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Me, You and Tussle
Me, You and Tussle
Me, You and Tussle
Ebook302 pages4 hours

Me, You and Tussle

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About this ebook

"Love, longing, and two souls find themselves drawn together by fate, their love story unfolding in the winding trails of the town Shimla in this heartfelt story."

Ansh, a successful entrepreneur, takes a break from his job and fast-paced life to visit Shimla. Little did he know that his life would take a drastic turn after meeting Myra, a part-time guide and an aspiring writer.

They immediately knew they were head over heels for each other the first time their eyes met. Through their journey of trials and tribulations on the winding path of love. Myra's dream to become a published author seems achievable, but a mishap threatens to derail her aspiration. Ansh is struggling with his fate, an impassioned love, and a mistake that could change everything.

Ansh and Myra have gone through the hardest times in their relationship. To embrace a second chance at being loved by fate itself; these two must find strength to overcome everything together.

Join Ansh and Myra on a journey of love, redemption, and second chances as they discover that sometimes, love's greatest adventures begin when you least expect them.

PublisherMudassir Ali
Release dateJun 19, 2024
Me, You and Tussle

Mudassir Ali

Mudassir Ali   He is a dreamer who gets lost while weaving his thoughts into words. He is an IT professional working and lives in Kolkata, India. When not working or writing, he spends his time watching movies and do cycling. His writing is filled with burning passion as he pours his heart onto the page, eager to share his thoughts with readers.

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    Me, You and Tussle - Mudassir Ali


    Ansh sat at the untidy desk. The gentle hum of the office environment provided little balm to his troubled mind. His fingers shook a little, but only just, hanging over the keyboard, staring at the new email that had appeared before him. The words on the screen blurred into one, but their meaning was important.

    I can’t take this anymore. Ansh sighed in frustration, the weight of the long night and endless struggle to press down on him. He then closed his laptop, shut with a loud snap, as if hoping the force would erase the stinging disappointment that had embedded itself deep within his very existence.

    The email was the cruellest blow, knocking the wind out of the sails of his hopes. His company had lost the prestigious car design project tender. All the blood and sweat that he spilled on the project, and countless of details to take into consideration, and lastly; ‘No,’ their bid bit the dust in favor of a competitor. The blow to his pride was as devastating as a wound that had opened less than an hour prior, as his now scalded spirit ached with a painful understanding of just how little his striving had done.

    Ansh held himself back... for a familiar discomfort flooded over him. He had given so much for this project, delayed his own personal life, pushed himself beyond any boundaries. It always seemed his best fell short. The pressure, the endless, round robin of trying, only to fall short, was proving to be too much.

    He sat back in his chair, looking at the ceiling, trying to rein in his temper. Unaware of the invisible storm raging inside of him, the office buzzed around him. Ansh realized it was time to take a break, a second to breathe, to steal away a piece of the serenity that had been missing for so long. It was time to go, to regroup if only briefly and stitch back together the shattered pieces of his resolve, rekindle the flame that had witnessed him to this point.


    He went to Shimla to seek inner comfort. Snow danced to the rhythm of the wind, and the sun remained hidden behind the thick cotton like clouds. A fresh white blanket of snow covered the ground, leaving footprints in his wake with every step. Snowflakes gently kissed his thick eyelashes, only to melt away as they descended.

    His deep, enigmatic, dark brown eyes wandered, seeking unfamiliar faces. He sported a head of fluffy black hair that stressed his sharp jawline. His attire comprised of a snug black leather jacket, paired with blue denim jeans and rustic boots.

    Ansh found everything refreshingly novel, from the surroundings to the new faces, like entering a new world. This world was brimming with cheerful chaos, and a smile graced his face as he watched a little girl and boy playing with the snow together.

    A gust of wind ruffled his hair, causing it to fall over his eyes. With a quick flip of his head, he brushed the hair away. Lost in the captivating beauty of Shimla, Ansh remained unaware that he had arrived at a place that would alter his life.

    Without realizing, he continued to be engrossed in his phone, unaware of the onlooker. He sat at the bus depot. Nearby, a girl with sparkling eyes and light, faded brown hair, dressed in a fur coat, leather skirt, and knee-high boots, was casting her gaze in his direction. But he preoccupied himself with playing games on his phone.

    Upon completing his game, he began searching for a shop to buy a water bottle to quench his thirst. As he looked around, their eyes met and an intense gaze ensued. Both of them locked eyes, and a smile graced her lips when she saw him. This sent his heartbeat into a frenzy—a smile that possessed the power to melt anyone's heart. After that brief, captivating moment, they continued on their separate journey.

    Ansh arrived at his hotel and approached the reception desk. He inquired about his reservation and completed the check-in process. Once in his room, he unpacked his suitcase and took a refreshing shower. Afterward, he put on comfortable clothes and took a nap.

