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Everything You Need to Know About Pisces: Zodiac Series, #12
Everything You Need to Know About Pisces: Zodiac Series, #12
Everything You Need to Know About Pisces: Zodiac Series, #12
Ebook185 pages1 hour

Everything You Need to Know About Pisces: Zodiac Series, #12

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About this ebook

Everything You Need to Know About Pisces is the last in the zodiac series beginning with Everything You Need to Know About Aries.  This reference book, like the others, is chock-full of information about the zodiac sign, Pisces.  I have added chapters that will interest every astrology enthusiast as well as those looking for fun reading.  Have fun analyzing your friends and family and make a night out of it or simply try to understand your, or others, actions and emotions.  What are your strengths and weaknesses and what can you expect from others based on their zodiac sign?  The answers are all within the 280 pages you are about to read.  Have fun with this and reference these pages for years to come.

Release dateJun 20, 2024
Everything You Need to Know About Pisces: Zodiac Series, #12

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    Everything You Need to Know About Pisces - Robert J Dornan


    Everything You Need to Know About Pisces

    Robert J Dornan

    Copyright Notice

    All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed, or transmitted in any form or by any means, including photocopying, recording, or other electronic or mechanical methods, without the prior written permission of the publisher, except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical reviews and certain other noncommercial uses permitted by copyright law.

    This book is protected by copyright laws and international treaties. Unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this work, in whole or in part, constitutes a violation of the author's rights and is punishable by law.

    Copyright © [2024] by Robert J Dornan



    1.Pisces in Astrology

    2.Pisces and Its Ruling Planet

    3.Pisces and the Element Water

    4.Pisces: Beyond the Zodiac Sun Sign

    5.Astrological Events Shaping Pisces's Path

    6.Pisces in Retrograde

    7.Pisces Positive Traits

    8.Pisces Negative Traits

    9.The Pisces Woman

    10.The Pisces Man

    11.Pisces and Career

    12.Pisces and When They Are the Luckiest

    13.Pisces and Family

    14.Pisces Love and Romance

    15.Pisces Lucky Numbers

    16.Pisces Lucky Charms

    17.Pisces Financial Matters

    18.Pisces Challenges and Growth

    19.Pisces and Friendship

    20.Pisces and Health

    21.Pisces and Creativity

    22.Pisces Symbols and Rituals

    23.Famous Pisces

    24.Pisces and Gemstones

    25.Pisces and its Birthstone

    26.Practical Advice for Pisces

    27.Pisces Lucky Plants

    28.Pisces and Spirituality

    29.Spells for the Piscean Soul

    30.Compatibility Between Pisces and Aries

    31.Compatibility Between Pisces and Taurus

    32.Compatibility Between Pisces and Gemini

    33.Compatibility Between Pisces and Cancer

    34.Compatibility Between Pisces and Leo

    35.Compatibility Between Pisces and Virgo

    36.Compatibility Between Pisces and Libra

    37.Compatibility Between Pisces and Scorpio

    38.Compatibility Between Pisces and Sagittarius

    39.Compatibility Between Pisces and Capricorn

    40.Compatibility Between Pisces and Aquarius

    41.Compatibility Between Pisces and Pisces

    42.Born on February 20

    43.Born on February 21

    44.Born on February 22

    45.Born on February 23

    46.Born on February 24

    47.Born on February 25

    48.Born on February 26

    49.Born on February 27

    50.Born on February 28

    51.Born on February 29

    52.Born on March 1

    53.Born on March 2

    54.Born on March 3

    55.Born on March 4

    56.Born on March 5

    57.Born on March 6

    58.Born on March 7

    59.Born on March 8

    60.Born on March 9

    61.Born on March 10

    62.Born on March 11

    63.Born on March 12

    64.Born on March 13

    65.Born on March 14

    66.Born on March 15

    67.Born on March 16

    68.Born on March 17

    69.Born on March 18

    70.Born on March 19

    71.Born on March 20


    This is the last preface for the zodiac series. I am hopeful that my books have been helpful as well as entertaining. I started this series with the goal of partially ruining the businesses of a countless number of scammers who claim to forecast the future through astrological charts. Total nonsense.

    This particular book is a bit lighter than previous books meaning I have made it easier to read for the average person. That's not meant as an insult. When a book becomes a research project it tends to become harder to follow for more than a couple of chapters. I have resolved that, hopefully. Like the other zodiac books, this Pisces book can be repetitive but given the subject matter, repetition has to be accepted.

    I have learned that astrology is a subjective science yet more of an artform that draws pictures of the past and present. I have been shocked and amazed by the accuracy of the zodiac sign claims that have made me sit back and reflect. When I compare friends to what is written for their sign, I find the reference books to me almost always dead on correct. It's truly fascinating.

    Reference books like this are great for trying to understand someone you have just met or known for many years. They are also fun to open with friends and family to analyze each other.

    Thank-you for buying the Everything You Need to Know series.

    All my books can be found at

    Chapter one

    Pisces in Astrology

    Pisces in Astrology

    The chapter you are about to read is a synopsis of sorts of this entire book. The formatting changes according to the subject matter but I have tried to keep it simple and easy to follow.

