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Overweight but Hopeful
Overweight but Hopeful
Overweight but Hopeful
Ebook107 pages1 hour

Overweight but Hopeful

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About this ebook

This book offers:

  • - Your own personalized approach to weight loss.
  • - How small, manageable changes can lead to lasting weight loss.
  • - The importance of enjoying your food and not depriving yourself.
  • - Practical steps to create a sustainable eating plan.
  • - The author's personal journey of losing 37 kilos for good.
  • - An optimistic and refreshing perspective on permanent weight loss.



Are you tired of trying every diet and workout plan out there, only to find yourself still struggling with your weight? Do you feel like a failure, convinced that your lack of willpower is the reason you can't seem to shed those extra pounds? It's time to break free from the diet industry's biggest lie and discover the secrets to true, lasting weight loss success.


The unique approach of this book will make YOU the person who decides and creates your diet. Through small decisions and minuscule changes, you can prevent suffering and ensure you win at every step of your new life. It's the fastest route to LASTING weight loss, so you can finally achieve your weight loss goals and maintain them for a lifetime.


In "Overweight but Hopeful: Developing Your Own Personal Blueprint for Quick and Lasting Success," you'll learn the best-kept secret of the diet industry – the problem is not you, it's the experts dictating how you should eat and live. This empowering guide is your roadmap to developing your own personalized plan that works for you, your body, and your lifestyle.


With a positive and enthusiastic tone, this practical guide takes you step-by-step through the process of creating your own customized eating plan that will help you lose weight without suffering or giving up your favorite foods. "Overweight but Hopeful" puts you in the driver's seat, allowing you to make small, sustainable changes that prevent suffering and guarantee success at every step of your weight loss journey.


"Overweight but Hopeful" offers a refreshing and optimistic approach to permanent weight loss. So if you're ready to break free from the dieting cycle and take control of your health and happiness, this book is for you!

Release dateJun 19, 2024
Overweight but Hopeful

Izhar Perlman

Izhar Perlman was born in Israel in 1946. In his youth, he had a career as a musician, advertising, and artistic photography. He later moved into business and founded two franchising systems that led him to live in Switzerland, the USA, and travel extensively. During a visit to Portugal in 1994, he developed a deep affection for the country and its people, and he expresses his love through a series of photographic books called “A Passion for Portugal.” In these books, he showcases his impressions and images of various Portuguese cities. He writes about his life-changing spiritual journeys through personal experiences and his life-long track as a businessman, salesman, husband, and father. In his workbooks, he provides the reader with clear and actionable steps to address various challenges in their life. His books cover topics such as sales, marketing, management, relationships, and personal development. The author draws from extensive personal experience in each subject area that he writes about. His photographs have been featured in books and magazines in both Portugal and the USA, as well as on special artistic postcards. Izhar’s books reflect his unwavering optimism and encourage readers to adopt a positive approach to life. He currently resides in a small village in Portugal, where he enjoys the beautiful natural surroundings with his wife and four dogs. Find more about his works at His published books are on his author’s website - View here You can contact the author via email:

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    Book preview

    Overweight but Hopeful - Izhar Perlman

    Izhar Perlman

    Overweight But Hopeful

    Developing Your own Personal Blueprint for Quick and Lasting Success.

    Copyright © 2024 by Izhar Perlman

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, scanning, or otherwise without written permission from the publisher. It is illegal to copy this book, post it to a website, or distribute it by any other means without permission.

