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Mystery at Maple Manor
Mystery at Maple Manor
Mystery at Maple Manor
Ebook33 pages23 minutes

Mystery at Maple Manor

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In "Mystery at Maple Manor," twelve-year-old Emily Parker and her best friend, Jake Thompson, spend the summer at Emily's great-aunt Clara's grand estate, Maple Manor. They discover a cryptic letter hinting at a hidden family treasure and embark on a thrilling quest to solve the mystery. As they explore secret passages and uncover hidden rooms, they encounter eccentric characters and a mysterious figure trying to thwart their efforts. With courage and cleverness, Emily and Jake piece together the clues, ultimately finding the treasure and uncovering the true story behind it, forging a deeper connection to their family heritage and setting the stage for future adventures.

Release dateJun 19, 2024
Mystery at Maple Manor

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    Book preview

    Mystery at Maple Manor - Joshua Phillips

    Table of Contents

    Title Page

    Chapter 1: Arrival at Maple Manor

    Chapter 2: The Cryptic Letter

    Chapter 3: Whispers in the Library

    Chapter 4: Exploring the Manor

    Chapter 5: The Hidden Passage

    Chapter 6: Eccentric Encounters

    Chapter 7: The Shadow's Trail

    Chapter 8: Cracking the Code

    Chapter 9: Unveiling the Truth

    Chapter 10: Revelations and Resolutions

    Chapter 1: Arrival at Maple Manor

    Emily Parker gazed out the car window, her excitement bubbling over as they drove down the winding, tree-lined road toward Maple Manor. The dense canopy of leaves overhead cast dappled shadows on the path, giving it a magical quality. Beside her, Jake Thompson fidgeted in his seat, his curiosity as palpable as her own. The summer stretched out before them, filled with the promise of adventure and discovery.

    We’re almost there, Emily’s mother announced from the front seat, turning to smile at them. Aunt Clara can’t wait to see you both.

    Emily’s great-aunt Clara was a figure of fascination in their family. Living alone in the grand old estate, she was known for her eccentricities and tales of the past. Emily had only visited Maple Manor once before, when she was very young, but the memory of the sprawling gardens, the grand staircase, and the endless rooms had stayed with her.

    As they rounded a final bend, Maple Manor came into view. The mansion stood imposingly at the end of a long driveway, its brick façade softened by ivy creeping up the walls. Turrets and gables reached toward the sky, and tall windows glinted in the afternoon sun. The grounds were meticulously kept, with neatly trimmed hedges, vibrant flowerbeds, and a large fountain at the center of a circular driveway.

    Wow, Jake breathed, leaning forward for a better look. This place is amazing.

    Emily nodded, her

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