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Call Me Zena: A True Story into the Unknown
Call Me Zena: A True Story into the Unknown
Call Me Zena: A True Story into the Unknown
Ebook145 pages1 hour

Call Me Zena: A True Story into the Unknown

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This is a TRUE story about how I became aware of Astral Travel.(Something I knew nothing about.) It is a journey that has given me many messages. I have become an artist, poet, and writer within 3 years. I have NEVER had any formal training. I describe in detail how this is possible. This is how my story began. I was going through a very hard time in my life was admitted into hospital overnight in Dec.2005.  I settled back into life so I thought. WRONG. I was having VERY VIVID dreams. I started to write them down. I began a journey that has NO beginning and NO end. This still is continuing as you will see in my book .On my 3rd dream I was given a MESSAGE by a lady that was showing me how to draw. She told me to get PAPER and CRAYONS.  I now have about 130 drawings to date. September 2008.  My book is how this all came about . They all have messages. I have met my guides in my travels and many other people along the way. You will see how my art work validates this. I want to awaken more fellow souls into the unlimited possibilities of creative living. This book is part autobiography and part road map. It shows you how this is possible for anyone. I changed my life`s direction. This will show you how to change yours.
Release dateJun 13, 2024
Call Me Zena: A True Story into the Unknown

Sally Barnard

Sally Barnard was born in London England at the end of the Second World War. She attended a boarding school for girls outside of London. She married at 18 years old. A mother of 2 children and 4 grandchildren. She came to live in the United States in 1979. She got her Real Estate license and worked on sales for over 20 years. She lived life very much the way we all do. Until in 2006 something dramatically CHANGED HE LIFE’S DIRECTION. Today Sally is an ARTIST, POET, and WRITER. She also has An Internet TV show “Call me Zena” which she hosts. Her Artwork is prolific and thought provoking. Her book is part autobiography and part road map. Sally hopes by sharing her experiences with others, it will awaken more fellow souls to the unlimited possibilities of creativity living. She has never had any formal training in the field of art of history. This is what makes her truly unique.

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    Call Me Zena - Sally Barnard

    © 2024 Sally Barnard. All rights reserved.

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    ISBN: 979-8-8230-2825-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-8230-2826-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2024911554

    Published by AuthorHouse 06/12/2024


    I want to dedicate this work to my children, Caroline and Gary, and to my four wonderful grandchildren, Tyler, Sidney, Jordyn and Madison. Also, this book is dedicated to my Stepmother, Trudi, and to my Stepbrother, Elliott, who, through his courage and his will to live, inspires me every day. I want especially to thank him for urging me to Wake up to reality.

    In loving memory

    Louise Caroline. My daughter

    Trudi. my step mother

    Aldo. Adermir


    This work would not have been possible without the encouragement, support, and assistance of some very wonderful people. To my dear friends, Pat and Peter; to my close friend, Dawn; to Steven, who has become a dear friend; to my spiritual guide on earth, Adamir, who wants to remain anonymous; to Merlin, who has had to put up with me on the phone (You know who you are!!), and to all the people who have come into my life and have helped me on my journey, I can only say THANK YOU!!!!




















    Is there an unseen world beyond the physical realm? What happens after death? Will we see our loved ones again? As a Rabbi, I must help the bereaved deal with their losses. The performance of religious rituals can help one through the stages of mourning, but this often proved insufficient. People want to hear more about the spiritual world. I speak words of comfort and give them a sense of hope that the separation is temporary.

    I have no doubt of Sally’s sincerity. She has received a series of messages that you will find amazing, just as she herself did. Many times, she has called me to relate another dream and set of instructions. You can hear it in her voice and see it in her drawings: someone or some power in the spirit world has awakened something from a prior life. Is it a genetic memory, passed down from her ancestors? Is it the resurrection of talents from a previous lifetime?

