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The Dragon's Bride
The Dragon's Bride
The Dragon's Bride
Ebook185 pages2 hours

The Dragon's Bride

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Have you heard about a village called Desolation?
Well, you can find it East of the Moon and West of the Sun.
It was a remote snowy village, nestled amidst towering mountains, where its people lacked knowledge and were often quick to anger.
But among them stood a black sheep, Catori Murdoch. A young lady who yearned for more than the mundane life she led, especially as her mother constantly tried to live life through her.
Little did Catori know, her life was about to take a thrilling turn as she discovered the existence of dragons and her own extraordinary connection to them.

Release dateJun 18, 2024
The Dragon's Bride

Parris-Jordan Williams

Parris-Jordan Williams is a professional Massage Therapist and is the author of several novels. Parris-Jordan Williams found her passion for writing at an early age in high school, where she did creative writing in literature class. She later took a chance by uploading her works to online platforms, and soon after developed her skills while finding ways for her novels to reach more readers.Parris-Jordan loves cooking, baking, hiking, and traveling; where she has traveled to 37 different countries, almost completing her bucket list. Parris-Jordan lives in Jamaica with her mother.

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    The Dragon's Bride - Parris-Jordan Williams

    This is a work of fiction. All characters, places, and events portrayed in this novella are either products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

    The Dragon’s Bride

    Copyright © 2024 by Parris-Jordan Williams

    All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

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    ISBN: 9798224386871


    I must make myself available to live.

    Once upon a time...... No, our story won’t start like that.

    Desolation, Middleton. A small village west of the Moon, and east of the Sun, the southernmost village in the Country of Charming.

    Population, 275.

    Ironic isn’t it? Charming in Desolation. Or more like Desolation with a little Charming, either way, this one mule village wasn’t like other small villages you saw in the movies. Unless it was a black and white silent film where all the people wore nothing but fur, the pavements were chunks of concrete and they lived too far from the Capital.

    Without the luxury of a Starbucks, or even a real supermarket. Only exchanging fish and grains when the weather wasn’t a torturing cold force that froze over even the sun.

    The high school and pre-school were one and the same, with an old chalkboard and elders that couldn’t even remember their own last names as teachers.

    Only a few were smart enough to leave, only the dumb and stubborn stayed.

    Those with good enough houses (The Village Chief and his foot soldiers) lived to the north, being the first a visitor would see. The poorer class was down south (away from those deemed important to the village, and potential investors.) While in the middle class, well, they were scattered all over, their way of avoiding classism, and whatever other ‘isms’ there were.

    Desolation was easy and uncomplicated, for the most part, but at the same time it wasn’t the kindest of places, the elders were mostly barbaric, and old fashioned (slow with understanding but quick to anger.)

    The real name should be Snoring Macboring. Nothing ever happens.

    Well, until now.

    No one saw it coming, not even the town’s crier who claimed that his daughter has the power of foresight, gifted to her by an Oracle.

    Things that were only thought to be stories, stories that mothers warned their children not to indulge in, calling them nonsensical antics. Might just be true.

    Chapter 1

    I have the power to walk right! The power to talk right! And the power to live right!

    At fifteen after ten on a raw January night, Catori sat on a deep purple comforter just outside her house watching the clear night skies. All the stars were out as usual, and she got an unobstructed view of the Milky Way.

    As Catori sat to watch for the meteor show, that was supposed to be happening for the next two hours, but the only thing brighter than the stars thus far was the moon. The light of the full moon beat down on Desolation, creating a vivid canvas on the snow and rocks.

    Her mind drifted to her friend, wondering if she was having fun with everyone else as they watched the night sky as well.

    Maybe if Catori wasn't so socially awkward, she would have gone, but a group of over three people just wasn't her thing. She was always over-analyzing the situation, overthinking what to say, and what people would say about her.

    She decided to stay home by herself.

    The fear of rejection was crippling.

    All too sudden, darting green, red, and yellow sparks lit up the dark skies in the distance, just beyond the forbidden snowy mountains, with the occasional booming sounds like thunder.

    With a bit of excitement, Catori watched the show. Unbeknown to her what was really happening.

    The snow soon fell heavily, coating her emerald color nightgown, giving it a distinctive glow like the Southern Lights she was used to.

    Catori, get inside now!! her mother yelled.

    Catori turned her head ever so slightly, causing her mid-back silver-blonde hair to fall into her mismatched blue and golden eyes.

    She pursed her full downturn pink lips as she ignored her mother’s words.

    Catori glanced up as the lights got closer, thinking that it was just a passing storm, which would explain the thundering sounds and flashes of light.

    Two shadows soon blocked out the moon, moving in a frenzy, circling each other as more and more sparks flew.

    Catori could feel the electric charge on her skin, causing her hair to stand on end, and in an instant she felt dazed.

    Her head span as she fought to keep her eyes open, blinking back black spot, all the while wondering what could have brought on the feeling.

    Two Dragons appeared out of nowhere, fighting each other in midair.

    Teeth and claws slashing and biting, while shooting green lightning and red fireballs.

    Catori lay on the freezing ground, shivering, staring at the sky. She watched while the two beasts clashed.

