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Narcissism - The Face in the Mirror
Narcissism - The Face in the Mirror
Narcissism - The Face in the Mirror
Ebook96 pages51 minutes

Narcissism - The Face in the Mirror

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Unmasking the Paradox of Narcissism

They captivate us with their charm, their confidence casting an alluring spell. Yet behind the grandiose facade lies a troubling paradox—the narcissist's tormented relationship with their reflection. In this groundbreaking book, Narcissism - The Face in the Mirror, the author unveils the psychological labyrinth of one of humanity's most insidious conditions.

With surgical precision, this book dissects the psychological structures and motivations underlying narcissism. It exposes the very human fragilities that compel the narcissist's incessant need for validation and their profound fear of the ordinary. This profound psychological examination leaves no stone unturned, tracing the labyrinthine roots of narcissistic self-obsession while illuminating its multifarious manifestations through an incisive yet nuanced lens.

Whether you are struggling to escape the narcissist's grip, healing from past trauma, or simply seeking to understand this enigmatic condition, Narcissism - The Face in the Mirror is an indispensable guide. Bravely explore the depths of this paradoxical disorder, and emerge empowered with strategies for protection, healing, and reclaiming your authentic self.

Courageous, richly insightful, and ultimately redemptive, this book is a must-read for anyone impacted by the tendrils of narcissistic abuse. Prepare to be transformed as you stare into the haunting reflection and finally see narcissism for what it truly is.

Release dateJun 19, 2024
Narcissism - The Face in the Mirror

Brian Maram

At forty-six, the author survived a life-changing, near-fatal haemorrhagic stroke to the Pons area of his Brainstem. The devastation left behind in its wake of destruction was inconceivable. At the time of his stroke, in 2011, Brian and his family felt isolated, as there were no easy reference books to turn to for help and they had no one to confide in. This was all foreign to them, as they had never been exposed to stroke before. With nobody to consult, the family was not prepared for the emotional turmoil that was to follow. After a rollercoaster encounter, and scraping shoulders with death. His life turned upside down and to the medical paternity, he was now known as a young stroke survivor. After a brief time, Brian found himself abandoned and alone, forcing him to face the mammoth task of recovering by himself.

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    Narcissism - The Face in the Mirror - Brian Maram



    Also by the Author


    Share Your Experience

    Narcissism - The Face in the Mirror

    The Echoes of Narcissism

    David's Story

    The Mirror

    Origins and Evolutions

    Narcissistic Roots

    The Roots of Narcissism

    Noticeable Narcissism

    The Impact on Relationships

    Pathways to Healing

    Moving Forward

    Embracing Change and Growth

    Finding Hope and Empowerment

    The Journey Ahead

    Interactions With a Narcissist

    Narcissim at work

    Tina and Tim (TnT)

    Life with a Narcissist

    The Pursuit of Power and Dominance

    Underlying Motivations

    The Fuel That Feeds the Narcissistic Flame

    The Relentless Need for Narcissistic Supply

    Ravenous Appetite

    Unraveling the Narcissist's Twisted Idea of Love

    Can a Narcissist Truly Love?

    Safeguarding Your Soul: How to Protect Yourself from a Narcissist

    Peering Into the Abyss

    The Nuanced Spectrum of Narcissistic Personalities

    Are All Narcissists Cut from the Same Toxic Cloth

    Identifying the Narcissist's Toxic Traits


    Healing from a Narcissistic Relationship

    Safeguarding Your Children

    In Short - Practical Steps for Healing

    Terms and Forms

    Narcissistic Terms

    Primary forms of Narcissism

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    Also by the Author


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    For permission requests, email the Author / Publisher on the address below:


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    Book Cover by Neuvare

    First edition: 2024

    Copyright © 2024 Brian Maram

    All rights reserved.

    Also by the Author

    The Stroke Survivors Handbook

    Through the eyes of a survivor - Stroke

    Through the eyes of a survivor - TBI


    This book is a work of non-fiction. It is intended to provide factual information and insights based on thorough research and personal experiences. However, to enhance understanding and illustrate key concepts, certain scenarios and examples within this book are presented in a fictionalised manner.

    These fictional elements are clearly delineated from factual content and are employed solely for the purpose of clarifying complex ideas, providing illustrative examples, and engaging the reader in hypothetical situations. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or real events, is purely coincidental and unintentional.

    The author and publisher have made every effort to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information provided herein. Readers are encouraged to cross-reference and verify the content independently and consult additional sources where appropriate. The views and opinions expressed in this book are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of any other agency, organisation, employer, or company.

    This book is not intended to be used, nor should it be used, to diagnose or treat any medical condition. For diagnosis or treatment of any medical problem, consult your own physician. The editor, publisher and author are not responsible for any specific health or allergy needs that may require medical supervision and are not liable for any damages or negative consequences from any treatment, action, application or preparation, to any person reading or following the information in this book. Neither is this book intended as a substitute for the medical advice of physicians. The reader should regularly consult a physician in matters relating to his/her/their health and particularly with respect to any symptoms that may require diagnosis or medical attention.

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