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The Invited Guest
The Invited Guest
The Invited Guest
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The Invited Guest

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Gashi's debut work delves into the compelling and true story of a 6-year-old boy who, after the tragic loss of his father in 1979, bravely accepts the responsibility to provide for his family. Set against the background of the capital of Kosovo, Pristina, the story unfolds on May 25, 1979, when the father of the young protagonist is attacked to death near the shop where he worked as a merchant. What follows is an inspiring journey of survival, resilience and self-discovery as the boy navigates the challenges of working in the market and selling match tickets, soft drinks and more inside the F.C.Prishtina football stadium.
Gashi's storytelling prowess shines through as he vividly depicts the emotional struggles of a young boy growing up in the face of adversity. The narrative spans the years from 1979 to 1991, detailing the protagonist's travels to various cities in the former Yugoslavia, including: Sarajevo, Zenica, Dubrovnik, Sibenik, Split, Zadar, Rijeka, and Ljubljana.
The heart of "The Invited Guest" rests on universal themes that resonate with readers of all ages and backgrounds. Gashi skillfully weaves a story that explores the dichotomy of light and darkness in life, delivering a powerful message about the human spirit's ability to endure and overcome challenges. Despite the protagonist's mother's initial reluctance to see her son leave home, Adem Gashi's narrative portrays the young boy's growth and independence, challenging society's expectations and norms. The book encourages readers to reflect on the complexities of life, love, victory and loss, fostering a deeper understanding of the human experience.
"The Invited Guest" is inviting readers to start a touching journey through the pages of this extraordinary novel based on a true story.
Release dateJun 19, 2024
The Invited Guest

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    Book preview

    The Invited Guest - Adem Gashi


    Even though we are far away, in a foreign land.

    We have never forgotten our homeland.

    Where eagles make their nests

    Where the brave Skanderbeg was born

    How dear, you are, oh motherland!

    You, my birthplace, remained only as memories.

    Those were planted by this very heart of mine

    Tell me it’s okay, please, my dear Mother.

    That during your autumn years, I couldn't be next to you.

    I'm asking for forgiveness; my Mother I left you alone.

    The unexpected blight of emigration separated us.

    No matter where I have my lunch or dinner,

    Regardless of the fancy restaurants, it never tasted.

    As the food that my mother cooked,

    Bread and salt and heart when the table was set.

    Everyone was happy, even the hearth was also smiling.

    Through the streets of the world, we scattered.

    As birds escape from the storm, everywhere.

    I met many brothers and sisters from our lands.

    From Albania, and from Kosovo

    From the Highlands of Malësia and from the Presheva Valley

    And many others from Ilirida (Ilirida-North Macedonia)

    Crying in sorrow, crying out

    Emigration lured us.

    This emigration, a beginning without end

    Our tears wove a river of sorrow.

    A bridge was surrounded by sadness, because of our longing,

    We came for a while, we stayed for so long.

    Now I'm living in a foreign land.

    I feel like an uninvited guest.

    In Kosovo, we had bread, salt, and heart.

    In emigration, full of sadness, we have money, but it’s poisoned.

    Even though I am far from the motherland, here in emigration.

    With my tearful eyes,

    I penned these words in the Albanian language,

    with the most beautiful alphabet

    I remained an Albanian, a true Albanian.


    With a special emotion and responsibility, I went through the book The Invited Guest letter by letter, written by

    Adem Gashi. In its pages, I discovered the spiritual world of the narrator who sings an anthem to life, friendship, love, and human solidarity manifested in different times…

    We lived happily; family harmony reigned in the six-bedroom house that my grandfather had built. There at the home of Grandfather Jashar Gashi, in the Albanian traditional living room, we lit the atmosphere that cannot be described in words, but experienced and enjoyed. The house buzzed with guests chatting, drinking, singing, dancing, and passing down the tradition of the Albanian living room.

    The narrator of the events felt the warmth of his mother, brothers, sisters, friends, and especially his extended family on ordinary days, but a little more when he was haunted by danger.

    Even Grandfather, Jashar, was there and Uncle Ali... How well I felt among the family members. I forgot about the danger of the police, I didn't even think about danger, I wanted to enjoy that beautiful time with my family. My fighting spirit, strolling during the war as the king of the streets of Ljubljana, has now found peace, resting near my loved ones.

    Adem Gashi brings us a part of the life of his generation in the early nineties of the last century when the youth of Kosovo experienced drama and persecution. The journey of life spans from Pristina to Dubrovnik, Ljubljana, and culminates in Vienna.

