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Executive Director
Executive Director
Executive Director
Ebook426 pages6 hours

Executive Director

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About this ebook

Drawing inspiration from real-life events and individuals, it is a narrative rich in action, suspense, and political intrigue. At its core are the CIA's Omerta operations—secret missions aimed at rescuing the U.S. from an imminent financial collapse fueled by national debt and government corruption. As the story unfolds, it uncovers webs of espionage, mafia ties, cyber-attacks, and high-stakes political machinations. Themes of morality, insider trading, and stock market manipulation add depth to the narrative, which also explores controversial topics such as the Kovid pandemic, vaccine secrets, and big pharma crimes. With a blend of philosophical inquiry, sophisticated storytelling, and unflinching realism, this book offers a thought-provoking and intellectually stimulating read, while also featuring elements of sexual content and violence.


Building upon the characters introduced in the previous installment, 'Omerta Operations,' this standalone novel promises an exhilarating and immersive experience for both new readers and returning fans alike.


The story, along with all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this book, are entirely fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or deceased, places, buildings, or products is purely coincidental and unintended.

Release dateJun 20, 2024
Executive Director

Alexander Tetelbaum

Dr. Alexander Y. Tetelbaum (born 1948 in Kiev, Ukraine) is an educator, inventor, scientist, academician, and entrepreneur. He has been a pioneer in the Electronic Design Automation (EDA) and Artificial Intelligence industries since the 1960s. He has been selected and has held high-level positions in academia and industry. He is a Fellow and Honorary Doctor of several universities, academies, and societies. He holds more than 40 US patents and is the author and co-author of 250 publications, including 18 books.

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    Book preview

    Executive Director - Alexander Tetelbaum


    "And ye shall know the truth

    and the truth shall make you free (John:32)"

    - CIA Unofficial Motto

    Drawing inspiration from real-life events and individuals, it is a narrative rich in action, suspense, and political intrigue. At its core are the CIA's Omerta operations—secret missions aimed at rescuing the U.S. from an imminent financial collapse fueled by national debt and government corruption. As the story unfolds, it uncovers webs of espionage, mafia ties, cyber-attacks, and high-stakes political machinations. Themes of morality, insider trading, and stock market manipulation add depth to the narrative, which also explores controversial topics such as the Kovid pandemic, vaccine secrets, and big pharma crimes. With a blend of philosophical inquiry, sophisticated storytelling, and unflinching realism, this book offers a thought-provoking and intellectually stimulating read, while also featuring elements of sexual content and violence.

    Building upon the characters introduced in the previous installment, 'Omerta Operations,' this standalone novel promises an exhilarating and immersive experience for both new readers and returning fans alike.

    The story, along with all names, characters, and incidents portrayed in this book, are entirely fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or deceased, places, buildings, or products is purely coincidental and unintended.

    Chapter 1. The Demise of the Mafia Boss

    Qin Qian’s Residence, 98A Kalorama Cir NW, Washington D.C., USA, October 2, Mon, 8:00 a.m. (2 hours 40 minutes after Qin’s death).

    Steve Qian, son of Qin Qian, entered his father’s dimly lit bedroom. With the blinds drawn shut, only faint glimmers from the night lights pierced the darkness. The young boy, aged just 10, tentatively approached the bed and reached out to his father’s hand, only to find it clammy and damp. Alarmed, he extended his hand to touch his father's face, discovering it too was moist. Gripped by fear and sensing something awry, Steve hurried back to the door and flicked on the lights.

    With a sudden jolt of horror, the boy saw the gruesome scene before him—his father lying motionless in a pool of blood, the bed-stained crimson. Paralyzed with shock, he glanced down to find his own hands and pajamas drenched in the same red hue. In a daze, Steve hastily wiped his hands clean before bolting up the stairs to his room. With trembling fingers, he reached for his cell phone and dialed 911 to ask for help.

    The calm voice of the operator came through, "911, what's your emergency?"

    Steve frantically relayed the details, describing the scene of his father in bed amidst the blood-soaked room. After confirming his name and address, the boy pleaded for urgent assistance, his fear evident in his voice. The operator instructed him to open the entry door and await the ambulance’s arrival.

