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Furry Tales: No One Saw It Coming
Furry Tales: No One Saw It Coming
Furry Tales: No One Saw It Coming
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Furry Tales: No One Saw It Coming

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These friends will face new challenges that test their skills, ingenuity, and resolve. How they deal with the danger posed by an illness may surprise you. They will take chances to help and protect one another, which gets them into and out of trouble. Because of their actions, you will gain insight into their depth of friendship, bravery, and inclusion. As you will learn, nothing stays the same, so come be part of the adventure. This story is best shared and discussed. You may also gain understanding of character growth. Talk about what you would do under these circumstances. Then, ask yourself, can one person make a difference?

Release dateJun 20, 2024
Furry Tales: No One Saw It Coming

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    Furry Tales - Pam Lord


    Furry Tales

    No One Saw It Coming

    Pam Lord

    Copyright © 2024 Pam Lord

    All rights reserved

    First Edition


    Conneaut Lake, PA

    First originally published by Page Publishing 2024

    ISBN 979-8-88960-429-7 (pbk)

    ISBN 979-8-88960-439-6 (digital)

    Printed in the United States of America

    Table of Contents

    For the world.

    Life is precious. Let's live in peace and harmony for the sake of our children, grandchildren, and the rest of the world.


    A New Home

    What Now?

    Invisible, Really?

    Why Acceptance?



    What's Going On?

    The Gathering

    The Challenge

    Where Would We Do That?

    Little by Little

    The Encounter

    Asked and Answered

    What a Mess!

    It's Not a Problem!

    Will This Work?

    It Came in the Night

    That's Amazing!

    We Will See This Through

    Moving Forward


    About the Illustrator

    About the Author

    For the world.

    Life is precious. Let's live in peace and harmony for the sake of our children, grandchildren, and the rest of the world.


    Boone Bartholomees

    Marcia Wilkinson

    Gail Knisely

    A New Home

    The disappearing sun brought cooler air down from the higher foothills of the mountain. As cool evening air settled over the area, Attila, an injured gray wolf, had just been told by what he considered his closest band of friends—a group of squirrels and a family of foxes—that the village council meeting had resulted in a yes vote for his membership in the village.

    The idea of village life was new to Attila. Where he came from, the pack was your home, strength, and refuge. There was no need to consider others, let alone get along with other groups. How was he going to fit in to this new order? The question of how or where to fit in involved awareness of all the different folks who made up the village. He asked himself, Can I fit in?

    Attila thought, Fancy, the red fox, and all her six kits are a part of this village. Maybe there is room for me. After all, they are meat-eaters just like me, and they live here in peace.

    Fancy's words brought Attila back to the conversation at hand. It wasn't a unanimous vote to include you in the village. There are still lingering questions by the deer clan and others concerning the death of Bo and Bee's son. They were and are still sure his death was caused by meat-eaters, specifically me.

    Josh, a large gray squirrel, added, Attila, Fancy is right, and we hope you realize what a big deal this was. His friends, the squirrel sisters Lauren and Carolyn and Mic, a flying squirrel, were nodding their heads in agreement.

    I know it's a big deal. I really do! I thought I would've had more time to work things out and figure out where I fit in, if at all. I didn't expect this now. You all know that, right? Just imagine if I hadn't been challenged for leadership of my pack, where I would be? As I look back on the experience, I'm glad I lost that fight and was forced from the mountain, Attila said, pointing in the direction of the setting sun.

    Disbelieving and yet grateful, Carolyn replied, Really, Attila?

    Yes, really. I was so badly injured and was sure I would die that I never gave thought to the future. However, I'll never forget the brave young red squirrel—pointing to Carolyn—that found me. I'm so glad you were out stargazing that night.

    I remember. Your cries of anguish frightened me. When I found you, I was scared, and you remarked you could smell my fear. That was very unsettling, but I knew I wanted to help.

    Josh interjected, Don't forget Moses, the great horned owl who's head of the village council. If it wasn't for him, Carolyn might not have been able to help you.

    You're right. Why he encouraged me to help, I don't know. I wonder if he foresaw Attila's potential? pondered Carolyn.

    Potential for what? inquired Fancy.

    Yea, what potential? asked Attila.

    I'm not sure, I just have this feeling Moses knew something was coming, said Carolyn.

    All wondered what that could possibly be.

    Attila, as you now know, we all belong to the village that settled in and around an old abandoned farm years ago, began Lauren.

    Josh added, Oh, and the garden there! The goodies we all found…and the sweet corn. Josh made a smacking sound to indicate how good the corn was. He continued, Not only that, but there is also a large lake in the meadow. The elders knew a good thing when we saw it.

    They sure did, responded Lauren.

    It took years for the folks to come up with the idea for a community council. Each clan sent a representative to the council so all concerns could be heard. The folks before us were fortunate to find Moses, to head the council, explained Josh.

    Once Fancy's presence was known by the community, the elders realized they had to come to grips with the fact that she and her kits had moved into the area. Her presence in the community caused much concern. After all, she and her kind are meat-eaters. As you are aware, we are not, explained Josh.

    Fancy interjected, I'll never forget the day I almost ate Lauren and her friends. Talk about possible consequences! I just can't imagine what would've become of me and my family if I had eaten them. Just so you know, it wasn't Moses who came to the rescue that day. It was Lauren and her friend Samuel, the red-tailed hawk.

    Don't you mean Josh's group? asked Attila.

    Fancy smiled at Josh and said, Nope, it was Lauren who stood up and asked me what I wanted on that fateful day, not Josh.

    Yes, it was. Say why was that, Lauren? After all, you know I'm the village ambassador, quipped a grinning Josh looking at Lauren.

    Josh, everyone knows you've been named ambassador because you have an outgoing personality—

    Josh interjected, And good looks.

    The result of helping Samuel and our friendship gave me the courage to talk to Fancy, stated Lauren.

    So, you see, Attila, your acceptance was not an automatic yes vote. It was made easier though by the fact that the council had already chosen Lauren to be the go-between for me, explained Fancy.

    "Lauren was the only one willing to talk to a meat-eater. Not everyone was comfortable with this, but they knew something needed to change. You are the second, talk about change," stated Josh.

    Well, thanks to you all, I have a place to call home, and I'm grateful, proclaimed a very happy Attila.

    Yes, you do! Last one in the lake is—

    Interrupting, Carolyn asked, What?

    I don't know, but we've had enough chatter. Let's go play, said Josh as he headed for the water. This was something the friends had never done before meeting Attila.

    Fancy and Attila watched as the band of friends went for a swim.

    As they watched the youngsters swimming, they talked. Fancy asked, Attila, do you have any idea what comes next?

    Attila thoughtfully responded, I guess the next step is to look for a place to call home.

    Fancy thought, Why did I ask that? I really wanted to avoid the next obvious question. She was sure

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