    As time passed, evening descended upon the town. Ansh roused himself, readied for an evening out, and left the hotel to take a stroll.

    After walking for a while, Ansh stumbled upon a fair that was in full swing at the location he ventured to. The atmosphere was delightful, with people strolling and children engrossed in playful activities. The area bustled with a lively crowd, all enjoying the pleasant evening.

    While browsing through the assortment of warm winter clothing, his eyes unexpectedly met the girl who captivated him earlier. In that instant, something enchanting transpired: his heart skipped a beat, and he comprehended that he had fallen for her. His pulse quickened, and despite the chilly weather, he felt a warmth spreading through him, making him break into a slight sweat.

    The moment their eyes met, a surge of electrifying energy lit up their emotions. It felt as if the world around them had halted, and a connection had been forged, like they had known each other for countless lifetimes.

    She wore an infectious smile that mirrored his own, and he couldn’t help but return the gesture. Making her way toward the spot where he stood, she cast a curious glance around, searching for something that might pique her interest. She was seeking any excuse to strike up a conversation with him, and this moment provided her a perfect opportunity.

    After taking a deep breath and summoning her courage, she finally spoke up. Hi, she said, hoping to spark a conversation between them. A warm smile graced his face as he looked at her. Hi, he replied. I’m sorry if I interrupted anything, she added. He smiled once more and shook his head reassuringly. "No, not at all.

    Are you new to this place, visiting for the first time? she inquired.

    Yeah, it’s my first time in Shimla, how did you guess that I’m also here for the first time? he asked with curiosity.

    She grinned. "The way you are looking around, it’s a hint of confusion on your face, it all gave it away.

    You caught me there. he chuckled.

    She suggested grabbing a cup of coffee later, and he agreed with a warm smile. That sounds great. I could use some company to navigate this new place.

    Perfect, she replied, There's a charming café nearby. Let's meet there in around 7 pm?

    Absolutely, looking forward to it, he said, appreciating the unexpected connection in this unfamiliar setting.

    As they gazed deeply into each other’s eyes, their warm smiles created an intimate connection. It was as if the entire world had frozen in time. They found themselves in a moment of absolute serenity and joy. Lost in the moment, it seemed as though nothing in the world could shatter the bond that was blossoming between them.

    The moment came to end by the blaring horn of a passing car. With heavy hearts and a reluctant farewell, they said their goodbyes and went their separate paths. Despite the bittersweet emotions, they both shared a hopeful smile, eagerly waiting for their next meeting.

    After returning to his hotel, Ansh leaned against the wall, feeling refreshed, and opened his laptop to work. While engrossed in his tasks, his lifelong friend, Navya, called him.

    Ansh and Navya had been friends since their very first day of school. Navya possessed a vibrant and joyful personality that could brighten even the gloomiest of days. She was consistently there for Ansh, always ready to lend an ear or a helping hand. She was the unwavering presence that stood by his side through all of life's ups and downs, offering unwavering support.

    Navya meant more to Ansh than just a friend–she was his confidante, supporter, companion, and cheerleader. She stood by him, offering help and support, regardless of the circumstances, and Ansh was grateful for her friendship.

    Their friendship was forged on trust, love, and a shared penchant for enjoyment. They love exploring new experiences and finding joy in every activity they pursued.

    They embarked on adventures, facing hardships, but they didn’t give up. From their early childhood to their teenage years, Navya and Ansh formed a remarkable team, supporting each other in the need of the hour.

    She felt disappointed that Ansh hadn’t informed her about his trip to Shimla. Why didn’t you told me you were going to Shimla? she asked in frustration.

    Ansh responded, You know, I was facing a tough time at work and needed a change to recharge and refocus.

    Don’t you think it’s important to inform me about your trips? she shouted as anger took hold of her emotions.

    In the rush, I completely forgot to inform you, he offered as an excuse to ease her anger.

    Navya teased, Oh, my scatterbrained friend, keep surprising me with your forgetfulness! He chuckled and replied, It’s not that amusing, Navya.

    Curious about his day, Navya inquired about his journey and how he had spent his time.

    Everything went smooth during the journey and there’s something important I need to share with you, he said earnestly.

    Intrigued, she inquired, What happened? Did you argue with someone again?

    He reassured her, replying, No need to worry or jump to conclusions. Today, I met a girl who completely captivated me. It was truly a heart-stopping moment.

    Eager for more details, she asked, And what happened next?

    After I saw her, I didn't worry too much and just went back to my mobile game, he said casually.

    Navya expressed her frustration, saying, Oh dear, here you go again with your games! It seems like there’s nothing I can do to change the situation.