    Seeming to move impossibly fast, unaware of her down below, watching them.

    They disappeared just as quickly as they appeared, forgetting that they weren’t to be seen out in the open with the potential of exposing themselves to humans.

    Catori must have fainted, for when she woke from her deep slumber, she was in her bed, and the morning sun was already up.

    She rushed to her window, thinking that by some chance she could get a glimpse of those beasts again.

    She soon gave up her futile search and went out into the den.

    Was I the only one who saw those Dragons last night? Catori inquired.

    Dragons? What on earth are you talking about? Her mother frowned.

    Catori explained what she saw the previous night.

    Her father simply looked up. Sure enough, he had something to say, but held it in.

    I will not tolerate you and this tomfoolery. I have told you many a time to not listen to those falsified, tall tales. They will rot your brain. Her mother ranted on.

    You are a big girl now, no longer a child. Your primary focus should be on marrying one of the chief’s sons. Her mother added.

    Catori groaned out at that, not this again, mother.

    Ever since she became nineteen years old, that was all her mother talked about.

    You should set an example for your two siblings, instead of running wild and acting like a tomboy. You should also dress up more, use make-up, and comb your hair every day. Her mother continued.

    Catori made a face, causing her ever sweet heart-shaped face to contour into something meaner. Her golden eye burnt brighter, and a frown married between her naturally high arched brows.

    Why don’t you marry one of the Chief’s sons yourself, hell why didn’t you marry the Chief himself since you are so caught up in him and his family? I'm so damn annoyed by this bullshit every day. It's my own damn life, so I'll do as I please, and it's not to marry any of those man whores.

    The room fell silent at that. Her mother opened her mouth, then closed it again.

    Lucian Murdoch! Reprimand your daughter.

    Lucian glanced over at his wife, then went back to eating his rice porridge.

    Catori’s twin siblings only gave each other knowing looks but remained silent.

    Catori and her mother have an intense stare-down, blue, and golden eyes gazing into warm chocolate brown eyes.

    The corners of her mother’s thin lips turned down in disapproval. Her already long face seemed to lengthen. As the nostril of her broad nose flared, while her almond-shaped eyes narrowed, causing more crow's feet to form at the corners.

    Neither said anything, just continued their staring match.

    Catori’s mother was the one to break first. Just make sure you don’t live to regret your decision. Your father and I won’t be around for much longer.

    Catori shook her head. "The only thing I’ll regret is a forced marriage to some egoistic bastard who can’t even keep his dick in his pants.’’

    Lucian got up at that. Ok, that’s enough. He stood between the two, his massive frame towered over them easily.

    Standing at 7′2, Lucian looked between his wife and daughter. Even though he didn’t say a word, he didn’t have to.

    His amber eyes seemed ablaze. As he bit his thick lips to not say the wrong words, his strong jawline twitched before he opened his mouth.

    Listen, Catori, you can’t say things like that, especially in front of the little ones, and have some more respect for your mother. And Farrah, can you stop with this whole Chief’s son already? I don’t want my daughter to be mingling with those kinds of people.

    Farrah rumbled on, while Lucian rubbed his clean-shaven chin, pretending to consider the words she was saying.

    Lucian wrinkled his straight nose when Farrah mentions Catori having kids.

    ″This conversation is over." Lucian told them, then strode out of the house to work.

    Well, I must take my leave as well, Catori announced.

    And where do you think you’re going?

    Certainly not to the Chief’s house. she slammed the door behind her.

    Chapter 2

    I must make myself available to life.

    Catori never thought much of the world. Though she now had reason enough in the past few days, the pressures of being a young lady were burdening her down. Never did Catori imagine it like this. All her life, she was told how to live and who to love.

    But today that will change. In hopes of things getting better, Catori went to the only place she thought could help her, be her refuge in a time of confusion.

    With a racing heart, Catori knocked on the old rusting iron door, wondering if the occupants inside were still accepting visitors.

    The door swung open with a creaking sound and dragged on to the ground.

    Needs grease, Catori said to herself, as she stepped inside the threshold.

    The old automatic door slammed behind Catori, as her eyes adjusted to the dim light that washed the inside of the Church.

    It seemed to be the biggest building in Desolation, and the only one that seemed modernized enough.

    The large square-shaped clock hadn’t struck nine yet, but Catori knew that this time was the greatest.

    When the sisters were at their happiest, fresh out of a month’s long fast and new prayers.

    Catori twisted her hands as she waited. It felt like she was being mocked by the silence and the ticking of the clock. Beads of sweat had trailed their way down her neck, exposing her fear.

    Even though this was a decision for Catori to make, she still dreaded what her mother had to say. She never discussed it with either of her parents, but yet here she was, about to make the biggest decision, or maybe a mistake, in her life.

    Catori was about to ask if she could join the convent. Become a nun and denounce men.

    She looked away from the clock at the same moment a small door off to the left swung open.

    Out walk five nuns, chatting away in hushed whispers.

    Catori waited for them to say their goodbyes to each other before making her approach.

    Good morning Sister Rose, Sister Angelica. Catori greeted.

    In return, they nod their greetings.

    Catori twisted

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