    Steve rushed downstairs and unlocked the door, his hands still trembling from shock. Suddenly, he remembered the security room and sprang into action. Finding the guards, Don Zhou and Song Yu, asleep, he violently shook Song's shoulder and shouted to wake them up. "Someone hurt my dad! he cried out in panic. The ambulance is on its way!"

    Don, stirring from his slumber, inquired, "Why are they coming here? Did you call 911?"

    Steve replied, "Yes, I did. My dad is bleeding in his bed, and you two were asleep."

    Don’s gaze fell upon the trembling boy, whose hands and clothes were stained with blood. Now fully awake and aware of the gravity of the situation, he turned to Song and uttered, "This is terrible. Go upstairs and check on Qin. Then, with little regard for the boy’s feelings, he addressed Steve saying, You should have let us know before calling anyone next time. But what's done is done."

    Shortly thereafter, Song returned and quietly informed Don, "We have a problem. He’s dead. Someone stabbed him with his sword."

    Despite the grim news, Don remained calm and composed, thinking quickly, he whispered to Song, "Go to his office and bedroom, grab his iPhone, laptop, and gun. We need to hide them."

    As Song hurried off, Don quietly retrieved his iPhone, dialed a number, and spoke urgently, "Hi Luka, I have crucial information. Qin was just assassinated in his bed. Don’t contact me this morning; the police are en route."

    Shortly after, Song returned with a disheartening report, "Don, I scoured every inch, but there's nothing to be found – all of the devices and a gun are gone."

    Don’s response was again measured and composed, "Song, the authorities will be arriving soon. We must maintain absolute discretion. We cannot afford to disclose anything substantial. If pressed, we’ll feed them trivial information, even if it’s nonsense. We cannot afford to raise suspicions of hostility or non-cooperation."

    Song nodded in understanding, "You don’t have to remind me, Don. I know how to navigate the situation. I’ll be verbose yet say nothing at all. I know how to play the fool too well."

    Expecting the commotion to unfold imminently, Don opened the gates to the estate, allowing their anticipated guests to proceed and park on the circular driveway in front of the residence. True to expectation, at approximately 8:20 a.m., the paramedics, trailed by law enforcement, arrived on the scene, and made their way into the premises.

    The Qian’s residence stood grand and formidable, a sprawling two-and-a-half-story structure spanning approximately 11,000 square feet, boasting nine bedrooms. Enclosed within more than two acres of land, the property was surrounded by an imposing 8-foot fence, adorned with iron spikes along its base and crowned with a sturdy metal barrier. At the front, there was a substantial metal gate flanked by large pillars, while heavy-duty metal fencing secured the sides and rear of the property.

    Welcoming their visitors and responding to their inquiries regarding the victim’s whereabouts, the guards gestured towards the staircase, indicating the direction. Leading the way, Song guided two paramedics and two police officers upstairs to Qin’s bedroom. What awaited them was a grim sight: Qin lay in his bed, shrouded in blood, with his head severed and resting slightly askew beside his neck. A lengthy sword lay nearby, stained with blood, adding to the macabre scene.

    It was evident that there was nothing the paramedics could do; the man in bed was unmistakably deceased. A stern-looking policeman, clearly in charge, Lou Kahn, motioned for everyone to return downstairs – it was crucial not to contaminate the crime scene. Dismissing the paramedics, he took note of their names should they be required for any further assistance. He also requested the full names of the guards, the boy, and the deceased.

    Lou, an experienced cop, recognized that this was no ordinary murder. He made the wise decision to contact his boss, Captain Moore, to provide an overview of the situation and determine if any deviations from standard protocol were necessary. From the Captain's tone, Lou knew he had made the right call. His instructions were to establish a perimeter around the house and await further guidance without tampering with any evidence.

    The name Qin Qian was well known to the police captain, but he still took a moment to check and be sure. Indeed, the deceased was the reputed head of a local Chinese mafia, commonly known as the Triad. This organization was notorious for its involvement in drug trafficking, especially fentanyl distribution. The captain briefly considered contacting the FBI immediately, but he trusted that higher authorities would handle this decision. Instead, he opted to reach out to Lakisha Simpson, the Chief of the Metropolitan Police.

