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In the chilling and suspenseful thriller, "Dismembered" a grotesque discovery sends shockwaves through a small town. A child's life is abruptly cut short when her severed arm is horrifically found hanging out of a grimy garbage can in front of house number 313 by unsuspecting sanitation workers. As the disturbing crime scene unfolds, Detective Browne and his team is thrust into a dark and perilous investigation, determined to uncover the truth behind this heinous act of brutality. Driven by his unwavering pursuit of justice Detective Browne and his team navigates a web of secrets and lies that runs deep within the community. They soon realizes that there is more to this case than meets the eye. Racing against time the team must unravle the twisted mind behind this gruesome murder before more innocent lives are dismembered. "Dismembered" is a heart pounding tale of suspense exploring the depyh of human depravity and unfielding resilience of those dedicated to finding justice. with each gruesome discovery readers will be left on the edge of their seats, until the final pages reveal the shocking truth that threatens to shattereverything they thought they knew about evil

Release dateJun 18, 2024

Adrian Hamilton

Father of two children, with three grandchildren, and a greatgrandson comes from a family consisting  of three boys and four sisters.He interest are fishing, hiking,and walking. He resides in the City of Mississauga, Ontario Canada.

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    Book preview

    Dismembered - Adrian Hamilton

    Adrian Hamilton


    To my co-workers who gave me the idea of this book and encourage me to use them as reference, it's an honour working with you and thanks for your kind thoughts and for believing that I would finish writing this story.

    In Memory

    To one of my co-worker, who died before he had the chance to see the book completed. A friendship that will never be forgotten with those who worked alongside him.

    Any reference to places and events names mentioned in this book are all fictitious, and does not depict any real names. If any names mentioned resonate with you, it was not meant to hurt or disrespect you as a person. All names are the imagination of the author.

    In the early morning on September 2nd, 2021, the clouds were ominous in the sky as the sanitary engineers began collecting garbage in the neighbourhood of Pleasantville, a small community in the town of Goodland.

    The garbage bins were tossed to the ground, making the sound of music of a different beat. Soon after, the winds began blowing powerful pieces of paper began flying around the area like feathers. Unable to gather them up as the garbage bin was being emptied.

    In the distance, the clouds became darker, and the threat of rain was eminent. As the garbage was being collected, suddenly the collection was stopped, when the arm of a child was seen hanging out from the garbage bin in front of house number 313 on Evans Road.

    The police were called, and within five minutes they were on the scene, taping of the area where the garbage bin was located. While other officers were looking for clues around the house, the occupants were being questioned by other police officers.

    The flashing lights of the police vehicles brought out the curious neighbours, and the gossipers who lived on the street, soon after the news agencies, Television Stations, Radio Station and reporters were on the scene.

    The area was adorned with gigantic oak trees, and the front of the houses were well manicured. The neighbours knew each other except the occupants of house number 313, who kept themselves away as much as possible, with the occasional wave of their hands as greetings.

    The occupants of house number 313 were two parents and their two daughters, who had their own personality and charm about them. The father's name was Aldo Rogers, mother's name was Sherley Rogers, the eldest daughter's name was Alexandra and youngest daughter's name was Samantha.

    The gossipers could be heard within the crowd saying. I knew something like this would happen eventually, but others in the crowd told the gossipers to be quiet, stop speculating, and wait for the news to be televised or broadcast.

    The police officers at the scene called in for detectives to continue the investigation. The police officers who were present were going about asking the neighbours questions. If they had seen or heard anything that night or early morning.

    It did not take long for the news agencies to converge in the neighbourhood, asking the bystanders questions about what took place, and why the police were there at house number 313. After questioning the occupants of the house, the lead detective investigating the case asked the Rogers' family to report to the station in the morning to answer more questions.

    The police officers or detectives did not answer questions that were asked by the news reporters, but said; they will hold a press conference in the coming days, and left the area while leaving the reporters baffled.


    The next day, as the dawn came, the Rogers were up getting ready to keep their appointment with the detectives at the station, where more questioning needed to be answered about the arm that was found in one of their garbage bins.

    They were escorted to the station by a vehicle driven by a police, and did not want any delays whatsoever. The street was lined with onlookers who got up early as well as the news agencies.

