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A Biker's Obsession: Book 3: A Biker's Obsession, #3
A Biker's Obsession: Book 3: A Biker's Obsession, #3
A Biker's Obsession: Book 3: A Biker's Obsession, #3
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A Biker's Obsession: Book 3: A Biker's Obsession, #3

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About this ebook

Agonized by grief, Jamison is trying to navigate a world without the love of his life, Sara- but new clues indicate that she might not be as "gone" as he originally thought. 
Sara is starting a "new life" with a new identity that will buy her some time to track down her former captor and make sure all the people she left behind in Pike are safe- especially Jamison. She would do anything to make sure Jamison is safe, including letting him think she's dead. 
But she should have known that Jamison would figure out her plan eventually... and hunt her down until once he does.
She's working against the clock, but it's time to bring her captor to justice once and for all- then to let the world know about the sick bastard and what he did. The question is: can she manage to protect her newfound family in the process? And will her heart survive living without Jamison? Will he let her?
**Note: This is Book 3 in a 3 book series, and the conclusion to Sara and Jamison's story.

PublisherHope Rosen
Release dateJun 18, 2024
A Biker's Obsession: Book 3: A Biker's Obsession, #3

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    Book preview

    A Biker's Obsession - Hope Rosen


    Jamison McGarrity was everywhere. At the post office; in line at the grocery store; walking past the plate glass window of the boutique that Lenore worked in. A couple of weeks before, while waiting in line to pick up her boss’ lunch at the café down the street, she had heard the clank of a chain as a customer walked in. That familiar sound of a wallet chain had set her heart racing.

    Turning in as casual a manner as she could manage, she cast a furtive glance behind her only to locate the source of the chain to a young man who was clearly not Jamison, but rather a wannabe hipster with a wallet chain, suspenders, and waxed and curled mustache. As she turned to face forward, the inexplicable sting of tears burned her eyes. She tried to blink them back, but the ache of his absence hit her all at once, and she had to bolt towards the restroom before anyone witnessed her bawling her eyes out

    She had had to stay in that tiny stall for a ridiculously long time before she finally felt steady enough to re-emerge. She arrived back at work nearly twenty minutes late with Elaine’s lunch. She’d lied, telling her that the café had screwed up the order twice, so she had to wait while they fixed it. Not such an unbelievable tale given that Elaine liked her lunch the way she liked most things – complicated, excessive, and perfect.

    Ever since then, she had made a deal with herself that in order to keep herself from falling apart, and worse yet dropping the mask of ‘Lenore,’ she would allot herself a prescribed amount of time - ten minutes - to worry, to wonder, to remember everything. Then she would force herself to stop. Except that this strategy wasn’t successful for very long. She found herself extending the time further and further out until he prayed on her mind almost all of the time.

    She did her best not to think about him, throwing herself into her work, her new identity, and her research of Aron until she could barely keep her eyes open. Alas, behind her eyelids was the most dangerous place of all. For every time she lay her head down, there he was, waiting, his warmth almost as palpable as if he were actually there.

    It probably didn’t help that beneath her head, tucked in her pillowcase, were two pictures of a younger Jamison that she’d swiped from his mom and Frank’s house. A house that no longer stood if she were to understand correctly.

    Every once in a while, she would allow herself to look at them, losing herself in the memory of being in his arms - before Lenore Hudson had ever existed and she was still his Sara. In just a matter of weeks, Serafina Petrovski’s story would finally be heard - Aron would be exposed and surely come looking for her.

    She was constantly looking for leads on Aron’s whereabouts. Every couple of weeks, using a burner phone she’d picked up somewhere in Kansas, she would contact Grace who would fill her in on any new information she might have on him. Often Grace would use this time to implore Sara to reconsider letting Jamison know that she was alive. Sara stuck to her guns though; there were too many people in danger (Jamison included) if anyone discovered that Sara Peterson had not perished in that explosion. She couldn’t risk it.

    She knew the story was coming out soon. It may open up wounds, and she regretted that possibility, but it was a necessary evil. Through their contact during the last three months, Sara and Grace were able to establish a pattern to Aron’s movements, as well as a solid roster of his henchmen - at least the top tier of them, anyway. Sara felt confident about where Aron would be at the time of the story release, and luckily he would be far away from Pike; most likely tending to his interests in Texas.

    Lenore had already scheduled a vacation with Elaine for that time so that she could visit her mother in Ohio. Sara would make her way to Texas so she could be in the right place at the right time to ensure that she and Aron could finally have their long overdue showdown. In those meandering fantasies, she dreamt about what it would be like to go back to Pike after that, but she knew the chance of that was slim to none. If Jamison would still want anything to do with her after she allowed him to think her dead, she would still worry about what kind of unsavoriness she would be attracting towards Pike.

    Maybe she’d go back to Missouri, back to the Gilded Rose, and continue her life as Lenore. It was quiet and fairly peaceful there, mostly tourists going in and out headed towards the resorts the town was built around.

    There would be no sounds of motorcycle pipes to set her heart to racing, but at least she would know that the people that she loved were safe. And as much as it killed her to think Jamison may be hurting- at least he was alive and well- that was the thought she kept repeating to Grace and herself. She would repeat it to herself over and over until the pain would become numb...

    Chapter 1

    He hadn’t realized he’d been staring at the fan blades circling above him for almost an hour until he heard the familiar theme song of a morning game show playing on the television.

    He shifted his head to look at the screen and it hurt. Everything hurt. That could be because of his mental state, or it could be the fact that he now routinely slept on the couch, which was much too narrow for a man of his size.

    Thirty years old and he slept on the couch with the TV on like the boogeyman waited in his bedroom. He could handle a boogeyman. What he couldn’t handle was the total lack of her. She wasn’t in his bed, he couldn’t roll over and reach out and touch her, though when he was still attempting to sleep in his bed he’d roll over in the middle of the night and try just that. Yet another reason he migrated to the couch. But the chief reason he found himself lying on the couch: Sara’s pillow.

    More precisely, the scent of her shampoo had clung to the threads of her pillowcase. He’d roll over and that scent would envelope him and damned if he didn’t cry like a baby thinking about that day all over again. If only he had forced her to go back out to the dining room on his arm instead of leaving her to clean up. He knew now she’d intended to leave, to put distance between them in order to ensure everyone’s safety, but he was pretty sure she never intended it to be forever. When it was all said and done, there was nothing left of her, the explosion had turned everything within a certain radius to complete and total ashes; it had blasted a hole into the side of the bar. The kitchen was mostly gone, and the dining room was black and dusty; the tables, chairs

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