    There was a time when I was very skeptical in reading about past-life regression. I even suspected that the most renowned writers and experts in the field were fabricating the stories for fame and financial gain. But my own personal experiences have raised the possibility that there may be truth to what they were relating.

    On April 15, 2004, my first-born son, Gershom, ended his life. His suicide followed those of the uncle for whom I was named and also of my father. On the day of my father’s death, I felt an excruciating pain in my mouth where none should have been felt. A tooth and its root had previously been removed. I knew there was no physical cause for the pain and so I sat calmly for ten seconds and it went away. A few hours later, I learned that my dad had shot himself at that very moment. Was the pain a signal from the spirit world?

    The evening after Gershom’s death, it appears that he attempted to return to this world by entering my body. Doubters may snicker and say that it was strictly a dream; indeed, that was how it began. In retrospect, I conclude that would have been the most opportune time for him to attempt such a return. He repeated over and over, Help me, don’t let me be dead. I tried to reawaken, to get help, to yell for others to assist, but it was futile. I was asleep and horrified. The next day, my colleague and mentor, Rabbi Larry Winer of Fort Lauderdale offered the theory that I had been trapped between two worlds. Perhaps it was Gershom who was struggling between the two dimensions. But empathy for my son created a sense of dread that I myself was in a tug of war between life and death. In this struggle, I rolled out of bed and hit my head on the nightstand. The pain should have been enough to bring me out of the nightmare. Yet, I could not open my eyes or rise to my feet.

    With a roommate’s assistance, I arose. However, I had absolutely no control over my arms; they hung limp by my side. I was in disbelief. I could neither feel them nor move them. Apparently Gershom had not yet relinquished control; he was desperately trying to remain in the physical world. Here is a former skeptic telling you that this truly happened. I observed in amazement as another force maintained control: opening the medicine cabinet, lathering my face and shaving my beard in jerky motions that I was fearful would result in severe cuts. I was in a trance-like state. I did not dress myself. This other force did so, and it was nearly 45 minutes total that I believe that my son revisited the physical world.

    This book is Sally’s story, so I refrain from sharing many more details of my own experiences. Suffice it to say that I have growing awareness of a previous lifetime. And there are continuing momentary glimpses into another dimension that are accompanied by physical manifestations which can be scientifically witnessed. I have come to believe in some of the phenomena I previously discredited. And I am convinced that Sally has been in contact with the spiritual world.

    You will learn much and be transformed by what you shall read and see. There are consistent laws, truths, and principles in the physical world. Sally’s story will take you on a journey to explore the reality of the spiritual realm. Someday we shall meet.

    Rabbi Steven Cardonick

    Clermont, Florida


    Today we are definitely living in the Age of Miracles. There’s a spiritual shift amidst, a shift from the outer to the inner. We are becoming contemplative and more of us are becoming receptive to life’s mysteries. We are awakening! You realize nothing is as it seems and your quest has begun.

    My spiritual journey started when I was in my mid-twenties. I’d emerged from college with two degrees and learned I knew little of what mattered. I became open to the teachings and the many different beliefs of

    Edgar Cayce, Ruth Montgomery, and many other authors who have been mislabeled as New Age. Today my library is filled with a wide range of books from Brian Weiss, Neale Walsh, the Dali Lama, Esther and Jerry Hicks, Wayne Dyer, Sylvia Browne, Zecharia Sitchin, the Nag Hammadi writings, the Course in Miracles, and hundreds more! I realized early on that one could walk a spiritual path with or without adhering to a religion. As much as I’ve read, contemplated, and meditated, I still cannot clearly define the spiritual concept.

    One afternoon, my friend, Sally, and I decided it was time for her to share her miraculous story and commit it to paper. In light of what happened to Sally, my thought was that we should begin with the enlightening task of defining what spirituality is. I couldn’t believe how inept we were. I had a lifetime of study and also met many spiritually-advanced beings on my journey, but we still couldn’t define spirituality. The word is so laden with contradictory meanings. For

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