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Not Viable An Autobiography of an American Nationalist
Not Viable An Autobiography of an American Nationalist
Not Viable An Autobiography of an American Nationalist
Ebook233 pages3 hours

Not Viable An Autobiography of an American Nationalist

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About this ebook

Not Viable: An Autobiography of an American Nationalist is the
story of American nationalist, activist, and former congressional
candidate Nick Taurus. The work explores the difficulties in
infiltrating the political mainstream, the inherent hypocrisy of the GOP
political establishment, and the continued ideological awakening of
millions of White Americans who have grown dissatisfied with the current
trajectory of our country. Although Not Viable is the story of one man,
Nick Taurus, and his long-shot candidacy in the 2022 midterms, the
story itself is a commentary on our broken political system. American
politics is far from this virtuous process our elites want us to believe
it is, while the levels of ethnic nepotism, backroom dealing, and
blackballing is truly astounding. Not Viable is meant as a "middle
finger" to established American political orthodoxy, and this work hopes
to demonstrate that the machinations of our bankrupt political class is
what's truly "not viable" in American politics today.
Release dateMay 31, 2024
Not Viable An Autobiography of an American Nationalist

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    Book preview

    Not Viable An Autobiography of an American Nationalist - Nick Taurus

    Table of Contents




    Preface: Why I Am Writing This Book

    Why I Am Writing This Book

    1: Life in a White Slum

    2: College Years and YouTube Radicalization

    3: Amidst the Magyars

    4: Entering the Fray

    5: The Path to Power: June–August 2021

    6: Lighting the Beacon: September–November 2021

    7: Guerilla Tactics: December 2021–February 2022

    8: The Boot on Your Neck: March–May 2022

    9: The Hill to Die On: June–November 2022

    Conclusion: What Is Viable?

    About the Author


    Not Viable An Autobiography of an American Nationalist

    Nick Taurus

    Copyright © 2024 Nick Taurus

    All rights reserved

    First Edition

    Fulton Books

    Meadville, PA

    Published by Fulton Books 2024

    ISBN 979-8-89221-042-3 (paperback)

    ISBN 979-8-89221-043-0 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America


    Over the course of a year writing this book, I've had to reflect and look back upon my life. Delving into the deepest recesses of my mind, I wrote this work. Ultimately, this tale was not a creation of one individual, Nicholas Andrew Taurus; it was a work undertaken by all those who joined me on an unlikely quest to win a seat in the House of Representatives during the 2022 midterms.

    I would like to start by thanking Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior, for giving me the talent, perseverance, and patience to write this book. I am truly humbled by all that He has provided for me, as I am not worthy.

    A sincere debt of gratitude is of course owed to President Donald J. Trump. I will forever be your humble servant and loyal supporter. May God continue to watch over you and keep you safe.

    I would like to thank my campaign manager and father, Marcae Andrew Taurus, as he is my hero in life and the one after whom I model myself (although I still fall quite short). I would like to thank my mother, Georgina Louise Hard, and sister, Madelyn Louise Taurus, for being in my life. I love you both dearly.

    I owe a great debt of gratitude to Mike and Edwina Scally, two great Christians, parents, and friends who helped make our campaign possible.

    I also want to state my deep love for the Hungarian people and unyielding admiration for the kind people of Kalocsa, Hungary, particularly Annamaria Tóth (Ancsa).

    Finally, a great many thanks are due to my beloved campaign volunteers and fellow RINO (Republican in name only) Hunters. I will never forget the kindness you showed me and the belief you had in me from the start. These individuals are as follows: Boris and Carmen Durjava, Peter Roche, Thomas Neal, Andrew McGuire, William Fleury, Manuel Carrillo, Fernando Tirado, Violet Esposito, Greg Meyer, Brian Richards, Kalen Kelly, Robert Escobar, Julio Juarez, Annette Collins, Glenna Poska, Kathryn Robbins, Joe Camera, Connie Lee, Ric Heard, and Kim Sorgente.

