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Kingdom Theology: Volume 1: The Kingdom: Volume 1: The Kingdom
Kingdom Theology: Volume 1: The Kingdom: Volume 1: The Kingdom
Kingdom Theology: Volume 1: The Kingdom: Volume 1: The Kingdom
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Kingdom Theology: Volume 1: The Kingdom: Volume 1: The Kingdom

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Unlock the mysteries of the Kingdom with "Kingdom Theology Volume 1." This insightful guide re-introduces us to the foundations of faith, offering a fresh perspective on what the Kingdom truly is and how it shapes our lives. Explore the core components of the King

Release dateJun 1, 2024
Kingdom Theology: Volume 1: The Kingdom: Volume 1: The Kingdom

Dubb Alexander

Dubb Alexander advances The Kingdom as a Global Statesman, leveraging his United Nations access to bring prophetic strategies to heads of state around the world. When he is not traveling internationally, Dubb can be found equipping Prophetic Kingdom Reformers through his online school, "School of Kingdom," or sharing the platform alongside other Kingdom Generals at various conferences and training events. Dubb resides in Amarillo, Texas, with his beautiful wife, Beth, and their daughter, Cinda.

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    Kingdom Theology - Dubb Alexander


    And behold, the glory of the God of Israel came from the way of the east. His voice was like the sound of many waters; and the earth shone with His glory.

    Ezekiel 43:2 (NKJV¹)

    Welcome to Kingdom Theology Volume 1: The Kingdom, a journey into the depths of divine revelation where the voice of God reverberates like the "sounds of many waters." Within these pages, we embark on an exploration of the eternal truths encapsulated within the Kingdom of God—a realm characterized by the harmonious dance of the Trinity and the loving communion shared within.

    What sets this project apart is its collaborative nature, born from the harmonious convergence of four distinct voices. We recognize the diverse tapestry of personalities, cultures, and ethnicities within the family of God and endeavor to articulate truth in a manner accessible to all.

    In my pursuit of rediscovering the essence of Kingdom Theology, two truths emerged with clarity. Firstly, there exists a pressing need for a comprehensive resource that seamlessly integrates the Kingdom Mindset presented by Jesus with the various doctrines essential to our faith. Each theological thread pulled inevitably unravels into a myriad of interconnected topics, prompting deeper exploration. Secondly, such a monumental task cannot be undertaken alone. Through divine providence, I’ve been led to remarkable theologians whose insights and perspectives complement and enrich this endeavor.

    It is with great honor and excitement that I introduce to you three remarkable Kingdom comrades—Ryan Peña, Eunike Jonathan, and Tony Robinson—each an invaluable contributor to the journey that awaits you within the pages of this book.

    Ryan Peña, a dear friend and extraordinary theologian, possesses a unique gift that allows him to address theological concepts from a fresh perspective, unencumbered by the biases of religion. In stark contrast to my own teaching approach, which employs a structured method utilizing bullet points, charts, and a gift of wordsmithing that gives language to articulate previously unspoken experiences and revelations, Ryan’s natural storytelling style invites readers into a world of deeper understanding, guiding them to uncover truths with clarity and resonance.

    Eunike Jonathan’s collaboration with Ryan and myself in this project is a source of immense excitement. An accomplished author and theologian in her own right, Eunike brings a wealth of knowledge and insight to our collaboration. She has a remarkable gift—the ability to articulate in writing the very essence of what lies within the hearts of Ryan, myself, and, indeed, within the heart of the Kingdom Theology we seek to illuminate. Together, our voices merge seamlessly, enriched by her insightful observations that elevate the narrative to new heights offering you a comprehensive understanding of Kingdom Theology that is both informative, thought-provoking, and accessible.

    And last but certainly not least, Tony Robinson—a true treasure of the Kingdom. While I could elaborate extensively on the diverse strengths she possesses, I will direct your attention to the particular gift you are about to experience within these pages. Tony possesses a unique ability to ask the right questions at the right time, leading individuals into transformative encounters with truth. At the conclusion of each chapter, Tony’s insightful questions will prompt you to process the truths encountered, integrating them into the very fabric of your being. I urge you to engage earnestly with each chapter, allowing the truths unveiled herein to take root within your soul, unearthing treasures that have the power to transform not only your mind, but your very heart.

    Together, Ryan, Eunike, Tony, and I invite you to embark on an extraordinary journey of discovery and revelation. As you navigate through the chapters ahead, may you be captivated by the depth and richness of Kingdom Theology. This book is not merely a collection of words on paper—it is an invitation to encounter truth in a profound and personal way, allowing it to shape and transform your life. This volume marks the inaugural step in a series dedicated to exploring the vast expanse of Kingdom Theology with unity of purpose and diversity of expression.

    To The King!

    Dubb Alexander, Ryan Peña, Eunike Jonathan &

    Tony Robinson

    The Multi-Voiced, Kingdom Theology Team


    ¹ The New King James Version translation will be used throughout this volume unless otherwise cited.



    "The majority of the church today preaches a gospel about Jesus while failing to preach The Gospel that Jesus Himself preached; namely, the Gospel of The Kingdom."

    - Dubb Alexander

    And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease among the people.

    (Matt 4:23)

    Now after John was put in prison, Jesus came to Galilee, preaching the gospel of the kingdom of God, and saying, ‘The time is fulfilled, and the kingdom of God is at hand. Repent, and believe in the gospel.’

