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Gruff Garrett Lawdog - Hope and Despair: Gruff Garrett Series, #4
Gruff Garrett Lawdog - Hope and Despair: Gruff Garrett Series, #4
Gruff Garrett Lawdog - Hope and Despair: Gruff Garrett Series, #4
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Gruff Garrett Lawdog - Hope and Despair: Gruff Garrett Series, #4

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Alisa Pemberton a young orphan, rides into a small town looking for work and a fresh start. She just lost both her parents and is now for the first time in her life, truly alone. She finds work at the local saloon as a lady in waiting. The bartender seems quite welcoming, and for a young girl like Alisa, it seems like a great opportunity to start a new life for herself.

After two years working in the saloon, she realizes that it is anything but a fresh start. The work conditions are harsh, and her employers take most of her earnings leaving her with little for herself.

Worst of all, they don't want to release her from her work obligations any time soon.

Release dateJun 18, 2024
Gruff Garrett Lawdog - Hope and Despair: Gruff Garrett Series, #4

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    Gruff Garrett Lawdog - Hope and Despair - John J. Law

    Gruff Garrett Lawdog - Hope and Despair

    John J. Law

    Published by Outlaws Publishing LLC, 2024.

    This is a work of fiction. Similarities to real people, places, or events are entirely coincidental.


    First edition. June 18, 2024.

    Copyright © 2024 John J. Law.

    Written by John J. Law.

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Copyright Page

    Gruff Garrett Lawdog - Hope and Despair

    Chapter One: Some Minutes Earlier

    Chapter Two: Slipping Down the Slope

    Chapter Three: The Warning

    Chapter Four: The Dream and the Nightmare

    Also By John J. Law

    Prologue 1: Two Years Ago.

    All right! Time for me to find my fortune. I think this town's a good a place as any to try my luck!

    Alisa Pemberton entered the town of Middleton with high hopes. She was a young girl and quite cheerful and optimistic as most young girls go. This was despite the fact that life had dealt her a pretty rough hand.

    She could still remember how life was when she was a little girl. It was this early stage of her life, that actually set her on the path to having such a sunny disposition. Life at the farm with her parents seemed so sweet and idyllic. Her mother would cook wonderful meals for her and her father, and always had a ready smile. She would always teach Alisa how to cook and find her way around the kitchen. Alisa took the lessons to heart and soon learned how to cook a good soup broth and brew a thick cup of coffee. Her father worked the fields outside, providing a good means of income for the family, that kept them going. Her childhood was spent in this protective and nurturing environment, but it was not to last.

    Both her parents had died at an early age, her mother taken by the consumption, and her father forever changed by it. He suddenly developed a taste for moonshine and was often drinking more, and working less. Eventually, he died of a sudden heart attack. The doc couldn't be sure if it was brought on by his drinking, a broken heart from his wife's death, or both.

    Despite the death of her parents, Alisa was a cheeky sort who was not easily discouraged. She mourned them and the loss hit her hard, but she knew she had to move on. She was already 18 by the time her father died, and she was just about ready and able to take care of herself. Her traveling to the town of Middleton was part of her efforts to start a new life.

    As she entered the small town of Middleton her eyes were wide with excitement and her mind danced with the promise of endless opportunities.

    For a small town Middleton seemed so vibrant and alive. The people walking around were quite lively and seemed to have an extra step with their walk. A buggy drawn by a single horse passed Alisa by, and the driver glanced at her and smiled.

    I like this town already. she said to herself.

    Alisa heard the sound of music nearby and it made her and her horse turn. She followed the sound of the music and it wasn't long before she came upon its source. It was a saloon that was located prominently in town. It was right in the middle of the street where most passers-by could chance upon it.

    Alisa was drawn to the saloon and quickly hitched her horse on the hitching spot in front of the establishment.

    She could already hear the sound of the piano grow louder as she swung the saloon's wooden swinging doors, and walked through. The sights, sounds and smells of the place instantly assaulted Alisa's senses. The piano music was played over the din of the rowdy customers inside the saloon. A lot of them were drinking or gambling. There were other young women like herself speaking to some of the customers, hoping to get an honest night's work. The smell of cigarette smoke mixed in with the smell of cheap whiskey giving the saloon its own unique odor. It was all very different from the farm that Alisa grew up in, but she didn't mind. She thought that she would fit in nicely here. Like a moth drawn by the flame she entered the saloon.

    Alisa knew well enough to go to the bartender and ask for some work. He saw her and smiled at her.

    Well, well. Look at what we have here. Looks like an angel wandered out from heaven down here in the realm of us mortal men. he said.

    Alisa blushed at the compliment. This was the second time in the same day someone had noticed her good looks.

    Oh, good sir! You are one to flatter! she said.

    The bartender shook his head and smiled, keeping his eyes fixed on Alisa.

    I ain't flatterin' you girl. You are a very pretty lass indeed. And I sure could use a girl of your significant good looks. he said.


    Alisa's eyes widened and her mouth opened wide with surprise. It was not the surprise of shock and dread, it was quite the opposite. It was the good kind of surprise, the kind of feeling of surprise that came with eager expectation.

    The bartender nodded his head, only increasing Alisa's already growing sense of expectation.

    Oh yeah. A lady in waiting here can make a good load of dough you know. And a gal like you with your great looks could easily make a pretty penny around here. he said.

    These were exactly the words that Alisa wanted to hear.

    Well, I did come round these parts lookin' for a job, and if you're lookin' to hire well...

    The bartender nodded, smiled, and stretched a hand out to Alisa. Well, I would be happy to hire you right here, on the spot. I'm Scott Bateman, and I own this little establishment. My partner Joe Dean Allen helps me run the place too. he said.

    Alisa took the bartender's hand and shook it. Bateman motioned towards a large man who was standing beside him. It was Allen. Despite his large frame, Alisa

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