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A Joker's Heart: The Ace Of Cards, #1
A Joker's Heart: The Ace Of Cards, #1
A Joker's Heart: The Ace Of Cards, #1
Ebook324 pages3 hours

A Joker's Heart: The Ace Of Cards, #1

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Genesis, the God of Mischief and Illusions, enjoys a peaceful life among mortals in Manhattan, owning a club and keeping his distance from the divine realm after his pseudo-banishment. However, his tranquility is shattered when he is tasked with preventing the apocalypse for a second time. Despite preferring to do literally anything else, Genesis accepts the mission, knowing only he, the King's greatest General, can save the multiverse. Teaming up with his hot-headed, estranged brother Nico, he must confront the banished Gods known as The Nameless Ones, who seek to destroy the universe and become its rulers. As Genesis journeys across the world, he must gather allies and grow stronger both physically and mentally to face the looming final battle. With only a few months to stop the catastrophe, the stakes have never been higher. Will he be able to succeed?

Release dateJun 19, 2024
A Joker's Heart: The Ace Of Cards, #1

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    Book preview

    A Joker's Heart - Maya Abramovitch

    Chapter One

    The Day The Sky Turned Green

    Before anything, I’d like to state that all of this is fiction, my loves. None of what is written here is true, and you should definitely not go to New York and look for my bar, or my father’s laboratory. Or go to Osaka and look for my Mother’s floating gardens, or the secret hideout in London. Because, like I have stated, this is all fiction. None of these locations exist, and if you see someone with horns walking down the street, or even a horned bird, ignore it. It’s not real and you’re just hallucinating. Take it from me, I’m the god of illusions.

    After a few moments of thought I have realised I should probably explain myself a bit better. Hello there darlings, my name is Genesis Lune and I am the Primordial of Illusions, Poisons and Mischief. Now, you’re probably thinking,‘Genesis, that’s a terrible combination!’, and while you’re not wrong, you’re not completely correct either. Do you know how fun it is to make someone

    hallucinate spiders running up their arms? It’s fucking hi- larious. Ah yes, I should probably tell you that this novel will not be child friendly.We will have many very descrip- tive battles, and many curse words.The basics.

    Continuing, I am... single.Yes. I am single, so you can feel free to try and romance me. If I wasn’t fictional. I’m sure there will be fanfiction written about me someday though. In any case, this story is not about my celibacy, or how much I wished for my love’s return- er, not that that was all that important.This story is about the Primordials. Us who were born gods, and have roamed the earth since the beginning. It’s about the beginning of the End, and a new start. And this book specifically, is all mine! I get to tell you all about how wonderful my life is, and how rich my club makes me. Ah yes, and the time I almost died when the literal Prohibited Ones broke out of their pun- ishment cell and tried to destroy all of life as we know it.

    ‘Who are the Prohibited Ones?’, you may be asking your- self.That would be Famine, Pestilence and War.Yes,

    like the ones in the Christian apocalypse. But these three, also known as the Nameless Ones, are pure unadulterat- ed evil, and don’t need to wait for the apocalypse to hurt anyone and everyone they see. Although in this case, the apocalypse did happen and we were almost done for.

    You’re welcome, by the way, for saving your lives and your world. Even if this novel is simply fiction.

    I shall begin now, so make sure you are quite comfortable wherever you are. Eat, drink. Perhaps you are laying on your bed, reading my story from your phone or com- puter. Or perhaps you are holding my tale in a physical tome, curled up in a chair or a sofa.Though this is none of my business. One shall read how they wish to.Who

    am I to dictate how you enjoy my story?

    Now then, how did we end up like this? With my club completely destroyed, my beast brother missing, and one of my other siblings stuck in an eternal prison of his own prophetic visions? Well, it’s a very long and convoluted story that begins with a green sky and two pesky little meddling twins. No, seriously. Everything began in Sep- tember, when the sky turned a lovely shade of apocalypse green.


    I was managing the floor, like I usually do on Fridays. A normal night, making sure everyone was working hard and no annoying little humans decided to poison each other. It was expressly prohibited, and feistier men who tried to argue would simply be fed to Kleia as a snack.