    During my visit to the fair, fate brought us together once more. While I was checking out this shop, she unexpectedly reappeared. As we engaged in conversation, it became clear that there was a connection between us. In a spontaneous moment, she asked me out for coffee, and I was in cloud nine. I have a date with her.

    Oops! Time flies; it’s already 6 pm. She’ll meet me in the cafeteria at 7 pm. I better get ready now. Let’s catch up later! he exclaimed.

    Navya playfully teased him, saying, Good luck! Just make sure your not to bore her with your lame jokes. He chuckled and responded with a witty comment, remarking, Ha-ha! What a clever punchline! as he made a playful face.

    Goodbye, my scatterbrained friend, and please remember to pick up a little something for her on your way, she kindly reminded. He bid goodbye and closed his laptop, then headed to take a shower.

    After a while, he came out of the bathroom and dried his hair with the dryer. He stood in front of the mirror, making sure he looks perfect for the date. He selected his outfit, selecting clothes that would make him look his best. Dressed in a crisp white shirt and denim jeans, he also had on a black leather jacket. He had finished the look off with a pair of black boots, just the right touch to enhance his appearance.

    He smiled at his reflection, satisfied with his look. He had put in the effort to ensure he looked his absolute best for the date, and a tinge of excitement hung in the air. He grabbed his wallet and headed out the door, fully prepared for the evening ahead.

    He takes his phone and walks out of the hotel. While walking, he sees a little girl selling flowers.

    The sweet floral scent that filled the air was intoxicating. It enveloped him in a cloud of beauty. The shop was filled with rows of vibrant, colorful flowers in shades of purple, pink, orange, and yellow. The petals were delicate to the touch. The orchids were one of a kind. They were mesmerizing. He brought some orchids and walked towards the cafe.

    He arrived at the restaurant, reserved a seat, and waited for her. She entered, around 20 minutes late, walking with a confident stride.

    Her head held high, she wore a bright smile that illuminated the room. Long, dark hair cascaded down her back, and her eyes radiated a warmth that could melt the heart of anyone who met her gaze. She dressed in a figure-hugging black dress adorned with delicate lace and featuring a high slit that offered a glimpse of her shapely legs. Completing her look were shimmery silver heels and a delicate earring that glistened in the candlelight.

    She waved at him, and as she approached the table, he found himself lost in thoughts about her, daydreaming with his eyes wide open. Seeing her felt like a breath of fresh air, a guiding light on a dark and stormy night. His heart raced, his mind brimmed with a thousand thoughts, and it filled his body with joy. It was a sense of contentment, the assurance that he was exactly where he was meant to be.

    As she greeted him, he snapped out of his daydreams and stood to welcome her. He adjusted the chair for her comfort. They settled down together on the seat, and with a warm gesture, he presented her with a bouquet of exquisite orchids.

    With a twinkle in his eye, he charmingly remarked, These exquisite flowers are meant for a stunning lady like you.

    She exclaimed with appreciation, These are truly stunning! Thank you so much!

    His response was equally endearing as he playfully quipped, Though these blooms radiate beauty, they still pale in comparison to your own enchanting allure.

    With a hint of blush, she admitted, I am embarrassed, I forgot to ask for your name. Ansh quickly responded with a smile, No worries, I’m Ansh. And what might your name be? She gracefully replied, I am Myra. Ansh couldn’t help but charm her further by complimenting her beautiful name and adding flirtatious flair to his words.

    In between their conversation, the waiter interrupted to take their order. Ansh ordered a cappuccino and turned to Myra, asked her choice. Without hesitation, Myra replied, I’ll have the same.

    As the waiter walked away, she asked, Where are you from?

    Ansh smiled, taking a sip of his water before answering, I hail from the bustling city of Mumbai. born and raised. How about you?

    Myra, with a serene expression, shared with Ansh that she was native to this place. Despite her parents living abroad, she expressed a connection to her hometown, explaining that she has never left with them because the place brings her a deep sense of inner peace.

    Ansh raised his eyebrows with a playful smile. So, you’re a local! That explains the love for the city. Any hidden gems or favorite spots you would recommend?

    Myra chuckled, nodding. Absolutely! There’s this little bookstore tucked away in the old part of the city. It’s got this vintage vibe, and you can find the most unique books there. It’s my go-to escape.

    Ansh looked genuinely intrigued. A book lover! I like that. I’ll have to check it out some time.

    Myra nodded, genuinely interested and asked What brought you here?

    Ansh’s eyes lit up as he shared. I own a car design firm. Our company has ties with a diverse range of automobile manufacturers. We work together to create innovative designs that capture the hearts and minds of car enthusiasts worldwide."

