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A Bond Beyond Words: The Tale of Liam and Lily
A Bond Beyond Words: The Tale of Liam and Lily
A Bond Beyond Words: The Tale of Liam and Lily
Ebook30 pages20 minutes

A Bond Beyond Words: The Tale of Liam and Lily

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To my brother and sister, who taught me the true meaning of love and companionship.The phrase "To my brother and sister, who taught me the true meaning of love and companionship" is a heartfelt acknowledgment and tribute to siblings who have had a profound impact on someone's life.

Release dateJun 18, 2024
A Bond Beyond Words: The Tale of Liam and Lily

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    A Bond Beyond Words - sonika

    Dedication of A Bond Beyond Words: The Tale of Liam and Lily

    To my brother and sister, who taught me the true meaning of love and companionship.

    Copyright © 2024 Sonikaaggarwal

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

    Chapter 1: A Surprise Announcement

    Liam was a curious and energetic eight-year-old boy who loved adventure. His world revolved around his parents, his friends, and his beloved dog, Max. Life was simple and full of fun, until one evening when everything changed.

    Liam, can you come here for a moment? his mom called from the living room. Her tone was gentle but carried a hint of excitement.

    Liam dashed in from the backyard, where he had been playing fetch with Max. What is it, Mom? he asked, noticing his parents sitting together on the couch, their faces beaming with joy.

    His dad patted the space between them. Come sit with us, buddy. We have some big news.

    With a mixture of curiosity and anticipation, Liam climbed onto the couch, squeezing in between his parents. What's going on?

    His mom took a deep breath and placed a hand on her belly. Liam, you're going to be a big brother. We're having a baby.

    The words hung in the air as Liam tried to process them. A baby? he repeated, his eyes widening. You mean, like, a real baby? In your tummy?

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