    But out of nowhere, right as I was to return to my dress- ing room to change gowns, a very familiar and annoying face appeared in my adoring crowd of potential victims. One of my brothers, coming to ruin my evening.

    I couldn’t see who it was exactly, but it was most likely one of the twins. Blond hair, blue eyes.They look exactly like our Father.

    I sigh and hand Birch my clipboard, taking the receipt book they offered in return, before going backstage.

    I could see my brother following behind me, slipping through the crowd as if he were a ghost.Though if I was right about who it was, it was probably a hologram and not actually my brother.The two pests were quite good at tech.

    I entered my dressing room, closing the door behind the figure. He looked up and as expected, it was one of the twins. Specifically, it was Tekhio, the one with the shorter hair and shorter patience. Great.What do you want, Annoyance Numero Dos? I asked, locking the door and casting a silencing spell around the room. It was already soundproofed to hell and back, but when dealing with godly things, one could never be too sure.The sky is green,Tekhio said, sounding very relaxed, as if he were discussing the weather.

    Yes, I have eyes, genius.What is wrong with Akhi, any- ways? Did he go on another vacation? I shot back, sitting down on my sofa."No, he’s still there, and very panicked. No one knows what’s going on, and Haraine’s missing.

    So I came to get you for an emergency council,"Tekhio stated, and I gaped.

    And I’m only being told of this now? Fuck,Tei, do you know what this means? I yelled, and he shrunk back slightly.

    Now, I admit I’m not the friendliest when I’m upset, but this is serious. Haraine, being the Beast of the End, should be kept under constant monitoring, and if he’s missing, it means that his guardian was either killed or maimed. Poor Eve, I liked him a lot. And a green sky, well, I’ll let past me explain.

    Tekhio, I know you were born in the late 1800s and that’s why you don’t know this, so let me explain.This is the goddamn apocalypse. Harri’s gonna eat dad, every- one’s going to fucking die and the three Prohibited Ones are gonna fucking come out of their damned prison cell. I explained as calmly as I could.

    But I hope it’s fucking not the apocalypse and just a horrible prank. I smiled grimly. I did not believe that for a second, though. I knew the moment Tekhio mentioned the sky, something was off. I’d already had a bad feeling all day.This isn’t my first time with the apocalypse, and to have a repeat of that, well, I’m not the most excited about it.

    Tekhio sucked in a breath and looked away."I sure hope so. But if worse comes to worst, Nefion and I can make something to keep Haraine down.There is a way to

    divert the apocalypse without killing our brother, right? I don’t think I’m comfortable doing that to a 7 year old." He looked away, tucking his blond hair behind his ears.

    I frowned.We need to bring him out of Beast mode. For that we’ll need both mom and dad. I explained. Tekhio seemed to brighten.Great! Mom and Dad’ll do anything for the end of the apocalypse, right? He tilted his head.They would, but Dad is probably weakening. He tied his physical form to the gates holding the Prohib- ited Ones captive. If we can’t keep the gates closed, Dad will be too weak to act, and Haraine will eat him and de- stroy us all. I cringed. I hated breaking his spirit like that but it was necessary. Hopefulness and Battles don’t mix.

    Can you go back to the Palace and call a meeting of the Council? Tell Dad it’s an emergency. I asked, turning to my dressing table and pouring a glass of whiskey for myself.This conversation was getting too much.The

    Council would be able to think of much better ideas than I ever could. 13 Gods older than humanity itself and most of their species, as well as 3 of the demigods. I’m in it too, although I’m not that good at being responsible so I just send one of my servants in my stead. I’d rather not speak of battle anymore than the bare minimum.

    I turned back to Tekhio, and noted his grim features. Per- haps he finally understood how tense the situation was. "Just told Neifi to do it. He’s still at the Palace, he’ll be

    able to have it arranged before morning." He stated. I hummed, and downed my drink before setting my glass down.