    Amidst the fast-paced nature of our industry, life can sometimes become overwhelming, he replied. I decided to take a break to rejuvenate both my mind and body.

    Myra’s interest piqued, she raised her eyebrows and commented, Car design, impressive! And also you’re in luck! I am a tourist guide, and I dedicate my free time to work on my novel.

    Oh, how wonderful! You truly are a stunning combination of beauty and intelligence. It seems I’ve stumbled upon quite the expert here. Would you be kind enough to give me a tour of this place? Ansh playfully asked.

    You’re in for the experience of a lifetime here, She assured.

    Myra was eager to hear Ansh’s story and asked him to share his life’s journey. Ansh, taking a deep breath, began by revealing that he had experienced a challenging start in life as an orphan. He described his experiences and the challenges he faced while living there. Ansh spoke about the absence of a stable family environment and how it had shaped his perspective on life.

    Ansh shared the difficulties he encountered in finding a sense of belonging and the longing he felt for a loving family. Despite the hardships, he was grateful for the opportunities they had given him at the orphanage, such as education and support from the staff. Ansh also mentioned the friends he had made and the bonds they had formed, which provided solace during the difficult times.

    Myra listened, her eyes fixed on Ansh as he continued to share his story. She could sense the courage and resilience in his words, and it inspired her. Ansh’s journey reminded her that life was a constant ebb and flow of difficulties, but it was through these experiences that growth and transformation occurred.

    Ansh leaned forward and asked, So, what’s your story? Myra’s eyes lit up with nostalgia as she shared her life journey. She recounted her childhood, of this small town where she grew up. Myra described the close-knit community, the joys of growing up with her friends in the neighborhood, and the unconditional love of her family.

    As she grew older, her curiosity and thirst for knowledge led her to explore the world beyond her hometown. She talked about the challenges she faced when she left for college, embarking on a new adventure. Myra shared how she discovered her passion for literature and how it had shaped her perspective on life.

    The clock ticked past 10 pm, and they were still engrossed in conversation. Neither of them had realized how much time had passed. In a sudden realization, she looked up at the clock and said, Oh my! We’ve been here for so long! I should be getting home. It’s getting late. They had been talking for hours, delving into their lives, loves, and dreams.

    Ansh asked, Why don’t we click a few selfies? Without hesitation, she agreed, and together they snapped some cool snapshots. During their conversation, Myra expressed her interest by asking for his number. Without hesitation, he shared his contact number.

    Ansh inquired about her place of residence, asking, Where do you live here? She responded she lives nearby. Ansh offered to accompany her home, saying, Let me walk you home.

    Myra stated, Please don’t worry. You don’t need to go through the trouble. Ansh reassured her, I insist. It’s fine.

    On their way, a small child walked up with a few balloons in his hands. His clothes were old and tattered, and his face held a deep look of hunger. When he approached Ansh, he politely said, Sir, please buy these balloons for your girlfriend. I’m sure she would really appreciate it.

    Ansh hushed him and said, Hey, don’t disturb us. Please go away. Myra patted Ansh’s shoulder with a smile on her face and said, Let it be; he’s just a little boy. It thrilled the boy as Ansh took out some money and handed it over to the excited child, saying, Keep the change. The boy was overjoyed; it seemed like he hadn’t seen this much money in ages. He ran off to buy food with the money Ansh had given him.

    Myra smiled brightly while accepting the balloons that Ansh had gifted her. That’s so sweet of you, she said, her eyes twinkling with joy and appreciation. Her heart felt full and her cheeks were flushed with warmth. Only a few feet away is Myra’s home, and they both look at each other. He stood there for a moment, the thought of kissing her on his mind.

    Every fiber of his being was telling him to take the plunge and kiss her, but some unknown force kept his lips from touching hers. He felt paralyzed with the conflicting emotions coursing through him, not knowing which one to listen to.

    Finally, his nerves got the best of him and he gave her a hug instead. He gave her a quick nod, and they parted ways, each of them lost in their own thoughts.

    The interaction had been brief but intense. His heart was still pounding, his mind still searching for the answer to why he had not kissed her. He could not understand it, but something was stopping him. He wished he could have taken the chance, but instead, here he was, walking away, feeling more confused than before.

    He turns and looks at her going inside the house. She turns and waves at him, then closes the door. Ansh then headed back to the hotel.


    Ansh woke up the next morning with a yawn and glanced at his phone. He was surprised to find a message from Myra filled with morning wishes and general messages. As he opened the curtains of his room, a picturesque view of the sun rising from the horizon behind the tall trees greeted him. The sky was painted in a myriad of colors, ranging from orange to pink. The birds were chirping in the bushes and the wind was blowing gently.

    As Ansh stepped out of his room onto the balcony, he was greeted

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