    Lakisha didn’t ascend to her position based on her looks or questionable tactics; she was a capable and efficient leader. Direct and to the point, she wasted no time with pleasantries. "Hi, Captain. If you’re calling, it must be important. Get to the point," she said briskly.

    The voice on the other end stated briefly, "Local Chinese mafia boss Qin Qian was just murdered at his house. He’s a major drug dealer. How should we proceed?"

    Lakisha didn’t hesitate: "Thanks for reaching out. My team will handle the investigation directly. If we need your assistance, we’ll be in touch. Please keep your team there until my investigators and forensics arrive. I’ll keep you updated," she added, though one could have easily assumed she was simply being polite.

    By 9:40 a.m., Lakisha Simpson and her team had arrived at Qin's residence. Lakisha, an African American woman in her 50s, cut an imposing figure with her tall, slender frame. Her short, curly black hair framed her face, accentuating her sharp black eyes and wide lips. Known for her unwavering confidence and decisiveness, Lakisha rarely smiled, projecting an image of strength and authority. As police chief, she pursued crime with tenacity, making quick judgments and sticking to her decisions. She was hands-on and not afraid to be personally involved in key cases.

    Lakisha entered the house and introduced herself and her team to the police officers, guards, and the young boy. She then requested a moment to conduct a walkthrough of the premises. Her team comprised her trusted Assistant Chief for Investigative Services, Karl Rosinsky, along with a medical examiner named Mark Colin and a group of forensic experts. Donning protective gear to avoid contaminating the crime scene further, they followed Lakisha upstairs into the bedroom.

    Upon entering the room, they took in the grim scene in silence until Lakisha broke the quiet with her instructions. She directed the forensics team to begin their initial evaluation and evidence collection. Meanwhile, she assigned Karl the task of conducting a swift initial assessment of the available evidence, particularly focusing on the sword. Additionally, she tasked him with locating the phone and laptop of the deceased to provide her with some immediate insights and opinions.

    Karl was Lakisha's right-hand man. He had the appearance of the quintessential detective. Tall and stoic, he sported a mop of black, curly hair and wore large, black-framed glasses perched on his prominent nose. A thin, narrow mustache adorned his upper lip. Despite being around 50 years old, he appeared older, with a weathered, yellowish complexion from years of heavy smoking. Clad in a dark gray suit with short sleeves and a narrow, out-of-fashion black tie, Karl completed his ensemble with black moccasin shoes.

    Lakisha then turned to the medical examiner and asked him to focus first on an initial assessment of the time of death. Mark, a slightly overweight man in his forties, was dressed casually in dark blue jeans, a brown sweater, and white sneakers, clearly showing a lack of interest in fashion. His healthy and rosy cheeks, along with his small nose, gave him a somewhat feminine appearance. Despite his typically jovial demeanor, he remained silent and focused, fully grasping the gravity of the situation. In his left hand, he held a medical case, while his right absentmindedly scratched the balding back of his head.

    Everyone immediately got to work, each member of the team focusing on their assigned tasks. Lakisha, meanwhile, opened her laptop and swiftly reviewed the information available on Qin in their database. After about 15 minutes, she returned downstairs to speak with the witnesses and the police officers who had arrived first at the scene.

    Lakisha was annoyed with herself upon realizing that the boy was still in the house and no efforts had been made yet to locate Steve’s mother or involve child protective or social services. Promptly rectifying this oversight, she issued instructions and spent the next 5-10 minutes talking with and comforting the frightened boy. Hoping that his prolonged presence amidst the morning’s chaos hadn’t caused further psychological harm, she eagerly awaited the arrival of the boy’s mother or the experts to look after Steve’s well-being and care.

    Following a brief conversation with the policemen, who had little information to offer, Lakisha turned her attention to Don and Song. "You two are the bodyguards here, correct?"

    Don affirmed, "Yes, ma’am, that’s correct." While technically accurate, his response only scratched the surface. Within the hierarchy of the mafia, both men held significant positions: Song as Assistant Master Lord and Don as Deputy Mountain Master. Their roles extended beyond mere bodyguards; they were entrusted by Qin himself to provide round-the-clock protection, a testament to their standing within the organization.

