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Lies of Lunar Falls: Lunar Falls, #2
Lies of Lunar Falls: Lunar Falls, #2
Lies of Lunar Falls: Lunar Falls, #2
Ebook336 pages4 hours

Lies of Lunar Falls: Lunar Falls, #2

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Drawn to the mysterious and sexy shifter who is now her mate by forces she still doesn't fully understand, Carly Tipton thought she had uncovered all the secrets Lunar Falls was hiding. Secrets that shook the very foundation of her own family tree. But what she's about to learn is that the secrets of Lunar Falls are only the tip of the iceberg, and that the lies it tells actually go much deeper than she or Gabe ever imagined.


Gabe is determined that he and Carly are going to be free to build a life together. A life without the limits or the stigma of prejudice. But he soon comes to realize that he's not only fighting for the freedom of their love, he's fighting for the freedom of all five packs. As GrandAlpha, the fate of his entire people rests squarely on his shoulders as the threat of civil war looms ever larger above him. And when the ruthless cat shifters begin killing innocent humans, Gabe's problems quickly go from bad to worse.

Release dateJun 20, 2024
Lies of Lunar Falls: Lunar Falls, #2

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    Book preview

    Lies of Lunar Falls - Lashell Collins


    The sound of their paws striking the earth beneath them was hypnotic. Oh, how he truly loved this.

    Feeling the wind through his fur, the flex and pull of his muscles as they ran.

    The burn.

    The urge to push himself further.

    To go faster.

    Run harder.

    Stretching the bounds of his superior Moon Hunter speed to the limit.

    There were no trophies or medals to be won, only the satisfaction of running.

    The pure joy of it.

    Seeing the trees and the greenery wiz by in his peripheral vision as he sped past. Setting his eyes on a goal far up ahead and then setting another as that one whipped by him.

    It was a game.

    One in which his only real opponent was himself, even though he didn’t run alone.

    The large brown wolf at his side ran just as hard, giving his all, pushing himself. Only he knew that his companion’s goal was to win. To outrun him and gain bragging rights.

    He smiled to himself as that knowledge only spurred him on.

    He increased his speed, pushing harder as a growl of pure elation escaped him.

    This was his bliss.

    His ecstasy.

    The one thing that gave him relief when the stress of command wore his nerves thin. Besides raising his two children, and watching them grow from insecure pups into strong individuals and proud wolves, this was the only thing that gave him true pleasure.


    Sometimes he did it just to get away, to feel free. Unburdened. Not tied down.

    He could feel the endorphins firing throughout his system as they ran on. And up ahead he could see their destination come into view. The small clearing near the Clemmons city limits.

    They crossed the invisible finish line together, his companion just a fraction of a hair’s pace behind him, and their speed slowed to an erratic halt as they reached the Wolf Creek.

    They stood panting, tongues hanging out as they looked around, tired and happy. It wasn’t always easy to discern the smile on one’s face when they were in wolf form, but he could see it there, clear as day, and he knew that he was wearing a similar expression.

    They both stepped over to the creek and took a much needed drink of the clear, cool liquid.

    When he had quenched his thirst he walked over to a large boulder that sat by the edge of the creek and he shifted into human form.

    He took in a deep cleansing breath, smelling the fresh woodsy air as he did, and let it out in a slow exhale. Then he smiled at his companion as he watched him shift back into human form.

    He wiped a thin veil of sweat from his brow, and as he did he felt a sudden wave of fear creep up on him.

    He looked around the clearing feeling something ominous closing in on them.

    The smell of approaching danger filled his nostrils and the scent triggered his shift.

    He felt the fur burst through his skin as his claws came out and he growled, low and deep as he looked around them in every direction.

    A hand accosted him from behind.

    A loud gasp escaped his lips as he sat up, panting and sweating, clutching his chest as he looked around in the darkness.

    A dream.

    It was just that damn dream.



    Gabe’s gray eyes glowed like the embers of the fire as he stared into the flames and thought about the Katjie.

    Why were they here?

    They normally preferred to stay as far away from Ohio as they could get. Ohio was werewolf territory, and the last thing the cat shifters wanted was to be surrounded by them.