    I love you all!

    Preface: Why I Am Writing This Book

    Why I Am Writing This Book

    Hello, reader! My name is Nicholas Andrew Taurus, an American nationalist and former candidate for Congress. I'd like to start by sincerely thanking you for taking interest in my story! I am honored you would take the time to read about my experience as a candidate. In retrospect, I was far too naive regarding my chances at attaining political office, and perhaps I bit off more than I could chew. In my defense, after witnessing the success of individuals such as Rep. Madison Cawthorn,¹ Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene,² and Rep. Lauren Boebert³ during the 2020 midterm elections, I believed there was a greater opportunity for first-time candidates such as myself. There appeared to be a Mr. Smith Goes to Washington feeling returning to American politics, thanks in large part to the great MAGA revolution of 2016 inspired by President Trump.

    Despite my good intentions, however, I collided with the buzz saw that is Orange County's (CA) conservative politics, managing to run afoul of the incestuous cabal of ethnonationalists, homosexuals, and women who hold sway in both the Orange County GOP and the local activist corps. I tried to run an authentic, grassroots America First (as I understood it) campaign that aligned with issues I believe truly matter and not the boilerplate bumper-sticker talking points that are shoved down our throats year after year. The issues I am referring to are (1) immigration (i.e., advocating a twenty-five-year moratorium), (2) anti-White racism (addressing rather than ignoring it), and (3) a noninterventionist foreign policy. There were, of course, a myriad of other issues sprinkled in, including COVID-19 vaccine mandates, Black crime, demographic change, foreign trade, and reforming Big Tech, among others. The explicit nature of my campaign platform, which was dubbed at first the Freedom Fifteen and then later on the Patriot Platform, made me a target over my opposition to mass migration, my defense of historic America (i.e., White Americans), and my questioning of the increasingly moderate stance of the OCGOP. This targeting will be the subject of later discussion throughout the book.

    This work is intended not only as catharsis for myself after a year entrenched in campaigning, politicking, and mudslinging contests with the colorful assortment of detractors, stalkers, and enemies I have accrued since announcing my candidacy, but also as a means of setting the record straight regarding what happened over the course of my campaign. Actors have directed much criticism toward me and what I believe in,⁴ using a variety of epithets, or incantations rather, in describing my campaign to make me seem illegitimate in the eyes of the wider body politic constituting what was CA-45 and later CA-40. All these slanderous lies, whispers under hushed breaths, and stabs in the back over a year had a profound impact on my character and perception of American politics and washed away all the naive notions I held when entering the 2022 midterm elections.

    Theodore Roosevelt once spoke of the man in the arena, warning against the sneers of the spectators and cowardice of those who sit in the comfort of the stands. If I can honestly assess my campaign, I would say its greatest fault was in stooping to the level of these petty, teeth-gnashing ankle biters rather than focusing on my goal of putting America first. I want to stress that I, Nicholas Andrew Taurus, in no way regret the battles and very necessary confrontations I conducted with an assortment of OCGOP apparatchiks and RINOs; however, perhaps I heeded the call of battle far too often when retreat was the wiser option. Being an amateur historian, I know that great commanders, assessing the battlefield and its terrain as well as the forces arrayed against them, have the cunning to make their enemy meet them on their own terms. I was often too eager to give chase, and I believe I led my followers into inevitable defeat. For that, I sincerely apologize, and I greatly appreciate all the 2,192 votes⁵ I received and those who continue to support my political aspirations and endeavors despite the dismal odds we face in the present moment. Running in the 2022 midterms, notwithstanding its trials and tribulations, was the most exhilarating experience in my life thus far, a genuine dream come true, and I am forever indebted to all those who made it happen.

