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A Garden Among The Stars
A Garden Among The Stars
A Garden Among The Stars
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A Garden Among The Stars

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After generations of isolation, the colonial planet of Thrive is being welcomed back into the Imperium: There couldn't be a better time to celebrate. Unless you are Doctor Evun Gloss, whose life's work is on the verge of being validated, having translated the ancient Mongden Codex. All that is needed now is to follow its clues to confirm his dis

Release dateJun 18, 2024
A Garden Among The Stars

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    A Garden Among The Stars - A.L. Krumm

    A Garden Among the Stars


    A.L. Krumm

    To Bill and Mary Ann:

    Your example continues to inspire

    [Chapter 1]



    The Kraken’s Accord put an end to the generations of bloodshed and destruction and established the Imperium  of Aligned Human Worlds. After countless years of violence and betrayal, humanity was finally ready for a new era of peace and expansion. They applauded the house of Kraken for having the wisdom to unify all the aligned human systems and bring all the houses under a single rule; to focus on exploring the galaxy and laying claim to lands which rightfully belong to human ity . Not long after its adoption, the Emperor , the supreme ruler of the house of Kraken, made a proclamation. 

    Hear you all! The House of Kraken has brought peace amongst all warring houses for as far as Humanity extend s.   A s a symbol of the hope for prosperity that this accord enshrines; All houses will prepare seed ships. We will cast our courageous humanity further  into the void to find their purchase in any welcoming system. We will separate them from our loving embrace, but we hope with all our hearts to be reunited. These explorers will seek suitable and wealthy homes so that they may build a new bastion of humanity in an unforgiving galaxy. We send them with our love and fidelity until their success can reestablish a connection with their human brethren and we can reunite once more, thus bringing new glory and new discovery to the Imperium . Let us all bear witness to their bravery and wish them a safe sojourn.

    It was not long after these words that every major house and many of the minor ones had built their best generational ships and loaded them with their most advanced technologies. They boarded these ships with their most durable citizens, farmers, doctors, engineers, musicians, educators; all the best that each house could find. Their reputations rode with these explorers and they wanted to afford them the best possible chance of survival. With great fanfare, they launched out the ships into the void, with only vague clues to a better world, no direct map, no idea if they would ever reconnect. 

    Though many would not find a suitable home, and their  lives and hopes would be lost to the cosmos ,  One ship from the house of the Gryphon had found its way to a small green orb that seemed to be placed in the perfect location around a small star in a far corner of a vast nebula. This planet  seemed to erupt with life and as the  weary settlers set eyes on its green forests, their eyes filled with tears as the now emblazoned dreams transformed into plans . The minor planet welcomed them as if placed for them, what better sign that this was destined to be . The settlers realized immediately that this world, though dangerous and unknown, might be the luckiest find they could have dreamed of. 

    They named their new home Thrive, hoping it would bring them prosperity for the generations to come until they could reconnect with the Imperium . The planet of Thrive was a wealth of resources, and life quickly became easy. Factories for processing materials, guild halls to train new and upcoming talent, and in one location, they constructed Wolfram University to pursue  deeper knowledge of this world that they might share with their galactic brethren when reunited. The school hosted many great minds over the centuries as an isolated colony. New materials and inventions appeared frequently for the colonists. There was a growing excitement over the generations as to what they might be able to share with the Imperium  when they did finally reconnect. The planet had much to offer, but mystery did not seem to be one of those things . All questions were soon satisfied about the world and people eventually turned to more mundane pursuits. All mysteries had been solved save for one. 

    The Mongden Codex; Discovered by Alin Mongden, in a perfectly spherical cave in a hillside far removed from any human settlement. They found it in the arms of a long, decayed humanoid protector who se remains later disappeared without murmur . Despite the excitement and enthusiasm, the text on the stone tablet was indecipherable and its material defied analysis. Alin Mongden never deciphered the message and died without ever learning what someone had etched into this impervious stone tablet. The codex would eventually get stored away for many years following his death, hoping someone, someday, could continue his work and unlock the only genuine mystery that Thrive had left to offer. No one, it seemed, was interested, and so the codex was forgotten.

    Eventually, the codex would find itself the object of a brilliant youth whose fascination with language and the world they lived in would drive him to study the meaning of the codex. Evun Gloss had set himself a challenge to decode the codex for curiosity’s sake. It was after many years that Evun would succeed where others had failed, and he translated the codex. Surprising to him, however, the news of his translation did not receive fanfare but instead received rejection, suspicion and distrust. Most of the scientific community felt umbrage that someone so young could discern what decades of educated minds could not discern. They saw fit to challenge every victory that Evun had achieved and question every assumption or conclusion he had ever published. Evun, having hoped that he would unlock an adventure, now felt he was on his way to being shelved as the codex once had been. He had to find hard evidence that the codex was, in fact, unlocked, as he was determined that this would prove him right once and for all. Gathering his companions, he sought approval from the University to form an expedition into Thrivian locations deciphered from the text. 