    Lakisha turned her attention to Don. "Let's start with you. Please show me the security room," she instructed. Don guided her there, and once seated, Lakisha inquired, "Are there motion sensors and cameras installed on the property?"

    Don responded, "Absolutely, we have plenty of them. All doors and gates were closed, and all systems were activated. Frankly, I’m baffled as to how someone could have breached our security." Don was savvy enough to provide answers to questions of little significance, knowing they would inevitably be scrutinized regardless.

    Lakisha continued, "Who, aside from Qin, you, and Song, has access to the keys and knows the digital codes for the locks?"

    Don responded, "I’m not certain, ma’am. I’m just a guard."

    Lakisha pressed further, "And what about his wife?"

    Don explained, "Cai, his estranged wife, might have keys, but I can’t confirm. She visits Steven twice a week, always with prior notice and under supervision. I’ve never seen her using the keys or opening any doors or gates on her own. Mr. Qian made it clear that we were not to allow such actions."

    "This is it for now, Lakisha said to Don, leading him back to the room where the others were waiting. Then, turning to Song, she motioned for him to follow her for further questioning. Asking him to sit down, she began, Let's talk. Besides you and Don, who else works as houseguards?"

    Song responded, "It's just me or Don, and occasionally both of us. Mr. Qian is quite cautious and prefers not to have others around or hire additional protective services."

    Lakisha inquired, "If I understand correctly, you and Don were asleep while on duty. Is it plausible that someone could have entered the house without your awareness?"

    Song responded, "It wasn’t against the rules. We slept in the security room, and all protective systems were operational. Plus, the property is extensive, and the house is huge. It’s practically impossible for anyone to enter without our knowledge. Every gate and door is equipped with sensors and alarms."

    Lakisha inquired, "Are you suggesting Mr. Qian Kamikazed himself, or his son Steve killed him with a sword, or perhaps, and more believably, Don or you are involved?"

    Song replied, "I haven’t thought about it, but I didn’t kill Qin, and he couldn’t have killed himself this way either. Steve is his son and a child... I’ve known Don for 20 years, and he wouldn’t do it either. We’re just guards, and we need this job."

    Picking up her phone, Lakisha called one of the forensic experts and requested DNA sampling kits, two robes, and two evidence bags for collecting saliva samples from Don and Song for a DNA test. "If you didn’t kill Qin, this will work in your favor. But if you object, I’ll obtain a warrant, and you’ll be tested regardless."

    Don was indifferent, "Go ahead, I don't care. After a moment’s thought, Song chimed in, I had nothing to do with his death. I agree to the saliva test. It won't hurt, will it?"

    The technician retrieved a plastic stick with a small sponge on the end. With care, she inserted the sponge into Don’s mouth, positioned it between his gum and cheek, and rubbed it gently up and down for approximately 15 seconds on each side. The process was then repeated with Song.

    Lakisha watched quietly as the test was conducted for both guards, then instructed, "Don and Song, kindly place all your garments into the bag and wear these robes for the time being, unless you have alternative attire here in the house."

    The guards looked surprised. Responding to Don's inquiry, Lakisha clarified that this measure was necessary because both guards were ‘persons of interest’ in the case. "We will examine your clothing for any traces of blood. Do not fret - we do not require your consent. Refrain from being uncooperative unless you wish for me to formally treat you both as material witnesses," she stated firmly, her tone conveying seriousness.

    She then informed both guards and police that they were free to leave. The guards nodded, relieved to change into regular clothes and exit the house. However, on his way out, Don paused to ask if it was permissible for everyone to leave and if they should contact the deceased attorney. Essentially, he wanted to know if it was all right for the police to be alone and conduct a search of the house without a warrant.

    Lakisha’s tone remained firm as she responded, her expression showing a mix of determination and frustration. "Yes, we have every right to do so when investigating a crime, especially when the property is a crime scene. But you’re really pushing it. Both you and Song need to stay put in the city; I expect you to be readily available if the police have further inquiries. Disobey, and I won’t hesitate to prosecute you for obstructing justice. Understand?" Her gaze bore into them, emphasizing the gravity of her words.

