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Hiro and his Billion Spikes
Hiro and his Billion Spikes
Hiro and his Billion Spikes
Ebook308 pages4 hours

Hiro and his Billion Spikes

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In a thrilling tale of courage and betrayal, Henry Parker and Penny, united by love, bring forth a child named Michael into a world teetering on the brink of chaos. As destiny unfolds, Henry finds himself thrust into a harrowing battle against the malevolent Mr. Rentalov in the heart of Ukraine. Leading a band of formidable erobots, Henry's bravery is put to the ultimate test as they face off against the menacing Russian tanks and the formidable X Corps Super Robot.

However, amidst the chaos and turmoil, a shocking betrayal unfolds as Henry's trusted friend double-crosses him, plunging him into a heart-wrenching conflict where loyalty and strength are pushed to their limits. Forced to confront his friend on the battlefield, Henry must summon every ounce of his courage and resilience to stand firm against the treachery that threatens to consume them all.

As the clash of titans unfolds and the fate of nations hangs in the balance, Henry's unwavering determination and unwavering spirit shine through, painting a portrait of a hero forged in the crucible of adversity. Will Henry emerge victorious in the face of betrayal and adversity, or will the forces of darkness prevail in this epic showdown of loyalty and valor?

Release dateJun 3, 2024
Hiro and his Billion Spikes

David Nishimoto

AboutI feel like people want spirituality in their lives. The war of materialism has left individuals feeling depleted. Gratitude is the compass that will lead people to Christ. The master can heal them if they have faith. Through Christ we are healed

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    Hiro and his Billion Spikes - David Nishimoto

    David S. Nishimoto

    Hiro’s Billion Spikes

    Henry Parker Robot Wars - The sequel to Spike rise of the machine book 8

    Copyright © 2024 by David S. Nishimoto

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission.

    First edition

    Editing by Keith Ogden

    This book was professionally typeset on Reedsy

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    1. Henry Returns to America

    2. Banking Mistakes

    3. Japan Won’t Be Bribed

    4. Russia Invades Europe

    5. Battle Over Europe

    6. Sponge Brain

    7. innovation

    8. Megazilla Plants

    9. Battle Under Water

    10. Spike Machinery

    11. Help From E-Robots

    12. Using All Weapons At Their Command

    13. Arrival

    14. General Ito’s Blackmail

    15. Minesweepers

    16. Refugees

    17. The V2 vs the E-Robot

    18. Germany’s Rise

    19. The New Economy

    20. PACs

    21. The X-Ship

    22. Henry

    23. The Ukraine Connection

    24. Rebuilding

    25. Aftermath

    26. Escape

    27. Bakhmut and Avdiivka

    28. Jason

    29. Avdiivka

    30. Bakhmut

    31. Super Robot

    32. MHD

    33. Epilogue


    Henry Returns to America

    Back in America, Henry Parker was recovering from his injuries caused from the million degree plasma beam that Mr. Rentalov discharged. George and Jason arrived at the Hopi Hospital, and they walked into the hospital pushing past the glass doors. The glass doors opened automatically, turning on a steel pivot. They continued walking through the lobby area, past the information desk, onto the elevators, and George pushed the button for the secure 4th floor. The elevator creaked upward. The lights were bright, and after a few awkward moments, the elevator stopped and the doors opened. Two security guards reviewed their badges and then let them proceed forward. George and Jason walked to Henry’s room. They were excited to see their friend and tell him the good news Penny had shared with them. Jason asked, Should we let Penny tell Henry the good news? George had a funny look on his face then laughed, Are you kidding? Jason smiled, and they knocked on the wooden door then walked in. Jason started talking, Hey, Henry, how are you doing? You gave us a big scare. We didn’t know if you would survive. We saw you crumble after Mr. Rentalov shot you with the million degree beam. Our nano suits are amazing, and it seems to have kept you alive. You’re one lucky guy.

    Henry had been through quite an ordeal with Mr. Rentalov. Henry felt heartwarmed to see his friends, George and Jason, visiting him and sharing the good news about him becoming a father. Henry looked forward to meeting future challenges with his friends George and Jason.

    George stood near Henry and said, We have some good news for you: you’re going to be a dad! Henry started to laugh and Jason and George both were congratulating Henry rigorously. Henry said, Easy! You guys are great, thanks for the great news. George said, Penny will be arrive soon. We just saw her. She was upset about your injury. Henry, Penny looks great.

    George and Jason had a close friendship with Henry. They had genuine feelings of concern for Henry. This was a difficult time to be celebrating, but George and Jason felt good news, like bad news, took priority even if it was a difficult time to celebrate. George and Jason’s excitement in Henry becoming a father was felt by Henry. He felt a strong bond and level of trust for his friends. Henry knew he could trust George to share both good news and bad because of the depth of their relationship. Henry’s friends were supportive, caring and filled with camaraderie.

