024
Sharing a New Experience

Amanda Littrell

Fantasy, Romance and Spicy Author. Ever since the first thought entered my dreams, I could not stop thinking about what would be, so the ideas were born and the ideas were written, and now here we are.

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    Book preview

    Sharing a New Experience - Amanda Littrell

    Sharing a New Experience

    A Serious Misbehaviours Story

    Amanda Littrell


    Months after meeting her bosses and accepting them into her life and bed. Sapphire was faced with a new possibility. One night of different experiences with her bosses and one other of their choice.

    Just one night, how different could it be?

    Content Warning

    This book contains sexually explicit scenes and adult language, which some may find offensive and which is not appropriate for a young audience.

    All characters depicted in this work of fiction are over 18 years of age.


    Some scenes include Dirty talk. Oral sex. Multiple partners. Guiding.


    Please store your books wisely, where they cannot be accessed by under-aged readers.


    "Be so completely yourself that

    everyone else feels safe to be themselves, too."



    Were four months too soon to ask someone to be forever with you? I felt I could be with Sapphire all my life. Everything about her fascinated me. Every time I was with her, there was nothing else I would prefer to be doing. And when she laughed or held my hand, I thought of how lucky I was.

    And now, there was something we could do, and I was not sure it would be possible. She was adventurous and open-minded, but the thought of asking her to be with three men scared me, what if she ran the other way?

    Yoh, I said to Everett, entering his office without knocking and closing the door behind me.

    Yes? He replied, typing on his laptop.

    Parker is back in town, I told him.

    So? His monosyllabic replies annoying me.

    I told you what he said last time, about Sapphire. That got his attention. He stopped and stared at me. He didn’t forget, I finished, and he nodded.

    Let’s ask her, his answer clipped, so I knew he was at least annoyed by the prospect. Miss Gorman, come in here, please.

    You want to ask her right now? I wondered as he hung up the phone.

    Yes, Jake, I do.

    The soft knock on the door was unnecessary, she could come and go as she pleased. Still, she tried to keep it professional in the office, despite the fact that I was certain every single person on our little floor knew about us, meaning the other three people who were there every day, who saw us go out to lunch or arrive together in the morning. Come in, Everett said, and I stood by the bookcase, watching her tentative steps as she walked into the office.

    Is something wrong? Sapphire asked, closing the door behind her. She looked at me briefly, then at Everett, sensing there was something amiss. 

    No, we want to ask you something, I said, at last, seeing as Ev was not responding, which made me angry since he was the one to call her in so suddenly.

    Okay, she stood there in the middle of the office without being able to decide on what to do next.

    Everett? I said pointedly, and he sighed while getting up.

    Sit, babe. He suggested, going around the desk to stand in front of it.

    You know you two are acting weird, and it’s freaking me out, right?

    Sorry, we both said. Sapphire sat in one of the plush chairs and waited.

    Babe, how would you feel about being shared? I rolled my eyes. Ev still had no tact with Sapphire, and I was sometimes shocked at how little he knew how to ask her things or how not to antagonise her.

    What? Of course she was confused now. You already do that, she pointed out, motioning to me, and I smiled.

    I mean somebody else, her breath caught, and I moved their way. I had to see her expression.

    What are you talking about? Sapphire said through her teeth. Oh damn! She was livid, she was thinking something else entirely. 

    We mean that we would like to know if you are interested in fucking three guys at once, she looked up at me,

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