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Veil of Darkness-The Fall of Dracula: The Chronicles of the Night, #3
Veil of Darkness-The Fall of Dracula: The Chronicles of the Night, #3
Veil of Darkness-The Fall of Dracula: The Chronicles of the Night, #3
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Veil of Darkness-The Fall of Dracula: The Chronicles of the Night, #3

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In "Veil of Darkness: The Fall of Dracula," the gripping third installment of "The Chronicles of the Night" series, witness the harrowing transformation of Vlad Tepes as he succumbs to the dark forces that have long whispered in his ear.


As Vlad's humanity erodes and his thirst for power grows insatiable, he becomes the legendary Count Dracula of Bram Stoker's classic tale. This dark and riveting journey delves deep into the psyche of a ruler torn between his duty and his desires, revealing the tragic descent of a once-noble leader into a figure of pure terror.


Experience the rise of Dracula in a story filled with intrigue, betrayal, and the haunting realization that some battles are fought within the soul.

PublisherCora Lynch
Release dateJun 18, 2024
Veil of Darkness-The Fall of Dracula: The Chronicles of the Night, #3

Cora Lynch

Cora is 25 tears old and this is her first book. She lives in California and is married.

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    Book preview

    Veil of Darkness-The Fall of Dracula - Cora Lynch

    Chapter One: Prelude to Darkness

    The cold wind howled through the ancient corridors of Castle Drăculea, carrying with it whispers of foreboding. Vlad Tepes, now secure in his rule over Wallachia, stood alone on the battlements, his gaze fixed on the distant horizon. The weight of his dark powers bore heavily upon him, a constant reminder of the sacrifices he had made and the darkness he had embraced.

    The moon hung low in the sky, casting an eerie glow over the landscape. Vlad's thoughts were a tumultuous storm of memories and visions, each one pulling him deeper into the abyss. Despite his best efforts to rule justly and protect his people, he felt an insidious force growing within him, a force that threatened to consume his very soul.

    Vlad, a voice called softly from behind him. He turned to see Mircea, the wise scholar who had been his confidant and advisor through the darkest of times. Mircea’s presence was a rare comfort in these troubled times. You seem troubled, my friend.

    Vlad's eyes, once filled with resolve, now reflected a deep inner turmoil. The darkness within me grows stronger, Mircea. I fear that I am losing control.

    Mircea stepped closer, his expression filled with concern. You have faced great challenges and emerged victorious. But the battle within your soul is the most difficult of all. You must remember why you embraced this power and hold on to that purpose.

    Vlad shook his head, his voice heavy with doubt. I have tried, Mircea. But the visions and nightmares... they are relentless. I see faces of those I have lost, those I have killed. They haunt me, whispering of a fate I cannot escape.

    Mircea placed a reassuring hand on Vlad's shoulder. You are not alone, Vlad. We are here to help you. You must confront these visions, understand their meaning, and find a way to control the darkness.

    As Vlad gazed out into the night, he knew that the path ahead would be more treacherous than any he had walked before. The darkness within him was not just a force to be wielded but a part of his very being. To master it, he would need to delve deeper into its origins and his own soul.

    The following days were marked by an increasing sense of unease. Strange occurrences began to plague the castle and the surrounding villages. Reports of livestock found drained of blood, mysterious shadows flitting through the night, and the unnerving feeling of being watched became commonplace. The people of Wallachia, once hopeful under Vlad’s rule, now whispered of curses and dark omens.

    One evening, as the sun set and cast long shadows across the land, Vlad summoned his most trusted advisors to the great hall. The air was thick with tension as they gathered, the flickering torchlight casting eerie shadows on the stone walls.

    My friends, Vlad began, his voice carrying the weight of authority and the burden of uncertainty. We face a growing threat. The darkness that I have embraced seems to be seeping into our land, affecting our people. We must find the source of these disturbances and put an end to them.

    Bogdan, the old noble who had stood by Vlad's side since the beginning, nodded gravely. The people are frightened, my lord. They look to you for protection and answers. We must act swiftly.

    Mircea, ever the voice of wisdom, added, There are ancient texts and relics in the castle’s library that may hold the answers we seek. We must study them and uncover the true nature of this darkness.

    Lucian, the powerful vampire who had become Vlad's ally, leaned forward, his expression serious. I have heard whispers of a dark prophecy, one that speaks of a great ruler who will either bring salvation or destruction. We must determine if this prophecy pertains to you, Vlad.

    Vlad’s heart sank at the mention of the prophecy. He had hoped to forge his own destiny, free from the constraints of ancient predictions. But it seemed that fate had other plans. Very well, he said, his voice steady despite the turmoil within. We will begin our search immediately. Time is of the essence.

    The council dispersed, each advisor heading off to fulfill their assigned tasks. Vlad remained in the great hall, staring into the flickering flames of the hearth. The weight of his responsibility pressed heavily upon him, but he knew that he could not falter. The people of Wallachia depended on him, and he would not let them down.

    As the days turned into weeks, Vlad and his advisors delved into the ancient texts and relics stored in the castle’s vast library. They pored over scrolls and manuscripts, deciphering cryptic symbols and unraveling the secrets of the past. It was during one such night, as Vlad studied a particularly ancient and worn tome, that he came across a passage that chilled him to the bone.

    The one who embraces the darkness shall be both savior and destroyer, the passage read. He shall wield great power but must guard against the shadows that seek to consume his soul. Only by understanding the darkness within can he hope to master it and fulfill his true destiny.

    Vlad's eyes lingered on the words, their meaning sinking deep into his mind. The prophecy was clear—his fate was inextricably linked to the darkness he had embraced. He had the potential to be a great ruler, but also the capacity to become a monster.

    Determined to understand more, Vlad continued his studies, pushing himself to the brink of exhaustion. He discovered references to an ancient ritual, one that promised to reveal the true nature of his powers and offer a way to control them. The ritual was dangerous and forbidden, but Vlad knew that he had no choice. He had to take the risk if he was to save himself and his people.

    One stormy night, as lightning flashed across the sky and thunder rumbled in the distance, Vlad gathered the necessary materials for the ritual. The secluded chamber deep within Castle Drăculea was prepared, the black candles arranged in a precise pattern, the silver dagger gleaming in the dim light, and the chalice filled with his own blood.

    Lucian, ever

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