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Born to Serve: Dragons, Deceit, and Desire, #1
Born to Serve: Dragons, Deceit, and Desire, #1
Born to Serve: Dragons, Deceit, and Desire, #1
Ebook515 pages7 hours

Born to Serve: Dragons, Deceit, and Desire, #1

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Warning: Mature Audiences Only. Some content may trigger adverse reactions in sensitive individuals.


Immerse yourself in a unique blend of dark paranormal fantasy and the timeless world of Pride and Prejudice. In this dragon-themed saga, Zander and Kira, soulmates who birthed a galaxy, have made Earth their primary masterpiece. Their extraordinary bond and powers are central to the story.


Darcy and Elizabeth are hosts to these immortal dragon spirits. They navigate a realm where the dragon king and queen reign over an entire galaxy. This fantastical world, while reminiscent of Regency England, is brimming with magical and social differences.

In this tale of love and pride, Darcy is deeply in love with Elizabeth and fully aware of his dragon host status. Elizabeth, however, remains ignorant of her own, her dragon's voice mysteriously silent. Darcy's passionate proposal offends Elizabeth's pride, revealing his meddling in Jane Bennet's romance with Charles Bingley, leading to a stunning revelation.


Will Elizabeth overcome her pride and accept Darcy's proposal? Will dark magic complicate their future? Will the schemes of hostile relatives overshadow their happiness?


Filled with suspense, unexpected twists, and mature themes, this dark fantasy reimagines familiar characters in a new light, diverging from Austen's originals. It promises readers an unpredictable adventure as Darcy and Elizabeth pursue their happily ever after.


Approximately 121,000 words

PublisherL. Wagner
Release dateJun 19, 2024
Born to Serve: Dragons, Deceit, and Desire, #1

Linda Wagner

L. Wagner lives in Texas and is happily married to a wonderful man who indulges their cat with daily treats. She enjoys writing as a hobby and enjoys reading Pride and Prejudice variations, mysteries, paranormal fantasy, and science fiction. A Pride and Prejudice fan since the 1960s, she finally decided to contribute a few stories to the JAFF community. Hopefully, the twists and turns of her imagination will interest you.

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    Book preview

    Born to Serve - Linda Wagner

    Chapter 1

    Hunsford, Kent: Unexpected Proposal – May 1, 1812

    Though modest compared to grand manors, the parlor at the Collins family cottage held a unique charm. The floral wallpaper demonstrated the room's simple elegance, which, somewhat faded over time, graced the walls, adding a touch of subdued warmth to the space. Though not plentiful, the furniture was sturdy and displayed a quiet, unassuming style. Comfortable chairs and a small sofa, draped with delicate yet slightly worn fabric, were arranged around a modest hearth. The fireplace was the focal point; the mantelpiece displayed scattered trinkets, a weathered clock, a few fresh flowers in a vase, and some small porcelain figurines.

    The lighting was subdued, filtering through the lace curtains and allowing the afternoon sun to glow gently over the room. A scattering of books on a nearby side table and a well-worn rug beneath the sitting area added a homely simplicity. Despite the pleasant decor, tranquility eluded the parlor.

    Unmoving, Elizabeth Bennet sat on an old wooden chair with an upholstered seat. Her poised mien gave no sign of her anger as she awaited the culmination of Fitzwilliam Darcy's protracted soliloquy. The room echoed with the sound of his incessant pacing. Her emerald eyes, veiled behind a mask of indifference, oscillated between observing Darcy’s dark wavy hair, striking countenance, tall, muscular figure, and the clock on the mantel before landing on her unassuming slippers.

    Maintaining a semblance of restraint, Elizabeth battled the tempting urge to clench her fists as Darcy’s words ricocheted between lofty professions of love and jarring offense. The relentless soliloquy finally culminated in the solemnity of a marriage proposal and the man’s cessation of movement... silence at last.

    As she continued the intense study of her worn slippers, a raging storm brewed inside her mind. The silence lengthened. Darcy's gray eyes, tinged with uncertainty, caught Elizabeth's attention when she chanced a fleeting glance upward through lowered lashes... but her expression remained enigmatic, betraying none of the emotions that swirled within her.