    Heading back upstairs, she asked Karl to inspect the entire residence, stressing the significance of checking the gates, doors, and windows. While she considered bringing in a larger team to expedite the investigation, she ultimately chose to maintain a low profile and work with a small, trusted group for the time being. Her goal was to receive initial findings by 11:30 a.m. before she had to depart for her other commitments, which she was obligated to honor.

    Just before the team convened to meet Lakisha for a quick update, one of the technicians briefed Karl that he had discovered a small attic window with an unlocked latch and no fingerprints. "There are no signs that it has been recently opened or that anyone has used it, and besides, it’s too small anyway. Should we bring it up?"

    Karl pondered for a moment. "It’ll only complicate matters. Let’s just forget about it, at least for the time being."

    Around 11:30, Lakisha and her team gathered in the entry room to review the initial findings. Lakisha began, "Firstly, Karl will oversee this investigation. He’ll keep me informed, but I won’t be directly involved in this case. Now, let’s begin with Mark. Do we have any initial conclusions regarding the time and cause of death? Please spare us the medical details for now."

    Mark responded thoughtfully, "I estimate that Qin was killed between 5 and 5:30 a.m. The cause of death is decapitation, and the death appears to have been instantaneous. The sword found on the bed is a likely weapon. The perpetrator likely possessed considerable strength and skill with swords. The cut is clean and precise, indicating a professional hand. There are no signs of struggle or other visible evidence on the body, but we’ll have more details after the autopsy."

    Lakisha nodded in acknowledgment and then turned to Karl, silently signaling that it was his turn to present any initial discoveries.

    Karl began, his tone measured, "The sword, which we’re treating as the likely murder weapon, is a Chinese Saber war sword, likely old and expensive. It seems that the sword’s usual location was on the left wall in the master bedroom. Therefore, the intruder likely removed and used it. Our working theory is that the perpetrator was acquainted with the house and knew about the sword in advance. Everything we’ve observed thus far supports the conclusion that the assassin was highly familiar with the layout of the house. It’s a compound-type dwelling with tall, thick brick walls, and security cameras are positioned throughout. All doors, gates, and windows were secured and equipped with alarms. Qin, being the mafia boss, undoubtedly had numerous enemies. The assassin is presumably someone very close to Qin. Our primary focus is on the two security guards and Qin’s estranged wife, Cai, who appears to reside in her own home within walking distance. It’s possible that one of the guards assisted in the assassin’s entry and exit. It is also suspicious that both were presumably asleep."

    Lakisha didn't seem surprised by any of this; it aligned with what she had thought herself. "Did you find his phone and laptop?" she inquired, her only additional question for Karl at that moment.

    Karl shook his head in the negative, "Unfortunately, we haven’t found anything yet. We’ve come up empty-handed in our search. We also questioned the guards about it—they claim they have no clue. It’s highly likely they were lying, and it’s possible the phone and laptop were hidden after the murder or taken by the assassin. Additionally, it’s strange that we didn't find any weapons in Qin’s bedroom or office. One would expect a man of his profession to have quite an arsenal at his disposal."

    Lakisha pondered this for a moment before shifting her focus to the forensics team. They informed her that it would take several days to complete a full evaluation and evidence collection. Although they had started lifting numerous fingerprints, they hadn’t uncovered anything suspicious yet. However, they did find some hair strands near the bed and others close to the door.

    Lakisha sighed, a tinge of disappointment in her voice. "Okay. This is a start. Karl, I have to leave, and you’re in charge now. Please keep me updated on the lab reports, autopsy, and any other findings. Based on the progress of the investigation, it’s up to you when and how to involve our Organized Crime Unit, and whether and when we need to brief the FBI, prosecutors, and the District Attorney's offices."

    With one final glance at her team, she departed.

    Chapter 2. The Investigation

    Office of Karl Rosinsky, Assistant Chief for Investigative Services, The Metropolitan Police Department of the District of Columbia, Washington DC, USA, October 4, Wed, 2:20 p.m. (2 days after Qin’s assassination).


    Prosecutor Stanley Sayer entered the office with a greeting, "How are you, Karl? Happy to work with you again."