    With sincerity, beautiful events come up, but also pain accompanied by tears. The entire pages are occupied by the relationship with the beautiful curly-haired girl, the conversations, the pains of separation, the missed or interrupted phone calls, and the devotion with eyes, heart, and mind. Her portrait will remain in your mind, not only for the long hair that her lover asked her never to cut but also for her incomparable resourcefulness and wisdom.

    The character of the real Albanian unfolds on every page of the book and emerges through the actions and thoughts of the characters. Therefore, the author emphasizes:

    Let us not live only to fill our bodies and forget to supply the treasure within our souls.

    There are some qualities that are most appreciated in a person.

    Let's become encouraging people, not critics, to point out the good and remove the tears from the eyes of others! Under no circumstances should we cause a tear to flow from someone's eye! We can only be happier when we have one less tear in this life and one more smile in the world.

    There are many journeys in the book. The life of the young Adem Gashi seems to be inextricably linked with the streets, the spaces, the desire for more vivacity, for true freedom. Love for Kosovo comes from the soul. Wherever he goes, at any moment of the day or night, he feels connected to her like the mind to the heart.

    When I was leaving Kosovo, I thought to myself:

    My dear motherland! I found you with many wounds, I'm leaving you full of pain. I'm taking a piece of the pain with me, maybe the wound will be easier for you, my dear Kosovo. In the motherland, even the snow is warm, but in the foreign soil, even the sun's rays freeze.

    Often the author creates squares where events stop, and meditations unfold. From an original and interesting point of view, he gives advice or draws conclusions.

    Do not despise your will! Do not accept within yourself the unwanted loss, just because it knocked on your door. Defeat has the right to knock on every door. But don't forget you have the right to accept and invite or not within the threshold.

    The book is a pleasure to read, not only for the abundant information, and the emotions it prompts, but also because it reflects a world that comes and goes because of globalization first, and then for many other reasons in different periods that we don't undertake to unfold here.

    The spirit of a people remains in the strength of youth. This is demonstrated by the youth of Kosovo to the best of their ability.

    Bujar Balliu



    The world is full of good people, if you can't find one of them, then be one of them so that someone will find you.

    Don't make people regret knowing you, make them regret losing you.

    It happens that you are on the right path, but with the wrong people, so unexpected mistakes can also show up.

    People can never change the truth, but the truth can always change people.

    Let your smile change the world, but don't let the world change your smile!




    an's honesty throughout life remains the paramount protection from the contamination of the heart and soul.

    Respecting others is the reflection of your personal education. As long as you respect others, they will respect you as well. The reflection will be clear, shielded from the intrusion of dust.

    When you offer apologies where they’re due, with proper attention and not just for the sake of filling, you'll erase the mistake, and you'll earn respect because that's the way to seek respect and not attention. Respect is given when it is used only where it is deserved.

    Love is a world of its own, powerful, and has fiery and pure feelings that arise in the human heart, where the fire wipes out the rain and not the other way around. Love has the tendency to manifest our inner flows in our outer world.

    Love has elements, phenomena, intimacy, commitment, passion. Without intimacy, there is no passion; without passion, there is no commitment and without commitment there is no intimacy. If love did not exist, life would have no value either.

    A warm word is the key that can open the heart, it ignites the journey toward myriad blessings in life, and it brings together a person with a group of people with high virtues. Refrain from showing up as a rude person who bears storms and hail, which destroys everything and inflicts a ravaging touch like strong winds do. Be gentle, tell the storm that no matter how strong it is, your kindness will conquer it. You remain unaffected, like the rays of the sun.

    A few people like bubbles in sea waves may be woven into the fabric of your fate and before you know it, your path shifts. What was once a tranquil moment can swiftly turn into turbulent waves crashing on the shore. The key lies in demonstrating your ability to navigate and harness the power of these waves. Beware of the real weaknesses of liars who never stop as if their lies are their favourite food, eating their own words like they are enjoying a piece of cake. Such people neither know where they come from, nor where they are going, just like a ship without a rudder.

    We pay sincere attention during communication when we analyze what individuals are saying in a conversation. What each party says possesses more significance than who said it, or to whom it was said.

    In certain cases, during a conversation, we may know the correct answers to questions, but we find out that the interlocutor is lying. They don't notice that we know the true answers. Curiosity drives us to seek their real take on the matter, compelling us to ask provocative questions in pursuit of genuine answers.

