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Whisper, the K9 from Beyond Space
Whisper, the K9 from Beyond Space
Whisper, the K9 from Beyond Space
Ebook209 pages2 hours

Whisper, the K9 from Beyond Space

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‘Whisper - The K9 From Beyond Space’ is a thrilling and exciting sci-fi comedy adventure about a wise-cracking talking dog who has magical capabilities. The small Jack Russell K9 alien tries to pilot a small spacecraft away from danger after two angry warring dogs fight to be the top dog of their colony, but at the same time, the K9s fight for survival against an invading army of android machines who want to take over that planet. The K9 world is no match against the invading machines who obliterate the planet with their powerful laser guns. Whisper witnesses the destruction as he flies away at speed zooming through black holes and galaxies, and then planet Earth. He descends into the modern-day city of Los Angeles in America and befriends three children and goes with them on their adventures. The police want to find him and so do the media who offer a reward for the whereabouts of the K9 alien, and so too are a couple of bumbling crooks Vic and Ted in pursuit.
Release dateJun 21, 2024
Whisper, the K9 from Beyond Space

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    Book preview

    Whisper, the K9 from Beyond Space - Harry Higgs

    Chapter 1


    NASA scientists use the Hubble telescope to watch one particular planet in deep space, using high-tech equipment and sophisticated computer software, they observe one star is shining brighter than the others, and it seems obvious that something drastic is happening there.

    The pictures coming through on their computer via the satellite suggest the planet may be about to explode. A more detailed picture shows that there seems to be violent explosions on the surface, a bit like volcanoes erupting with debris bursting into space and solar flares bursting out like the sun emits. Because it is so far from its sun, this planet is in perpetual darkness - and cold.

    The planet has been invaded by a notorious gang of android machines known as the ‘Magnatoids’ and they plan to strip the K9s’ world of all its power and resources. The planet that they have invaded is run by dogs that have their own special powers, and some of the K9s put up a ferocious fight against the machines shooting their laser powered paws at them, but the brave K9s are no match for the tall strong metallic and menacing androids machines that hover above ground level firing at will.

    One particular dog known as Whisper gets so frightened; he decides to run to the space station area where the spacecrafts are kept. Dodging the explosions and fires, he runs as fast as he can across the dusty trembling ground beneath his little feet to a cave covered space station.

    Whisper looks around at the crafts and runs across to a tiny spacecraft where a ladder is stood up against it. It appears that someone had been working on it prior to the invasion. Whisper quickly climbs the ladder and gets into the craft, pushing the ladder out of the way, and then he closes the hatch. He looks at the control panel and finds it all very confusing because he isn’t used to flying the crafts, he is only a young Jack Russell type of dog. Nevertheless, the explosions outside the space station seem to be getting closer. He panics and tries various lever sand switches and buttons, ‘Come on, which one is it to start this thing,’ is says frustratingly.

    Then he presses a button and the engines start up, ‘At last, now let’s get out of here,’ he says to himself.

    Whisper carefully pushes a lever slowly forward and the craft begins to move gently up off the ground, and as he holds lever in one place, the craft hovers a few feet off the ground.

    ‘Now how do I move this craft forward out of here?’ he says to himself looking confusingly at the control panel.

    A massive explosion hits close by shaking the space station cave, rocks begin to fall all around the inside the cave

    ‘I need to get out of here mighty quick before this whole place comes down on me,’ says Whisper as the falling debris in the cave hits the craft. Stones and rocks can be heard bouncing on the spacecraft.

    ‘I need to get out of here, or there won’t be a craft left to fly,’ says a panicking and desperate Whisper.

    Then, he tries to another lever which when pushed forward, the craft moves forward too.

    ‘Now that’s what I’m looking for,’ says a delighted Whisper as he carefully manoeuvres the craft out of the cave, at times hitting the sides of the caves exit. As Whisper pilots the craft gingerly to the exit of the space station cave, he gets to see the whole scene of what’s been going on outside.

    ‘Oh my god,’ says a shocked Whisper as he observes fires and explosions going off all over the landscape. He sees K9s running scared for their lives not knowing what direction to run to as the mayhem and chaos echoes all around them.