    Miss Bennet, I realize my proposal may seem abrupt, but I hoped it wouldn’t come as a complete surprise. You must know the depth of my affection for you. Can you offer me an answer? Darcy inquired with a hint of nervousness, his smokey gray eyes searching Elizabeth's face for any sign of her feelings. He struggled to contain his growing anxiety. What was amiss? Was she unaware of his feelings?

    She wanted to scream in outrage and lambast this arrogant man. How dare he speak to her in this outrageous manner? Expect? No. She did not expect or want anything from this proud, conceited hulk of a man. Yet, she must speak. This might be a way to escape from Longbourn. What could she say?

    To his dismay, when the woman looked at him, instead of the usual vivacity that graced Elizabeth's eyes, they appeared clouded with an inscrutable expression. Unshed tears of anger and disbelief gathered, slipping down her cheeks. May I request time to consider your proposal, sir? Her voice cracked with repressed emotion. No expression of joy or gratitude graced her lovely face.

    Seeing her tears, Darcy closed the distance to her chair, extending his handkerchief. His expectations of immediate agreement faded into confusion. His dragon, Zander, had urged this union, and defying the dragon king was not an option. A willing bride was preferable. Perplexed, he pressed, Of course, but what seems to be the issue?

    Elizabeth saw this as her chance to speak her mind. She replied in a soft, melodic voice full of vulnerability tinged with anger.

    Mr. Darcy, you have remained an enigma since our first encounter. When I saw you at the Meryton assembly, you stirred my heart and set it racing, although the cause was beyond my comprehension. Upon approaching our party, along with Mr. Bingley and Sir William Lucas, I expected you to converse politely. You did not.

    She shifted slightly, glaring at him. "Instead, you displayed a shocking rudeness that left an indelible mark on everyone present. Subsequently, Mr. Bingley encouraged you to join the dancing, given the paucity of male partners and the numerous ladies standing on the sidelines. Your response was not gentlemanly; you disparaged every woman except my sister, Jane. And as for me, you dared to label me ‘tolerable but not handsome enough to tempt you.' Your words wounded and deeply insulted me, Mr. Darcy. I cannot fathom how you could propose to a woman whom you deem so insignificant."

    As Elizabeth voiced her grievances, Darcy's head hung in shame. He couldn't bear the truth of her words with equanimity. He clasped his hands behind his back. His countenance lost its hauteur, and redness crept up the back of his neck. How could he possibly explain his reluctance to dance with humans? He hadn’t known the Bennet ladies were hosts.

    Feeling the need to address her concerns, he interjected, Miss Bennet, I offer you my sincerest apology for those inconsiderate words. They were intended for Mr. Bingley's ears alone to dissuade him from further interference. My intent was never to offend you. On the contrary, you are more than simply 'tolerable'; you are undoubtedly the most captivating and beautiful woman I have ever encountered. My reservations about dancing with you or any other unknown lady were grounded in the desire to avoid speculation and the unwanted attention of matchmaking mothers.

    Elizabeth responded, You call that an apology? Even now, you consider your feelings, not mine. You do not realize the impact of your words. I was hurt and humiliated. Since you did not regulate the volume of your voice, within moments of speaking your thoughts aloud, everyone knew what you said against me. You gave the entire community disgust for your pride, arrogance, and unfeeling nature. Did you ever wonder why none of the single women of the area made any effort to garner your attention?

    Darcy’s eyes widened in shock as her words hit him. Elizabeth had not been expecting a proposal, and her dislike was evident. Her dragon was not promoting this match. Did she know she hosted a dragon? This situation was intolerable. He must do or say something to salvage the situation. After all, he loved this lady.

    Darcy replied, I didn’t notice because my mind was preoccupied with pressing matters. The lack of females vying for my attention was a relief. Did you not see my regard for you when you stayed at Netherfield Park nursing your sister?

    She shook her head in disbelief.

    Darcy continued, My eyes followed you constantly. I tried walking in the garden with you, but Caroline kept joining us. Our debates about literature intrigued me. I thought my admiration was evident. Caroline Bingley certainly noticed.

    Elizabeth looked at him in confusion. Then, she said, Let me think. Do you mean that when I heard your friends insulting my relatives, and you said nothing to check their vitriol, your silence was a form of admiration? The Bingleys are not gentry. They are socially below my family. It is the fate of most second or third sons to enter the law, the church, the armed forces, or another profession, yet the Bingley sisters constantly disparaged my mother’s family. Her Scottish grandfather is a wealthy gentleman from Edinburgh. Unfortunately, the man had fifteen children. Her father came to England with a small fortune and chose to practice law. The Bingleys are children of a factory owner without any gentry in their lineage.