    They only ventured in when it suited their purposes somehow, and the last time they’d come around, James Masters — his father, beloved Pack Master and GrandAlpha over the five packs — had ended up dead. There hadn’t even been a body for his family to weep over.

    And now the cats were back and a human was dead, found mutilated and partially eaten on one of the hiking trails.

    It had been a long busy couple of days trying to deal with the public’s alarm and the media’s constant intrusion.

    All that on top of everything going on in his personal life with Carly and his family’s reactions to their bonding had Gabe tense.

    More than tense.

    He felt the touch of a single finger at his temple and a slow smile broke his brooding expression as the light behind his eyes dimmed.

    He turned to look at her and she unwrapped the soft throw from around her delectable body and climbed into his lap.

    So what exactly happens during the hunt anyway? Carly asked as she watched her fingertips take a slow meandering path through the dusting of black chest hair that covered his pectoral muscles.

    She loved looking at him. He was so beautiful, in all of his forms. And she smiled as she thought about how those same powerful pecs swelled and morphed into something beyond human. Something wonderful and ghastly.


    Gabe tightened his arms around her naked body as she sat facing him, and he snuggled deeper into the comfy couch.

    He’d lit a fire in the fireplace of the small farmhouse they now shared, and the whole place had taken on a snug cozy feel. The scent of sex lingered in the air, mingling with the intoxicating smell of her skin, and the combination soothed him. Relaxed him. It was exactly what he needed — the ultimate aroma therapy.

    The hunt is our most sacred ritual. It’s not just about food to survive. There’s much more to it than that. It’s almost like a religious rite of sorts, Gabe explained.

    Carly looked at him with a small frown. Like a rite of communion or something?

    Mmm… something like that, I guess, he answered. We gather, usually in small family packs, but sometimes in communal groups — friends hunting together, that sort of thing. And when the moon rises, we disrobe⁠—

    Disrobe? Carly repeated with raised eyebrows and a surprised expression.

    Gabe smiled at her. Yes, disrobe. It’s a show of respect to the Great Father and the goddess, Moon.

    The goddess, Moon, she said, and Gabe could see her wheels spinning. Now, she’s the Great Father’s daughter, right? He created her out of the purest silver?

    That’s right, he smiled. He loved the fact that she was trying to learn more about his people.

    About her people.

    And her sister, the goddess, Sun, he forged out of gold.

    So, the Great Father is really like the grandfather of us all, Carly stated, connecting the dots.

    Yes, he said, sounding proud of her. That’s why grandfathers… all grandfathers, are so highly revered in our society. It’s a great honor for Moon Hunter males when their child has a child, and they become grandfathers themselves.

    "No equal honor for grandmothers huh?" she asked.

    Well, yes, but to a much smaller degree. I’m afraid the Moon Hunter society is very patriarchal, baby.

    Okay, so, after you disrobe… then what happens?

    Then, we hunt, he said simply. We run as a family pack beneath the moon, into the woods.

    You all hunt together? she asked.

    No. Eventually we split up. Some like to hunt alone, while others hunt together. Joe and I usually hunt together. Sometimes Jessie joins us. I imagine she’ll be joining us a lot more now that they’re finally out of the closet, so to speak, Gabe replied.

    Carly was silent for a moment as she thought about things. Wondering what it must feel like to be one of them and be on a hunt. And she wondered if her no-longer-dormant Moon Hunter DNA would ever give her the opportunity to find out.

    When she first learned a few weeks ago that someone in her ancestry must have been a Moon Hunter, she’d been terrified at the thought of becoming one herself. But the deeper in love she fell with her new mate, and the more she learned about the Moon Hunter heritage and way of life, the more comfortable she became with the possibility of fully shifting someday.

    Of course, Joe Koontz still couldn’t tell her for certain that it would happen, even though her new Moon Hunter telepathic abilities were getting stronger every day.

    What’s on your mind, baby? Gabe thought at her, and she looked into his eyes, shrugging her shoulders.

    Just wondering what it’s like, she replied, using only her mind to answer his question. Trying to imagine.

    You sound almost envious, he thought.

    Maybe a little, she pouted. Then she shrugged her shoulders again. I’m an unchanged Mixed Blood. Even though I feel you like a true Mixed Blood female would, and I’ve developed Moon Hunter telepathy, I’m still just a human in your society. And your people… a lot of them are angry that you’ve chosen to be with me. They’re concerned about your future children, she said, remembering his mother’s impassioned plea to him at dinner a couple of nights ago.