    First edition

    This book was professionally typeset on Reedsy

    Find out more at


    1. Note

    2. Preface

    3. Exposing The Evil Mutant

    4. Everyone wants a Slice of a $72 Billion Cake

    5. Healthy Nutrition Knowledge is Easily Available with Just a Quick Click

    6. Are You a Good and Caring Landlord?

    7. The White Death

    8. What is wrong with edible oil?

    9. Minerals & Vitamins - is our food enough?

    10. Why All Diets Suck?

    11. The Battle on the food

    12. Vegan? Coffee?

    13. The second secret

    14. Mental tips

    15. What do you want to do next?

    16. The Rigged Game -The oppressor and the victim

    17. Create your today and tomorrow, what will you decide?

    18. Links to documents online

    19. About the Author



    The content provided in this book is designed to provide helpful information on the subjects discussed. This book is not meant to be used, nor should it be used, to diagnose or treat any medical condition. The publisher and the author are not responsible for any actions you take or do not take as a result of reading this book, and are not liable for any damages or negative consequences from action or inaction to any person reading or following the information in this book.



    Hello! My name is Izhar, and I am one of the founders of Indie Diet. I am 76 years old and have struggled with extreme obesity for most of my life.

    After seventy six years of mostly oscillating between obesity and overweight, I recently discovered a very well kept secret that prevents us from having a long time success in shedding body fat, and leading a better, happier life.

    I experienced diets, weight loss systems, fad diets, strange diets, even stranger diets, and slimming pills. Countless efforts to lose weight - all without lasting success. My weight went up from seventy-three kilos (160 pounds) in my twenties, to a hundred-twenty-seven kilos (280 pounds) two years ago.

    2015: 127 Kgs – 280 lbs

    After each failure my weight actually went up, and my wish to fight overweight diminished.

    About 1989 I created an international weight loss system, called Trimlines, that was based on healthy, natural, highly nutritional food that had a personalized program tailored made for each client as well as a two year maintenance period with frequent custom one-on-one consultations.

    With more than seventy franchises, mainly in Europe, we helped thousands of clients lose their overweight. However after some years, when we looked at the long term results, we discovered that most of the clients abandoned their new eating habits, slid back to eating badly and got overweight again.

    The same happened to me when I did the Trimlines weight loss, even though I was very motivated and got the best consultations.

    Ever since then I knew that there is something basically wrong with the weight loss industry, even though I continued and tried every new fad diet that came my way, I again came to the same conclusion: Something is awfully wrong!

    I realized there was a hidden factor in all diets, pills, and surgeries that prevented people from achieving their best shape and health. I was obsessed with discovering this secret for years!

    Archimedes, according to the Greek legend, was taking a bath, when unprepared thought about a method for determining the purity of gold. Such was his surprise and excitement that he jumped out of the bath shouting eureka, I found it!

    The same happened to me, although I was not taking a bath at that time.

    I applied my new process to myself and lost 42 kilos (92 pounds). To my surprise, it was a faster and much happier journey than I had ever experienced in trying to lose weight.

    2023: 85 Kgs – 187 lbs

    With these amazing results, I revived my purpose of helping others eradicate overweight and established Indie Diet together with other co-founders.

    This book is all about the secret that was revealed to me, and changed my life, and I hope will do the same to you.


    I want to make it perfectly clear that my intention is to help you achieve your goal. I wrote this book using the simplest terms and language, so nothing delays or stops you. I also made it as short as possible, so as not to postpone the actions you will take as soon as you finish this book.

    If you encounter a word you do not understand, please use a dictionary to clarify it. Understanding the data is very important to be able to later on take actions in the right way.


    Exposing The Evil Mutant

    A bull in a china store is a phrase that indicates careless behavior. Imagine a big clumsy bull moving inside a small shop filled with glassware, and this image paints perfectly the negligent way a person behaves in a delicate situation.

    But what if the word bull was stored in your mind as an image of a butterfly? A butterfly is a very gentle, almost weightless creature, and its movements in a china shop full of delicate items would not disturb or break them. Your understanding of the above phrase then will make you think of tender and finely coordinated actions that complement a fragile situation. The opposite of what the phrase meant.

    Words are very powerful. They are the basic building blocks of our language, and communication with each other depends on having the same meaning of the word for the person who originates the communication and the person who listens to him. If we do not have the same meaning and definition of a word, a misconception will lead us to not understand the other person and react in some other way.

    Having a precise definition for a word prevents misunderstanding and potentially disastrous

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