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Haque Sario
Haque Sario
Haque Sario
Ebook66 pages51 minutes

Haque Sario

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"This book isn't just about crops and fields; it's about one man's dirt-under-the-nails fight for Pakistan's farms and his family. It's a peek behind the government and personal curtain, a testament to the unsung heroes shaping nations. And it's a reminder that a life lived with purpose can leave a mark on the world that outlives us all."

Buckle up for the ride of Haque Sario's life, a Pakistani trailblazer whose story is anything but ordinary. In "Haque Sario: An Autobiography," we're not just turning pages; we're walking in his shoes, from dusty Baksho Sario to the corridors of power in Sindh's agricultural world.

This isn't your grandpa's memoir. It's raw, it's real, and it pulls back the curtain on a life lived in service to the land. Forget dry accounts of crops and yields; this is the nitty-gritty of how change happens, from the ground up.

Ever wondered what it takes to be a civil servant in Pakistan? Sario gives us the inside scoop, warts and all. He doesn't sugarcoat the challenges, the bureaucratic tangles, but he also reveals the quiet triumphs of a life dedicated to making things better.

This book isn't just about Sario's career. It's about family, faith, and the drive to leave something behind that matters. He shares his hopes and fears with unflinching honesty, reminding us that even the most accomplished among us grapple with the same human questions.

"Haque Sario: An Autobiography" isn't just a story for history buffs or ag nerds. It's a testament to the power of one person to make a difference, a celebration of resilience and the unbreakable spirit that binds us all. So grab a cup of chai, settle in, and get ready to be inspired by a life lived to the fullest.
Release dateJun 21, 2024
Haque Sario

Azhar ul Haque Sario

The author is an accomplished MBA graduate, ACCA (knowledge level), investor, and seasoned research analyst who has pursued part-time courses at Oxford and Cambridge.

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    Book preview

    Haque Sario - Azhar ul Haque Sario

    Haque Sario

    An Autobiography

    Azhar ul Haque Sario

    Azhar ul Haque Sario

    Copyright © 2024 by Azhar ul Haque Sario

    All rights reserved

    No part of this book may be reproduced, or stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without express written permission of the publisher.

    Cover design by: Azhar ul Haque Sario

    ISBN: 9783689830236

    Verlag GD Publishing Ltd. & Co KG, Berlin

    E-Book Distribution: XinXii

    Table of Contents

    A Mosaic of Memories

    A Journey from Baksho Sario

    Abdul Haque Sario's Early Life and First Job

    A New Chapter in Sindh: Embracing Accountancy at the On-Farm Water Management Project (1982)

    A Life in Accounts: Reflections from Sukkur

    In Service to the Land: A Hyderabad Civil Servant's Memoir in Agricultural Advancement

    Haque Sario's Reflections: Shahbaz Building and Agricultural Stewardship

    The Hyderabad Chronicle: A Treasury Official's Reverie

    A Leap of Faith: From Accounts Officer to Deputy Director in Sindh's Agricultural Landscape

    Sindh's Sabzi Mandies: A Director's Memoir

    Ascending to the Apex: A Chronicle of Directorate Coordination

    A March to Remember

    Legacy's Echo: A Father's Hopes Amidst Shifting Sands

    About The Author

    This book, a glimpse into the remarkable life of my father, Haque Sario, is dedicated to him. May his story resonate not only with those who knew and loved him—family, friends, and community—but with all who turn these pages. May his journey inspire the world.

    Azhar ul Haque Sario author (son)

    A Mosaic of Memories

    In the heart of Bakhsha Sario, a humble village nestled in the embrace of rural Sindh, my story began. Our ancestral home, a two-story haven, sheltered three families – a bustling microcosm of twenty souls. The ground floor, with its two modest chambers, echoed the layout of the upper level. Within these walls, my father, Hashim, a dedicated educator in the village school, bore the weight of providing for our extended family.

    As adolescence beckoned, I embarked on a new chapter, migrating to the neighboring town of Ratodero to pursue my secondary education. Often, my journey to school involved traversing the distance on foot, a testament to the resilience instilled in me from a young age. Yet, on occasion, a kind neighbor, Mr. Limoo, would graciously offer me a lift on his bicycle, ensuring I reached my destination with time to spare.

    At the tender age of twelve, a budding sense of responsibility led me to seek employment as a tailor in my father's modest clothing shop. Thus began my foray into the world of work, a journey that would shape my character and instill in me the virtues of diligence and perseverance.

    In the absence of any external assistance, I found myself compelled to exert myself beyond the norm, toiling tirelessly to secure our daily bread. The year 1986 marked a significant transition, as my family and my father's kin embarked on a new chapter in the bustling city of Sukkur. Sixteen of us shared the modest accommodations of a two-room dwelling, fostering a sense of camaraderie and shared experience.

    Amidst the challenges of city life, I sought solace and recreation in the gentlemanly sport of badminton, a passion that would remain a constant companion from 1986 until my retirement in 2019. An introverted individual by nature, I found contentment in quiet contemplation and meaningful interactions, preferring the company of a few close confidants to the clamor of large gatherings.

    Throughout my married life, the notion of betraying my wife and children's trust through infidelity never held any allure. While I cultivated a few platonic female friendships online, my commitment to my family remained steadfast and unwavering.

    As a father, I have always strived to maintain an equitable balance in my affections and provisions for both my sons and daughters, recognizing their individual needs and aspirations.

    The spiritual calling led me on two pilgrimages to the sacred land of Saudi Arabia. In 2002, I embarked on the lesser pilgrimage of Umrah, followed by the fulfillment of the Hajj in 2003, an experience that left an enduring mark on my soul.

    Throughout my life, I have

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