    Darcy shook his head, bewildered. Why didn’t you mention your Scottish connections?

    Brag about my great grandfather? What lady with breeding boasts to new acquaintances about wealth or family connections? Only an ill-bred tradesman’s daughter would do that, explained Elizabeth.

    She drew a shaky breath and continued, When you stared at me, I thought it was in disapproval. You sat silently reading when we were alone in the library. You argued with me whenever I joined the after-dinner conversation. I never thought of those arguments as debates. The only person who attempted to make my time at Netherfield tolerable was Mr. Bingley. Why would you believe anything from that time would make me believe you cared for me in any way?

    Elizabeth's striking viewpoint of his behavior and the distressing description of the circumstances she experienced at Netherfield shook Darcy to his core. The recognition that his actions during her stay at Netherfield were thoughtless and acutely hurtful was a blow to his ego. He had perceived Elizabeth’s amiable, pleasant demeanor around him as a sign of genuine affection or an innate partiality for his company. The revelation that she might have been masking her true feelings with politeness shattered his previously held perceptions.

    Zander, his dragon spirit, had constantly castigated him for his brusque treatment of Elizabeth and her family. After the Netherfield ball, he left the area without farewelling the neighborhood. In a flurry of confusion and emotional turmoil, Darcy sought distractions in London. Yet, he found it increasingly impossible to stifle his emotions for Elizabeth in the city. Day and night, she had occupied his thoughts. Her presence had been felt even in his dreams. The constant and relentless memories of Elizabeth Bennet had haunted him, urging him to return to Hertfordshire.

    Seeking respite, albeit unconventional, he fled to Rosings Park. He hoped to forget Elizabeth under the roof of his overbearing and domineering aunt, Lady Catherine de Bourgh. Seeing Elizabeth walking by the cleric’s home as his carriage passed it on the way to Rosings Manor unleashed a flood of emotions inside him. Shock at seeing her, fury at the thought of her marrying Mr. Collins, and desperation had filled his mind.

    Relief washed over Darcy as he glimpsed Charlotte Lucas strolling with Mr. Collins, deep in conversation. As emotions simmered within him, a sense of clarity passed over Darcy in that fleeting moment. The fog lifted. He was deeply in love with Elizabeth Bennet. He must marry the woman and keep her by his side forever.

    Since that moment of revelation, Darcy had actively sought every chance to accompany Elizabeth on walks and engage her in conversation. Alas, his efforts often fell short, for their discussions centered on trivial subjects like the weather, failing to spark any genuine interest or connection between them.

    Pacing relentlessly across the room did little to quell his emotions. Darcy's mounting agitation peaked, and he finally came to an abrupt halt by the fireplace. There, he seized the edge of the mantle, and his response, which seemed to rumble from deep within him, was laced with frustration and earnestness.

    I never uttered a disparaging word about you or your sister during your stay at Netherfield Park, he began, his voice laden with sincerity. My lack of response to Miss Bingley's remarks was not a sign of agreement. Rather, I chose not to engage with her, knowing she would soon exhaust herself with her own words. To argue with her would have prolonged the conversation, and it was not my place to chastise our hostess. Mr. Bingley should have stopped her incivilities.

    He paused briefly, his intense stare fixed on Elizabeth, his emotions raw.

    As for my gaze upon you, it was anything but disapproval. A hint of a smile graced his face while he briefly contemplated Elizabeth’s inexperience. His eyes swept over her from top to bottom. Darcy’s eyes traveled slowly over her tall form, appreciating her dark curls, emerald eyes, luscious lips, ivory skin, voluptuous breasts, flat stomach, wide hips, strong legs, slender ankles, and petite feet. He allowed his gaze to linger on her breasts until she blushed.

    He continued fervently, I watched you because I couldn't look away. Men do not fix their eyes on women they disapprove of; they do so for those they find captivating, fascinating, and deeply desirable. Can you doubt the sincerity of my words now?

    Elizabeth searched his eyes; the gray was almost black with golden sparks, and she saw such passion reflected in their depths that her blush turned a fiery red.  Her hands flew to her cheeks to cool them, push back the blush, and regain her composure.