    When you know the correct answer, asking the incorrect question will lead you to the correct answer.

    People often express themselves as they aspire to be, rather than as they truly are, resorting to lies to convey their desired image. The truth may even hurt. But however we may be, wherever we are, we should attentively consider everything said, yet exercise caution in accepting all that we hear as truth. Be discerning in assessing the words of others, for deceit can adeptly conceal itself. People are as real as life itself amidst a world entrenched in falsehoods.

    Understand life, man! Life is not real; this is where the real lie is discovered. So, how can a man escape a lie when he lives with it? But be as truthful as possible as a human, proving the lie that, even though it remains part of life, it can never become part of the truth.

    Be faithful, but don't trust anyone blindly! Look carefully! Select your confidants wisely, all that glitters is not gold. When others don't need you, they don't even see you in the light and when they need you, they can even find you in the dark.

    Do not forget! In the dark, even our shadow deserts us. Knowledge illuminates the path of our lives. Knowledge lights our way through the darkness. Although you cannot change the world, you could change yourself, aligning it to a higher level, on the horizon of good.

    Socrates has emphasized: To change the world, one must first change oneself. And I Adem Gashi, say that if you don't learn to adapt, you'll end up being shaped by others' expectations, not by who you truly are.

    Be careful! Avoid assuming that others think and act the same way you do. Only those who wish you the best are truthful to you. They hear your heartbeat; they understand the silence of your tears because silence screams louder than words. In the midst of profound silence, those closest to you share in both your love and pain, attuned to the unspoken language between souls.

    Create your own paradise with the warmth of your smile! Choose to dwell in happiness before others construct hell, where you risk being consumed by bitterness and tears.

    Bear in mind! If we were all angels, the designation of our world would be heaven and not earth. You are the one who will face all the challenges. Life starts with challenges, but those who hold onto hope also discover the resilience to overcome them effortlessly. Although you cannot avoid experiencing sorrows, do not lose courage: challenges come with both happiness and joy. No one will understand your life better than you. It is the situations that clarify your conscience, your position in society and in life overall.

    When the bitter-tasting source begins to flow, only you can understand its origin and further flows. Because you are not only listening to the whole event like no one else but furthermore, experiencing it like no one else. For you, words are hollow, but not the feelings and pain.

    The ancient tragedian, Aeschylus, defines this situation with these words: He who has his foot out of the fire, has it easy to give advice to him who is burning, or as we say it in Kosovo: The hunger never springs to the mind of the satiated.

    One should welcome advice when it comes to difficult times. No worries, troubles, or sorrows are meant to be faced alone. However, not every piece of advice comes with a clear intention. Let us embrace the beneficial, soothing advice that serves as a remedy for our sorrows.

    But don't worry! Life flows with joy, also spreading joy. Life derives nourishment from diverse wellsprings! Understand all the resources of your life, no one else can do that better than you. Once life presents these sources, humans have no choice but to accept them. This remains the best choice.

    Life often presents us with unwelcome circumstances, which we reluctantly embrace. Despite the challenge of acceptance, we must summon the courage to confront them with grace. Conversely, other situations are welcomed eagerly, as they bring us joy. It is through joy that we alleviate sorrow, inching closer towards contentment and happiness.

    Life resembles a delicate balance, where tears are shed frequently, and happiness is a rare discovery. At times, nature itself serves as a reminder of humanity's limited influence—illustrating that despite our efforts, some events remain beyond our control, impacting not just one aspect, but all facets of existence.

    Despite man's endeavours, filled with optimism and faith in what lies ahead, the hand of nature ultimately dictates our fate. We speak of these natural decrees when we bid our final farewells to those we cherish deeply, even though they may no longer hear our words in the physical realm. Yet, spiritually, their presence endures, leaving an indelible mark upon our souls—a bond never to be forgotten.

    We lack the strength to alter nature's decrees. However, upon closer examination, it becomes evident that despite our inability to defy or amend these rulings, humanity possesses the resilience to conform to the laws of nature.

    As challenging as it may be for man to reconcile with the harsh reality of physical parting, for nature, such occurrences unfold effortlessly, guided by its immutable laws. Such is the essence of nature, the essence of life, and indeed, the essence of humanity. Thus, mankind appears to be nought but a transient constituent of the natural world.

