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Haunted Hide and Seek
Haunted Hide and Seek
Haunted Hide and Seek
Ebook30 pages7 minutes

Haunted Hide and Seek

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The wedding feast is finished, but your bride,

Hoping to continue with the fun,

Proposes that you play a game of hide

And seek, before the guests have all gone home.

She tells you that, as host, you are first 'on'.

In vain you try to warn your wayward spouse

That hide and seek is dangerous in a haunted house.


This poem recreates, in puzzle-poem format, a tragic incident that happened about two hundred years ago at Marwell Hall, near Owslebury in Hampshire. The scene is a wedding feast, and you play the part of Lovell, the happy bridegroom. When you have finished, turn to the next page.


PublisherBook Blitz
Release dateMay 26, 2024
Haunted Hide and Seek

Kit Brewster

Christopher Brewster, or Kit, as he is known to his friends, has been writing stories since he was a young child. He rediscovered his passion for creative writing when, in 1984, he became an English teacher in a Rotherham school, where he enjoyed making up stories for his pupils. When one of them said, "We think your stories are even better than those in books. Why not write a book yourself, Sir?" He decided to send some of his stories to several publishers. One of them asked him to add some questions to a story so it could be used for educational purposes, and this led him to write a wide range of successful educational text books. He has since written for many other educational publishers including Cassell, Folens, Longman, and Scholastic, but recently has returned to his first love, which is creative writing, especially fiction and poetry. Kit Brewster is not the author's real name, but the nom de-plume he uses for his children's writing. He uses other pseudonyms for his adult fiction and historical writing. However, in keeping with his love of codes and puzzles, he has encoded his real name somewhere in this book.

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    Haunted Hide and Seek - Kit Brewster

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