    Carly, I don’t want to have this discussion again, Gabe said, staring into her eyes with an expression that told her he wasn’t kidding.

    He gently grabbed her chin and pinned her with his gaze to make his point. "You are mine. My children will be your children. I will not take a Moon Hunter mate that I don’t love just to produce the desired type of children and make my mother and the people happy. I will not condemn you to a life as my dirty mistress instead of my mate! Besides… you heard what Joe said. Our chances of having children who shift are greater than anyone thinks because of your Moon Hunter DNA."

    But even if they shift they’ll still be viewed as Mixed Bloods, Carly replied.

    No, they won’t! Not necessarily, he countered. According to Joe, from a DNA standpoint, there’s a fifty percent chance that our child would be a Moon Hunter, and a fifty percent chance of a Mixed Blood. A Mixed Blood who also has a very good chance of being able to shift.

    But even if he does, she started, sounding slightly forlorn. If his eyes glow red, or if he has no scent… they will treat him like a Mixed Blood. There’s no way they would ever allow him to serve as Pack Master!

    Carly, you’re putting absolutes on the future, Gabe said, looking into her eyes with conviction. "Well, the future hasn’t been written yet! And what I’m fighting for here, what we are fighting for is a world where Mixed Bloods are treated like the proud Moon Hunters they are, and not as some low-born second-class citizens in this society. A world where our first son can take his rightful place in the line of succession, Mixed Blood or not!"

    Carly stared into his gray eyes, so full of passion, and she smiled at him.

    He was so certain in his beliefs. So steadfast in his determination to bring the imprinting out of the dungeon it had been relegated to and do away with what he called the misguided purity movement.

    She was so proud to be his.

    You’re right, she whispered. I’m sorry. I lost sight of that for a moment thinking about the things that were said at your grandfather’s birthday party.

    You can’t let them get to you, baby, Gabe said, caressing her face. Mom and Grandfather and the others who follow purity… they have some valid points. But so do we. And the goal here is to get those who follow purity to at least accept tolerance. Allow the imprinting to be restored and followed by those who wish to do so, without ridicule or the fear of persecution and prejudice.

    Her smile grew flirtatious. You’re really hot when you’re being all political and radical Alpha, she said, her voice taking on a sexy rasp. In charge and taking dangerous risks to your position.

    She loved the bashful chuckle her comments elicited from him. She could feel his naked manhood growing as she sat in his lap, facing him.

    So when do the effects of the full moon wear off, Pack Master? she asked, drawing little circles in his chest hair again.

    They’d spent nearly the entire day naked and going at it like animals, and Carly understood that his sexual appetite had grown with the cycle of the moon.

    When does this insatiable hunger go away?

    Gabe smiled at her double entendre, and he could feel the mounting desire begin to course through her, triggering his own lusts.

    That depends on which appetite you’re talking about, he answered, his voice low and sexy. If you mean the physical hunger, that wears off in a day or two. But if you mean the sexual hunger… well, that never wears thin. It’s just that during a full moon that urge is at its highest peak, and often much too strong to ignore. And as scandalous as it sounds, he said as his voice became a conspiratorial whisper, it’s not uncommon to see two Moon Hunters caught up in the lunar frenzy during the hunt, shift back into human form and go at it, right there in the middle of the woods!

    Carly’s mouth dropped open as she stared at him. You’re making that up to shock me!

    Gabe gave her a sexy little smile. Am I?

    She suddenly wasn’t certain whether he was joking or not, but she adored his playful attitude.

    When he growled seductively at her she felt all the muscles in her female region tighten and take notice. He kissed her with a possessiveness she’d come to know and love, and her whole body tingled in response.

    Sex with Gabe was always a thrill for her. He was so wild and unpredictable at times, so aggressive. And the Moon Hunter telepathy connected them in a way she never knew was possible before.

    He would say things to her, inside her mind, as they made love, and when he did, the bond they shared drew them closer than ever, knitting their two souls into one and allowing her to experience his pleasure as well as her own. Doubling the rapture she felt as their bodies joined and soared.

    It was unlike any sexual experience she’d ever had before him.