    No matter the trials life presents, we stand as integral components of its tapestry, destined to confront temptations wherever they may arise. Yet, despite our encounters with these trials, humanity remains powerless to defy the inexorable laws of nature. Such realization suffices to underscore the immutable order of natural forces.

    In the grand journey of life, each of us has experienced both loss and gain. For humanity to believe it can navigate existence unscathed, untouched by loss or hardship, is akin to plunging into the ocean for a swim and expecting to remain dry.

    Do not worry! Even suffering has the potential to metamorphose into joy, much like how night gracefully gives way to the next day.

    In our journey through life, there are only two days where our actions hold no sway. The first is the road of no return, where yesterday's events are irrevocably etched in time, now relegated to the realm of the past. This past transforms into memory, shaping the enduring narrative of our existence.

    The second is tomorrow, hidden, invisible, a new day, unknown to mankind. Not knowing what awaits you, you cannot influence tomorrow without it turning into today.

    Do not lament what slipped away yesterday or the possessions absent today; instead, rejoice in what still endures and what you possess now. Thus, soothe the ache of yesterday's losses and surmount them with the resilience you wield today. Man lacks the power to halt or preserve such changes; our true strength resides in our capacity to experience and adapt.

    As we cannot reclaim or alter anything from yesterday, now enshrined as the past of our lives, and lack the omniscience to decipher our concealed tomorrows, our sole recourse is to relish the present laid in front of us. Life unfurls onward, beckoning us to pursue happiness, for trials and tribulations have a way of finding us unbidden. It is futile to dwell on what we lack or what might have been, for things that elude us for one reason, or another serve no purpose in our present reality.

    If what you lacked yesterday now lies within your grasp, remember tomorrow not only what propelled you to your current station, but also the lessons gleaned from those voids. Refrain from inundating the world with your grievances, fixating solely on life's deficits. Each individual harbours unmet aspirations or, worse, grapples with deeper losses.

    One may possess everything, yet harbour a sense of incompleteness, as if a single element is amiss to attain fulfilment. It is preferable to endure the absence of a coin from one's pocket than to suffer the loss of a fragment of happiness torn from the heart.

    As one sheds tears and bemoans their lack of shoes, ponder the plight of another who lacks feet altogether. Despite this profound challenge, they have unearthed life's purpose, persisting in finding joy and contentment in daily pleasures.

    A visitor called upon a friend who had recently suffered an accident resulting in the loss of a finger on one hand. Upon meeting, the visitor inquired about the friend's well-being, offering words of encouragement to remain steadfast in the face of the newfound challenge of living without a finger.

    The friend answered confidently: I'm fine. I am feeling very strong. I am not complaining or mourning the lost finger, but I thank God for the other healthy fingers that I have.

    No one should concede defeat before the game even begins. Such a premature surrender is a misstep for all involved and cannot be condoned.

    Do not despise your own will! Do not acquiesce to undesired defeat simply because it comes knocking at your door. Defeat may indeed visit every doorstep but remember you hold the power to decide whether to welcome it into your abode or not.

    Make the prudent choice, commence your journey, and see it through to its conclusion, for you are an integral player in the game, reaping what you have sown. Whether triumph or defeat, they are the fruits of your genuine efforts. In every encounter, one must embrace and acclimate to life's offerings during the trials, gracefully accepting defeat while also reveling in victory.

    We are bestowed with a singular mental capacity, a gift to be utilized to its fullest extent, neither more nor less.

    There are moments when we encounter people who refrain from vocalizing their grievances, yet subtly convey the weight of their daily struggles and concerns. Each person grapples with their own challenges; it's not solely his burden to bear. Thus, it's not the end of the world, but rather an opportunity for a fresh start.

    The dawn of a new beginning has arrived; such is the essence of life. We comprehend and honour the toils and endeavours, the ebbs and flows, and the trials and tribulations, each person navigating them according to their mental and moral fortitude.

    Perhaps what weighs heavily upon me may appear light and insignificant to another, or conversely, what I find effortless may seem insurmountable to others.

    Bear in mind! The more one indulges in complaints in this life, the more one deprives oneself of pleasure and joy. And recall! The transient happiness of this world will eventually succumb to death, claiming all other worldly goods, marking the end of earthly life's journey.

    Hence, during our existence, let us reject despair, boredom, and sorrow! Embrace life with serenity and contentment, savouring the joys and happiness it bestows upon us.

    We must recognize the opportunity presented by life to cultivate as many moments of happiness as possible.

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