    She answered shyly, No, I must have been mistaken. However, I never felt admiration in your gaze, just a cold regard.

    Elizabeth turned her eyes away, then chiding herself for cowardice, she met his gaze, bringing her vibrant spirit into sharp focus. Darcy was mesmerized by the depth and intensity of emotions her eyes revealed. The fiery tinge in her cheeks and the tremor in her hands signaled her acute discomfort. It struck him that the signs of male attention and admiration were foreign to her.

    In that moment, a wave of protectiveness washed over Darcy. He had the opportunity to make her feel cherished and desired in a way she otherwise might never know. The unspoken attraction, the invisible but unmistakable energy that flowed between them, intensified his resolve to gain her acceptance.

    Zander whispered insistently in the recesses of Darcy’s mind, Grasp the budding connection between you. Her body wants to say yes. Quell her mind’s doubts. Kira is impatient to join her. We have waited a long time for you to fall in love.

    Patience and respect were critical. He understood the need to allow their relationship to blossom slowly. Yet, with the Collins family's imminent return and Zander's growing impatience, time felt like an adversary. Somehow, he must convince Elizabeth to accept his proposal.

    Being host to the dragon king imbued his body with abilities and attributes that could inundate Elizabeth’s body and mind into a more pliable state; in a tiny dose, draconic pheromones or venom could produce pleasure and calm her anger. She would be less hostile and more receptive to his words. This situation would come to a resolution quickly if he touched her.

    Zander’s voice taunted him, Now you will prove her claim that you are selfish by using draconic abilities to force her compliance. What a gentleman!

    Unperturbed by the dragon's taunt, Fitzwilliam Darcy locked eyes with Elizabeth Bennet. His expression was earnest, a flicker of determination evident in his gaze. The subtle strength in his eyes caused her to flinch.

    Miss Elizabeth, when we engaged in debates, my intention was not to antagonize you or argue. It was merely an attempt to have an intellectual discussion and prolong your company in our gatherings. I admired your wit and intelligence and valued your voice and presence. Caroline Bingley's attempts to undermine you were indeed unwarranted and unkind. I respected your grace and strength in handling those situations. Your responses only affirmed your superior breeding and social grace, leaving no room for her base criticisms in my mind.

    Darcy casually removed his gloves and placed them on a side table. He moved closer to Elizabeth until he stood directly in front of her. In a gesture he hoped would convey consolation, Darcy’s hand reached down to gently touch Elizabeth’s cheek with a forefinger. His touch sent a spark of electricity through her that masked the tiny drop of the pheromone-imbued venom that oozed from his pores, and she pulled back in surprise. He determined to press his luck and gently swept a loose curl away from her face, then used his fingers to lift her chin and stare into her beguiling emerald eyes.

    The air around them sizzled when Elizabeth slapped his face. He jerked back, removing his hand from her chin, inwardly triumphant. She had struck Darcy with a bare hand. As a result, her pores absorbed a hefty dose of draconic venom. It was playing havoc with Elizabeth’s mind and body.  Her eyes were dilating; waves of pleasure shot through her body. She closed her eyes and tried to hide her involuntary reaction to this haughty man.

    Darcy heard the dragon’s laughter thundering inside his mind. It serves you right. You continue to think of yourself and not her; your actions demonstrate this. Or did you hope to inundate her with venom when she slapped you?

    Zander continued his diatribe, I didn’t influence your behavior in Hertfordshire. I wanted you to fall in love. After arriving here, you walked with her on the pathways almost daily, and Elizabeth consumed your thoughts. Your attraction is so strong after the months of separation that you are desperate to marry her. Have you no regard for this beautiful creature? How can you be so ignorant of her reactions? What makes you think that your manipulations can easily sway her?

    Yes, I am desperate. I will make it up to Elizabeth later. Right now, I’m consumed with desire for her and frustration that she hasn’t given me an answer. You should help me, not laugh at my ineptitude, answered an irritated Darcy.

    Now, Kira grew impatient. She wanted to have a physical form that would last a few decades. Roaming the world as an ethereal being was fine; occasionally, taking the shape of a creature was amusing, but Kira wanted a host to provide companionship and the physical sensations only a corporeal body experienced. She was tired of waiting. Kira abruptly joined the conversation.