    Thomann gripped the sides of his seat as his hands squeezed the sturdy cushion tightly. He closed his eyes and tilted his head upward, whispering a silent prayer. The shuttle shook heavily as the occupants of the cabin swayed with the jagged peaks and dips the craft took. Evun sat across from the much older man. He watched as sweat beaded up on the man’s dark skin as his lips silently mouthed a plea for safety. Evun glanced at his lap and the case that held a large cloth covered stony object within. He placed a hand on the satiny green cloth and smiled softly. He looked over at his friend and leaned forward. The shuttle cabin was resounding with the whine of engines and sounds of various straps, crates and panels jostling. Suddenly, the engines kicked up in pitch and everyone in the cabin felt the familiar and uncomfortable sensation of their insides being pulled upward. Thomann squeezed all the harder and his whispered chant sped up. Soon, the pressure and the shaking eased as their ship rose about the turbulence.

         Hey Thomann, you know there’s nothing to be scared of. It’s just turbulence. We’re heading for a better altitude but grabbing your seat like that isn’t really going to help you know. Maybe just relax? Evun had hoped he could give the man some comfort, though he wasn’t exactly sure how. 

    Thomann stopped his silent muttering and cast a serious scowl at the young brown-haired man who sat across from him, throwing that impishly stupid grin at him. Evun had always looked up to Thomann, and he liked it that way, but he couldn’t help but think that since Evun had decoded that tablet, he was more full of himself than he was used to, or maybe he was just getting old and grumpy. 

    Evun’s smile lit up his thin pale face. He had spent far more time inside with books than outside where the sun was, and his complexion showed it. Perhaps that lack of sun made Thomann think of him as too young for such things. 

    I’m saying my prayers, don’t slight me for that. This box, with me in it, shouldn’t be in the air! I don’t even know how you talked me into this contraption. And that crazy ass pilot you hired doesn’t make me feel any better about it! Thomann shouted well over the sounds of the clanking equipment.

    Evun suspected he was trying to be heard by more than just their group in the cabin. Hey, that’s not fair! This ship is fully certified, and I trust the pilot with my life, and you do too, so don’t try to sully our excellent pilot’s reputation! Evun playfully countered.

    Thomann harrumphed and sat back in his seat. The shaking had subsided, and he released his death grip on the seat cushion. You’ve both convinced me to get into this contraption and come out here. I’m only doing this for science, you know! I don’t owe either of you anything. Perhaps there is some chance that we can stick it to the Dean and prove him wrong. You convinced me that your translation was legitimate. I hate how that arrogant ass just dismissed your research out of hand like that. I’m sure his signature on the funding here was not because of scientific curiosity. If we can find other clues from what you learned, that would be the best thing to wipe that smug attitude from that man’s face. I just hate the part where the ship that takes us out there crashes into a fiery ball of death and we all explode!  Thomann pushed his head back into the headrest and closed his eyes. 

    Evun smiled widely as he watched his oldest friend and mentor behave like a frightened child. Don’t worry, old man, we’ll get there in one piece. Cita’s a skilled pilot. Evun sat back himself, closing the case that held the codex and setting it aside. He settled his own head back into the soft cover of the headrest and closed his eyes.

    Evun didn’t notice the single eye from Thomann that snapped open to watch him relaxing in that flimsy seat that would be the first thing to break when they crashed. The old man studied the room with one sour eye until finally settling on that stupid self-satisfied grin on his young friend. After a quick scan of the room, one last time, Thomann allowed his eyes to close, and his attention drifted off somewhere away from danger. 


    By the next week, a crew of capable researchers had been assembled in a serene valley far from home and were now making decent progress. They had, within the first week on site, unearthed a marker made of local stone bearing similar symbols as the Codex, and the research crew was elated with the progress. It would be many more months of searching and cataloging as they unearthed the secret of Thrive, and the crew were excited to keep it going.

    It happened one morning, when the familiar serenity of the sun-draped dig site was rattled by the sounds of approaching shuttle engines, quickly growing into a deafening roar. The members of the dig crew stepped into the clearing to witness the interruption as two shuttle transports rocketed toward them. As the craft slowed to hover, the wash sent showers of dirt and debris across the site and the crew scrambled to cover and protect their sensitive equipment. As the ships lowered, the familiar symbol of the planetary security force was visible against the side of one of the shuttles. The second ship, however, bore the seal of the Galactic Imperium. Evun recognized it immediately, though this one was a bit different than their archives as it was surrounded by a large griffin, but he was certain this was from the Imperium. He had not heard that contact had been made with Thrive, but their presence here was clear that they had now.

