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Swinging in Space
Swinging in Space
Swinging in Space
Ebook77 pages1 hour

Swinging in Space

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After a year of having sex with almost every woman that he wanted to, Richard teams up with Sharon and the two of them seduce couples together.  However, not all is perfect in paradise as not everyone is happy about what they are doing and try to stop them.

Release dateJun 18, 2024
Swinging in Space

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    Swinging in Space - Dick Talent

    1 - The Sharing Pod

    Look up into the sky; yes, way up into the night's sky.  You can't see it, but the space station that I am on - along with a couple of dozen more - is up there circling over you.  Can't see us?  Well, that is because we are in a different dimension or are out of phase with the people on Earth, or something; don't ask me, I don't really understand it.  All I know is that the first station has been circling Earth since there were people.  Over time more and more stations have been constructed, all with a specific type for specific people.  Heck, the more people die the bigger the stations grow.  The stations are needed because the people have to go somewhere after they die. 

    My understanding is that the station that you go to is determined by how you had lived your life and what you were into the most.  The station that I was sent to upon my death is dedicated to sex and is apparently the only one that caters to carnal pleasures.  I was sent to this station here because I am a sex addict and I died while cheating on my wife.  She killed me and I guess that they wanted to cure me by overloading me with sex.  Well, it hasn't happened yet so I guess that I will be here for a while, which suits me fine.

    Another great thing about being here, apart from the unlimited amount of sex, is that nobody here ages.  In fact, my first observation when I first got here was that almost everyone I have seen look like they are in their early twenties, the prime of their lives even though  some people have been here for almost a hundred years.  I was shocked when I first looked into the mirror and saw a younger version of myself.  Also I felt thirty years younger and my sexual stamina was the best that it has ever been.

    For the first year that I was here I had my own pod and fucked every willing woman that crossed my path.  Now that I am living with Sharon, and sharing everything with her, including lovers, we have a slightly bigger pod.  This one, like all of the others, was egg shaped. Think of an egg on its side.  At one end was the entrance hatch and at the opposite end was the living room bay window.  The kitchen was on the left side near the door and the bedroom was opposite of it.  The washroom was just off the living and dining area.  It was a typical layout of an apartment on earth, but the ceiling and walls were curved.

    For furniture the living room came equipped with a loveseat and a couple of chairs that faced several round windows.  It looked modern when we first moved in and we have replaced a few items to keep it that way.

    The bedroom was basically a Queen Size bed with a nightstand built into the curved walls at each side and there were no windows, just a door at the foot of the bed and a closet at the both sides.

    Hang on; I just noticed something as I walked around it, trying to accurately describe it to you. This pod comes with something extra, a beautiful woman fucking herself on the bed.

    I stood in the door frame and watched a thin woman with nice feminine curves use her fingers to play with her pussy lips.  Her chestnut coloured hair covered part of her face as pleasure tossed her body back and forth across the unmade bed.  Occasionally she would put her hand to her mouth and add moisture to her fingers.  Then she would touch her clit with her newly wet fingertip and moan again.  She was definitely enjoying herself.

    I licked my lips and stared at her taunt nipples on her small, but firm round breasts.  Then I looked at her spread shapely legs and to what her hands were doing to her private area.

    Nice! I inadvertently blurted out loud.

    She was startled by this and then became embarrassed because she realized that I had been watching her fuck herself.  Her soft brown eyes peered up at me.

    I said, I thought that we were going out to meet a couple of new friends to help us with that?

    Oh, sorry, she said.  I got carried away.  I will get ready now.

    Not a problem.  It seems like you are more than ready.

    Twenty minutes or so later, we left our pod that we called, the Sharing Pod, and followed the hallway as it curved towards the atrium.  All along the couple of hundred feet of the corridor were doors every twenty feet, each one connected to someone's pod.

    From the atrium we headed for the Sunset Strip.  Once there I glanced up to the wall on our left.  I reread a sign on the wall beside the only clock that I could find in all of the public areas on this station.  I remembered seeing it on my first day here over a year ago.  It said, `If you must know, it is 8 o'clock, time to fuck.'  The clock's hands were positioned to read 8 o'clock, but in the year that I had been here I have never seen the hands move.

    We arrived at our favorite

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