    Kira insisted, Zander, my love, I grow tired of this nonsense. Once I enter her body, the girl will capitulate and marry your host. I will command it.

    Zander shouted, No! The silver one is not able to wake. Something is wrong.

    Ignoring the warning, Kira ousted the silver dragon, Demi, from Elizabeth. Suddenly, Zander could not hear Kira, and he was frantic.

    Zander cried out, You must marry her, Darcy. I can’t hear Kira’s voice! She has fallen asleep! Demi shouts that the sleep was caused by a curse, which now traps the queen. I must wake Kira! My venom will bind Elizabeth to us, regardless of her current feelings. Demi claims the girl has repressed her admiration of you to protect her heart because you have acted like a fool. Stop procrastinating. You didn’t consider her feelings before; why consider them now?

    Darcy’s scathing reply amplified his distress. So, it’s alright to induce Elizabeth's compliance because it suits you? Kira has forced the issue with this precipitous action. Sometimes, hosting you is beyond confusing. You will have your way, as always. We are born to serve. We exist for your convenience and pleasure. Since I do not wish to defy you, please stop speaking to me so I can deal with the situation.

    One minute, Zander laughed; the next, he criticized and demanded compliance because of Kira. Darcy shook his head, reached a hand up to his stinging cheek, and muttered an oath under his breath.

    A determined Darcy stepped forward, closer than before. He spoke softly, Why did you slap me?

    Mr. Darcy, you do not have permission to touch me. Please keep your hands to yourself.

    Darcy chose to change the subject rather than acknowledge her request. He planned to keep touching her whenever possible. Zander’s wishes demanded complete obedience.

    Did you ever have any positive feelings toward me, Miss Elizabeth?

    Yes, Elizabeth replied, her voice laced with a hint of nostalgia. When you walked into the assembly room, I thought you were the most handsome man I had ever seen. Then you displayed your arrogance and selfish disdain for the feelings of others when you shunned everyone in the room except your friends.

    Ahh, Miss Elizabeth. Is that the only time you thought well of me?

    Darcy couldn't help but laugh, his laughter filling the room and echoing off the walls. His eyes sparkled with amusement, and the warmth in his expression caught Elizabeth off guard. It was the first time she heard the sound of his laughter, and it shocked her. The laughter transformed Darcy's demeanor, revealing a more approachable and charming side she hadn't seen before.

    Elizabeth's lips curved into a reluctant smile. Fine. I believe you to be intelligent, patient, and caring with your family. Plus, you play a good game of chess.

    Despite her amusement, Elizabeth was still experiencing many peculiar, unwarranted sensations. She regarded Darcy with suspicion. Was there something more to this man than met the eye? Was he a mage?

    She gathered her resolve and asked, What are you doing to me? What kind of man wields such powers against a lady? Do you practice magic upon me? This is far from the conduct of a gentleman!

    Darcy’s gaze softened, his eyes reflecting earnestness. I’m certainly not behaving as society dictates today by being here. However, I am not a mage and will not depart until you decide on my proposal. Please, speak your mind. Present your observations. Give me a chance to win your hand.

    He moved closer, the gap between them diminishing to a few inches.

    Elizabeth yielded, hoping that a candid conversation might persuade Darcy to leave. A captivating mixture of scents, blending sandalwood, citrus, and an elusive yet earthy fragrance, hung in the air. She felt an overpowering desire to embrace this exasperating man.

    Instead, she responded, Very well, Mr. Darcy. I must admit that our discourse has been engaging, even in our disagreements. Your insightful discussions on various subjects have been genuinely intriguing. Your extensive knowledge does make you a compelling conversationalist. However, your sincerity does not guarantee an absence of deceit. For instance, your cousin, Colonel Fitzwilliam, spoke earlier about your role in separating Mr. Bingley and my sister, Jane. It appears you take pride in meddling with the happiness of others, with little regard for the pain your interference may cause. What makes you believe Mr. Bingley's feelings for my sister were less important than your affection for me? Did you consider the potential heartbreak my sister would endure when he departed without explanation? Or the notion that you, or any other third party, should dictate their future?