    ‘What have those invaders done to my planet,’ says Whisper in despair. Then another explosion hits the cave which shakes Whisper out of his shocked state of mind when the craft shakes.

    ‘I got to go. I wonder if mom and dad are okay. I’ll come back for them in a while,’ Whisper utters to himself.

    He pilots the small spacecraft away from the cave and then he pushes another lever forward which thrusts the craft into space at an extraordinary speed.

    ‘Wow, now that’s what I call fast,’ says a delighted Whisper as he pulls the lever back to halt the craft into a stopped position in space, so that he can observe his planet at a safe distance. The ship lingers in space as he looks out of his cockpit window where he can see the whole planet is covered in fires and explosions going off everywhere.

    ‘This looks very bad. I hope Mom and Dad are safe down there,’ he says to himself as he looks on worryingly and frightened by the dangerous environment.

    While watching from afar in the safety of space, Whisper then witnesses one massive explosion which obliterates the planet, and then all he sees is smoke and debris lingering in space. The Magnatoids flee like a bullet at ultra-high speed from the destruction they have caused. Bits of the planet have just scattered everywhere in space and there’s nothing left.

    ‘Oh my god, what’s happened to my planet, where’s it gone, what’s happened to Mom and Dad and all my friends, what’s happened to everyone,’ he says as he stares out of the cockpit window in disbelief that his planet has been obliterated and is now gone. The flammable crystalized rivers that ran underground throughout the planet fuelled that world, but it only needed a spark to ignite the storage depots around the planet to set it all off, and this is what happened when the invading android armies fired their powerful lasers at the peace-keeping colony of the K9s world.

    A shocked Whisper realises his family, friends and his home have all perished, and stunned by it all, he sits back into the cockpit seat as his emotions overwhelm him and he begins to cry. His tears trickle down his face, heartbroken at what has happened. He cries and cries as the trauma of it all dawns on him, the pain and hurt that he feels inside is so great, he collapses on the floor in shock. The sadness and heartache almost kills him.

    Sometime later, his spaceship still lingers in the same location but is now surrounded by chunks of debris and other bits of rocks from the obliterated planet. While the spacecraft has stalled in space and isn’t moving, this triggers a silent distress signal that goes off on the ship’s control panel, but Whisper is unaware of this as he continues to slumber on the craft floor with a broken heart.

    Whisper wakes up from his emotional distraught state of mind and realises he must shake off his sadness and tears and find a way to get to another world that has some kind of civilisation; otherwise he’ll be left lingering in the dark deep space forever more, and his oxygen levels will run out soon. Heartbroken Whisper takes the controls and tries to pilot the small spacecraft the best way he can. He doesn’t know much about piloting a spacecraft, nor does he know what the instrument panel controls are all about either, so when he sees flashing lights on the control panel, he doesn’t know what they mean.

    NASA scientists were observing a small, tiny object on their systems that seems to have distanced itself from the planet they were observing, but as now disappeared from their view. They also notice a tiny white light shoot from its atmosphere which appears to move on its own accord like a UFO. NASA continues to monitor it. Space can be a lonely place especially if you’re a small Jack Russell dog like Whisper who is trying to fly a small spacecraft and doesn’t really know how to fly it because it’s the first time he has ever done this. He didn’t know that space has no gravity and that it was safer for him inside his spacecraft. On his planet there was an encased transparent dome shield that surrounded his world with special generators simulating the feeling of gravity, warmth and light that human beings feel here on Erath, but the encased shell-like invisible dome type complex for their dog world to thrive in, was fractured by the invading android armies of the Magnatoids which caused gases to leak and oxygen levels to drop. The innocent K9s had made a perfect world for themselves and being a friendly colony, the Magnatoids thought this was going to be an easy invasion to take whatever they wanted and then spit them out like rubbish. The android council members used to fly to other worlds in their sophisticated machines wiping out colonies after they have finished with them.

    Whisper continues to try and fly his spacecraft but is having difficulty, as he looks around the cockpit, the noise of the siren’s and alarms in the cockpit was unbearable. Annoyed by this and the flashing lights too, Whisper decides to do something to silence the computer creating the noise.