    I also must dedicate a small segment of this introduction to explain my beliefs and core principles. First and foremost, I am Roman Catholic. I freely admit that I have on many occasions fallen short of my faith's tenets and the example of the one true Lord and Savior of man, Jesus Christ. I am a sinner and perhaps will go to purgatory or maybe hell even for my sins, and deservedly so, as I chose to violate the will of God's law despite being blessed with free will from Christ and having the knowledge that I am transgressing against His laws. All sins will be atoned for eventually, whether through confession or hellfire, and rest assured all has been seen by Christ, and all will be judged accordingly, no matter their station, nation, or occupation. That being said, I believe in the divinity of Christ, the primacy of His church and the glory of the one true faith!

    In regards to race, my detractors—spineless, deracinated cowards such as Fred Whitaker,⁶ chair of the OCGOP—called me a White nationalist, while racist was another refrain from the clapping seals and collection of affirmative-action hires that seems to plague the OCGOP. What do these accusations even mean anymore? Phrases such as White nationalist or racist are, as I alluded to earlier, nothing more than spells of left-wing witches and cowards to silence dissent and debate. These are loaded terms in American political parlance, meant to evoke images of White American men acting as jackbooted thugs intimidating helpless POCs just trying to live the American dream. This type of character is a fiction, a phony phenomenon, a false archetype perpetuated by a media dominated by Jewish interests obsessed with demonizing White America. Nothing could be further from the truth, as America has mired itself in non-White migration, affirmative action, and historical revision to accommodate the burgeoning non-White hordes who continue to engulf our nation and displace White America.

    I am an American nationalist, and I reject the left-wing framing and blood libel by which our foes attempt to dissuade us from being proud of our heritage and ancestry. I call myself an American nationalist because I believe in the glory of my nation and its history and the immortality of its heroes, men who wished for their posterity to live in accordance with the blessings bestowed upon them. Gradually, of course, our nation would come to encompass a good many other European ethnicities and even races, a fact I maintained and acknowledged continuously throughout my campaign, noting on numerous occasions that America is a multiracial, multiethnic nation in its current context.

    Despite the heterogeneous complexion of the USA in the present day, White Americans still constitute a large but dwindling majority, who are in danger of being reduced to subservience and dhimmitude in a nation built by their ancestors. Contemporary Russian commentator Anatoly Karlin describes how in the current Russian constitution there is recognition of White, Slavic, Orthodox Russians, who constitute 81 percent of Russia,⁷ as the state-forming people.⁸ In a matter akin to White Russians, White Americans also are the state-forming people in the United States; our influence, imprint, and essence is reflected in this land and its institutions, and we are the essential component in this nation's founding and ascent to greatness. The gradual decline of the White population not only in America but across the wider Western world, popularly known as the Great Replacement, is the greatest betrayal in the annals of human history and is a verifiable fact, not some wild-eyed conspiracy theory as portrayed by the international media conglomerates. I oppose these changes in the most vociferous terms and believe that the American right, or the GOP, must call for the preservation of America's White majority without reservation and use all legal channels at their disposal to achieve this end.

    Finally, when it comes to clarifying my views, I believe it is important to discuss the relevance of the Jewish question. I will not belabor this point, but I think it is noteworthy enough to mention it, as the problem quite frankly clouds the mind of the collective European peoples. This taboo is, of course, meant to be stifling, to stoke paranoia and fear in those who stumble on the truth of it. Imagine yourself as a lone peasant who has accidentally come upon a slumbering dragon. You tremble at the spectacle of its power, in awe at the potential of its calamitous rage, yet you cannot ignore its existence or fix your gaze elsewhere. The serpent stares at you unblinkingly, daring you to acknowledge its presence and expose yourself to its wrath. This is the stark reality of the Jewish question, a reality so crippling, so paralyzing that it totally hinders all discussion and holds the nation hostage. In an analogous manner to the firedrake and the peasant, we are ensnared by the gaze of this threat and quiver at the prospect of its fury. I myself drew the ire of the serpent and was named in the ADL's Extremism on the Ballot 2022⁹ list, which I can assure you is certainly not a flattering credential in social circles.