    Glaring at Darcy, she continued vehemently, How am I expected to accept the hand of a man who may have irreparably shattered the happiness of my dearest sister? Would such a man seek to conceal such an action? Would he ever welcome my family into our home? Would he coerce me into associating solely with his relatives and friends, some of whom have displayed a range of hurtful, disrespectful, insulting, and cunning behavior toward me and possibly toward himself? Would he become overbearing whenever I dared to voice an opposing opinion?

    Darcy felt a sudden jolt in his chest as he heard Elizabeth’s words. The fear and anxiety underlying her tone pierced through him, creating an unexpected wave of self-reflection. Had his actions truly been so despicable to everyone? Even now, he sought to persuade her into marriage against her will. He stepped back.

    The shift in Darcy’s proximity was almost as unsettling for Elizabeth as the contact with his skin. She felt her core tighten with unexpected desire as he moved away, leaving an echoing void. An urgent discomfort caused her to shift in her chair. With a deliberate effort, she clasped her hands upon her lap, a display to mask her internal turmoil. Was she about to get her courses for the first time? Was this feeling the precursor to that long-awaited event?

    Struggling to maintain the appearance of composure, Elizabeth continued, While my relations may not always exhibit the most polished behavior, they’ve never displayed meanness or ill will in company. They have their faults, and their conduct might be embarrassing. I know my family’s social inadequacies too well. Their behaviors can be appalling, but despite it all, I hold an enduring affection for them. I will never abandon them.

    Darcy, keenly focused on the distressed young woman before him, noted the telltale signs of her desire. At the same time, her gaze blazed with unmistakable anger. Her body was waging war against her rationality, a conflict his draconic pheromones guaranteed she would lose.

    Elizabeth's tear-streaked face displayed the magnitude of her distress as she pleaded, Why did you express such fervent love and admiration only to follow it with insults directed at my family and upbringing? As a gentleman's daughter, I consider myself the equal of any untitled gentleman, irrespective of wealth. Call me naive, but I've always believed that a marriage proposal should embody a heartfelt declaration of love, respect, and devotion rather than an assessment of social rank and my family's shortcomings.

    Zander posed a question that left Darcy reeling in self-reflection, What would you say to a suitor who sought your sister Georgiana's hand with such a proposal?

    A visible pallor overtook Darcy's countenance, draining the color from his face. Had his proposal indeed been so offensive? Darcy stood in silence, grappling with Elizabeth's accusations. After a moment, he humbly addressed her.

    Forgive me for my poorly chosen words today and in the past. I am not one for eloquent speeches, often sharing more of my inner thoughts than necessary. My love for you runs deep, and I will go to great lengths to secure your happiness. Your family will become my family, and you will decide who we welcome into our home.

    Gathering his thoughts, Darcy continued, Regarding Mr. Bingley, I cannot force his return to Miss Bennet. His intentions did not extend to courting or marrying your sister, so I felt compelled to explain the potential misunderstanding his attentiveness might create, which led to his departure from Netherfield. He soon turned his attention toward another woman upon his return to London. Charles is known for his susceptibility to beauty and his playful flirting. He is young, rich, and not ready to settle down. Just last summer, he narrowly escaped the snares of a woman who sought to compromise him at a London gathering. Luckily, I was present with two friends, and we witnessed the entire charade. That is the story I shared with Colonel Fitzwilliam.

    Darcy posed a question, his voice filled with genuine concern, Do you truly desire a suitor for your sister who flits from one beauty to another? Does she not deserve a man with a kind and steadfast heart, one who remains loyal and unwavering in his affections?

    Elizabeth felt the stirring of a tender regard for this man who spoke to her with sincerity. Her body yearned for his closeness, even as her mind cautioned restraint. A blush colored her neck as she recollected the tender way he had stroked her cheek.

    Concurrently, Darcy observed the myriad emotions flickering across Elizabeth's face. Her description of his relations puzzled him, and he wondered why she branded them as devious. Additionally, he contemplated her omission of Colonel Richard Fitzwilliam's evident desire for her company and questioned what might have triggered such a reaction.

    His voice softened, Why do you think my relations are devious? What has caused you pain? Please, tell me.

    The sincerity in his tone struck a chord within Elizabeth. She felt her body responding in ways she couldn't comprehend. No matter his protestations, she knew something unnatural was affecting her reactions. Was it the effect of magical abilities or something more nefarious causing these overwhelming emotions?