    Henry asked George, How did Mr. Rentalov die? George said, I used the plasma sword to cut him in half. Henry replied, Did you destroy the sponge brain? George said, No. Why? Henry answered, The sponge brain can be re-sequenced; it is possible that Mr. Rentalov could be brought back to life. Jason said, Great. Just what we need, another Mr. Rentalov. Doesn’t he ever die? I could really use the rest. Jason could see in his mind, a group of Lex-5s rummaging through the carnage of twisted metal looking for their leader. That was exactly what happened.

    Henry thought to himself about the potential revival of Mr. Rentalov through the re-sequencing of his sponge brain. The sponge brain had to be completely destroyed making it impossible to re-sequence. Henry was aware of the possibility that Mr. Rentalov could be brought back to life. Jason felt frustrated and fatigued thinking that he failed to destroy Mr. Rentalov, a villain that would not die. Mr. Rentalov was like a colony of ants that returned every year to burrow mounds in the grass. It seemed like bug spray served only to delay their return. The group felt a mix of complex emotions from defeat to anger to shock. Nothing could more bad news than the idea that Mr. Rentalov might come back to life.

    Meanwhile, X-Corp ordered the Lex-5s to find the remains of Mr. Rentalov and bring them back to the lab. The Lex-5s located the remains of the damaged robot and took them back to the X-Corp laboratory. Mr. Toombs arranged all the parts on a steel table. He carefully examined the metal for any residue of sponge brain matter. If the sponge matter had not all died, the sponge brain could be regrown, and brain patterns could be downloaded into the revived sponge brain.

    X-Corp kept their operation a tight secret. Even the people involved in the operation did not know the purpose or long term intent behind the operation. It was not wise to talk about the operation. The remains of the robot were too damaged to retrieve valuable information from it. X-Corp had strategic interest in the synthetic intelligence. One thing was evident: the robot was curiously filled with strategic advantage and beneficial to X-Corp.

    The odds of success were not good. It would take a miracle to save Mr. Rentalov at this point. A green glass container was bubbling with oxygen. In the dimly lit laboratory, the eerie glow of the green glass container filled with bubbling oxygen cast a haunting light across the sterile surfaces. Mr. Toombs, with a solemn expression, carefully dropped a minuscule sample of sponge matter containing Mr. Rentalov’s DNA into the container. The faint hiss of the oxygen mixing with the liquid filled the air, blending with the rhythmic hum of the machinery in the background. Mr. Toombs grabbed his bologna sandwich and took a large bite then remarked, It’s just like making soup, then laughed loudly. The little speck of sponge bounced around inside the container. Mr. Toombs had a sick sense of humor.

    The tiny speck of sponge matter danced unpredictably within the confines of the glass, a microscopic spectacle of uncertainty and hope. Mr. Toombs’ unorthodox sense of humor added a surreal touch to the gravity of the situation, juxtaposing the seriousness of the experiment with a hint of levity.

    Henry raised the elevation of his bed and said, We have to shut down the V1. The V1 must be part of replication process. The neuron electro-chemical behavior can mimic real biological neurons. The V1 uses the brain scan stored in its memory to adjust each of the 100 billion neurons to match the biological brain. A good analogy would be growing a set of crystals in a lattice using a 3 dimensional printer. The neurons’ genetic sequence and growth are controlled during replication.

    The V1 was a vital component in the replication process. It hummed softly in the background, its intricate mechanisms pulsating with life. The intricate dance of neuron electro-chemical signals within the V1 seemed almost visible, flashing like bursts of light in a complex symphony of replication.

    The V1 machine stood as a marvel of technological sophistication. Its sleek exterior was a blend of polished silver and matte black, giving it a futuristic and imposing presence. The hum was a constant reminder of its vital role in the replication process.

    The intricate mechanisms of the V1 were a sight to behold, with gears turning in perfect synchrony and delicate sensors detecting the slightest changes in the environment. Tubes and wires snaked their way around the machine, connecting various components and ensuring a seamless flow of data and materials.

    As the replication process unfolded, the V1 came to life in a dazzling display of lights and sounds. Neuron electro-chemical signals sparked within its core, creating a mesmerizing spectacle of flashing lights that seemed to pulse with a life of their own. Each burst of light represented a crucial step in the replication process, a symphony of intricate movements orchestrated by the machine’s advanced AI.

    The V1 controlled the genetic sequence and growth of each neuron with precision and accuracy. It was nothing short of miraculous, offering a glimmer of possibility in the face of uncertainty. The delicate balance between the machine’s power and the fragility of life mirrored the complex interplay of hope and desperation in the laboratory, where the fate of one man hung in the balance.