    At the station, they were greeted by a policewoman, who showed them to separate interviewing rooms where they will be questioned by the detectives who are on the team with Detective Inspector Derek Browne, who is in charged on this case.

    First to be interviewed was the youngest daughter, Samantha Rogers. She has brown hair down to her shoulders, brown eyes, a light brown complexion with a beautiful smile, stood around five feet eight inches, weighing around one hundred and forty pounds.

    Entering the interviewing room, the two detectives introduced themselves. The lead detective on the case was Detective Inspector Derek Browne, and the other detective was Detective Sargent Havendeep Gopaul. The interview questioning started at 8:30 am with Detective Browne asking the first questions, while Detective Sargent Oliver Hilton watched the monitor.

    Det. Browne: Could you state your name, please?

    Interviewee: My name is Samantha Rogers

    Det. Browne: do you live at 313 Evans Road in Pleasantville?

    Interviewee: Yes, I do.

    Det. Browne: Do you work, Samantha?

    Interviewee: Yes, I do at the grocery store at Brightlight Mall in town.

    Det. Browne: How long have you been working there?

    Interviewee: About two years after graduating from high school.

    Det. Browne: Do you enjoy your job at the grocery store?

    Interviewee: Yes I do. I meet lots of interesting customers.

    Det. Browne: Would you say that you have a keen sense of observation? What I mean is, do      you see things other people would not see?

    Interviewee: I think so; I guess.

    Det. Browne: On the night in question, did you notice anything out of the ordinary in your      neighbourhood?

    Interviewee: I think so; a man dressed in black walking pass the house when I looked out the     window of my bedroom.

    Det. Browne: Did he see you looking out of your window?

    Interviewee: I don’t think so; soon after that a black vehicle drove by with its lights off.

    Here Detective Sargent Gopaul took over asking the questionings while Detective Browne listened in.

    Det. Gopaul: Do you recollect the make of the vehicle?

    Interviewee: No, I don’t, but I told my mom about the vehicle.

    Det. Gopaul: Have you ever seen the vehicle or the man before?

    Interviewee: I think so; It was two days ago, but paid no mind to it.

    Det. Gopaul: Thanks for coming in to the station.

    Interviewee: You are welcome. Wish I could help more.

    Det. Gopaul: That’s ok. We will take it from here. An officer will drive you to work. After your      sister's interview.

    Detective Oliver Hilton was looking at the monitor while the interviewing was being conducted, and did not see any nervousness or body language changes while Samantha Rogers was being questioned.

    The second to be interviewed was Alexandra Rogers. She had dark brown hair down to her back, greyish eyes, golden brown complexion, beautiful smile like her sister, stood about an inch taller that her younger sister. She stood five feet nine inches weighs about one hundred and thirty-five pounds.

    The detectives entered the room where Alexandra Rogers was waiting. They both introduced themselves, and Detective Gopaul ask the questions, while Detective Browne listen.

    Det. Gopaul: Could you state your name, please?

    Interviewee: My name is Alexandra Rogers.

    Det. Gopaul: Do you live at 313 Evans Road in Pleasantville?

    Interviewee: Yes, I do.

    Det. Gopaul: Do you work, Samantha?

    Interviewee: Yes, I do at Brightlight Mall, at Everlasting Women Wear Clothing Store in town.

    Det. Gopaul: How long have you been working there?

    Interviewee: About three years after graduating from high school.

    Det. Gopaul: Do you enjoy your job at the clothing store?

    Interviewee: Yes, I do, but sometimes meet unhappy customers.

    Det. Gopaul: Would you say that you have a keen sense of observation? What I mean is, do      you see things other people would not see?

    Interviewee: I would have to say yes.

    Det. Gopaul: On the night in question, did you notice anything out of the ordinary in your      neighbourhood?

    Interviewee: Not really, but heard my sister telling my mom. She saw a man walking past the       house dressed in black. Then a black vehicle driving by without lights.

    Det. Gopaul: What did your mother said, to your sister?

    Interviewee: I don’t recall her saying anything to my sister.

    Det. Gopaul: Did you see the vehicle at all?

    Interviewee: No, I was in the basement doing laundry.

    Det. Gopaul: Have you ever seen a black vehicle driving through your street that does not      belong in the neighbourhood?

    Interviewee: Yes, it was

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