    Elizabeth's eyes filled with tears as she gazed at him, her voice trembling when she finally spoke, Did your cousin know of your feelings for me? Was he aware of our walks?

    Darcy observed Elizabeth's distress, noticing her continuous blushes. Though her hands were tightly clasped together, there was a distinct tremble. Her struggle to hide her reactions was faltering, and he knew Zander would soon claim his victory.

    Darcy stood, guilt crushing his conscience, and closed the distance between them. With a gentle touch, he lifted her chin. Elizabeth continued to avoid Darcy’s eyes, unwilling to show her vulnerability despite her body’s intense reactions to his caress. Her heart raced faster, and a deep blush spread across her chest as the venom from his touch spread through her, and her lips quivered.

    Observing the effect of his touch, Darcy watched as Elizabeth tried to contain her heightened emotions, fiercely trying to manage them, but her face revealed her anguish.

    Darcy’s words were hesitant. Yes, my cousin has known of my feelings for you since we arrived at Rosings. He was aware of my desire to seek your hand in marriage. I warned him not to trifle with you.

    Elizabeth’s voice quivered as she shared, I was enjoying our walks, and your cousin was aware of it. He met me in the park along my favorite path today and offered to escort me. The colonel spoke of his need to marry for wealth and discussed your affluence and influence in the same breath. He hinted that you wouldn’t consider someone of lesser status as a wife. He complained about his financial constraints as a second son and implied he was in pursuit of a wealthy bride. He insinuated that both you and he were seeking a mistress to share.

    She avoided Darcy’s gaze, her eyes fixed on her hands. He told me about your involvement in Mr. Bingley’s relationships and how you recently saved him from a scheming woman with disreputable relations. But he failed to mention Bingley’s flirtatious reputation or entanglements with other women.

    Darcy contemplated the blushing, distraught woman before him and felt every pulse of her body as it reacted to Zander’s venom. Elizabeth shifted in her chair, fighting against the instinctual pull of her body’s reactions. She was a worthy host for Kira. Darcy looked away, ashamed of himself.

    Elizabeth was terrified. Why was this happening to her? Her blush deepened.

    To conceal her trepidation, she continued, I had intended to speak with Colonel Fitzwilliam about a report concerning you from someone back home. This report did not cast you in a favorable light. However, a growing unease overcame me during our walk after his revelations. Something about the story felt wrong, and I was eager to return here. His presence made me uncomfortable, and I feared that remaining with him any longer might put me at risk. It was a sensation akin to foreboding, similar to the feeling I get when my father comes near.

    Elizabeth glanced at Darcy and said, Before that conversation, I held Colonel Fitzwilliam in the highest regard. I considered him a friend. He was well aware of my growing regard for you. Implying that you might have designs on me as a mistress deeply offended me. Hearing about Mr. Bingley's abandonment of a woman at your behest shook me, giving rise to doubts about your character. If he knows that Mr. Bingley is a notorious flirt who dallies with women's affections, why portray him as incapable of resisting your advice? Why twist the story if he genuinely cares about your happiness?

    Unable to answer her calmly, Darcy began pacing back and forth in front of her like a caged tiger. His thoughts ran wild, as did his dragon’s words.

    Zander roared, The colonel plans to take Elizabeth for himself. Colonel Fitzwilliam told Elizabeth this twisted tale as an act of betrayal. Elizabeth does not love that man. He tried to poison her improving attitude toward you, Darcy. This was a definite attempt to sabotage your chances with the girl. I will destroy that despicable human before he touches Kira’s host. I’m tempted to incinerate him now! The bloody blackguard!

    Darcy replied, I must concentrate on Elizabeth. I cannot speak with her while you rant at me. Help me finish this task. We’ll deal with the colonel later.

    Darcy took a moment to collect his thoughts before responding, Miss Elizabeth, your intelligence and worthiness are beyond doubt. I apologize for Richard’s offensive words. I have never kept or shared a mistress. I’m far more comfortable lurking in the shadows at large gatherings. My unease in conversing with new acquaintances typically results in me giving offense.

    He halted his pacing and turned to face her directly. His steely gray eyes met Elizabeth’s sad emerald gaze.

    Despite my cousin’s words, Charles’s departure from Netherfield was entirely of his own accord. What role his sisters played in his sudden departure is unknown to me.