    Evun’s heart pounded in his chest as the craft settled at the edge of their dig site, the bulky ships pushing deep ruts into the grassy landscape as the whine of thrusters subsided. The doors to the transports slid open with a hiss and plumes of forced mist as pressures equalized. Evun stood transfixed in swelling panic as armed soldiers emerged from the planetary security shuttle, quickly surrounding the dig site. They held pulse rifles across their shoulders and stood silently at attention. Once the security officers were in position, the Consortial ship dispensed its own series of imposing soldiers, moving impossibly fast, clad in glossy red and black form-fitting armor looking far more terrifying than the Thrivian forces.

    The Consortial guards quickly formed a line from the entrance of the shuttle through the dig site and up to where Evun and his small group stood gawking. The row of Consortial soldiers, their red helmets shining warm in the morning light, took position and stood motionless. Helmets covered their faces and swept up to flare out in the back in angular lines. Enamel feathers splayed out flat across the helmet’s crest, creating the look of an ancient mythical beast. A dark tinted visor diluting any emotion obscured their faces. Some of the soldiers bore swords with elaborate hilts and handles and all of them carried exotic, long weapons that must be rifles of a sort. Once in position, the Consortial soldiers stood at attention presenting an unquestionably imposing presence. The dig site was now quiet, aside from the occasional cough or whimper from the dig team.

    Once all were at attention, a tall figure emerged from the dark hollow of the Consortial ship. The top of the figure’s masked helm barely cleared the top of the threshold. The head was smooth and sweeping like the soldiers’ resembling a bird’s crest. An ornate design spread from the corner of its face, up the side of the helm and ended at the top of the crest. The figure’s long, red cloak covered its form fully to create an illusion that the figure floated menacingly as it strode up the row of soldiers to stop in front of Evun, a viciously graceful entrance that intimidated quite well. Various small lenses and lights materialized from within the mask, making Evun’s skin begin to sweat as he struggled to retain his composure. After a moment of inspection, the figure turned to look at the rest of the party and reached toward its throat activating some hidden switch. A loud silence surrounded the entire group. The birds and insects and even the heavy breathing of the group were gone, replaced with only the absence of sound. A voice emanated through the unnatural stillness, deep, clear, resonating with a metallic ring that was clear to everyone’s ear no matter how far away they were.

    This location is now under Consortial control. All activity has been ordered to cease. You are ordered to leave this place and any materials immediately. You will be escorted from here back to the city, and you are warned not to disobey the order not to return to this site. This is by authority of the Galactic Imperium under rule by Emperor Xius IV. You will be taken safely back to your University, and if you cooperate, there will be no harm to you. Failure to comply with these orders will result in severe punishment.

    The figure turned and floated back to the Consortial ship only to be stopped by a single figure stepping into its path. One of the laborers had placed himself right in the path of the monstrous Consortial figure. Ben, a large sturdy man hired to carry equipment, stood nearly eye level with the red-cloaked figure and pointed an accusing finger at the looming officer preparing to give his opinion on the mandate.

    Evun hadn’t blinked, when suddenly every soldier surrounding the site had trained their weapon on the man. Ben’s shocked expression appeared as quickly as the soldiers changed posture. The tall figure regarded his slack-jawed face only a moment, then turned its head slightly to the ready guard and back to Evun, who was struggling to draw a useful breath to control his anxiety. The figure reached again for its hidden switch and suddenly all sound returned in an instant, flooding Evun’s senses and reminding him that this figure had been holding sound hostage. Soldiers relaxed their postures as the figure glided past Ben and his still open mouth. Ben collapsed to the ground in soft heaving sobs of fear as the figure and the Consortial soldiers quickly filed into the belly of the Consortial shuttle. The shuttle sealed, as the engines began their whine, then lifted from the ground. The remaining local security guards sprang into motion and quickly ushered the members of the dig party to board their transport at gunpoint. The confused and anxious group complied without argument and in near silence as the door sealed and the engines spun up. Evun watched the row of tents and their excavator shrink into the distance through the shuttle window as the engines roared to carry them home. The dig crew exchanged concerned looks with each other but dared not speak for the rest of their trip.

    The shuttle landed in the center of campus at Wolfram University, and the expedition team was promptly ushered into one of the larger auditoriums where they joined other members of the University staff. Once gathered in the auditorium, the Dean of the University addressed the group and informed them that due to the presence of the Imperium, all projects were suspended while being reviewed. All personnel were forbidden to speak of their projects while under review or risk severe prosecution.