    Can you go then? I only have tonight to set a Deal, before I leave for Tokyo for Fashion Week. I made shooing motions and Tekhio laughed, walking towards the door.Alright jerk, say hi to George for me! He giggled, and disappeared before I could strangle him. Un- fortunate. I huffed and opened the door before walking through.

    As I walked back to the area I watched from near the stage, I glanced around the club and made note of my staff. At the bar, Birch poured drinks for the latest round of businessmen, tapping their nails against the bottle.

    They were probably counting the seconds until their break, so they could go to the back and flirt with Cup- cake.

    Marin was walking the tables, a big smile on his face as he leaned forwards to set a plate down. Show-off. And at the entrance, Miles was probably on his phone, playing that puzzle game he’d been obsessed with for the past few

    weeks. I just hoped he was keeping an eye on the lockers. Near the stages, where Kleia and Gabriel danced rather prettily, was Star, overlooking all the patrons. I decided to go talk to her, instead of going directly to the main area.

    Throwing my arm around her shoulder, I grinned.

    Well hello there, Miss Blood. How’s the family? I asked, waggling my brows. She snorted, before pushing my face away. Echo and Lilith are fine, Genesis. Lilith has adapted well after being pulled from his previous family. And before you ask,- She gave me a look, exas- perated, and I simply beamed in turnh- No, I will not bring him here to the club. If you want to meet him, come over.

    A pout formed on my lips, and I further draped myself

    on her. She laughed and gently nudged me away. Alright you little shit, shouldn’t you be watching the humans? Star asked, and I gasped. "That’s boss little shit to you.

    And as for your question, I’m simply admiring the view, and Cupcake’s performance. Have you seen their new routine? I’m a little jealous, honestly."

    I motioned to the stage, where the pink haired human had taken charge of the main pole and was now lifting their heeled foot above their head. I never knew humans were so flexible. Shaking my head, I then let go of her and crossed her arms. If I ever need your family’s help, I can call you, yeah? I asked, and she raised a brow.

    Well yeah, we made a deal, princey. You give us potions and help out every once in a while, and we’d help you out with anything. We’re blood brothers, Gen, we made a pact, Star said, before frowning. Why, what’s going on? She asked. Hopefully, nothing at all. But knowing my luck, we might be facing the apocalypse. I groaned,

    and she patted my back reassuringly.If anything hap- pens, go to Adrian. As king, he’ll be able to get you an entire battalion of hell to use. I’ll also bring Lilith and Echo if you need anything at all. Just give me a call.

    That brought a smile to my face, and I quickly hugged her before pulling away before she could hug me back.This wasn’t the time to get sappy."Thanks Star.You’re a good person, despite how you’re probably prepared to protest.

    I know you only kill scum.You can’t trick me." I pressed a kiss to her forehead, before turning and going to the back.

    I needed to get home as fast as possible, and set up every single mail ward I knew, so that no letter summoning me to anything related to war or battle would simply bounce back or incinerate. Hopefully.Warding spells aren’t

    really my strong suit, they’d always been... Nevermind. I tugged off my top as soon as I entered my office upstairs, throwing it aside and turning to look at the mirror I had covering one wall. My reflection was haggard, scars run- ning deep and jagged down my chest, cutting through my tattoos that wriggled uselessly under them or attempted to avoid them altogether. Burns on my chest, from fire, acid and liquid ellian, a toxic metal.

    My legs were covered in cuts that were revealed when I took off my long gown, and as I removed my shoes, my mangled feet could now be seen in the mirror. I flexed

    my toes to try and ward off the inevitable incoming pain, before tracing the place where the nails once were. I sighed, before lying back on the cool wooden floor.

    Reaching my scarred hands up above my face, I sighed and used them to cover the artificial white light from the ceiling.

    Nikii, I’m sorry. I’ve become a coward. But whenever I think about that battle, I... I trailed off as memories surfaced. It was torture, every single time it happened.

    I couldn’t breathe, and my entire body spasmed with pain. I... It hurt so much. I was back in that dark place, strapped to that horrid chair, blindfolded once again.