    The disdain on Darcy’s face when he mentioned the Bingley sisters was reminiscent of his demeanor at Netherfield, often directed at Miss Bingley. Elizabeth pondered this sudden insight.

    Darcy continued, You should inform Jane that Charles swiftly turned his attention to other women after leaving Netherfield and is known in London for his flirtatious ways. Currently, he is calling on a young lady with a substantial dowry. Would you like me to write to Charles and inform him that your sister is in town visiting the Gardiners?

    An emphatic No! pierced the air as Elizabeth glared at him. She would write to Jane and inform her of Mr. Bingley’s reputation.

    He paused, taking a deep breath before remembering her mention of a report.

    What negative report have you heard? Darcy’s voice was firm, laced with concern.

    Having managed to dry her tears, Elizabeth spoke softly but audibly, Lieutenant Wickham told me he was deprived of his inheritance when you refused to honor your father’s will. He claimed you cast him out of Pemberley penniless in your arrogance and pride, forcing him to make his way in the world. She held his gaze, searching for a reaction.

    Darcy’s initial concern morphed into a look of controlled fury.

    Bracing herself for a confrontation, Elizabeth continued, Your actions in Meryton did nothing to paint you in a favorable light. Each time I began to doubt Wickham’s words, something occurred that reinforced your disdain for us all.

    Her stare challenged him, her captivating green eyes revealing her desire to seek the truth and her need to unearth answers.

    Wickham’s deception was a constant thorn in Darcy’s side. He had to counteract the damage caused by the scoundrel’s lies about the will. Wickham, the child of his father’s late steward, was, in fact, fully human. The steward had known the boy’s true parentage but raised him as his son.

    Darcy’s voice cut through the air, heavy with frustration and laden with anger.

    Wickham is a skilled fabricator of tales blending falsehoods with a grain of truth. My father supported his education and provided a small allowance. This allowance ceased when Wickham’s vices, the seduction of young women, unpaid debts to merchants, and excessive gambling, came to light. After my father’s death, Wickham received a legacy of one thousand pounds. Due to his professed interest in studying law, I extended an additional three thousand. But when he returned demanding more funds, I refused him, Darcy concluded.

    Elizabeth struggled to meet Darcy’s eyes, regret filling her heart that she could hold so many misguided opinions. She had allowed herself to be deceived by a notorious libertine and wrongly attributed vices to Darcy that were, in fact, present in herself. Her terrible childhood had clouded her ability to discern good from evil. Suppressing the rising panic in her mind, she lowered her gaze; she refused to succumb to fear. This man before her was not her cruel, monstrous father.

    Breaking the charged silence, she inquired quietly, Mr. Darcy, what about your engagement with Miss Anne? What will Lady Catherine say if you jilt her daughter?

    There has never been any engagement with my cousin, Anne. I have never proposed to her; there is no contract. Anne has no desire to marry anyone. My aunt’s delusions fuel her false claims, Darcy asserted vehemently, his expression leaving no room for doubt.

    Fingering the porcelain figurines on the mantle, he continued, Lady Catherine’s behaviors are a source of embarrassment for the family. Her status shields her from censure despite her insufferable manners. She’s an outspoken bully who uses the rank of her station to intimidate people.

    Darcy lowered his gaze to his hand resting on the mantle. Families often have embarrassing members. It’s easy to ignore family flaws. Lady Catherine’s behavior toward you at Rosings was intrusive, rude, and wholly inappropriate, unlike your mother, who may be eccentric but never unkind.

    A cascade of Darcy’s blunders with Elizabeth played like a remorseful melody in his mind. Raising his gaze from the mantelpiece, his brow furrowed when he saw her face. Elizabeth, caught in the throes of her emotional crisis, seemed in agony. He longed to reach out, comfort, and hold her close, but he resisted the urge and stood steadfastly by the mantle.

    Miss Elizabeth, I need you to comprehend my situation. But my explanation might cause further distress. Are you willing to hear me out? Darcy’s determination to be honest with the woman he loved was unwavering.

    Yes, Elizabeth responded.

    Despite the dragon’s threatening whispers, Darcy disclosed, "I am a dragon host. My dragon has been secreting draconic venom through my pores. When I first touched your face, the venom entered your body. It was a small amount, enough to soothe your hostility. I was hoping to

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