    Dreamer, Healer, Mystic: Welcome to Pisces

    Pisces birthdays fall between February 19th and March 20th. These individuals are deeply empathetic, creative, and intuitive. Ruled by the planet Neptune, the harbinger of dreams and imagination, it's no surprise that Pisceans often have their heads in the clouds, exploring the realms of possibility.

    Water Wonders

    Pisces is a water sign, meaning they are emotional, sensitive, and deeply in touch with their feelings. They're natural nurturers and often act as a soothing presence to those around them.

    What Makes Pisceans Tick?

    Imaginative Souls: Always dreaming big, Pisceans can visualize worlds beyond our own and bring their creative visions to life.

    Compassionate Hearts: They feel deeply for others and are often found offering a shoulder to cry on or a listening ear.

    Intuitive Guides: Pisceans have a sixth sense about people and situations, often knowing things without needing to be told.

    Pisceans: The Dreamers and Healers

    Creative Geniuses: They thrive in artistic endeavors, whether it's painting, writing, or music. Their creativity knows no bounds.

    Selfless Caretakers: Pisceans are always ready to help and heal others, sometimes at the expense of their own well-being.

    Spiritual Seekers: They are drawn to the mystical and the unknown, always searching for deeper meaning in life.

    Kindness is Their Superpower

    Endlessly Giving: Pisceans are generous with their time and love, often going out of their way to support those in need.

    Adaptable Nature: They can easily adjust to new situations and help others navigate change with their calming presence.

    Understanding the Sensitive Soul

    Sometimes Pisceans might seem a little detached, but that's because they are often lost in their thoughts and dreams. Deep down, they care profoundly about others. Their sensitive nature can sometimes make them vulnerable, but it also allows them to connect with people on a deeply emotional level.

    Pisceans: The Dreamers We Need

    With their boundless creativity, compassionate nature, and intuitive insights, Pisceans are the ones who bring magic into our lives and help us see the world through a more imaginative lens. So next time you meet a Pisces, embrace their sensitivity and creativity – they might just inspire you with their dreams and profound empathy!

    Chapter two

    Pisces and Its Ruling Planet

    Ever met someone who seems to live in a world of dreams and emotions? That's probably a Pisces!

    In astrology, each zodiac sign has a special planet that influences their personality. For Pisces, the sign known for its empathy and creativity, that planet is Neptune. Think of it as Pisces's personal muse, inspiring them to dream big and feel deeply.

    Neptune: The Dreamer of the Cosmos

    Imagine a planet enveloped in mystery, surrounded by gas and ice, and named after the Roman god of the sea. That's Neptune! It's all about dreams, intuition, and the subconscious mind. Neptune is like the mystical artist in astrology, encouraging people to explore the unseen and the emotional depths of life.

    How Neptune Makes Pisces So Unique

    Because Pisces is ruled by Neptune, they share that same ethereal energy. Here's how it influences them:

    Highly Imaginative: Pisceans are like walking dream machines. They have a vivid imagination and a natural talent for creativity.

    Deeply Empathetic: They can feel others' emotions as if they were their own. Pisceans are compassionate and always ready to lend a sympathetic ear.

    Intuitive Guides: Pisceans have a knack for sensing things that aren't immediately obvious. Their intuition is strong, and they often trust their gut feelings.

    Artistic Souls: Whether it's music, painting, or writing, Pisceans have a natural affinity for the arts. They express themselves through their creative endeavors.

    Spiritual Seekers: Pisceans are drawn to the mystical and the spiritual. They are often on a quest for deeper meaning and understanding.

    The Challenges of Being Dreamy

    While being imaginative and empathetic is wonderful, it can also bring some difficulties:

    Escapism: Pisceans can sometimes retreat into their own dream world to avoid harsh realities. It's important for them to find a balance between fantasy and reality.

    Overly Sensitive: Their deep empathy can sometimes make them feel overwhelmed by others' emotions. Pisceans need to protect their own emotional well-being.

    Indecisiveness: With so many dreams and ideas, Pisceans can struggle to make concrete decisions. They may need extra time and support to find their path.

    Boundless Compassion: Their desire to help others is admirable, but it can also lead to them being taken advantage of. Pisceans must learn to set healthy boundaries.

    Basically, Pisces is ruled by a planet that loves dreams and emotions, making them incredibly special too! They're the ones who bring creativity, compassion, and intuition into the world. So next time you meet a Pisces, embrace their dreamy energy – they just might inspire you with their imaginative spirit and deep empathy!

    Chapter three

    Pisces and the Element Water

    Water signs like Pisces are the dreamers, empaths, and nurturers of the zodiac.

    In astrology, everything connects to one of four elements: fire, earth, air, or water. Pisces falls under the element of water, which plays a significant role in defining who they are.

    Go With the Flow

    Water is all about emotions, intuition, and connection. This is why Pisces is so:

    Deeply Empathetic: They can tune into the emotions of others with ease. Pisceans are like emotional sponges, absorbing the feelings of those around them.

    Intuitive and Spiritual: Pisceans have a natural connection to the unseen world. They trust their instincts and are often drawn to spiritual and mystical experiences.

    Creative and Imaginative: With their

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