    Stanley Sayer, around 50 years old, boasted an overweight, stocky build with short legs. His round face showcased a short, narrow mustache and wide nostrils, while his slightly curved hair lent an air of distinction. If he had a slender face, he might have resembled a youthful Charlie Chaplin. Despite his appearance, there was an underlying ambition in Stanley. His hard work, extensive experience, and dedication hinted at aspirations to ascend to the role of District Attorney, overseeing an entire prosecutorial office and handling high-profile cases.

    "Karl, Stan began, I read your initial report on Qin’s death. Very interesting. This is a high-priority case, and we need to close it as soon as possible. There’s enormous media interest. You understand."

    Karl raised his eyes from the document he was intensely studying and replied, "Hi Stan, take a seat, and let’s talk."

    "Great, Stan replied, settling comfortably into his chair. I am all ears."

    Karl began with a concise summary of the facts and evidence. He closed with the most interesting detail, "Qin’s blood was found on the bed, carpet, and sword. Additionally, fresh stains of semen and urine were discovered on the bed. The lab confirmed that the semen belonged to Qin by matching his DNA from the blood. Furthermore, the autopsy determined that he had engaged in sexual activity that night."

    Stan mulled this over for a minute before seeking clarification, "Was it his or her urine? And does it hold any significance?"

    Karl responded, "It was Qin’s urine alright, but according to Mark, our medical examiner, it’s not uncommon. In fact, it’s normal for the muscles to loosen immediately after death, releasing any strain on the bowel and bladder. So, Qin urinated at the moment of death. Some people also..."

    Stan interrupted; a hint of disgust evident on his face. "That’s enough, no more details about bodily functions. Anything else noteworthy?"

    A faint smirk flashed across Karl’s face, indicating his enjoyment in making Stan uncomfortable. These ‘white collar’ legal types often acted as if they knew everything yet couldn’t handle some gritty details like bodily functions at death. Stan was oblivious to the jibe, absorbed in his notetaking, while Karl continued, "Yes and no. Qin had an erection at the time of death, as noted by Mark. He explained that this phenomenon, known as ‘angel lust’ erection, was likely a result of a Viagra overdose. Mark also mentioned that this occurrence is typically observed in the corpses of men who have been executed, particularly by hanging."

    In his extensive tenure as a prosecutor, Stan hadn’t encountered a situation quite like this before. Nevertheless, while it may have been an intriguing piece of trivia, it didn’t appear overly pertinent. What mattered most to Stan was determining whether Qin had indeed engaged in sexual activity that fateful night, and if so, whether his partner had been identified and questioned.

    Karl explained that upon reviewing the video footage from that night, they did manage to capture a photo of the woman who exited the house before midnight. However, when questioned about her, the guards claimed they knew nothing beyond her name - Marcel. It appears she was picked up, likely by Uber or another car service, but efforts to locate the service, the car, the driver, or the girl’s identity or whereabouts have been unsuccessful thus far. Additionally, the forensics team discovered strands of hair in the bed and on the floor, presumably belonging to this Marcel, or whoever the real visitor of the night was.

    Karl continued, "Based on the time of death, we know she cannot be the assassin, so we’ve been busy chasing other leads. For now, we’ve designated her as a person of interest but not a suspect, so actively pursuing her is currently a lower priority."

    Stan was eager to delve further into the topic of Marcel, but at the moment, the pressing question was whether the police had identified any actual suspects, who they were, and what course of action would be taken next. With the public growing increasingly anxious, he felt the weight of pressure to bring charges.

    Karl addressed Stan's question, providing insight into the current investigation.

    "We currently have three suspects, Karl began. The first scenario, which seems the most probable, involves Qin having a powerful enemy who recruited someone from within, let’s call them the mole. This mole provided the assassin with information about the house floorplan and the location of the sword in advance. It’s possible he also drugged the guards, explaining why both were still asleep when the murder was discovered. The challenge with this scenario lies in identifying Qin’s enemy. Working with the Organized Crime Unit has provided us with a daunting list of possibilities, and establishing a solid case could take years. Additionally, locating the mole within the organization presents its own difficulties. As you know, cooperation is scarce among mafia members, and they’re well-compensated to keep their silence."