    ‘You’re giving me a headache,’ he says to himself at the annoying sound. ‘I know what I’ll do—I’ll bash the thing.’

    Whisper picks up a metal tin bin over in the corner of the craft and hits the computer panel with it and smashes the computer screen that is emitting the alarm. Now the computer screen on the control panel has been broken, but at least the noisy alarm bells have stopped.

    ‘That’s better,’ says Whisper, feeling relieved at the peace and quiet because his sensitive hearing was becoming unbearable and would have caused damage to his ultra-high frequency hearing capabilities.

    Whisper gazed outside the cockpit window to look at the vastness of space and the twinkling stars, his dad always told him there were other living creatures on other planets far beyond the galaxies and distant worlds, and in particular he was told about planet Earth which sounded more appealing to him when his dad mentioned that there was a civilisation colony of human beings that lived there. Whisper remembers how excited that revelation was and hoped that his family would go there one day because other spacecraft’s had been on many missions to far away galaxies that also included visits to planet Earth, which was a more civilised colony than the others he heard about. In his flashbacks, Whisper remembers that his dad told him of exciting worlds in faraway galaxies can easily be reached because of the high sophisticated and high powered spacecraft’s that his fellow creatures can travel in, plus they sometimes used what is known as a time funnel in dark energy of space that thrusts them through time, a bit like time travel. This funnel can help transport a spacecraft at 400,000 miles per hour, which in human terms would be like travelling in a normal rocket space shuttle that would take possibly 56,000 light years to get where you were going, and yet Whisper’s alien craft can travel to Earth in a matter of days. Whisper’s ancestors would travel through black holes in space and time zones where there was no calculation of time.

    Deep into space to other worlds there were energized fields of thin layers of gases and beams of light that would emit a signal so that alien travellers could find their way. It was also known that they could actually be in two places at the same time due to the speed of their craft and a reduced field of atoms surrounding them.

    Whisper decides to rest as he dreams of happier times he had with his parents and that he hopes better things are to come as he snuggles up in a special sleeping compartment and falls asleep. The spacecraft automated system is locked onto planet Earth co-ordinates, and then the ship zooms deep into the darkness of space at an incredible speed. After some time, Whisper is awakened by a loud talking voice unaware of where it is coming from. He gets up from his compartment and looks out of the cockpit window and notices a planet that is Earth, but he doesn’t know that. Puzzled by the sound of the voice, he goes over to the control panel from where it is emitting. It’s apparently a radio communication system located on the control panel, and he tries to figure out how to reply, but nothing seems to work.

    ‘Umm, hello—can you hear me?’ he says into a microphone, but he receives no reply despite all the buttons he pushes.

    NASA controllers are monitoring Whisper’s craft as a UFO on their radar screens as it heads towards Earth at a very high speed and about to enter Earth’s atmosphere skimming on the outer gases that surround the planet. The ship heats up quickly as the entry to Earth occurs, but almost instantly the spaceship’s computer recognizes the danger and automatically heat shields are deployed. Other team members at NASA are trying to communicate with the UFO and become concerned when there’s no reply.

    ‘This is NASA Space Center calling—do you read me? Over,’ says the NASA controller where he pauses and awaits a reply, but nothing comes through their communications systems, so he tries again. He pauses again and waits for an answer, but still nothing.

    NASA’s chief controller, Bert White, fears he may have to inform the US Air Force to scramble their jets in the hope of making contact with the UFO. Bert is a gray-haired man in his fifties, a white-shirt-and-tie man, very official, but on the brink of a nervous breakdown.

    ‘Looks like we’re going to have to call out the air force to check this one out, get me General Parker on the phone right now,’ says Bert White to one of his younger aides standing nearby—a spectacled stuttering student named Boardman, who frantically rushes over to a telephone on a nearby desk.

    Unfortunately, Boardman slips over on a banana peel on the floor and goes sliding towards a hard-of-hearing old cleaning lady called Edna Buttercup. Having been cleaning the NASA Space Center for many years, Edna is well known to everyone as she toddles around in her black beret and multi-coloured apron pushing her cleaning cart. Boardman screams as he goes sliding along the floor. When the

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