    (Mark 1:14-15)

    . . . but He said to them, ‘I must preach the kingdom of God to the other cities also, because for this purpose I have been sent.’

    (Luke 4:43)

    The synoptic gospels, Matthew, Mark, and Luke, clearly tell us that the message Jesus preached was the good news of The Kingdom. Jesus spoke extensively about God’s Kingdom. In fact, the term kingdom is referenced over 120 times in the four gospels, making it the obvious theme of Jesus’ ministry on Earth.

    (Find this list in the back of the book, in the section entitled Kingdom 120.)

    In the great commission, Jesus charged his followers to make disciples of all the nations, teaching them to observe all things that He has commanded (Matt 28:18-20). He has commissioned us to advance what He has already started, and that means we need to understand everything there is to know about The Kingdom He preached.


    As a young man, Dubb took a job at a metal fabrication shop, an industry that he had no prior experience in, and was altogether unfamiliar with. Like all entry-level employees in this shop, Dubb was assigned as a gofer (i.e., one who goes to fetch what is needed to complete a task at hand) to one of the senior fabricators in the shop. This senior fabricator was excellent at his craft—a man of few words and even less patience. One of the most frustrating parts of the job for Dubb was being sent to go look for a specific tool or component that he had never heard of before, with very little explanation or description. Adding to the frustration, was the urgency that came with the mission (e.g., the close deadline necessary to keep production moving at the expected rate). Nothing beats the frustration of being urgently charged to look for something you are unclear about.

    For many believers today, their reality consists of an existence in which they are painfully aware that something is missing, but try as they might, they do not know what that thing is! It is as though U2’s hit song, I Still Haven’t Found What I’m Looking For, is playing on repeat in the depths of their souls, without any resolution. Thus, we can all agree that it is extremely difficult to find something when we do not know what we are looking for.

    Having said that, we submit to you that what believers today are searching for was the main focus of Jesus’ communicative ministry when He walked the Earth—The Kingdom of God. In Matthew 6:33, Jesus instructs us to seek first The Kingdom. Yet, for most of churchianity, a clearcut, working definition of what exactly, The Kingdom is, seems to be sorely lacking.

    The purpose of Part l of this book, The Kingdom Definition, is to equip you with clarity and language surrounding WHAT The Kingdom IS. Part II of this book, The Kingdom Discovery, will go into further exploration of WHEN, WHERE, WHO, and HOW of The Kingdom. Set your expectations high as you proceed through the following pages. May you receive a powerful impartation of the revelation of The Kingdom.




    As we have already mentioned, The Gospel Jesus preached exclusively was the Gospel of The Kingdom. Not only did He place such importance on the subject of The Kingdom, but Jesus also went out of His way to encourage us to make it the primary focus of our own discovery. In Matthew 6:33, He said, . . . But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you. However, the fact remains. It is incredibly difficult to seek The Kingdom, much less preach the gospel of it, when we do not know what it is!


    It is widely understood that the Greek word euangelion, translated in English as gospel, essentially means good news. However, if you ask the average Christian what the word basileia means, translated in English as kingdom, you will undoubtedly receive a variety of slow, vague, and unsure responses. This is a sad and unhelpful reality, in light of the good news Jesus actually came to speak of! If Jesus came to share the good news about a specific topic, and yet almost all of Christendom cannot articulate what the central topic of this good news was, imagine the implications!

    How are we to understand, much less communicate or receive, the benefits of the good news He spoke of if we do not know what it means? This is what the first part of this book aims to do—provide a clear definition and picture of what The Kingdom is, what The Kingdom is not, what The Kingdom is like, and what The Kingdom must become.

    The Greek word basileia carries the following definitions:




    Royal power


    Right to rule

    A territory subject to the rule of a king

    The royal power and dignity conferred upon the children of God in Jesus’ Kingdom!

    There is so much revelation contained in these eight definitions! But first, let us move on to the definition of the English translation of the word, as it will bring a more focused, complementary aspect to the discussion.


    Jesus exclusively preached the gospel of The Kingdom.

    The Greek word for Kingdom is basileia which, in essence, speaks to the concept of royal rulership.

    Much of the church preaches a gospel about Jesus, while unintentionally failing to preach the gospel that Jesus Himself preached, the gospel of The Kingdom.


    KING - DOM

    The English word kingdom is a compound word made up of three words, King, Domain, and Dominion—a ruler, with a territory, and a governing system of authority (GSA). In order for a kingdom to exist, these three components must be present and accounted for. Scripture reveals this model to us through its depiction of Heaven. We see The Lord seated on a throne in the realm of Heaven, exercising His will over that territory through the actions of angelic beings who carry out His desires (see Ps 11:4, 1 Kgs 22:19, 2 Chr 18:18, and Rev 4:1-11 for examples). This Kingdom reality pre-exists physical creation and must be understood as the context in which the conceptualization of mankind emerges.

    In Genesis 1:26, we are given the privilege of eavesdropping on a conversation amongst the Trinity, who is the divine Godhead relationship of Three Persons in One, characterized by a continuous, beautiful display of other-focused, self-giving love. In this conversation, The Trinity, Who has forever existed within the context of loving relationship, is expressing Their desire to expand the Family through the creation of sons and daughters. In the midst of this Divine brainstorm is hidden the defining characteristics of God’s original intent for mankind, consisting of both the reason and purpose for which humanity would manifest into creation. "Then God said, ‘Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the

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