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Ebook63 pages53 minutes


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In the beginning, before time, there was the non-existent void inscribed in the book "I Am." That interpretive narrative from the first Conscious Being who through a concept Light, brought reality into existence. This seemingly limitless universe composed of finite matter, and supposedly, an infinite consciousness. Out of the dust...
Release dateMay 31, 2024

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    Book preview

    Testament - Joe Taraschi

    Table of Contents




    Chapter I.

    Chapter II.

    Chapter III.

    Chapter IV.

    Chapter V.

    Chapter VI.

    Chapter VII.

    Chapter VII.

    Chapter IX.

    Chapter X.


    About the Author:



    Joe Taraschi

    Copyright © 2024 Joe Taraschi

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    Fulton Books

    Meadville, PA

    Published by Fulton Books 2024

    ISBN 979-8-88731-647-5 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-88731-648-2 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Omega's Lament

    Surroundings of death, cold and teary.

    Weeped willows, all charred eerie.

    Scent of dead flowers cover the field,

    Still echoing cries, Yield, Yield.


    How does one begin relating a non-fictional tale when knowing what is about to be inscribed for the contemporary reader will seem either fictional, improbable, impossible but hopefully to a unique few, some kind of miracle. All I will do before writing on is to swear on That Book'' that every word being placed down in this narrative will be True, and nothing but True, because conscience will prevent me from doing otherwise. There will be a segment though where I will be unwilling to describe in depth but by then hopefully you will understand and forgive my reason for so doing. So, with all that being said, will you please allow me now to open this tale while humming an appropriate tune, The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face."

    Chapter I.

    It was a chilly Friday evening at that time of year when leaves were leaving and the sun was racing towards its nadir. I was at that age when innocence was beginning to wane hanging with friends at the popular haunt, where else, the local mall. Imagining ourselves as dear hunters on the lookout to spot fawns and take a shot at eye contact. Just for sport we ribbed each other but in reality for nothing better to do with our hormonal selves. Not yet seasoned enough to fire off a word when they came within range other than the primal grunt of a cave dweller. Anyhow on this particular evening, while splitting a pizza 5 ways at the food court, we caught in our sights a herd of does gathered at a table across the way. They too were jabbering around an Italian pie while turning smiling faces with expressive eyes in our direction. We just sat there like proverbial bumps on a log remaining dumb and feeling numb as they rose and saunterned off. Shots missed. Later that evening as circumstances played out we once again espied our game in the upper mall corridor heading our way. As each group passed the other heads swiveled, smiles widened, and eyes stared toward their counterparts. To my sheer joy the prettiest one in the pack with these doe size hazel eyes locked onto mine. Too rattled to trigger off a word I kept my bead on her till she ambled out of sight. Another shot missed. The remainder of that evening was spent beating the brush in front of female apparel shops hoping to rouse them out of hiding but as wary critters usually do, once flushed, they move along.

    The next sighting came as a bolt out of the blue for it happened in the overcrowded hallway of my middle school. While shuffling along like cattle with the rest of the herd, between the 3rd and 4th periods, I spotted the green eye beauty among the throng on the other side of the hall heading my way. Noticing me at the same moment the same scenario from the previous Friday evening played out. Heads swiveled, smiles widened, and eyes connected as we passed each other bye. This time though excitement was gauged by the Goosebumps rising on my arms. That night while lying in bed I began thinking of clever ways to go about meeting her. If I didn't act like a Cowardly Lion when confronting girls I would just stop her in the hall and introduce myself. So, if the third time's the charm as they say, that's exactly what I intended to do the next opportunity that presented itself.

    Two days later it happened. While hoping to see her once again in that hall, between the 3rd and 4th periods, my wish came true when her lovely smile appeared amongst the mass of placid faces. Positioning myself to make my presence known she somehow managed, before I realized, to slip something into the palm of my hand

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