    Before the group was dismissed, each person was made to line up to be recorded as they recited a prewritten oath that they would comply with the orders. Evun spat his oath into the recording device while he forced the deepest scowl he could manage. As soon as he was released, he wriggled through the group and made a direct charge to the Dean’s office. Passing the Dean’s assistant, ignoring her shouts, he burst into the Dean’s office prepared with a torrent of choice words when he realized that the Dean was not alone.

     It seemed he had interrupted a conversation, and by the look of discomfort on the Dean’s face he guessed this was not a cordial discussion. The unknown man sat casually in the Dean’s chair. He wore a crisp uniform of red and black in the Consortial style Evun was familiar with. His shoulders were covered in black leather and a red cloak clasped at the shoulders. A stiff military hat rested on the desk in front of him. On its black brim, a gold badge of a griffin was emblazoned. The man’s attention was drawn to Evun’s intrusion.

    Ahh! This must be the young linguistic prodigy you were telling me about! The man stated in an excited accent that reminded Evun of the Consortial lessons of his youth. His voice was much more jovial than expected, which made Evun nervous. I am commander Zein. I am the attaché for the Consortial reconnection process. I have been assigned to assess the knowledge programs of your little world. He stood from his seat.  I am now in charge of all operations within all universities and education systems on Thrive. He locked Evun with an amused look. You are no doubt here to give the Dean a piece of your mind about your abrupt treatment or maybe about the enforced silence regarding your research? He stood proudly behind the desk as Evun drew in a heavy breath and held it before slowly releasing it. We have confiscated all materials related to your research and our people will review it to determine what can be released for use. Once they have determined the nature of your study, they will determine if you are free to resume. Do you still wish to issue a complaint? He seemed to dare Evun without breaking his grin. This is necessary to facilitate an easy transition to bring your world back into the protection of the Imperium. The process is temporary, and when complete, your lives will be much better than they are today. He shifted his feet slightly and he regarded the men. I will remind you that your oath is quite binding, and breaking it will result in punishment that can be quite severe. He leaned on the desk and pressed his hands to the surface as he tilted forward to emphasize his point. You are smart men. You do understand me, yes?

    Evun gulped deeply as he forgot any actions he had planned on his way there.

    The man stood straight and said, I will be back periodically to check in during the process. I think we should become friends, there is much we can benefit from each other. His demeanor made it seem as if they had been friends for years. I hear you do amazing research here at University. The Emperor and his houses have great value in those with scientific minds. Evun felt the comment was ominous and off-putting.

    The man placed a small half-spherical object on the desk resembling a serpent coiled around an orb and pressed down on the device causing it to emit a soft green light. He said nothing more and pointed to the object, then lightly tapped his ear which both men understood meant that they would be listening. Once the Consortial officer left the room, Evun and the Dean stood awkwardly silent, glancing at the device before wordlessly departing. Evun returned to his own workspace which he wasn’t surprised had been raided. All evidence of his work with the Codex was gone. His notes, pictures, scribblings, and any links or contacts on his work terminal were gone. Evun fumed silently for a time before collecting what little personal items he had left and called for a vehicle to head home. Evun’s mind tumbled with the implications of the day, and as he caught a glimpse of the Varrenwood skyline, now shadowed by a large Consortial cruiser, his spirits plummeted. The Imperium was here, and Thrive would never be the same. Evun heaved a sigh and decided he would drown his woes once he reached home.


    Evun woke just before midmorning and shuffled toward the kitchen. He fed his fish before stopping shortly to take care of nature’s nagging call, and made the briefest of glances as he lumbered past the mirror and the shower. He grunted at his unkempt, matted brown hair and long, unshaven face and continued to the kitchen. He stood motionless in the kitchen, his mouth opened wide in a long, silent scream against wakefulness staring at the shrinking streams of summer sunlight covering the kitchen floor as the coffee machine gurgled and hissed. His trance was interrupted by a high-pitched beep announcing that the machine had completed its morning task. Evun slurped from his mug as he grabbed his tablet and sat at the table. The dark reflection of his face on the tablet was replaced by an image of a serene valley at dawn in spring, the sun highlighting a distant settlement of tents and crates. He began to pour his attention into the tablet, ignoring the news prompts offering to explain how wonderful it was to have the Imperium at last reunited with Thrive. How the communications tower that they had started construction on their first day was finally completed. A celebration was planned for its inaugural activation next week.

    He soured at the memory of the Imperium having ransacked his apartment as they had his lab. He had been so infuriated at the affront to his privacy that he had left his home and his possessions behind and taken over the guest room at his friend Cita’s. It was fortunate that Cita was spared the intrusion of the Imperium, likely because she had no real connection to the research data. Cita had been his closest, if not only friend since they were both children. Her apartment wasn’t as spacious as his, but it was large enough,

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