    If I am a racist or White nationalist for holding these views—that race is real; the replacement of White Americans is detrimental to our nation, and Jews have played an important role in left-wing activism—then there are good many millions of Americans who also fit into that category, willing to acknowledge undeniable truths about the state of our country. We have the First Amendment that entitles us to free speech, and this sacred birthright allows us to speak freely and debate in a manner going back to the grand English political traditions, which form the underpinning of our government and civic structure. No matter what the ADL censors or left-wing kritarchs wish to do, my rights come from God, and I will not be silenced!

    As I mentioned previously, not only is this book a depuration of my own concerns and insights into my campaign, but it is also intended as a useful tool for nationalists aspiring to break into American politics. I wrote this work not out of the desire for money or an increase in social standing; rather, I hoped it may serve as a testimony to the experience of millions of young White American men who have seen the light through the excess and degeneracy they have witnessed during their lives. I hope that one, through reading this book, not only is it inspired to get involved in the reclamation of our nation but also hardens their resolve in the face of the impressive assemblage of forces arrayed against us. My story is not meant to be a black pill, but a reality check, as our visions of a grand collapse, national divorce, or some Caesarian figure who will save us do not appear to be in the cards for the moment. In the face of such grim odds and a bleak future, we must steel ourselves for the task ahead and prepare for the long road toward victory.

    I, Nicholas Andrew Taurus, can attest that all the words in this book are my own thoughts and experiences, and all words have been typed by my hand. I don't claim to be a political guru or a thought leader of some repute. I am merely an American who threw his hat into the ring and gives you his story freely. May my insights, mistakes, and conclusions provide you wisdom, dear reader, and I thank you humbly from the bottom of my heart for taking the time to hear my tale. That alone is a gratitude I cannot express and an honor of which I do not feel worthy. May God bless our nation, the United States of America, and I sincerely will that we shall have a nation once again!

    The structure of the book shall be as follows: chapters 1–4 will analyze my early life, political evolution, and influences and time in Hungary, as well as the time leading up to my decision to run in the 2022 GOP Primary season. The subsequent chapters will outline, discuss, and highlight the Taurus campaign highs, lows, successes, and failures and will be presented as five separate periods. June–August 2021 will focus on my announcement and early campaign turbulence, in addition to the left-wing harassment campaign that targeted my efforts from the outset. September–November 2021 will provide an overview of my campaigning strategy, highlight my efforts at networking with OCGOP luminaries and detail my first confrontation with the local GOP establishment. December 2021–February 2022 will be quite a substantive chapter, as I will continue to outline my battles with the local party and attempts to get a seat on the OCGOP Central Committee. I will also explain the inspiration for the title of the book. March 2022–May 2022 will focus on the last ninety days of the campaign while summarizing the institutional opposition we faced from the OCGOP and local conservative groups. June 2022–November 2022 will discuss the less-than-ideal conclusion of the June 2022 primary and my final battles with the OCGOP during the 2022 midterms. The conclusion will focus on the lessons I have drawn from my ill-fated run for Congress, the practicality of infiltration of the American conservative movement, and the path forward for American right wingers.


    Life in a White Slum

    I spent my formative years in Big Bear Lake, California, nestled in the San Bernardino Mountains of Southern California. This chapter will focus primarily on the six years I lived there and how this time molded my personality, but prior to that, I would like to explain how my family came about living there. I was born on January 1, 1992, at St. Joseph's Hospital to Georgina Louise Hard and Marcae (pronounced MAR-KAY) Andrew Taurus.

    My parents met at a call center, my father being fifteen years my mother's senior at thirty-three and eighteen, respectively. Neither of my parents had an easy childhood, and they were determined that their children would not share the same fate.

    I must state unequivocally that my father is my greatest influence in life. Born Marc Andrew Chenoweth on April 24, 1958, in Tacoma, Washington, he was essentially a latchkey kid who left school in the ninth grade and had a tumultuous relationship with his mother, a woman who had nine children and was quite abusive, subject to religious conversions, and prone to horrible mood swings. My father did not know who his own father

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