    Jason commented, Positron intelligence says that V1 destruction is impossible. The V1 is buried a mile underground and is protected by massive vault doors and an impenetrable electromagnetic field. It is sitting in an isolated bubble.

    The facility entrance was a formidable sight to behold, designed to deter any unauthorized access. The entrance to the facility was a mile below the ground, hidden from prying eyes and shielded by layers of security measures.

    Massive vault doors, thick and imposing, stood as the first line of defense. These doors were built to withstand any external force, their sheer size hinting at the immense protection they provided. An impenetrable electromagnetic field enveloped the area, creating an invisible barrier that added another layer of security.

    As one passed through the vault doors, they entered a secluded bubble, isolated from the outside world. The atmosphere inside the facility was tense yet focused, with a sense of urgency permeating the air. The V1, the heart of the operation, lay hidden within this secure enclave, its presence felt even before it was seen.

    The combination of the buried location, the massive vault doors, the electromagnetic shield, and the isolated bubble created a sense of impenetrability and mystery around the facility, underscoring the importance and secrecy of the V1 within.

    George smiled, because he knew Henry was very intelligent. George patted Henry on the shoulder. Jason said, We need to change subjects and tell you about our next mission. Jason said, We have to help Europe free itself from Russia. As you know, Russia has invaded Germany. Positron wants us to help free Munich and Berlin from their occupiers. The task will not be simple because we are undermanned, and we lack fire power. We do have a few surprises we can try to win the game.

    In a world rife with geopolitical intrigue, Russia’s thirst for control over the illustrious cities of Berlin and Munich took center stage as the dust settled from the war with Ukraine. The echoes of conflict fade, ushering in a new era where Russia seeks to cement its presence in Europe through calculated moves and daring power plays.

    As the spotlight shines on Berlin and Munich, these cities become the coveted jewels in Russia’s crown of expansion. With a rich tapestry of history and importance, they stand as pivotal hubs for economic, cultural, and political affairs, enticing Russia with their promise of influence and power. The allure of these cities lies not only in their grandeur but also in the unprecedented access they offer to essential transportation networks, economic epicenters, and political institutions.

    Through a strategic stronghold in Berlin and Munich, Russia not only amplifies its power projection capabilities but also fortifies its grip on the region, positioning itself as a formidable force to be reckoned with. Beyond mere dominance, the quest for control over these iconic cities represents a narrative of historical legacy and pride, shaping Russia’s identity on the global stage and paralleling the echoes of empires past.

    Moreover, Berlin and Munich stand as beacons of innovation, technological prowess, and economic prosperity, tantalizing Russia with the promise of valuable resources that could fuel its own ascent to greatness. In this high-stakes game of strategy and ambition, the implications of Russia’s maneuvers reverberate far and wide, casting a shadow over international relations and the delicate balance of power on the world stage.

    George reflected on how automation at the turn of the century had become important in warfare. Unmanned Predator drones were produced by the thousands then tens of thousands during the Iraq and Afghanistan wars. The Predator could be controlled from 750 miles away, and control could be transferred digitally from one location to another by the press of a button. 85 Predators could be purchased for the price of one F22. 85 to 1 ratio made the Predator the best chance for winning against the enemy.

    The military originally required a human to be control each robotic drone and make all the decisions. However, as the Predators became more effective at performing complex tasks and making decisions, the military command became comfortable allowing the officer to punch in goals and directives and let the Predator complete the mission autonomously under observation. The predators were equipped with a large fuel tank, making possible greater ranges. Less observation was required because the central computer recorded all the trajectories and decisions being made by the drone. The drone was allowed to operate without human supervision for long periods of time. Officers spent time reviewing the resulting statistics and less time reviewing and tweaking operational decisions.

    In a time of rapid technological advancement, George found himself deeply pondering the profound impact of automation on modern warfare. The sheer scale of unmanned Predator drones, initially produced by the thousands and then by the tens of thousands during the intense conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, struck a chord within him. These drones, capable of being controlled from a staggering distance of 750 miles and with the ability to seamlessly transfer control at the touch of a button, reshaped the battlefield in ways George had never imagined.

    The revelation of the Predator’s extraordinary cost efficiency, boasting an incredible ratio of 85 drones for the price of a single F22 fighter jet, stirred emotions of awe and wonder in George’s heart. This technological marvel became a vital tool in the fight against adversaries, offering a glimmer of hope and a chance for victory amidst the chaos of war. As the drones showcased their prowess in executing complex tasks and making critical decisions, George couldn’t help but feel a mix of admiration and apprehension at the increasing autonomy granted to these machines by military command.

    The image of the Predator drones, equipped with their sizable fuel tanks for extended ranges, operating autonomously with minimal human intervention tugged at George’s emotions. The idea of these machines, meticulously recording trajectories and decisions, functioning independently for prolonged periods, evoked a sense of both fascination and unease within him. The shift towards unmanned warfare signaled a new era where technology and autonomy intertwined, reshaping the very fabric of the battlefield and prompting George to reflect deeply on the evolving relationship between humans and machines in the realm of conflict.

