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Mindfulness for kids
Mindfulness for kids
Mindfulness for kids
Ebook125 pages53 minutes

Mindfulness for kids

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Raising a child is one of the most intimidating tasks a person can be given. Many parents are just intimidated by the task of helping the child reach adulthood, and the people who are confidant in that will be wary about how they can set the child up for success. Though there is no complete answer to raising your child with the best chance of success, there is one that is helpful: mindfulness.

            But when we're talking about mindfulness, we feel another sense of confusion. What is mindfulness? You probably know it's helpful and have heard it in the context of self-help and therapy, but a complex definition may be lacking. If you're familiar with mindfulness itself, you may not be certain about its application to child-rearing and furthermore, how it's actually taught to a child! If a fully grown adults are struggling with achieving a semblance of mindfulness, then how could you teach it to a small child?!

            This all gets very confusing. Childcare itself is already nuanced enough, but now there's the subject of mindfulness that's supposed to help? Luckily, this book covers all of the questions that you may have about mindfulness, its application to childcare, and how to apply such ideas!

First, we'll introduce the idea of mindfulness. This sounds simple, but we're going cover a lot of ground!

The idea of mindfulness is ancient— literally. The idea is introduced in Buddhism, but its cultural ties have spread so much that there is no certain practice of mindfulness anymore! Despite that, if you want to truly understand and idea, you have to know where it comes from.

We're talking about mindfulness as it applies to children, so it's best to get the basics out of the way. How does mindfulness work for most people?

We're also talking about childcare in the context of mindfulness. So, in order for the rest of the book to go smoothly, we're going to introduce some popular methods of introducing your child to new ideas!

Did you know that mindfulness can be active? Not only actively pursued but acted out in dynamic ways! That's right— mindfulness isn't only in the mind.

We're going to talk about methods of active mindfulness to achieve what's known as "passive mindfulness," and explain some exercises for doing so!

Physical ties to mindfulness will be more than covered, especially since it's a lesser-known method of achieving mindfulness!

Internal mindfulness is more traditional. Mindfulness in the mind

The idea of passive mindfulness, what seems to be the ultimate goal for many, is going to be covered, and we're going to give some exercises for achieving it!

Internal and external mindfulness are not mutually exclusive. Though they are opposites, that doesn't make it so that they can't work together! Furthermore, one is not just a steppingstone for the other— the two are codependent on one another!

Habits don't matter if they don't stick! In our conclusion, we're not only going to review the content of the book, but we're also going to talk about ways to make sure that they have as long lasting an effect on your child as possible!

Release dateJun 19, 2024
Mindfulness for kids

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    Book preview

    Mindfulness for kids - Chuck


    If it’s out of your hands, it deserves freedom from your mind too. – Ivan Nuru

    Congratulations on purchasing Mindfulness for Kids: Tools and Techniques for Children’s Mindful Development , and thank you for doing so.

    Have you ever watched a kid play and thought about their boundless energy and imagination? Kids come with the superb ability to be completely present in the moment, lost in their wonderful world. But in today’s screen-filled world, it is slowly getting harder for kids to hold onto their innate mindfulness. That is exactly where this guidebook comes in. We will be going on a journey that will help young minds harness the great power of mindfulness. It is a skill that can serve your kids for a lifetime.

    In the pages of this book, we will dig out numerous treasures of engaging techniques and practical tools that are designed for kids. Right from creative, mindful play to breathing exercises, I will equip you with a proper toolkit that will help you nurture the emotional intelligence, creativity, and resilience of your kids with ease. Keep in mind that this book is not only meant for kids. It is for you as well. As a caregiver or parent, you play an important role in supporting the mindful adventure. Together, as a team, we will develop an environment that would help foster a sense of empathy, self-awareness, and a love for the current moment. Let us open the doors to a world where mindfulness will not only be a practice but a way of life for your kids.

    There are plenty of books on this subject on the market; thanks again for

    choosing this one! Every effort was made to ensure it is full of as much useful

    information as possible, please enjoy!

    Chapter 1: Understanding Mindfulness for Kids

    The body benefits from movement, and the mind benefits from stillness. – Sakyong Mipham

    Is your mind full, or are you mindful? How can someone tell the difference? We all know that the mind is a superb tool for solving problems. However, it is not that great at settling down and being with what it is. The mind is full of stories, thoughts, and narratives that have nothing to do with what is happening at the current moment. In certain cases, the mind might get caught up in certain stories that are not even based on reality. Mindfulness comes with the power of offering respite from a super-busy mind. But that would require regular practice coupled with conscious intention. Mindfulness is a big word, but it is not that hard to understand. All it means is being able to pay attention to everything that is happening at the moment. It is possible to be mindful by utilizing one or all of the senses.

    Mindfulness of sight is when someone pays attention to what they see using their eyes. It is possible to be mindful of the sound, noticing sounds that are soft or loud or very close to you or far from you. Have you ever tried to close your eyes as you had something delicious? If yes, you are being mindful. You are being mindful of the taste. When you come across a certain aroma, and you wrinkle your nose or smile, you are being mindful of the smell. When you are super busy, you can also be aware of how things feel, being mindful of the textures. So, it can be said that mindfulness is the practice of concentrating all your awareness on the present moment on a constant basis. Simply with the help of mindfulness and with a bit of compassion for yourself and patience, it is possible to teach the mind how to be still.

    Mindfulness Benefits for Kids

    You might think, why would kids even need mindfulness? After all, they are only kids. But kids today have various reasons to feel stressed. Right from filled-up athletic schedules to heavy educational loads to violence at school and even drama involving friendship, the levels of stress for kids tend to be on the rise. When children can start focusing on being mindful, they can gather the power to slow down, take time, and concentrate on everything in certain ways that are both stress-free and relaxing. The practice of being mindful permits kids to deal with all kinds of frustration when they face any kind of difficulties in life. Mindfulness can also be used to focus their attention on particular things and

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