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Song of Md. Naeem Aziz
Song of Md. Naeem Aziz
Song of Md. Naeem Aziz
Ebook97 pages1 hour

Song of Md. Naeem Aziz

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The book has 8 different stories and 2 poems. This book is a fiction. We will learn about many characters and stories of them. The names of the stories are Shadows of the Loom, Shadows of the Loom: Part 2 - The Hidden Web, The Silent Symphony, Fading Echoes, The Starlight Guardians, Shadows of the Forgotten, Bloodline Chronicles: A Gangster Family Saga, The Adventures of Luna and the Enchanted Forest. And the poem names are: Humanity, The Cat.

Release dateMay 31, 2024
Song of Md. Naeem Aziz

Md. Naeem Aziz

Md. Naeem Aziz is a Bangladeshi Writer, Poet, Engineer, Photographer. He is best known for his photography. He was born in 10th December 1998. He is from Dhaka, Bangladesh. He is an Engineer. He holds his MSc in Computer Science and Engineering. He has received several national and international photography awards. He is a researcher. He has three research papers in three international journals. Naeem Aziz got his first award in his life while studying in KG class, by coming first in a poetry cover competition. He has received the Best Poet Award from several organizations. Apart from multi-tasking, Naeem Aziz loves to click photos. Naeem Aziz always wants to do multifaceted work in one life and show his photography talent to everyone.

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    Book preview

    Song of Md. Naeem Aziz - Md. Naeem Aziz

    Shadows of the Loom

    -  Md. Naeem Aziz

    Chapter 1: The Village

    Scene 1: The Setting

    Mira sat on the edge of the dusty road, her eyes fixed on the horizon where the sun was setting in a blaze of orange and pink. The air was thick with the scent of jasmine and the distant hum of cicadas. Her younger brother, Ravi, played nearby, his laughter a bright contrast to the growing shadows.

    Their small village, nestled among rolling fields of wheat and rice, was a place of simple beauty and hard work. Children ran barefoot through the fields, elders gathered in the shade of banyan trees to share stories, and the temple bell rang out its soothing chime. Despite the serenity, the village bore the scars of the recent drought – cracked earth, withered crops, and the silent suffering of its people.

    Scene 2: Family Struggles

    Mira, come inside, it's time for dinner, her mother called from their small thatched house. The worry in her voice was unmistakable, even as she tried to sound cheerful.

    Mira helped her mother prepare the evening meal. The kitchen was a small, smoky room with earthen pots and a low-burning fire. Priya, Mira’s mother, moved with practiced efficiency, but Mira could see the lines of worry etched deeper into her face.

    Where’s Baba? Mira asked, glancing at the door.

    He’s still out, trying to find work, Priya replied, her voice tinged with fatigue.

    Dinner was a meager affair – a thin gruel of rice and lentils. Rajan returned home just as they were setting the food. His shoulders were slumped, and his eyes, usually so full of life, were clouded with despair.

    They ate in silence, the only sound the occasional clink of metal against the bowl. After dinner, Rajan finally spoke, his voice heavy with resignation.

    I’ve decided, he said, looking at Mira with a mixture of sorrow and determination. Mira, you’ll go to the city with me tomorrow. There’s work in the textile factory. It’s the only way we can survive.

    Mira’s heart sank. She had heard stories of the factories in the city – places where children worked long hours under harsh conditions. But she also understood the desperation in her father’s eyes. They had no other choice.

    Scene 3: Decision Night

    That night, Mira lay awake, staring at the thatched roof of their house. The familiar sounds of the village – the rustling leaves, the distant bark of a dog – filled her ears, and she clung to them, knowing that tomorrow her world would change forever.

    She thought about her friends, about the school she loved despite its simplicity, and about the dreams she had nurtured in her heart. Dreams of becoming a teacher, of helping her village grow. But those dreams seemed distant now, shrouded by the looming reality of the city and the factory.

    Mira’s mother came and sat by her side, stroking her hair gently. Be brave, my child, she whispered. This is not the end, only a bend in the road. Remember who you are, and hold on to hope.

    With her mother’s words echoing in her heart, Mira finally drifted into a restless sleep, her dreams filled with images of the unknown journey ahead.


    Chapter 2: The Journey

    *Scene 1: Farewell

    The family woke up early the next morning. Mira packed a small bag with a few belongings: a change of clothes, a worn-out book she cherished, and a photograph of her family. Her mother helped her braid her hair neatly, her fingers trembling slightly.

    At the bus stop, the villagers gathered to bid them farewell. Mira’s friends, her teacher, and neighbors all came to see her off. Tears were shed, and words of encouragement were whispered.

    Take care of yourself, Mira, her teacher said, handing her a small notebook. Write your thoughts here. It will help you stay strong.

    Mira hugged her mother and Ravi tightly. I’ll come back, she promised, her voice choked with emotion. I’ll come back and we’ll all be together again.

    Scene 2: The Bus Ride

    The bus ride was long and uncomfortable. The seats were hard, and the bus was crowded with people and their belongings. Mira sat by the window, watching the familiar countryside give way to bustling towns and then the vast expanse of the city.

    Her father tried to comfort her, sharing stories of the city to keep her spirits up. You’ll see, Mira, the city is full of opportunities. You’ll make new friends and learn new things.

    Mira nodded, but her heart was heavy with uncertainty. The city seemed overwhelming, a place of endless noise and movement, so different from the quiet rhythms of her village.

    Scene 3: Arrival in the City

    They arrived in the city as dusk settled in. The streets were crowded and chaotic, with people rushing about, cars honking, and vendors shouting. Mira held tightly to her father’s hand, feeling small and lost in the sea of faces.

    They navigated through narrow alleys, the buildings towering above them, until they reached the textile factory. The factory’s exterior was old and decrepit, with a constant hum of machinery audible even from outside.

    Mr. Gupta, the overseer, greeted them with a curt nod. He was a stern, unkind man with a permanent scowl etched on his face. You’re late, he said, not bothering with pleasantries. Follow me.

    Mira’s father squeezed her hand one

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