    Stan listened intently, absorbing the complexities of the investigation and the challenges ahead. "This is so true, he said. We will be stuck here forever, and I will have a nightmare trying to prove anything in court. Who are the other suspects?"

    Karl responded, "Both guards, Don and Song, are potential suspects—I still don’t have all the information, but it seems Qin may have had an affair with Don’s fiancée, and Song may have been involved with Cai, Qin’s wife. So, Don could have been motivated by revenge. Moreover, credible rumors are suggesting Don’s desire to ascend to a leadership position within the organization. Similarly, Song may have had motives to eliminate Qin to marry Cai and seize control. However, both cases will be incredibly challenging to prove. Our forensic analysis revealed no traces of blood on Don’s clothing. Fortunately, we did find spots of Qin’s blood on Song’s clothes. Additionally, while there is no trace of Don’s DNA on the stands of discovered hair, we have found Song’s DNA on hair located near the bedroom door. It’s worth noting that Song was present at the scene and interacted with the police throughout, so that could explain the blood and the hair, so our case against him is weak."

    "All in all, we don’t have much, but we have something," Karl concluded without enthusiasm.

    Stan leaned forward impatiently; his frustration evident in his tone. "Okay, so can you give me something we can pursue?" He was eager for a suspect he could easily charge and convict, perhaps more concerned with closing the case swiftly than with uncovering the truth behind the crime.

    Karl didn’t necessarily agree with the approach and occasional prosecutorial overreach he has seen over the years, but he understood the inner workings of the justice system and the prosecutor’s eagerness to press charges, even in cases where the evidence was lacking or the investigation incomplete, such as this one. It was less challenging ethically as well. Mafia cases were treated differently, with far less concern for wrongful convictions of those that society considered criminals.

    Despite this, Karl remained composed and detached as he continued to outline the information they had on the third suspect. "The estranged wife, Cai, Karl began, had numerous motives to want Qin out of the picture. They are separated, but not divorced, and in the event of Qin’s demise, she stands to inherit everything, including his position within the mafia. Before their separation, she was also an active member of the mafia."

    Stan was jotting down notes, so Karl carried on, "Additionally, Qin had legal custody of their son, as he had sway over the legal authorities to pull that decision in his favor. This limited Cai’s access to Steve to just a few visits per week."

    Karl then mentioned the forensic evidence. "It’s highly likely that one of the hairs found at the crime scene belongs to Cai, with the other likely belonging to Steve. However, the DNA of a mother and son could be very similar, making it challenging to definitively differentiate between them."

    This fact wasn’t widely known and wasn’t always applicable, but it highlighted the complexities of DNA analysis. While each person has a unique DNA profile, parents and children share 50% of their DNA due to genetic inheritance. Consequently, some portions of their DNA sequences may be identical or very similar, posing challenges in distinguishing between them, particularly in cases where only a limited amount of DNA is available for analysis.

    The room fell into a deep silence, broken only by the sound of the two men’s breathing. Finally, Stan spoke up quietly, his voice filled with curiosity. "But how did she get into the house? And what happened to her son?"

    Karl shared their working theory, "Song, her friend, could have let her in and out. She knew both the layout of the house and the sword’s location. From what I understand, she’s quite athletic and may have been trained in swordsmanship. If we decide to focus our investigation on her, we can uncover more details. As for the boy, he was taken into custody by child protective services and is currently under their care. Cai will likely regain custody eventually, but the legal process takes time. Given my limited resources, I need your guidance on which avenue of investigation to pursue. Additionally, if you plan to charge someone and proceed to court, we also need to address the issue of Marcel."

    Stan took a moment to collect his thoughts. The potential complications arising from Marcel’s involvement weighed heavily on his mind. "If we proceed with charges and trial without locating Marcel, it could become a significant vulnerability for us, he mused aloud. If the defense learns of our failure to find someone who was with Qin just before his death, they’ll exploit it mercilessly."

    Karl nodded in agreement; he shared Stan’s concerns. Meanwhile, Stan continued, "In my view, dedicating resources to finding Marcel might not yield valuable information. However, we’ll need to disclose our discovery regarding the unknown individual’s DNA and Marcel’s potential involvement in the defense— or at least create the

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