    He moved with a flash, using his Moon Hunter speed and agility to reposition them in the blink of an eye.

    Carly suddenly found herself flat on her back as he hovered above her. He hesitated for a fraction of a second before he entered her, and in that fleeting space of time Carly heard one word in her mind.



    Several hours later, Carly ran a hand through her long raven hair as Gabe pulled her jeep slowly down the long dirt road that led to the Wolf Lodge.

    She’d been here twice before — once when she made the mistake of not staying in the truck like Gabe had asked her to while he ran inside to grab a few things for his sister. And once, just a couple of days ago, for Henry Masters’ 123rd birthday dinner.

    Neither visit had been without its share of tension, and she felt the small ripple of nerves run through her as she thought back on each one.

    Still, she couldn’t deny that she was just a little bit excited about coming here tonight, and it wasn’t just about the hunt. There was something about this place that called to her.

    It wasn’t the Wolf Lodge itself.

    Or perhaps it was.

    Carly frowned as that thought occurred to her. She wasn’t certain if it was the elaborate log home that was as cozy as it was elegant, or the seemingly vast rich land the home sat on. But she felt the same magical force here that she did when she and her dog, Lobo, hiked the trails at Wolf Creek.

    There was an energy out here that called to her and drew her in, and she was beginning to wonder if perhaps it had something to do with her surprising DNA and her burgeoning Moon Hunter abilities.

    She took a deep breath and felt the nervous jitters once more as she looked out at the sunset passing by outside the window.

    You don’t have to come in, you know, Gabe thought at her as he felt the anxiety coursing through her. You can just drop me off and split.

    She hesitated. No one will be angry that I’m here, will they? she asked. I mean… this isn’t like some sacrilegious act, is it?

    Gabe smiled at her and chuckled. No, we’re not committing religious heresy, I promise.

    She returned his smile, and he reached out and took her hand, giving it a light squeeze as he pulled her jeep into the driveway of the large home.

    When they got out, he handed her the keys and they walked to the front door hand-in-hand.

    When it opened they were greeted by Nancy, his grandfather’s maid.

    They hadn’t seen her since Henry’s big reveal at his birthday party, and Carly could tell from the look on the woman’s face that she was worried about what Gabe’s reaction would be to the news that she and Henry were lovers, and had been throughout Henry’s entire marriage to Gabe’s grandmother, Rebecca.

    Good evening, Sheriff, Nancy said.

    Gabe could see the trepidation in the woman’s eyes, and honestly, he knew that he felt some of the same apprehension about seeing her.

    The revelation about his grandparents’ marriage had been a shock for him, and he couldn’t help but wonder how his grandmother must have felt all those years, knowing that her mate was bonded to someone else.

    But the truth was that he had no idea what had gone on in his grandparents’ marriage, or what had transpired between Nancy and Rebecca. He knew that he was in no position to judge their triangle.

    And he knew that Nancy had always loved and cared for him from the time he was born.

    Hi, Nancy, he replied with a small smile. Then he leaned down and lightly kissed the woman on the cheek, like always.

    Her face lit up with a bright smile, and Carly could feel the woman’s relief as she watched the two of them.

    Wonderful to see you again, Carly, she said.

    Hello, Nancy.

    Everyone out back? Gabe asked.

    Yes, she replied. Drinks on the terrace.

    Carly smiled at the woman as Gabe led her away through the sumptuously appointed great room and toward the glass back wall to the French doors, and they stepped outside.

    She was surprised as she looked around and spotted more people than she expected.

    Gabe said they gathered in family groups before the hunt, but there were people here that she’d never met before, and they were all giving her curious, if not hostile, looks.

    No doubt wondering what the human was doing here.

    She took a deep breath and braced herself as she saw Gabe’s mother approaching them. She greeted her son with a warm hug and a smile.

    Dr. Tipton, how lovely to see you again, Rose Masters offered.

    But Carly noted her tone and her attitude didn’t reflect her polite greeting.

    Mrs. Masters, please call me Carly, she replied.

    That’s a beautiful pendant you’re wearing, Carly. I noticed it at dinner the other night. It’s quite unusual, Rose said.

    Carly ran her fingers across the tiger’s eye jewel that hung around her neck. Thank you.

