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How I learned about GOD from my DOG: A Tribute to TinkerBelle
How I learned about GOD from my DOG: A Tribute to TinkerBelle
How I learned about GOD from my DOG: A Tribute to TinkerBelle
Ebook98 pages1 hour

How I learned about GOD from my DOG: A Tribute to TinkerBelle

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It’s indeed intriguing why someone who doesn't enjoy reading or writing would decide to author a book. It seems unlikely for someone with no prior experience or desire to write a book would choose to publish one. Yet, perhaps there's a profound underlying reason behind such a choice. This book invites us to ponder if there's something beyond the ordinary human experience at work within us. It prompts us to consider the possibility of a deeper connection guiding our paths. It could be that the message in this book is meant to be read by the person who is holding this book in their hands and is reading this right now.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJun 14, 2024
How I learned about GOD from my DOG: A Tribute to TinkerBelle

Evelyn L. Butcher

Evelyn L. Butcher grew up in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania. After receiving her Bachelor’s Degree in mathematics, she taught high school math in Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Her academic journey continued with a Master’s Degree in mathematics, complemented by studies in computer science at the University of Denver. During the next twenty-five years, she had a career in management at technology startups in California’s Silicon Valley. Evelyn garnered a series of promotions and awards for creating innovative marketing and sales programs that drove revenue growth for computer companies. Beyond her professional endeavors, she volunteered in organizations promoting math and science among young women and disadvantaged students. Her commitment was acknowledged with a Volunteer of the Year award from San Jose State University’s Math, Engineering, and Science Achievement (MESA) program. Remarkably, despite a dislike for reading and writing, and a preference for numbers over words, Evelyn found herself compelled to author a book. She firmly believes the book itself came through her from a transcendent source, and she felt responsible to bring it into earthly form. Evelyn shares a special bond with dogs. She adopted several furry companions and fostered rescue dogs as well. She enjoys skiing, hiking and other outdoor activities in Colorado where she lives.

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    How I learned about GOD from my DOG - Evelyn L. Butcher

    Copyright © 2024 Evelyn L. Butcher.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    Scripture taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1979, 1980, 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    ISBN: 979-8-7652-5127-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 979-8-7652-5128-7 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2024907668

    Balboa Press rev. date: 06/07/2024



    Introduction: Different Levels of Consciousness

    Chapter 1 How TinkerBelle Found Me

    Chapter 2 Glass

    Chapter 3 Trust

    Chapter 4 Be Still and Let God Help

    Chapter 5 Anxiety and Patience

    Chapter 6 Living Now, Being Present

    Chapter 7 Time

    Chapter 8 Fear

    Chapter 9 Choke Chains

    Chapter 10 Mistakes

    Chapter 11 Forgiveness

    Chapter 12 Surrender

    Chapter 13 Abundance

    Chapter 14 Awareness

    Chapter 15 Going Direct

    Chapter 16 Death and Loss

    Chapter 17 Afterlife



    About the Author


    For my beloved companion



    - Note to Readers -

    I want you to know that I never intended to write a book. I initially handwrote these thoughts in a journal and then typed them onto paper. They quietly sat in my desk drawer for twenty years. I now feel a deep sense of obligation to convey a message I believe needs to be shared. My sincere hope is that anyone drawn to these pages will discover inspiration, clarity and personal growth. What follows are the words that flowed through me onto paper two decades ago.


    The Universal Consciousness, the Oneness that we all are, brought this book to you. It is not by chance that this book is in your hands. I hope your life will be enhanced as this was my intention in writing it. Use the information in this book as a pointer, an arrow guiding you towards the truth that already resides within you.

    I have chosen to use the word God since many people recognize it as a term signifying a Power much greater than we are. Also, it aligns nicely with the theme of this book. Dog is God spelled backwards! If you find it challenging to relate to the word God please substitute a word that resonates more for you based on your experience of touching a profound, sacred sense of connectedness with all that exists.

    Name it whatever works best for you, The Source, Creator, Higher Power, Almighty, Universal Consciousness, Supreme Being, Angel, Guardian. Likewise, if you are unable to relate to a dog, please consider substituting whatever serves you better. Perhaps you are a cat person and prefer to imagine a cat in similar situations. Parents may relate better to observations of their young children.

    Please do not become fixated on the words themselves. Words are simply pointers, like arrows; they are not the ultimate reality. Words are just a combination of letters and symbols put together for us to communicate with one another. For example, the word dog is perro in Spanish, chien in French, and various other combinations of letters and symbols in other languages. Please look beyond the words and instead focus on the reality to which these words are guiding you.


    Different Levels of


    This book has been manifested into the world because there once lived a dog I called TinkerBelle. She was my beloved mini-schnauzer, a faithful companion for ten years in a small neighborhood in the quaint town of Los Gatos, California. At the time, I worked in the fast-paced world of high technology in Silicon Valley. TinkerBelle was more than just a pet. She illuminated my path showing me the way to enlightenment. Through her, I discovered something far greater than human existence.

    I often shared stories with my friends about the interactions between TinkerBelle and me. I contemplated her relationship to me as a potential reflection of my relationship with a Higher Power. By observing TinkerBelle as my pet, my child, I came to realize my own role as a child of God.

    This book is not about religion. Rather, it is about human life, soul awakening, spiritual awareness and personal growth. Since God exists beyond human consciousness and beyond human comprehension, God is difficult to explain with words, difficult to be named, and difficult if not impossible to understand. God surpasses human words and is beyond our human understanding.

    We are a part of a vast consciousness that we can sense. We possess an innate awareness of it. We experience it, but as humans our understanding is limited to our human level of consciousness, just as a dog’s understanding is limited to a dog’s level of

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