    Someone was holding my head back against the freezing metal, crushing my throat, ripping out my tongue, and it just






    Waking up after a flashback was never a pleasant experi- ence. My head was pounding, and my face and floor

    were covered in vomit. Fortunately I’d turned on my side, and wouldn’t have to take a dreaded healing potion to expel vomit from my lungs. Coughing, I pushed myself up from the floor and weakly reached for my desk.

    My trembling hand managed to shove my water bottle to the ground, and I grabbed it desperately, ripping the cap off and chugging as much of it down as I could handle.

    Apparently, that wasn’t much either as I turned and vom- ited most of it back up again. Fuck. Wheezing, I pushed myself up and stumbled to the intercom next to my door. I punched the call button and entered the code for the reception, and waited for the confirmation beep.

    Miles- I paused to cough, doubling down and gasping for air- Send Marin up with some crackers and water, please. And a fucking mop. I requested, before hanging up. I wasn’t going to listen to his answer. I didn’t want to hear the worry in his voice. I didn’t deserve that worry.

    Marin soon popped in, a pack of crackers and a bottle in one arm, and a mop under the other, as he held a bucket of water with his free hand. You okay, boss? He asked hesitantly, and made his way, kicking the door closed with the heel of his bare foot. I groaned weakly in response, and he chuckled nervously before setting down the crack- ers and water, before starting to mop up my mess.

    "Marin, you’re a good kid. Thanks for the help, but I

    could’ve mopped that myself. I attempted to stand up straight, but my knees buckled immediately and I fell back against the wall. No offence boss, but no you can’t. You look like shit, by the way." Marin raised a brow, dunking the mop in the bucket once he was done.

    He walked over and helped me sit down on my couch, before he opened the pack of crackers and gave me one. Well thank you, Mar. It’s quite pleasant to have my own subordinate insulting me right after I had a blackout and possibly a seizure. Levelling my gaze on the siren, I tried to look as intimidating as possible, but I could never be upset with Marin.

    And of course, the smug siren knew that, and promptly put his legs on my lap. Boss, I’m your favourite. He crooned, and I rolled my eyes. My favourite is Cupcake. You’re not even close to being my favourite. I dead- panned, and he gasped dramatically. Oh sir, you wound me! Your words pierce my flesh and blood, and leave me broken and deceased. Marin flopped back, crying and overacting. Fuck, he sounded too much like me some- times.

    I pushed his legs off my lap and closed my eyes, concen- trating my magical energy before dispersing it around my body to heal me. The tips of my fingers began to tingle, and I ran them over the throbbing scars on my chest, not healing them but simply dulling the pain. The scars on

    my body weren’t going to heal any time soon. I was stuck with them.

    After some minutes of silence where I polished off the food and drink, while Marin rambled aimlessly about all the tips he’d gotten and his new pair of shoes, I finally cleared my throat and stood up, walking to a small box hidden under my desk. It was where I kept more appro- priate clothes for walking home, along with an emergency gun and reload. I had a permit for it of course, I had filed for it as soon as it became a law in the United States.

    I crouched down and pulled it out, before opening the box and pulling out a pair of sweatpants and a sweater. Tugging them on, I smiled over at Marin, who had picked up my discarded clothes and had brought them over. Thank you, Marin. You can get back to work now, I’m sorry for taking you away from your tips. I pressed a kiss to his forehead and he beamed. It’s okay, boss. I don’t mind helping out sometimes. We all worry about you, you know. Marin pursed his lips and looked down at his hands.

    "Without’cha, we wouldn’t have jobs in the mortal world. It would’ve been harder to come around and live here.

    And you take good care of us. Kleia and her people would starve without you," he mumbled, and I pulled

    him into a hug. Alright, no more sappy stuff. Get back to work you little shit. I whispered, and he hugged back

    before saluting and leaving. Good kid.

    Once he’d left, I surveyed my office one last time, sighing at the mop and bucket against the wall, and the empty pack of crackers on the floor. I’ll just clean tomorrow. I mumbled to myself, before turning and

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