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Sing Praises to the King: Lead Sheets and Lyrics
Sing Praises to the King: Lead Sheets and Lyrics
Sing Praises to the King: Lead Sheets and Lyrics
Ebook34 pages8 minutes

Sing Praises to the King: Lead Sheets and Lyrics

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About this ebook

The psalmist declared, "I will sing praises to the Lord." In this sheet music collection are songs for corporate and private worship. The lead sheets include the vocal melody for each song , notated on its own staff, along with lyrics and chord fingering grids for optional guitar accompaniment.

Release dateMay 28, 2024
Sing Praises to the King: Lead Sheets and Lyrics

R.L. Evans

R.L. Evans "Mikhtam Maestro" is a psalmist, acoustic guitarist, and author. He has a vision to see the message of Christ presented through music emphasizing worship and praise. His motto for music ministry is "With my song, I will praise Him" founded upon Psalms 28:7.R.L. Evans founded Mikhtam Music which has the commission to teach and admonish the Body Christ through psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs based upon Colossians 3:16.R.L. Evans is also a prophetic minister, bible lecturer, and Christian apologist. He is the founder of Abundant Truth International Ministries. He has authored numerous books on topics such as Christian orthodoxy, leadership, worship, spiritual gifts, and other areas of Christian thought and practice; as well as, articles, blogs, and poetry.

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    Sing Praises to the King - R.L. Evans



    R.L. Evans

    Mikhtam Maestro



    Abundant Truth Publishing on Smashwords

    Sing Praises to the King

    Lead Sheets and Lyrics

    c2013 Abundant Truth Publishing

    All Rights Reserved

    ISBN: 9781601414366

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