    Where did you get it?

    Oh. It was a gift from my grandfather. When I graduated from veterinary school.

    Interesting, Rose stated, still eyeing the jewel.

    Carly? Welcome!

    The greeting came from Henry Masters. It was both warm and genuine, and Carly smiled as he approached them.

    He took her hand in his and looked into her eyes.

    Will you be joining us on our hunt this evening? he asked, his gray eyes sparkling with amusement.

    Carly couldn’t help but giggle.

    Perhaps some other time, she replied, smiling at the notion that her statement could actually be true someday.


    She was surprised to realize that she wanted it to be true.

    Part of her wanted to be one of them, a full-fledged member of their society. But she pushed that notion aside for the moment and concentrated on Henry.

    Come. Let me introduce you to my younger brother and his family, Henry said. She glanced back at Gabe as Henry led her away.

    Don’t look so surprised, baby. I think my grandfather actually likes you, he thought at her with a smile as he watched her walk off with Henry.

    She’s a charming girl, Gabriel, Rose said as she watched Carly walk off with her father-in-law.

    That didn’t exactly sound sincere, Mom, Gabe replied.

    Rose turned to face him, looking into her son’s eyes. I don’t know what you expect me to say. Do you want me to lie to you about my feelings?

    No, Mom, I just want you to be happy for me. Whether you agree with my choices or not.

    A silence hung on the air between them as she studied her son. You are so much like your father. So strong-willed and stubborn.

    I’m going to take that as a compliment, Gabe snickered.

    Oh, by all means. That’s how it was meant, Rose replied. Those qualities served James well most of the time. When he used them wisely. But that’s the difference between the two of you. Your father, at least, knew when to push against the system and when to fall in line. You seem to have a little trouble in that area.

    Mother… he began with a tired grumble, but Rose held up her hands in surrender.

    No. No arguments tonight. I said what I had to say at dinner the other night. Not that any of it made an impression on you or your sister, Rose said.

    It made an impression, Mom, Gabe said, growing agitated with this conversation. It just didn’t change the fact that Jessie and I love who we love, and we want to be free to build a life with those people.

    As I said… James knew when to fall in line, Rose repeated.

    She turned and walked away then, leaving Gabe to mull over her words. He shook his head at the absurdity of all. Why was who he chose to love such a big deal?

    He looked over at Carly and watched her as his grandfather led her from one small group of people to another, introducing her around.

    He greeted me with a warm handshake and a genuine smile, Joe said as he stepped up beside him, and Gabe turned to look his friend in the eye. Like I was his favorite person or something. Like he hasn’t just been tolerating my presence all these years.

    Well, he seems to have taken a real interest in Carly, Gabe said as he kept a close eye on her and Henry. So maybe now that he knows the truth about you and Jessie, he’s decided to actually get to know you too.

    Yeah, maybe. But I’ve got to admit, his new accepting attitude makes me a little nervous, Joe replied.

    Are you saying you don’t believe it’s real? Gabe asked.

    Oh, no, I believe he means what he’s saying. It’s just going to take some getting used to on my part, Joe said. You gotta remember, besides you and Jessie, the only person who has ever been truly kind to me in this house was your dad. I mean, Henry’s never been outright mean, but… he’s never been welcoming to me before. It’s just throwing me off a bit.

    Gabe stared at him for a moment, then nodded. I’m sorry about that, Joey. My mom and Henry⁠—

    No, it’s not your fault, Gabe. It’s not your job to apologize for them, Joe said. Then he took a deep breath and changed the subject. So how’s Carly doing? Any new changes?

    Besides a new-found thirst for knowledge about Moon Hunter law and religion, no. Her telepathic abilities are growing by leaps and bounds though. Lobo senses the change in her. She was able to give the dog a telepathic command this morning, Gabe answered.

    Really? That’s huge!

    What’s huge?

    The question registered in their minds as Jessica joined them, taking a sip from her glass of iced tea as she entered their conversation.

    Carly’s telepathy is growing, Joe answered.

    Awesome. Maybe she’ll be running with us on the hunt in no time, Jess smiled.

    You know, earlier today she actually sounded envious, asking me questions about the hunt, Gabe replied. Big change from her initial reaction to being a Mixed Blood.

    "Well, you

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