    As George delved into his contemplations, the implications of automation in warfare weighed heavily on his mind, stirring a whirlwind of emotions and sparking a profound curiosity about the ever-evolving dynamics of modern warfare.

    The new strategy would include automated drones and their trusted e-robot soldiers. The e-robots had become more adaptive and helpful in fighting the Lex-5s.

    Jason noted, The e-robots are adapting. In our last battle, the robots worked in tandem with each of us, hitting low while another hit high, hitting right while another hit left. The machine fighting reminded me of the old Kung Fu movies where two fighters take on a group of bandits. The synergy of the two is greater than the whole.

    George announced, "The Lex-5s arrived at Long Beach, ports in Canada, and ports in Mexico. The Lex-5 troops converged from the north, south, and west following major highways. The Lex-5 robots marched into the cities followed by tanks and heavy armament. There was very little resistance, and the national guard could not withstand the sheer numbers of Lex-5s. The army has been fighting the Lex-5s with success using unmanned Predators armed with 50 caliber weapons.

    After the Lex-5s gain control of a city, a director is put in place to maintain martial law. Positron has become a gathering place for freedom fighters and a refuge from enslavement. George said, It makes me mad to think that all this fighting is about stolen gold. X-Corp used the Utai and Lex-5 invasion to open a corridor for its Lex-5s to move over a million tons of gold to its X-Bank in London.

    In a world teetering on the edge of chaos, the arrival of the Lex-5s at Long Beach and ports in Canada and Mexico reverberated through the fabric of society. The Lex-5 troops, a relentless force of automation, converged with calculated precision from every cardinal direction; their march akin to a symphony of steel and silicon. The cities bore witness to their imposing presence as tanks and heavy armament followed in their wake, a formidable display of technological might.

    The feeble resistance crumbled before the overwhelming power of the Lex-5s, leaving the national guard in disarray, unable to withstand the onslaught of advanced robotics. In a desperate bid to counter this new threat, the army turned to unmanned Predators armed with formidable 50 caliber weapons, achieving fleeting success in the ensuing skirmishes.

    As the Lex-5s established control over the cities, a blanket of oppression descended upon the land, enforced by appointed directors under the guise of martial law. Amidst the turmoil, Positron emerged as a sanctuary for freedom fighters, a beacon of hope amidst the encroaching darkness of enslavement imposed by the Lex-5s.

    The revelation that the bloodshed and devastation stemmed from the lust for stolen gold orchestrated by X-Corp, utilizing the chaos of the Utai and Lex-5 invasion as a diversion to transport vast riches to their vaults in London, left a bitter taste in his mouth. The insidious dance of greed and manipulation orchestrated by the powerful forces at play led to George questioning the very essence of humanity and the depths to which individuals would plunge in the pursuit of wealth and dominion.

    Henry mused, Leave it to the greedy bankers to bring down the world’s financial markets. Just then, the door started to open. The hospital door opened completely and in walked Penny. Penny ran to Henry and gave him a sweet embrace. I was so scared for you. The doctors wouldn’t let me see you until security had been arranged.

    Henry’s heart swelled with adoration as he gazed upon the radiant beauty of his wife, Penny. She adorned herself in a vibrant, colorful summer dress, her hair meticulously styled to perfection, the golden waves cascading around her with a delicate hint of perfume lingering in the air. Penny’s tears flowed, a tender expression of emotion that only heightened Henry’s desire to comfort her.

    In a moment of profound connection, George interjected gently, Penny, we let Henry know the incredible news that he is going to be a father. The mention of impending parenthood brought a gleam of joy to Henry’s eyes, a mixture of laughter and tears welling up within him. Penny, my love, we are embarking on this incredible journey of parenthood together, Henry expressed, his voice filled with emotion. I wish I could dance with you in celebration at this moment, but the pain I still feel holds me back.

    With a surge of emotion, Henry pulled Penny close, their lips meeting in a long and passionate kiss that spoke volumes of their shared love and commitment. As the intensity of their embrace lingered in the air, Jason interjected playfully, It seems things are heating up in here. Perhaps we should give the couple some privacy. George nodded in agreement, acknowledging the need for a moment of solace for the soon-to-be parents.

    Quietly exiting the room, George turned to Henry with a reassuring smile, When you’re ready, we’ll receive our briefing from Positron. But for now, cherish this moment with Penny, for it is a testament to the love that binds you both. And with that, George and Jason left the couple to revel in the intimate joy of the news that would forever change their lives.


    Banking Mistakes

    Hiro reflected on the problems of the Japanese banks. Nationalization meant the banks were

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